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Lone Bebop

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Everything posted by Lone Bebop

  1. I would like Alucards Gloves from Hellsing . Big Duo from Big O. and Kurama's Rose Whip from Yu Yu Hakusho.
  2. I love that movie. The best part about it has to be the great soundtrack and all the cool fight seens. And the Dog fight between Spike and the 3 army ships was fantastic. [spoiler]I also think its kool how the 3 old dudes kinda save the day.[/spoiler] I just don't like the way they stuck all the crappy trailers in the extras part of the disc. but all in all the moive was just cool Side Note: i dont want to sound like a know it all or a stuck up person when i say this but actully the movie takes place between the eipsodes "Cowboy Funk" and "Brain Scratch"
  3. Demerti steped up to were Tao was. " Well Tao its been awhile since i have seen you fight" " Well look who finally decide to show his face" Tao shot back at Dermeti " Its called stradegy my friend and at this time i do belive Grave will start in 3 2 1". After Demerti finshed talking a Large plum of fire and smoke was seen riseing from City Hall it quickly spred to 4 other building. Demerti then fired off his cane and caused the hotel to catch fire. " Hey Stuip there not there anymore they ran off to find Vash" " Yes but Vash doesn't know that now does he" Demerti said " Oh yeah well i have to go" " Let me guess to fight Irvine right? Here take these in case he has any more flairs" Demerti said as he handed Tao 6 Black vials with the words "Catorgoty Black Number 1" on them. " What do i do with them?" " Simple just throw them on the ground they are ganrinted to cause a pitch black night and canlcel out any light with in one mile all in 3 seconds or less" " Perfect" Tao said as he ran off were Irvine and Kate had gone
  4. As Grave, Demerti The Trick stood in alleyway they plan how to get Vash. " Were has Zoma gone off this time?"Demerti asked Grave just gave a shrug. " We will just start with out her then" Demerti said as he pulled a map of the city out. " Heres what i think since Vash can't stand to let someone die we will light this whole city up and we will then corner his allies". Grave looked at the map then at Demerti. He then Grinned as he pionted to one place. City Hall. " Ah yes it should be quite crowded today. Then i will take the Hotel right here its perty populer" Demerti Said as Grave began to walk towards City Hall. Demerti then foled up his map and made his way towads the hotel.
  5. As Zoma saw Irvine an Kate go into the bar. She heard a voice that came from an dark alley way. It was Demerti along with Grave. " Watch your self Zoma " Demerti said in a low voice " If that women is with that guy Irvine he will be tuff" " Hm maybe tuff for you and your little tricks" Zoma said as she walked bye. " but it will be easy for me" and Zoma walked towards the bar " Well she is sure of her self eh Grave?" asked Demerti.Grave just noded his head.
  6. I was just wondering what you people think out there. So will you the ruin messed up shamn king? will you not? or is it 50/50? For i am going to watch it anyway i mean sure it has been transformed from a great anime to a pice of crap by 4Kids with there bad Voice Actors. But hey look on the bright side at lest its on the air now. I mean a ruin anime is better than no anime right? please post reasons.
  7. " Well then i am sorry to say that i will have to kill you my slef" Demerti said as thrusted his meantal hand at Irvine. But he pulled the cross punisher in the way so it didnt work. Irvine then flip the Cross into machine gun mode and began to fire at Demerti. He ran to get behide a wall. " What was that you were saying?" " Ha You will regreit the day you messed with Demerti The Trick!" Demerti yelled from behide and wall. as he reached into his box an pulled out a small glass vial that was bout 5 inch long and it had some wired gray liquid in it with the words "Catergory Gray Number 4" stamped on it " Hm this will do to shut that idiot up" Demerti said as he open the small lid on the top of his cane an jump out to face Irvine. He aim the end off the cane at Irvine as he stood wondering what Demerti would do " Dewro Keto Perso Windsoa" Demerti said loudly as a huge gust of wind came from the cane knocking Irvine back a good few feet. " Man what the heck was that!? Ah man i don't get how could wind hurt like that" " Yes as you can feel its like the wind is razor sharp yes?" Demerti asked as he loaded another gray bottle " Good then my new number 4 "Razor Wind Spell" works like a charm" " Man this is going to be tuff" Irvine thoguht to himslef as he rose still with the pain of the Razor wind in him " Ha you think that hurt me i have alot better than that!" "Well then" Demerti Said with a sick grin on his face " We just have to move up in the Numbers next time wont we?" Demerti again said his spell and fired it at Irvine. But this time he was ready and dodge the wind and took aim at and Demerti and fired. Demerti had little time to react he did stop some of them with his hand. But a few went in his left sholder. He made a run for some cover with the buletts going by. When he got dehide a water troff and loaded a vial with "Catergory Red Number 6" on it and put the liquid into his cane. He then looke over his shoulder to see that Irvine was takeing aim at him. " Pyros Necto Freeos!" Demerti yelled as a large stream of fire came right at Irvine.
