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Lone Bebop

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Everything posted by Lone Bebop

  1. As Evean drove off on his bike, ready to find Vash, and small figure came into veiw, It was Vash he was running full force, but He didnt see Evean and he didnt see Vash, so Evean ended up hitting Vash which sent him flying in the air as he lands at the feet of others " OH CRAP!" Evean yells as he swung back around on his bike a drove to the others, Vash stands up a bit shakey as AkaSuki punchs him in the face and he falls again " Nice to see you to, an what was that for!" " Your late! have you heard the news, we were wondering were you went off to!" " Is it my fault that the old buzzered Doc lives out in the middle of nowere? beside i got imporant news about something that happen in LR Town" " So do we" Kaiyden said as he explained things to Vash
  2. Sen whistled as he got on Felicia's ship, he put down the flasks and pull the cork out of the barrel, and smelled the contents " Ah, nothing like the smell of gunpowder in the early morning" Sen said as he walked around pouring the powder in a line leading to the main mast, he then lead trails that lead to various parts of the ship, when the barrel was empty he went into the supply room of the other ship to find 6 other barrel's p gunpowder " This will be a good show" He knocked the barrels over having the contents failing in a large pile on the floor he then picked some up and made a line to connect with the others out side, He then grabs the flasks and pores them every were, saving one flask for himself, he walks off whistling again back to Rokou's ship, as he goes down the plank that connects Felicia's boat with the dock, he then casually throws the lit light over his shoulder it lands right in a puddle of ale, a large fire starts as it spread to one of the gunpowder lines " Rule one of the sea, Miss Bounty Hunter when yah make a deal with a Pirate don?t expect him to keep his end of the deal" Sen said calmly as he got on board Rokou's ship and took a swig from the flask as the Fire hits the supply room
  3. Alright i made the cahnges to roles of the people, Daigo i'm sorry man but yah need to be a evil dude this time round i prosime if this does good an if i make squeal of this Hellsing RPG, you'll get on Hellsing's side but for now you need to be evil, plus with all the changeing takeing place my heads getting messed up so here are the roles that have been filed and that [B][U]Will Not Be Changed[/U][/B] 4 Fangs 1. SailorStar 2. Dubble_B_Daigo Newly made Vampire found along the Way Tsukasa_hack Characters from the Show Alexander Anderson/ My Self So lets keep those Sign Ups comeing People we still need a bunch more people
  4. As Sen ran down the streets he laugh to himself " This is going to good, no to find her SHIP?" Sen exclamied as he looked at the docks to find about 6 others ships there " hmm which one was it again?" He looked over the ships, " Come on think Sen, there has to be a way to find that ship of her's" Sen then sat cross leged and thought hard he then looked at all the ships again an got and idea" Hey thats right, when i was here last time there was only 4 ships, so then new one on the left has to be hers!" And with that Sen ran to Rokou's ship and grabed 5 flasks of Ale and a small barrel " Hmm time for some fireworks"
  5. Sen gave a sly grin as he ruffed his multi color hair again " No what makes you think i want to fight?" " Well you came to find didnt you?'' " Yes, but nots to fight, i have a deal to offer you" Sen said as Felicia, who still didnt trust him him, keep her gard up " And what would this deal be?" Felicia said as she kept the Butterfly ogre at the ready " Simply this, i know your here for the Cap Rokou, and i'm here to help he's right in that inn over there" Sen said as he pionted to the Inn from which he had came from " 2nd floor rooms, now for this info all i ask is to be left alone, and i could fix yah ship for yah maybe??? stock it with some supplies and weapons? what do yah say?" Sen said as he extend out his gloved hand
  6. Sen opened his eyes and looked around and lift his head from the pillow " Ah perfect, there asleep" Sen said as he got up and gave the pillow he had to Nya " There a lady should be taken care off" he said with a sly smile as he snuck out the door and on to the roof, he took a deep breath " Ah what a lovely night now for some fun" and with that he bolted off into the night, as he ran he came up to a girl who looked like a bounty hunter " Ah she is right on time"
  7. If your char came with in 5 miles of the Iscariot HQ he would be killed 5 times before he hit the ground, Iscariot doesnt take kindly to Vampires, They look down at Hellsing for working with them
  8. Sen squated down and shook his head like a dog, trying to get the water out of his hair, as he did this the light hit his hair, makeing his head look like a prsim, " Hey cut it out dog boy!" Rokou yelled as he hit Sen in the head with his foot, he rolled a bit then got up and the blue half of his hair fell back to covering his right side of his face " Hey, i got us here didnt i? and that short cut was perfect got us here 3 days eiler" " Yahz but becaues of thats wizz got cought in thats Tusnami" Nya said as Rokou went up to front desk were a man was standing " How many in your party sir?" " 5, my good man" " That will be, 500 Gold" " WHAT!" Rokou yelled as the others looked blankly " Thats more than a sword!" " These are hard times SIR!" The man yelled as Sen walke up and had a Disc Blade to the mans throught" Right, free your rooms are right up stairs"
