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Lone Bebop

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Everything posted by Lone Bebop

  1. ............would that be a answer or a insult? and any way your wrong so the question still stands Question: What does Haku asked Naruto if he had?
  2. " Yes, come on no Michael end my life" Whist said as a look of pure shock was on Michael's face " What?" " Kill me and let the demon with in you be free, you try not to kill people is like a fish out of water i knew you wondnt last" Whist said as he got a sick smile on his face " JUST SHUT UP!" Michael yelled as he shoved Whist away and covered his ears " YOU DONT KNOW!" " Oh but i do know, you shouldnt have tried to leave us Michael" Whist said as he advanced, drawing 3 blades in his right hand " You out to late and in to deep with us" Whist said as Michael took out his gun and aimed, but Whist didnt not stop his aproch on him, he just keep walking " A Raven is a Raven, till the day of his death you cant run from that fact!" Whist said as he now charged, triedly at Michael, he ran straigh at him with full anger, this was the time, time for to kill Whist for what he had done, Whist came cloer in his hunched over style , Michael ran straight with his gun ready they met in the center of the large Cathedral, a lound bang was heard along with the clang of metal echo threw the Cathedral, as the two stood still
  3. Whist charged at Michael with blades in both his hands, when he got close enough, he hunched down lower, like his was going to strike upwards with full force, Michael was ready to block, but at last moment, Michael saw Whist's real plan he moved to draw his gun " ITS TO LATE!" Whist yelled , as he extended his palms out so that he was still able to hold on to the blades, he put his weight into his left foot and he swung it at Michael in a upward monition, it caught him at the bottom of his rib cage, Michael was sent into the air a few feet, as Whist's leg was still spinning, he shifted his weight again and brought up his right foot slamming Michael dead center of the chest, Michael hacked as he tried to catch his breath, Whist rose and followed as Michael was sent falling into a row of bleachers, Michael coughed up some blood as Whist came chasing down. Michael rolled out of they as he made his way to the made walkway, Michael gave a laugh as he took aim at Whist as he stood " You never did have any manners, heres a lesson" Whist said as he flung his daggers upwards, aiming for one of the many chandeliers, " ITS RUDE FOR THE DIEING TO LAUGH!" and with those words a loud clang was heard as the large chandelier fell straight at Michael
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]A: its his left eye. A: to my question about what happens when they run outta Chakra, the Shinobi dies if he/her runs out. Q: When the Sharigan Eye is in full use, what is it capable of seeing? [/B][/QUOTE] Answer: When it full use the pupil of the Sharingan gives you the ability to read, and defeat all types of Tai, Gen, and NinJutsu. Making it possible to see a persons Chakra, in the instance of a Bunshin for example, the Sharingan will see it only as Chakra. With the same effect for all types of GenJustu. It also allows you to copy your opponents Jutsu once you've seen them, or even while they are being preformed. Question: What does Haku asked Naruto if he has?
  5. Lone Bebop


    I got to arge with AzueWolf on this one, i mean Haku would take out Gaara with the bat of a eyelash, and if he went agasnt Rock Lee, he would end up worse off then after he fought Gaara, its true Lee is fast, but only after he takes his weaights, and he has to get Gai's permission for that, and plus before Haku begins the attack you have that bright flash, and Rock Lee wouldn't be able to block an attack from all sides, plus he wouldnt be able to follow Haku's movements . So Rock Lee would become a pin cusion
  6. Alright, just 2 more Mist Nins and we can gets this show on the road!
  7. Whist pulled out his hands rivaling 4 blades in each hand, no two of them looking alike, they stared each other down, then with out warning the Cathedral organ began to play, but with no player " In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost...Amen!" Whist yelled as he charged at Michael, he fired his gun, as Whist rolled to the side and crouched as more bullets flew, he got behind a pillar and let lose the right hands blades straight at Michael, he saw this and fired 3 of them out of the sky, with one landing deep in his left shoulder, Michael passed in pain and then took aim again only to find that Whist had moved, he listen for foot steeps, as 4 more blades were thrown, this time from behind, Michael dives out of the way and fires, he heard the yell of pain from Whist, as Michael rose to take aim again, he saw Whist no were, and only the eerie noise of the organ could be heard, from his left side more blades flew, he shot 2 of them with the other 2 landing in his elbow " Its funny, yah know" Whist said from his hiding spot " What?s that!?" Michael yelled " The way, I?m hitting you with my daggers, I just realized, Its the same style I used to take out your wife, I bet 40 Leero that it will have the same outcome" " You have a deal," Michael said with rage in his voice OOC: Just case any doesn't now, Leero is Italy's money system
  8. Answer1: Actully his sister has that big old fan as he weapon Answer2: Becaues the demon inside him can only take control when he sleeps, so no sleep give yah a whole mess of bags Question: Which eye is Kakashi Sharigain?
  9. Answer: A Jutsu move is creaded and the Shinobi is given more power, to himself or the area he focus it in Question: Whats the name of Gaara silblings and what are there tools and main Jutsu's?
  10. Lone Bebop


