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Lone Bebop

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Everything posted by Lone Bebop

  1. " Oh i got a hot tip for a hiest from a old collge roomie of mine, i went to tell Ace, but he was with Alex......talking bout......stuff" Zen said as he trailed off at the end " Oh" Keth said as she rolled her eyes " So? what was the hiest about?" Keth said as Zen gave her a kinda creepy grin " Its something of great value, thats all i'll will say till we finish getting this guild together" Zen said as he pulled he pulled out his pocket watch looked at it and put it away, " well its 2 AM, you should be sleeping," Zen said as he walked over to Keth and stood in front of her and brought his face down to eye leavel with hers "sorry if i waked you up as was just going down staris to make sure the cash redister wasnt being broke into" Zen said sarcastily as he walked off down the hall to were the ellavator was and presed the button to open it and got in he then turned around and smiled at Keth as the doors closed, Keth stood there for a bit and then closed the door and walked over to her bed
  2. Zen broke the okword silnce between him and Keth " Ah well hey your only a kid you shouldn't be up at" Zen pulled out his pocket watch witch had a fancy number 7 carved on the front " At half past midnight" " Oh yeah ah maybe your right" Keth said as she blushed a little and walked back across the roof and went to her room as Zen stayed behind " Woh that was a close one" Zen thought as he remeber the look in Keth's eyes " She is only 14, and i dout i'll find some one to help carrie on my familys name, nah" Zen said as he moved back into his room and open his laptop, he had a e mail from a contact of his about a big chance for a hiest, he quickly got up and went to find Ace, but when he opened the door he found Ace and Alex in eacth others arms. Ace look up and Zen put his hand infront of his face and blushed " Ahh umm why dont i come back later" Zen studered " yah why dont yah do that" Ace said as Zen turnd back to his room
  3. " What do you mean weirdos?" Zen said from outside, he was sitting on the firescape outside Trixie's room " Gahh how long have you been there and why are you there!" " Ah i'm not one for fancy stuff, thats why i only go the family mansion to stash stuff in the vault, and i came in at, 'there weridos" " Yes but why my window!" " Has the best view of the stars, there is saposed to be a metor shower tonight and i have a building blocking my window" Zen said " I dont care get away!" Trixie said as she chucked the ashtray that was in here room and it hit Zen in the head " Hey alright i'm going!" Zen said as he got up and walked back over to his window and got inside his own room " Man whats her problem, oh well i guess i'll catch some z's" " Man what a creep sneaking around this place like a thief....." Trixie trailed off on what she was saying and remeber they all were thiefs " well i guess thats just him," Trixie thought as she went to close the window, and she saw some of the failing stars Zen was talking about
  4. " well arent we muiltskilled" Zen said as he kept watch " Its stuff yah got to know," " I Guess , never found much use for cars, ecept to get away most of my get impound when i'm in the middle of a heist" " ha, well i almost got it.." " HEY!" ITs was a man who came walking up to Zen and Keth " What you think yous doing to this car?" Keth moved to speak but Zen steeped in an began to talk in a thick Spainsh acent " Ah you see senor, i have just been in the moveing here and my amigo asked my to watch he daughter, but i went a lose my Keys and since her father runs a car repiar shope, she is in the helping of me" " Oh arlight, carry on" The man said as he walked off " Gesh that was closed how you do that?" " Never can a person hide the acent of his country" Zen said talking in his noraml laid back voice " MY family comes from Spain so it comes in handy, now is the car hotwired yet?" " Oh yeah its all set" " Good"
  5. " Well looks like some one forgot to turn off the alarm eh?" Zen said sarcasticlly he sat up upright after being thrown into the car " What i got all cought up in the thrill of the moment thats all," Dallas said with a cocky grin " Well i would guess the one driving the getaway car would be Ace" " Yah that be me" Ace said as he swung a tight turn as the police cars were right on there tail " This would really suck if we all got arsted before we got the guild started know?" Zen said trying to take the cough tablets that Keth gave him " Yah hes got a piont there, Ace you know how to get out of here?" Keth said with a bit of panic in her voice " Well maybe" Ace said as he made another turn " Hey walken arsenl why dont yah try an slow em down" Zen said as he looked at Dallas " I mean yah just went on yah little shoping spree" " Right i have just the thing to do it to" Dallas said as he pulled out his snipe, Ace at the same time got on the raido with Alex " Hey Alex can you do my a favor"