  9. Yes, There the Turkey Sandwhich you left in the back of the fridge for 5 years bad, very evil
  10. Umm Daigo, not to sound picky or nothen but could you please make your guy one of The 4 Fangs, Integra was never thrilled bout the idea of haveing 2 Vampires work for her
  11. Alright peoples here an RPG that I made by myself, the idea came to me after re watching Hellsing for the 10th time (I love that Anime!!) so here is the story I hope you all enjoy it, Not for the faint of heart it wil have the same aspects of the show ( aka, Anderson's Preaching and the bad words) so this has kind of a high rateing, but hey here we go( Hope this hasnt be done before) [B][I]The Story[/B][/I] 2 Years have past since the defeat of Incognito, Integra has been set free thanks to Alucard and she has begun the rebuild the Hellsing Organization along with the help of the remaining loyal members of the Round Table Knights. But a New threat has appeared to replace Incognito, 4 other True Vampires who appear to be controlled be a un seen master have picked off were Incognito had left off, Chip Vampires are on the rise and so are the numbers of Ghouls, London has been left in shambles, its up to combined efforts of the Hellsing and Iscariot Organization to stop them [B][I]The Sign Ups[/B][/I] Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Vampire of Human) Side: (Iscariot Organization, The Hellsing Organization, Or the 4 Fangs) Quote: (I put this here just for kicks) Height/Weight: Description: Weapons: (Max of 3) Bio: (Make it good and deep People) Alright the people we need is as followed Alucard/ kyotoruler7 Alexander Anderson/ Lone Bebop Seras Victoria Walter C Ddollneazz Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing The Four New Evil True Vampires/ 1. SailorStar, 2.Dubble_B_Daigo, 3. SalorMidnight, another member of the Iscariot Organization that joins Anderson A Newly Made Vampire that is found along the Way/ Tsukasa_hack And in True Hellsing style, the true mastermind won?t show his face; maybe I?ll make him show up next time. I'll be signing up as my fav character from Hellsing, _________________________________ Name: Alexander Anderson Age: 68 ( apperes 35) Gender: Male Race: Human Side: Iscariot Organization Quote: [I]"I am a mediator of God! I am the instrument that delivers the punishment of heaven!"[/I] Height/Weight: 6"6 180lbs Description: [IMG]http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/adaptionsanime/hellsing/anderson.jpg[/IMG] Weapons: 2 Bayonet Swords, about 60 Small knives/short swords inside trech coat, Bible Bio: After he was beaten at the Hands of Alucard, he retuned to the Vatican to have the regeneration started, after that long period he went under hard training and had his speed upgraded so that he may beat Alucard, But when he arrived in London he found that Incognito had beaten him to Alucard as he sat back an watched to see if the Vampire had gotten any stronger, when he saw Alucard was at full power he new that he was not yet ready, he then traveled back to the Vatican to reicve special training, it was interrupted though when a break out of Ghouls and Chip Vampires flooded London, and with Hellsing no more he was forced to team up with a newer member of Section 13 and the head off to London to take care of the Problem
  12. " Hey, Keth you ready to go?" Zen said as he leen aganst the door waiting for Keth to answer " I'm not done packing yet" " Well we are under a time limt remeber?" " YAH of course i know, you got us put under that time limt, i mean a day! it could take weeks to find this Rei" " Dont worry so much eh, she told us were to her so were are all set" " We have no way to get to the airport" " Its called a Taxi, ever heard of it?" Zen said a Keth salms open the door causeign Zen to get pined between the door an the wall " Zen you there?" " Door" came Zen's mumbled reply " OH! " Keth said as he close the door and helped steady Zen " Sorry bout that" " Hey no prob, now come lets go get a cab" Zen said as he stumbles a bit down the hall an Keth follows
  13. Name: Sen Ruki Age: 27 Height/Weight: 6"6 170lbs Race: Hume Description: Messy Multi Color hair, right half is blue which covers the right side of his face and the other side is Red, White, and Emerald green and is comb back an leans to his left side a bit, wares a necklace (Think Inu Yasha's but made of plain wood and no tooth things) is well built and has tan skin has skin died tattoos markings that cover the top half of his body. Wares a large leather glove on his right hand the goes up to his elbow on his right hand, wares a large dull green belt with baggy brownish tanish pants with many pockets and brown boots. Weapon: uses 6 small razor throwing disk, 3 lock on to each side of his belt and throws them with deadly accuracy, small triangle grappling blade that fires from under side of his glove Side: Rokou's team Bio: Sen's parents were killed in the cross fire between to rival Outlaws, they would have killed Sen to if he hadn?t been chased into a hardware store and use the blades in there to kill both Outlaws, Sen then spent most his life making money from being a mercenary who worked for many a Outlaw. When he grew older, he join a small group of nomads sailors who taught Sen how to read stars and to always respect the sea, he then rob them blind an made for the main land. Sen is very Sarcastic, laid back and cocky but when it comes to fighting Sen leaves the enemy lying in the dust. Reason for Joining (your side): Sen joined because he had knowledge of the sea and how to navigate, also because he loves a good fight, especially when there?s money involved though his loyalty is questionable,