    Its called a FanSub, people make subtiltes for raw eips that haven't made DVD yet, a whole mess a sits have the Naruto eips, i'm right at eip 44 and Daigo, the Hyuga style does that becaues of the clans advnace blood line,
  11. " Its been a while my old friend, have seen you since you since New Mexico" Whist with a grin " Yah it has, been what 7, 8 months? " " Yeah, i think its been 9 since i've seen your wife, her scream had such a lovely tone to it" Whist said with a sick grin " BASTERED!!" Michal yelled as he charged at Whist, he crouhed back and flung out his trecnh coat out, Michal threw up his bag, to block the swarm of blades thrown by Whist, he moved his bag downd and readied one of his guns when, he saw that Whist had a blade to bystanders thought " Esey Michal, you dont really want to fight here do we? i mean i might miss and implade another person, so why dont we settle things, meet at the church in the middle of the city Tommrow, that when you die, you'll have a head start at them perly gates" " Right, the Church its is, but when we fight, i'll make you pay to what you did to her, what you did to my life!" Michal yelled as he lowered his weapon; knowing that Whist was a man of his word, and Whist spoke up
  12. Lone Bebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]So, Chakra is also used in Taijutsu to increase the strenght of the user. Such as Jyuken (Gentle Fist) and Hyuga Style Taijutsu.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] actully TaiJutsu is Chakra free Daigo, its like this Nin and Gen Jutsu need Chakra to be raised and Seal(in) TaiJutsu is just normal hand to hand combat, thats why when Rock Lee and Sasake fought, Saske could see the moves, but not react to them cause no Chakra, Also heres the order the gates get open for the Extreme, Fianl what ever yah want to call it Lotus, Life Gate Wound Gate Forest Gate
  13. Answer1: Actully thats a trick question, that fight was a dubble K.O, Answer2: I think its something round the lines of, Use this move with no regreats and only to proctect a imporant person Question: How many times has Kabuto failed the Chuuin exame?
  14. Lone Bebop


    The Forum at that site, is memebers only, they send you a password, also that site hasnt been update since novermeber of last year, but all its info is right up to date,
  15. Lone Bebop


