Lone Bebop
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Everything posted by Lone Bebop
OOOOOOO you meant Yumi, yesh that was wried, i never even saw that eip, talk bout a lucky guess Question: from Big O, What does the Recuring Words of "Vous ĂȘtes si gentil" mean ?
Do you know how Umi's there are in the Anime Universe???? like a 1000 so could yah tell the show she comes from?? i'll take a guess, gets stabed in the heart??????
Answer: Died during the birth of Gaara. Probably killed by Kazekage's Ninjutsu. Question: From Rurouni Kenshin What is the name of Kenshin's Ultimide attack, Trasnlated into English?
for your question do you mean the Premaeris fights? or the Main Fights? If you mean the Prelimanry Fights the last battle was with Choji and Dosu If yah mean the main fight then most likely Naruto and Gaara Question: In Gatekeepers 21, who had the Gate of Forsight?
WRONG I'm Talking about the people in the HIDDEN MIST VILLAGE not LEAF, theres a HUGE difference Question: In Naruto, what was the Gradutaion exam to become a Gein in the Hidden Mist Village, and why did it have to change?
OOOOOOO wait whoops, crap I HATE WHEN I DO THAT!!!!! i messed up on the typing of a question, grrrr i wasn't thinking straight. i got the leavels of Nins mixed i am super sorry, for any and all mix ups Question: In Naruto, what was the Gradutaion exam to become a Gein in the Hidden Mist Village, and why did it have to change?
WRONG, and i'm looking for names not " The Mist Ninja" and you didnt answer the frist part Question: In Naruto, What was the Gradutation exame from Gein of the Hidden Mist Village, and why did it change?
Well at my school i'm trying to get my high school to do a hunted house thing for October, it would be cool cause round this time of year my uncle opens his Halloween store and he has got a lot of cool stuff in there. As for a real hunted house, theres one down the road from me, its a really old house from the 50's i've been down there before on All Hallow's eve an there some spooky stuff happening there, lights on in the rooms, wried noise spooky shadows, i tend to stay clear of it this time of year, only go past if in a car.
Whoops! sorry bout that guess i forgot Question (rewritten): In Naruto, what was the Graduation Exam for the Gein of the Hidden Mist Village, and why did it change?
dude, he was a made a speacil memeber it you've watch the show you would know ((Tho Its sickens me to have this knowgle)) so then the answers would go Cap. Gundam Zero Bakunetsumaru Gun Egale Shoot Question: Question: What was the Garduation exam for the Hidden Mist Village Gein?, and what happen so they had to change it?
Answer: Captin Gundam Zero Bakunetsamru Gun Bike Shoot Question: What is the Garduation exam for the Hidden Mist Village Gein, and what happen so they had to change it?
Bingo Bingo Bingo you got it right so ask a question
No wrong again the Question still stands, and i make it my job to ask hard questions Question: Who said this in Naruto "Thats not true, I'm not just a Pervert! I'm a Super Pervert!!"
Nope sorry no cigar, the question remain Question: In Naruto who said this? "Thats not true, I'm not just a Pervert! I'm a Super Pervert!!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by craig8429 [/i] [B]I do have a complaint about it.... the mech's are totally ugly >_< how can you have a ugly mech thats just a horrible idea. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=limegreen]The mechs are not "ulgy" as you say, the mechs in this show are some of the most realictic in the way they use phyics, there jerky movement show that gravity is affecting them hence they have large arms help to blance it out, un like cheating gundams which half those moves are impossible to pull off becaues of the shere g force and strain in would but on piolt on machines also theres no way a machine could move that fast[/COLOR]
Answer: He catches Jiraiya peeping on girls at the hot springs, he then summons a huge toad and has it tongue lash Ebisu out cold, not even the " Thousand years of Pain" move could wake him up Question: Who said this in Naruto? "Thats not true, I'm not just a Pervert! I'm a Super Pervert!!"
Yeah thats all of them, so whats yah question?
[COLOR=limegreen]Yes true it was cold, but it was mad funny, i think it be a nice twist to see if those to got hooked up and Saske ended up with Ino-Pig i'm just trying to think what Sakura's and Lee kids would look like, a litte version of Sakura with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a little version of Lee with Pink hair an a huge fore head yesh thats a scary thought, but i think after Lee helps Sakura out in the forest o death she starts to driff away from Sasake and begens to like Lee[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Answer: In Hell he meets Yumi and Hoji, and they went to look for Usui Queston: what did the reaming members of the Ten Blades get as there new jobs, and who were the to that were never cought ?[/COLOR]
Answer: Saito with Sudden Fang Zero (( Sorry, only know the RK attacks translted into english)) Question: In Naruto How Does Haku die??? (( USE spoiler tags!))
[COLOR=limegreen]One of my favorite Rurouni Kenshin moments is after Shisho dies and Cho was telling them what happen to the rest of the Ten Blades and its shows Hoji down in hell and Shishio walks up to him with Yumi and says to him to hurry up, he had plans to take over hell and asks Hoji is has seen Usi, Man that guys is tuff i mean he just won't quite[/COLOR]
Answer: 49 Wins 50 Lost Question: What does Naruto call Rock Lee?
I think AMVs rule, they are a fans hard spent time, tho some times the AMVs look like they were slapped together in 15 mintues, its all about getting the right idea at the right time, you need to make sure that yah arent just takeing music and slapping it together with random sences, the music and footge must work as one THE BEST example of this that i know of and that i can find is a vid call "A Haku Tribute" done to the song "Weapon" by the Mattew Good Band This is one of the best vids ever made i give it 5 starts the music perfecty shows the fealing of Zabuza and Haku and how Zabuza tried to make Haku a weapon, also its not just random sences, when the music pics up so does the footge, and the best link of music and vid in this video is a sence were Naruto throws his Kunai to Zabuza, as its goes slowish threw the air, its shows 3 mini flash backs of Haku, all this time while a guiter rift is playing at the excat same speed, i high suguest you get this vid
no sorry no goal, the question still stands Question: What does Haku ask if Naruto had?
[COLOR=green]Well i've been looking round these parts and i have found no thread were fans of this great anime could talk about it, So what are thoughts about it, like what got yah into it? whos yah fav character and why? a fav megaduce perhaps? For me, i got into Big O when i was at my firends house once and he had Cartoon network and its was when they first showed the Big O, it was the eipsode " Enemy is another Big!" And thats what got hooked, then 2 years later when Big O reaired i got to see the whole sires and i fell in love with it, and the 2nd sesaon is soo good, the characters are looked into more and more of questions from the last sesaon get answered. As for my favorite character in the show would be Schwarzwald, he character is deep on so many leavels, becaues he is on a never ending surch for the truth, i also like this character from his speechs and monologs threw out the sires I think the best Megaduce in this show is Big Duo, for the reason that it can fly, this give it huge advantges for the other land based Megaduce's also its show far been the only Megaduce that has been able to give Big O a run for its money, and i cant wait to see its come back in tonights eip!?[/COLOR]