  14. I was looking around and it looks like this anime has no Thread were its fans could take about or people who intersed in could talk, so what do yah think? Whats yah Favorite Aspect of the Show? Whats yah Favorite Line from it? What got yah intersed in it? Over all Rating? For me it would have to go like this Favorite Aspect of the Show: I really like how it closely mirrors his life and how they added the Scifi spin on it with all the tech and the War Machines, i also like how the anime makes you think about how you always have a choice. Also the Pathgorine Cult was a nice twist along with the Platohedron. Favorite Line from the Show: " It Is the Devil King!!" What yah intersted: Well me personaly, i just love history and learning about the past and Alexander the Great is on of my fav histrical figures. I find it very intesting in how he gain respect of the people he conquered in real life by marying a Persian women and giveing its dead king a proper bareal. Right now i'm trying to convince my History Teacher to show the siers to our class Over All Rating: I would have to give this fine anime an 8/10, i think the music was good along with the artwork there was alot of attention to detail along with a good amount of Sicfi enough so that its not all fake, and just enough history to not make it into drawn out lecture, also i could have done with out all the speedos the guys wore.
  15. Lone Bebop

    The Breed War

    Jinth sat at one of the back tables at the Brewd, he had came her eiler just to relax he sat listing the music and haveing a drink, he had 4 Vampire ladys sitting around him as he bosted about his newest battle, he then saw some new people open the door, he lean closer to get a good look at them, he saw that one of them was the she beast from the battle, he figured the other two must people must be Werebeasts as well, " Damn how they find this place, dirty muts oh well guess i'll get my new rung and maybe a matching coat" Jinth thought as he moved slowy away from his table, makeing sure he wasnt noticed " Pardon my ladys" He said as he pulled out his two black guns an readied them. He looked up to see Ctar and Klin walked threw on of the other doors " ah there master minds, they know already, oh well might as well have some fun" Jinth said as he made a nod at the two other Vampires, they noded back to let him know they were ready
  16. " Was that a Chanlge, Ace?" Zen said as his left eye twiched " Maybe its is," Ace said rolling his eyes " Well then how bout this, i bet my and Keth can get down to Teaxs, find this Rei and make it back in oh say 1 day" Zen said as he put out his hand " A DAY! Zen, think about what your saying before you say it stuip!" Keth yelled as Ace moved his hand out " Fine, but if we win" Alex said as she came out from her room, still looking a bit ticked off " You two will have to clean my jet top to bottom with Thooth brusshs for a month" " Deal! but if we win, we get half of your guys loot on the next hiest we pull" and with that Zen and Alex shook hands, sealing the deal " Well Keth, what are we waiting for? we only got a day"
  17. " Hey Ace, you would happen to have any pet treats on you?" Zen said as Ace and Keth gave him an odd look " What? just wondering thats all" " Zen, i dont think highly trained gard animals will go after a treat" Ace said rolling his eyes " Then do you know the pressure pionts of those things, i could hit them with a dagger" " No, i dont" Ace said as he look at the gards animals " Hey i havge a left over roll" Keth said as she pulled it out of her pocket and gave it to Zen " That will do perfectly" Zen said as he lean over to the gard animals " This will never work" Ace said as Zen whistled to get there atention " Hey yah muts, see the roll?" Zen siad as he waved it in front of them " Then go get it yah muts!" Zen said as he sent the roll flying over into Dallas room the animals went for it and Zen ran over and locked the door behide them " What was that bout highly trained animals not going for a treat" Keth said sarcastily " I cant belive that worked" Ace said dumfoundly " So, i know a good way to pick up Rei, all we need is to get to the airport with yah stuff"
  18. A: Ah a Hellsing question my turff, Alucard is hinted to by Dracula this is shown by at the end of the last eip when Incognitdo looks down at Alucrad, Lightning flashs as Half of Alucard face is normal, while the other half is that face of anohter, (alos you could tell by Alucards Name) Question: What is the name of the Section 13 Iscariot Organiztions leader, and what does he call Integra?