  8. Demerti walked down the street makeing the glass vials he keep in his box radle. He looking for any signs of Vash it was then that he relized he was being followed so he readied (sp?)for a fight. He turn to see a man with a red head band with a sand colored cloak, purple shirt, black pants, brown boots, green eyes, brown hair, a light x shaped scar going over the left eye with black tint goggles. "What do you want?" Demerti said as he lowered his cane " I want to ask you something" Irvine said " If its cash buzz off" " No its this do you know any thing of a man named Knives?" " What makes you think i know anything about this man?" " Well...." Irvine began
  9. Oh man i love that manga the story is so good i think its a cool idea they made like a side story kinda thing. I think the Gundams in that story r some of the best in Gundam like The G- Units [spoiler] and their 2 udateed versions ,Gundams Askilepios and Griepe [/spoiler]. I also think that those 3 custom Leo suits were perty good too. I also think it should be made into a anime any one else think so?
  10. I thought* Escaflowne was really cool. I have to say that the mech desigens were really good i mean u had Escaflowne its slef with its dragon mode.Then you had the empiers (sorry dont remeber the name) with the crim claws and flame throwers. I also thought the characters were perty interesting too [spoiler] Lord Folkin (sp?) had to be the best the main characters brother who he though had die but is really alive and working for the enemy its was a neat idea [/spoiler] and the muisc was perty good. * I say thought becaues the only time i got to see it is when it was on FoxKids a long time ago i whish i was able to find the DVDs.
  11. I think its more like some kind of frekey weapon thing. Becaues in one of the eiler eipsodes (i dont remeber the tilte) he like took it off grabed Inu Yasha with it then wraped Inu Yasha up in it the unwrap it and flug Inu Yasha into a wall.
  12. Cool story mine if i join up? and do bayonets count as weapons? Name: Zen Age: 17 Weapon: 2 Bayonet Swords, 2 hidden knives Element: Fire Description: Zen is tall, Lanky looking guy with messy green hair. has blue eyes with round glass. He has a gray thrench coast with light blue shirt whith white gloves and black pants with boots. Spells: Big bang, Fire Control, Flaming Swords, Flame Wall, Hot Hands, Hot Hands Slash, Bio: Zen was orphan (sp?) at a young age and spent 3 years wandering around. He was then took in by a clan of nomads and was tought the ways a stealing, Stealh , and Fire. He left the nomads when he was 15 when he found out that he had a sister in Oberan. But when he came to Oberan he foud the place sickly and dieing. He was sad to learn his sister had die 1 hour before he came there. An so he has be looking for the man resposible for the plague which took his only family an take his life. Zen is a cocky person and offen doesnt look before he leeps he is all action an inpluse. He has many conections to undergroud contacts he use is them to try and find the man responsible for his sisters death.
  13. Lupin the III is one of the best animes around the music is sooo kool i really like it for the funny value like in the [spoiler] eipsode little princess of darkness were they try and nab the stamp but the end up with that little kid tailing them for the stamp [/spoiler]. Also i love seeing how the pull of all the Hiest (sp?) like in [spoiler] In Gold Summling 101 were they make the gold truck or in The Slight Before X- Mas [/spoiler]. I have to say my Fav character thou is Jigen that dude is so kool he is like the words of wisdom for Lupin. Also does any one know how long the whole show is like in eipsodesis?? also didnt lupin get his own game?
  14. Yeah i think after watching the first eipsode it think the sires all that great too. I reminds a bit to much of Starship Troopers. I think one of the few good things in it is the Mechs.
  15. I was just wondering caues i be getting some extra chash comeing my way soon and wanted some advice on the sires one of my friends likes it but she has only seen 5 eipsodes of it. So i am looking for opions from people who have seen the whole thing. It any good? is it worth it?