  6. Zen step out of the car and walked over to Ace " I go find this Dalls and i'll bring Keth back" " Sounds liks a plan, just watched out" Ace said as Zen walked off " Hey dont worry if i dont come back you know what happed to me" Zen said with grin as he walked off " lets see Ammunation 12th, williams, yah i think i know were that is lets see he said and hour so i got plenty of ta tai TIME!" Zen said with a senzze " damn this cold i hate it i hope the Jet lady, Alex had some cough drops or something" " Well know thats taken care of, Trixie are there any questions that you have?" As Zen walked down the steets of Idaho he looked at evey building looking threw windows seeing if there was anything worth stealing, he walked by a bank and stop " Hmm well i have 30 mimtues beofre i have to meet this guy, nah i'll come back later always essier to slpit money one way" Zen said as he walked on and was looking up at the sky as he literly ran right into Keth
  7. Zen gulps " Man why does my family half to have a no guns policey! all i got is the Thiefs Tool and that not bullet proof" Zen said as he looks at how essly Keth spins the gun " Hey Ace i'm going to go ah wait in the car, away from the gun toting 14 year old" Zen said as he walked over to the car and Keth laughed to herself " Well looks like i know how to keep him away" Keth said as Trixie spoke up " umm you are you people anyway? so kinda of wried club?" " Well its something like that" Ace said as he began to explain
  8. If yah didnt know then why did yah answer? Answer: SPIKES ship was orgianly owned by Dohan an it was use as a Astoried Belt Racer Question: How many times did Beck say that Roger Humilated him?
  9. " Hey!, i would never bite any one, i only bit a dog once, it happened on a hiest in Spain but thats beside the piont i would never bit a pa a per a persOn!" Zen finsidhed with a snezze " And beside Keth you fell on me not the other way around" Zen said a in a bit of a sour tone Keth blushed and then snaped at Zen " So! you leanded over to me first!" " Your piont?" " Your a total flirt!" " And whats wrong with that!!??" " Its rude!" " Aint my fualt if just have the old Zen family charm" Zen said as Keth picked up a small rock and threw it at Zen's head he then got his thiefs tool ready " People, people lets try not to kill each other here" Ace said as he steped forward to Trixie
  10. You can keep yah fancy hight tech mechs i'll take the crafmenship of Paradime City. My fav mech would be Big Duo i liked this mech for many resaons. The flgiht power is number and how it does is really cool haveing the arms act as the engines. then we have the weapontry i think its really nice to have a mech thats no coverd in head to toe with weapons, yah only need a few and Big Duo has that going for it, with a simple missle luncher and machine guns (i know Schwarzwald didnt use them in sesaon 1 but They are there). And at last we have the best resaon: The sher history behide Big Duo it has a certin aura of mystrie to it like how it was built, and were did Schwarzwald find it. so end the end, Big Duo = Sheer Coolness
  11. Zen was a bit shocked as he looked over to see Keth, he looked up and Ace. " See what i tell yah no girl can resits the charm of a Zen" Zen said as he rumd the back of his head and laughed " Sure Zen whatever" Acce said rolling his eyes and returnd his eyes to the road. Zen felt a sneeze comeing on but quickly burried it, he looked at Keth again, he then looked out the window as the car drove on
  12. i have read some scanlations of it and its really good, but like said before it wont likely become an anime caues the differences are to big. Becaues the Trigun Manga ends after Legato make Vash fire the angel arm in agusta and Knives gets really really really mad at him and crushs his body so most of the time in Trigun Maxium Legato is in a coffen/body cast thing. and Trigun Maximum begins to the anime eqvalent of eipsode 18 Good bye for now, and follows kinda simmler to the anime caues when the made the anime, the just put Trigun and Trigun Maximum together.