  19. Lone Bebop

    The Breed War

    Jinth sat at a small wooden desk in the dank dark lower leavls of the Vampire Headquaters, he hade order this old store celler as his room tho many times he had ben offered a nicer room on the upper leavls but he didnt like things fancy all he need was Battle, Blood and Soiltude. On the desk were a few papers and pushed off to the side there was an old type writter, on the right there waas a oil lamp. But in front of him laid his prized guns, he was cleaning and reloading them as he talked to himself about the last battle " Man, those darn master minds, they always come right when the battle is the most fun, they have to learn to go with the flow, besides i really could use another pelt " He said as he looked over his shoulder at the right side wall were the pelts of 5 other Werebeast were tacked up " That she Werebeast would have made a nice matching rug" He said as he gave a sick laugh as he turned off the oil lamped and opend his coffen and went to sleep, waiting the next battle OOC: Sorry i didnt post last night when this thing got started, i had to go to bed early caues of school
  20. This is a RPG that me and Double_B_Daigo made, it?s a bit of a spoof on Outlaw Star seep it takes place in a parrela universe (meaning no Gene, Jim or the others) [B][I]The Story[/B][/I] Long ago on earth, and on going war has been fought for 10 long years, the humans were fighting against a power humanoid race called the Devars who were power Taoist. Mankind had finally had a chance to win when a powerful new weapons was built, but during its test firing it cause a grave cataclysm wiping out most humans and left the earth in ruins, The Devars quickly took over, but to save the culture and history the people of earth built a giant vault and stored all there knowledge, power, and treasures in it along with the weapons in hopes that its great power would never see the light of day again they then took the only key witch they made to look like of globe of the earth and broke it and sent it pieces to the corners of the universe. Now 50 years later Earth is just a back woods plant were Outlaws and Pirates live, and the only good thing that has come of the Devars war was now the earth had interstellar travel and the Vault is told only as a ledgen, the Devars have made the Machinist Guild members begin building a ship that could find, the key fragments and the Vault, so they could get there hands on the weapon. But on the day the ship was completed and the key Fragment was but into the navigation system, it was stolen from its hiding place by and female outlaw by the name of Tilon. A few months later when 2 friends who run a odd jobs store cross paths with a women who says here name is Tify who has a strange item wrapped in cloth, she asks them to be her bodyguards, they are thrown into race with the Factions of space that they thought was only a dream [B][I]The Factions[/B][/I] The Empire of Devar: The Evil Empire of the Devars, a race known for there mastery of Tao spell casting, they have legions of Tao Ninjas an there command, along with a nasty bunch of Tao Pirates, Also the mysteries assassin group, The 9 Devils. Also they hate the Machinist Guild they only use their technology because they need to get around space. The Machinist Guild: These people are from a verity of races with a love of Science and Technology; though they are more commonly know as Mercenary Toy Makers. They built and create all of the Technology used, the members were large black great coats with high collars, they also mesh themselves with metal implants they are lead by the Master Machinist. The Outlaws: The brave, the strong, the smart, and the lucky they are the lawless ones, they live in a world were money is made and money is lost, with in the Outlaws there are many Outlaw nations but the Empire leaves them because there a very few large nations. [B][I]The Sign Ups[/B][/I] Okay here?s the fun part Name: Age: Gender: Height, Weight: Appearance: Weapon: (only 2 get Caster guns, the main good dude and one of the assains me and Daigo will pick) Faction: (we need 4 outlaws, one of which needs to be a Machinist who left the guild also need a person to be Tify/Tilon, and 2 more Machinist who act as helpers to the assassins and the 8 other members of the 9 Devils) Bio: (Not super long or super short) Alrighty then, Daigo will be the Leader of The 9 Devils and I will be the main good dude Name: Jint Kithwind Age: 27 Gender: Male Height, Weight: 6"6 140lbs Appearance: Lanky looking with green messy hair and has tanish skin, he were black pants and a black muscle shirt and a blue Trench coat, weres boots also Weapon: Caster Rifle, 9mm pistol, a few grenades Faction: Outlaw Bio: Jint always dreamed of leaving earth and exploring space, when he was 7 his father was sent for by the Guild for his knowledge of Ship disgen and on his way back though his ship was attacked and blow to bits by Tao Pirates, this made Kith have a have a fear and yet a love of space, which stayed with him for a long time,he trys to get over his fear by watching the ships take off from the local space port. He also owns a odd job shop that run be he and his friend he catchs a bounty every now and then to pay the rent, he's always wanted something exicting to happen in this dull place called earth.