  16. As the fighting came to a stop Inu Yasha saw a demon that was trying to get away he quickly caught the demon. " Hey guys i got one of them" yelled Inu Yasha to the others " Alright then" Yusuke said as he came over cracking his nuckels (sp?) He then went to eye level with the demon " So ugly y dont u tell me u sent us here with yah friends and u might live" " Ha i will never tell u!" The Demon said as he then slamed his elbow into Inu Yasha stomch amd made a made dash to get away but he then found Kurama in front of him and he quickly tied the demon up with his Rose Whip. " Now just sit there and anwser r questions" said Kurama But the demon try to free himself but as he tried the Rose Whip got tighter and the thorns pushed closer into him. So then Inu Yasha pick up the Demon by the top of the Rose Whip " Now tells u who sent u!?" asked Inu Yasha
  17. lets c here disturbing... well i say that Lain was perty freaky the first time i saw it caues i was really tired when i saw but the wjole sires was good in all but there were some disturbing parts long the way hade a nightmare bout it once
  18. Well i guess i will joing up this sounds fun Name: Zen Ren Tao Age: 17 Male/Female: male Description: Tall, Lanky, with messy blue hair, green eyes, gray boxers, with a red button shirt with a pineapple on the back Time: 3:00 AM. Why: Because i am a insomnica night hawk who loves anime and to talk bout it pLus Fooly Cooly and Blue Gender r on finally r on :D
  19. OOC: Hm bout time we fgiht " This man is no mere mortal could he be the one i have looking for?" Hiei then pulled his sword from the log and came crashing down at Kakashi and as Hiei Swung his sword aimed for Kakashi's neck he duck at the last second and Hiei only cut air Kakashi then swung his leg around and knocking Hiei down. He then pulled out a Kuni Knife and aimd for Hiei head but he roled away at the last second and the only thing cut was hi headband. As Hiei turnd towrd Kakahsi the Jigon Eye Opened " Hm what a shame i really like the way u figh but now that my Jigon eye has opend u will die an only one has survied its wrath" Hiei said comly "Really then" kakashi said in his montoed voice " bring it on shrimp" " What!?" Yelled Hiei With rage Hiei chrged at Kakashi sword drawn and aimed for his heart but when the target hit Hiei only found his sword in a bigger log. Hiei quickly looked up to c Kakashi in the air with his hand over his mouth and he said "PHENOX FIRE!" Balls of fire went towards Hiei. " I want fall for the same trick twice!" Hiei went to dodge the flams only to his surprise that he was held back by Three other Kakashi's. For During the spilt seconed Kakshi had jump in the air he had also use another Copyed technic from his students the art of the dubbleganger. " It is him" Hiei said as the flames hit him and he was soon caught up in a huge flame. Kakashi landed a few feet away and took out his " Come Come Paradise" book " What a waste he was good could have been a good ninja oh well" just then darts of fire flew past kakashi. He saw that the fire was know black and from it came Hiei know with only his black pants a blue burned Tank top (i guess thats what u would call it) " Hey! One Eye whats makes u think that i am dead any way!?" Yelled Hiei " I am actully kinda glad ur not dead lets go!" Kakashi took to the air again with Kunis in both hands " Not this time One eye!" Hiei leap up with a blue fire ball in his right hand he flew higher than Kakashi and cam slaming down at Him " What!!!" Hiei Grab Kakashi face and yelled " FIST OF THE MORTAL FLAME!!!!!" And he slamed kakashi into the Ring with a large cloud of dust. When its setlled Hiei stood waiting to c if his oponet was dead. To his shock he heard and mental clang as Kakashi's burned head band hit the floor and Kakashi Stood and opened his left eye. " Its u its really u" " Thats right its me ......."
  20. I have a question in the eipsode [spoiler] Farwell master Master Asia last breath [/spoiler] at the end when [spoiler] Master Asia dies after saying his motto whats it say in red is it the mottoo of the school of the undefeeted of the East? [/spoiler] or somthing else?
  21. Just Wondering What Anime would u like to c get a moive i mean like an anime moive with Voice Actors and y? I would love to c a Hellsing Movie get made becaues of all the great music and characters in it not to mention it left off at to much of a cliff hanger I also would like to c a Trigun moive to answer some of the questions the sires didnt answer like [spoiler] r there any more prodject SEEDS ships left? and what happens to Knives does he return to evil does he get a new bunch o Gung HO Guns [/spoiler] what dew u people think? [color=hotpink][size=1]Edited to fix tags. *QA*[/color][/size]
  22. Dude i arge with u they should make a Trigun Borad i mean everyday the keeping getting more and more trigun threads they need a place to put em
  23. " Hi there u must be the people were going to beat" said Yusuke in his Cocky tone of voice " U got it wrong we r the ones who r going to wi... HEY WHAT RU DOING" Inu yasha yelled as Kuwabara grabed Inu Yasha ears " Man r these real i have seen some wried demons in my time but none with Rat ears" Inu Yahsa smack Kuwabara hands away " Listen bub there not rat ears they r dog have u never seen a dog demon before? and besides we the one who r going to win" " Sry Dog boy but me and my team here will wipe the floor with u guys right team?" Yusuke looked around " Ah Team?" he saw that Hiei was over in front of Kakashi, when Kuwabara was still looking at Inu Yashas ears and Kurama was over with Koeyae in front of Akuji with Kurama study the enmey " Hm nice team real organized" Inu Yasha Mockingly " Grrrr stop staring at my ears " Inu Yasha said as he slamed Kuwabara into the ground
  24. what dew u mean Tical the forms of Betterman?
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