  13. Answer: 4 times he has appered in the acts Roger the Negociator Dorothy, Dorothy Beck Comes Back The Greatiest Villian Question: How many robots has beck had built, and what was the name of the first one?
  14. Zen sat cross leged on the ground under the wing of an airplane, while he watched the rain, he had his right arm out with his tumb up with his briefcase in his lap. in his left hand he held a carbord sign with the words " Thiefs Guild" on it " Man whats taken this guy i sent him that email, Acho!" Zen said as he snezed, " great a cold, just what i need, Acho!" Zen said as he then looked up and saw a black sudan pulling up he grabed his Theifs Tool and briefcase an stood up as the car stop and the window rolled down " Ace Sterling, i presum" " Yeah, and you would be Zen The VII right?" " That would be me, now you mind if i get in the car?. its cold out here" Zen said as the rear door swung open and Zen step inside and sat next to Keth. " Well hello there" Zen said with a grin as he leand over " Your a thief? look more like a bum to me" " Ow that hurt" Zen said sarcasticly as he leand back over away from Keth " well then Zen, you in our yah out, right now" " i'm in just can we stop at a Pharmacey? Acho! i caought a cold waiting for you people, Acho!" " Hey dont senze on me!" Keth yelled as Ace drove off to find Rei
  15. Zen sat in the coffe shop in Frace, he was at one of the tables with a newspaper, reading the headline. " Mystries Black Out an Mona Lisa Stolen!!", Zen chuckled to himself and thought. " now theres on for my scrapbook", he then walked out and left the money on the table, he got in his car and drove off, when he got to his apprament he turned on his laptop and checked his e mail and found that he got something from a guy named Ace Sterling. " Ah just more spam " Zen said as he moved to delete it but he saw the name Thiefs guild and remember how his grandfather told about that group once . " Well maybe i'll check this out, its in Idaho, well i did stash the painting in the familt vault some i might as well go, i all ready pick this place dry" Zen said as he graped his stuff and check out and went down to the airport, only to remeber about the surecity, so he found a plane that was going to Idaho, ran out to the runway with his suitcase and when no won was looking he jumped into the cargo hold " Ah nothing like a free flight" Zen said as the plane took off and laned 20 hours later at Idaho, he jumped out of the cargo hold and walked off to the place were Ace told him to meet him, " Oh man this is going to a long walk" Zen said as it began to rain
  16. A person covered in shadows stood on the roof of the building that was across the street of the Luv Art Messuem. Then person gave a grin as he steped out from the shdows to revele himself, he was tall and lanky looking, with balck hair, he wore a blue shirt with black pants, he also had a black trench coat, he then took of his glasses and plosihed he then fixed his black taxi hat. He was Zen The VII " Hmm the world famous Mona Lisea, is it the place it would look nice aboce the fireplace" Zen said as he grabed his Theifs Tool and took out his bynoclurs (sp?) and looked up and zoomed in on the power plant the was a few miles away " Well if the wire job i gave the joint was write the power should go out in just a few seconds" and then all lights in Paris went out " GO" Zen said as he jumped down to the street and made a mad dash to the Luv as the timmer on his wirst watch clocked down " Just 10 mintues till they get it back up" Zen thought as jumped up and began to climb up the Luv's wall " lets see it was the 10 floor*" he said this as he came to the 10thleval, He then used the Tool to bash and break the window, he jumped in and pulled out a flash light and looked at his watch " Man only 4 mintues left, gotta find that thing" Zen said as he heard footsteps of Sucirty gards comeing in his dirtion. he joged along looking for the painting he found and tooken down from the wall, and tacked a Ace of Spad playing card with a emarald green 7 in the middle of it an ran off, The power then came of in a big flash of light. 4 gards came to the seen to see the card. " Cureses we missed him again!" one of them said as they heard a noise comeing at them as Zen ran by with the painting under his arm and 4 german sheperds on his tail " Nice Doggies!" Zen said as he dove out the hole he made on his way in and fell into his car and drove off into the night laughing like a mad man " Better Luck Next Time!!!" Zen yelled at the cops as he drove off OOC: Does the Luv even had levels i thought i read it some were, plaseae correct me if i made that mistake
  17. Answer: Ed's dad has picked the impossilbe job of trying to map the earth, and the way they meet each other is Ed jumps down and he cathces her and then he throws her up in the air like a rag doll Question: In Big O who said this? " I'll show you my power, the great power of Big Duo! One of these Bigs has got to go!!"