  21. Zen simply gave a shrug and got up and went to the door " Were yah off to?" Keth questioned as she watched Zen walk over " Ah this whole morning is like one big end sence from a romacnce moive, i got to get some fresh air and steal something " Zen said as he gave a grin but Ace then spoke up " Hey just dont take long, i got an E Mail from Rei last night, she is in Teaxs so well will have to meet her there" " Right, Right hey dont worry i'll meets you guys down at the airport and i'll even sorce us a free ride on the plan" Zen said as he went out the door
  22. Vash truged threw the dessert, on his way back from were the Doc now lived, he need answers when he had found out that Kaiyden had the plant DNA in him and the Doc was the only one he new that could help " Darn old buzzer Doc, why does he have to live in the middle of nowere" Vash thought, " Oh well lest that town LR is up a head??" Vash said as he walked up to find the town in shambls, ran down into the town were he saw a survier, it was a old man " Hey old man! what happen here who did this!" [SIZE=1]" it, it, it, was a....[/SIZE] " A what!? come old man stay with me" Vash said, but it was to late the man was dead, " I have to warn the others" Vash thought as he bolted off in the direction of New July
  23. Name: Trick Age: 25 Height/Weight: 7"4 140lbs Description: Wears a wide brim black hat with a black suit and white shirt underneth the suit, wears black dress shoes and has read eyes with round glass and has messy long black hair Weapon: Cane gun/sword, custom 7 shooter revoler, Grapling metel right hand Special Abilities: use light body frame for high speed attacks Bio: Trick was taken from his home and his parents were shot dead at the age of 10, for next 10 years he was exprement on to try an created a perfect assain that could kill Vash the Stampede, but when founding was cut for the prodject "T" so they were going to kill him to get rid of the evidance but he found this out and went on rampage killing all of the sincetists, but many of the chemcials use on him messed up his mind so he is rarely sireus, he is very Sarcastic and is a bit of a phyco in battle, he met Julius after he went ramped on a town when some one had hit his " Beutifal face" Trick jumped at the chance to fight the man that had caused him some much pain, also has a vanity issue about his face.
  24. Name: Jinth Age:177 Height/Weight: 7"5 200lbs Breed: Vampire Answers: 1: B 2: B 3:C Decription: See Attachment Bio: Jinth is a ruthless gunman who is know for going a bit trigger happy in battle, he is cocky, sarcastic and a bit of a phyco he lives from battle to battle, his views on the war with the Vampires and Werebeast is that its one big Tug of War and the that the Vampires have only a bit more to pull till they win, when not battleing he can be found looking up at the night sky or going on a spree in a local human village. Class: Gunman Weapons: 2 Large Black pistols, Gernades, 2 back up 9mm, and a long barrel shotgun and the pic is only a pic, i'm just useing the looks
  25. Zen yanwed a bit an rubed his eyes and spoke to Keth " Well, your like Dr. Jeckl and Mr. Hide, to complty different poeple, but they are still the same person" " You make that up yah self?" " Nah, read it on a fourtin cookie once" Zen said as he he grabed a roll from the table threw it in the air, he then pulled out of his daggers and slashed the roll as it hit the table, it then cracked itno two clean cut halfs, Keth stared at what happen " I didnt know you had daggers" " What was it that you said? 'you never asked?" Zen said as he mocked Keth's voice as he muched down at the roll.
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