    Cool a Naruto thread, asome idea For me i think Zabuza and Haku were truley asome characters [SPOILER] its just really sucks that they both die at the end of there little saga, i was heoping they come back[/SPOILER] there my favs becaues of this. First Zabuza this guy is the freaky kind cool, like when he was remebering how kill over 100 Mist Gein when he was a kid and then he says it sure was fun, he also has well desgin Jutsu's [SPOILER]which before Naruto steped in, had Kakashi on his kness[/SPOILER] also i love his final moments [SPOILER]After Haku died, and Gato slamed his face with his cane and called Zabuza a baby devil, he then ask's Naruto for his kunai, and then goes thrashing threw all of Gatous bodygards, and lays donw the law with Gatou and then slashs him up and trows him from the bridge[/SPOILER] Haku i really loved as a character becaues of his un dieing loyalty to Zabuza, [SPOILER] espilcy as Kakashi was getting ready to kill Zabuza with the lightning edge, Haku makes a ice mirror an takes the blow, makeing Kakashi shalsh straight threw his heart[/SPOILER] He was always looking out for him, and how he belive he was a tool of Zabuza's, i think the best part of Haku's role was when he finds Naruto in the forest and tells him aobut " Precious Person" As for my favorite Village? thats essay, it would be the Hidden Mist Village, caues the both raised Haku and Zabuza, they have their reputation of creating the best assaion squads and there hunter nins and highly skilled, And fav Jutsu would have to be Haku's Demon Ice Mirrors, that move is asome how its [SPOILER] use's Haku's advance blood line and the mirrors reflections to give him extreme speed, add that to his skill with needles and its a deadly force[/SPOILER]
  16. Answer1: Jiraiya writes Come Come Paradise Answer2: Bug Host Skill (Kikaichuu no Jutsu) The Aburame Clan are famed for their use of bugs in their Jutsu. When a child is born, their body is offered to insects, called Destruction Bugs, as a nest. The bugs feed and live off the Chakra which the body stores and in return the Ninja gets to control and command the bugs, using them as their primary fighting technique Question: Who wins the fight between Ino and Sakura in the Chuuin exam?
  17. Whist stumble into the airport of the beautiful city of Rio then land of sun, beaches, and capital of the realm of the senses, he had gotten word that Michael, would be arriving in Vienna, Italy so he was given immediate orders to go and get rid of him. " Michael, my friend who brought me to Raven, you like and older brother to me, but you tried to leave that?s were you messed up" Whist thought as he grabbed his head, he had finished a assignation of a big time gambler who had gotten millions threw cheating so he used a bit of the money to have a one man victory party, and that was 4 days ago, he walked over to the ticket counter and lean against the desk and was hunched over " Ahh my I help you sir?" The Women asked from be hide the desk " OOOO Ahh yeah I need a ticket for the next direct flight to Italy" " I'll set every thing up, no would you like a window seat?" " Yeah, sure" " Have your bags..." " Listen lady can I just have the damned ticket with out the questions?'' " Not with out the right info..." The lady trailed off as Whist stuck a wad of 20s in the women?s hand and mouth the words " Ticket Please", The Ticket lady quickly printed out a ticket and pointed him to gate 78, he stumbled off, when he arrived on the plane he took his seat and look out the window as the plane took off, he looked out the window and saw the fame Christ statue that Rio was know for, he made a quicker prayer and spoke " In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost, Amen" He said softy as he moved his seat back, took some aspirin and fell asleep with his right eye still open, watching every on the plane ? This hang over will be over with once I reach Italy? Whist thought as he fell into a deep sleep
  18. Answer1: The Uinon Answer2: It can be traslatde a number of ways, but i'll use the most common, the manga is "Icha Icha Paradise" which means, " Come Come Paradise" Question: Who writes the Manga Come Come Paradise?
  19. Answer1: Actully there names were Duso, Zaku and Mai Answer2: The Shilde of sand proctects Gaara from any and all harm Question: What Organization does Alen Gaberil, Angel, and Veera beling to in the Big O?
  20. Nosferatu Draclua, or Nosferatu as he was know be the other mods, walked down the misty "Steets" of the Hellsing Board, it had become swaped with Ghoul Newbies, every were he looked each building had almost the same title " Alucards is sooooo cool!" " Alucard and his kicken power!" " Who here loves Alucard?" He even saw, that some one had made numerus " Hellsing can go to Hell" Threads, this got him perty mad, he pulled out his two guns, each looking like the ones used by Alucard, he took aim at one of the building an fired, the bullet flew out a hit the building with the title "Alucards is sooooo cool!", the bullet hit and a black spiral appered around the hit arena as it setled a large lock appered on the door, he did this till both of the clips were spent, cloesing all of the Newbies topics and crap threads " Ahhh nothing like me thred closeing guns," Nosferatu said as a beep was heard, he held out his hand, as a white screen appered in the palm of his hand, it was a PM from his fellow mods, " Right i was have to go to the Inu board, almost forgot" He said as turnd corner and walked twoards a Portal. OOC: Sorry i'm late i didnt even new this started up
  21. Alrighty then we have out 4 Leaf Nins, now we just need to last 3 Mist Nins, Also i will need some one to be Kid Zabuza ( He would be 6 years old like Kakashi), aslo and J_Y The Sharigain is just a NinJutsu and GenJutsu Skill type, i was just telling you the defanitions
  22. NOo every is k, just a few more people, also for any more sign ups, include your village, its either Leaf or Mist, heres hows it is We got, The 4 Leaf Nins ( 3 if Jubei Yagyou, doesnt get typeing and edit his character) Mist Nins 1 ( Also could some one sign up as kid Zabuza?) so all thats left is to get the last of the Mist Nins,
  23. Hmm alright i'll let the Sharigain thing slide, but he'll have to change the ranks and ages of his rank movements as for the Type J_Y its like this, Is the Sharigain a NinJutsu: A Ninja Move GenJutsu: A Illiusion Move TaiJutsu: A Noraml Hand to Hand Combat move
  24. Alright nice sign up, but could yah tone down yah Char a bit like in the age's he moved threw the ranks, also could you stick with the supiled ranks? the Anbu in this RPG will be like in the show and will show up here and there and there parts are small, also i said i would pick the people with the Advance Bloodlines
  25. Alright, perfect sign up keep them comeing folks and PM With any questions you have, only 6 spots left! Nins Need: 2 Leafts 4 Mist
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