  18. I dont know if you peoples know this but heres the news, . Hack has just came out with the first manga in a sires but dont get to excited its not bout .Hack//Sign its called . Hack Ledgen of the Twilight Bracelet I guessing it takes place after the .Hack games, it looked really intersting tho i didnt get caues i already gotten FLCL Vol 3, so has any one else seen this manga? and if yah have whats yah thoughts on it. Oh and the place i saw it at was Walden Books
  19. I know thats way messed up, you dont give oriental characters frekien brittish acents! and dont even get me started on Anna's voice, grrrr CANT 4KIDS DO ANYTHING RIGHT!
  20. Cool, the plot sounds really good Name: Vash The Stampde Weapon: a Silver AGL .45 Long Colt, Machine hidden in cyber left arm, and the Angel Arm Bio: After helping rebulding the town of New July, Kaiyden he open up a churh in honnor of Wolfood, when he found out that Kaiyden had taken on his DNA, he made sure that Knives old black gun was keep safly hidden so that, Kaiyden could not use that Angel Arm as well. He then went off to talk to wear Doc lived to get some help and answers, Vash is curntly on his way back to town
  21. to add on to what AuroraDragon said bout name changes, Ren will be called Len and Ryu will be Rio, but i think what they did to mantas names is just stuip they should have left it alone but the others there oky, They better not Mess up Faust's name :flaming:
  22. I'll be me fav GHG, Midvally the Hornfreak
  23. Answer: A Knight Question: Name Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's teacher
  24. Name: Zen The VII Age: 27 Gender: Male Reputation: Lucky 7, Other thiefs call him this caues even if has a whole department of cops on his tail, or if he trips off every alram, he allways walks away with the goods. and after every theft he leaves his calling card, Spaid with a emeral green 7 in the middle Speacialty: Lockpick, Stealth Weapon(s): Zen carries a Thiefs tool ( yes i know, Sly Copper, i couldnt help myself) along with 4 daggers with the for card suits crests on the hilts, and a custom seven shoot revoler Apperance: Zen is tall and lanky looking, with balck hair, he weres a blue shirt with black pants, and a black trench coat, he weres round sunglass/glass and has a black taxi hat. Bio: Zen comes from a long line of thives, his father tought him every thing he new bout seatling, an how to Disgues your self as other people. Then his father was killed on a botched job becaues he friend had betrayed him, but this made Zen's family a laughing stock and so he has gone out to pull big heist after big hesit. Quote: " Hey if yah trip and alarm, it just makes the heist more fun"
  25. AkaSuki began to cry but only a bit, she remeber her father, and the one thing he had done nice for her, and then came memeorys as it Legato himself was sending them, his memeorys of death, Knives and the Gung Ho Guns and how he smiled when Vash had shot him .she almost fell from the shere shock of the event but Vash coaught her an cross his arms as he held her as she cried " Its alright, the memeorys of what Legato has done hunt me to" Vash said as Evean and Kaiyden looked at them " Man he shows kindness to thos who have tried to kill him" Kaiyden said " Thats just the way he is, " Evean said
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