Lone Bebop
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Everything posted by Lone Bebop
Hey there, just a thread for people to post who is your fav fighter from an anime and [U]Why[/U] you think so. For me mine is a tie between Kazuma for Scryed an Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho Reasons Kazuma: The reason here is this, his alter is one of the strongest, the Speed Bullet and his 3 bullet attack system is well thought out and very cool. For when Kauma fights he is a total phyco, and demolsih his oppent Hiei: The reason here is beacues of the way Hiei can weild his katana with style and power, and his shere speed can leave his oppents in the dust. Then you have the Jiegon eye which i think adds kinda a mystries affect for him like who was the first onwer of his eye. Then he has the darkness flame and powerful and desrtuive force that cant be stoped So what do you people think? who is you fav anime fighter and [U]Why[/U]
Name: Zen The VII Age: 19 Description: tall and lanky with black hair, weres black pants and has a blue shirt with a black trench coat and a black taxi hat Weapons and Tools: Thief?s tool *a can with a hook on the end*, lock pick kit, grappling hook, small explosives, daggers hidden in his boots, master key *a blank key that when put into a key hole takes the shape of the key needed and then resets its self*, small kodcai, Kunai knives hidden in his coat, hidden camera, mask making materials, voice changer *lots of pockets no?* Bio: Zen come from a long line of thief?s an is the 7th person in his family to follow in his families trade. His father trained him in the ways of stealth, stealing, and the art of disguise. So when his father got killed in the Bandits Game he got his gear together and went out to prove that his family could do it. He is cocky and sarcastic and often doesn?t look before he leaps but as he says " If you mess up, it makes the heist more fun" EDIT: There we go all nice an profread, thanks mircosoft word lol
Well for me its like this Kakashi (Naruto) Caues i am very laid back an it really takes alot to get me mad, plus also like him i am always late for things Schwarzwald (Big O) The reason here is becaues i am very fasnadted with the past and the events that have already gone by. Also i hate people who always suck up to people and do the work of others Alexander Anderson ( Hellsing) Caues i am very set with my goals and when i take on a task i have to see it threw till the very end and tend to get a little obessed with things from time to time (like prodjects, comatishons) and i can hold a grudge for a very long time
Lain is one of the best Anime out there on the philosophical leavel. There eipsodes are well done and the animemation is done with greatness. And the Opening theme is verey good, but back to what i said elier. This is hard anime to follow if you dont pay close atteion and takes alot of God Reilgion and Death. So it really makes you think after watching it, but you might have to see it twice to get the whole picture. my bad part to short only 13 eipsodes if i remeber right
As AkaSuki held her side a bit she walked over to face Vash, both were standing a good few feet away from each other. AkaSuki ignoring the pain in her side readyed her guns as Vash only stood there, Shai moved to fired he then found Evean had a gun to the back of his head " Dont move till after they fight" Evean said " Why?" " Becaues if this is somthing AkaSuki cant live with out doing then she must be allowed a fight" " Alright fine by me" Shai said as a let his weapon to the ground The Suns were high in the sky as the to fighters waited for the other to move, it was to be a old fashion draw but still Vash's hand was no were near his gun " Why wont you draw? afried to hurt me, or is becaues you feal to much grief about my father" " No i see no resaon to fight you, but if i must and so you may put your fathers soul at rest, then i have no choice" Vash said as pulled out his gun and took aim, AkaSuki did the same
Cool RPG, even nicer first pick on elements looks like my good karma is paying off. mind if i sign up as a element? Name: Meku age: 17 Apearance: Tall, green eyes with blue hair (hair looks like Saito's from RK), Has blue trench coat with a white shirt, with blue jean bio: Meku was raised in crule condishons and was train by his father (first Ice element guy) So that he may carrie on there familys power. But this had caues him to lose all emotions, his face always has a evil an cold look to it weapon: Ice, Katana attacks: Cool Down (Creats mist/fog a lower temperture in the room) Ice Blade ( Covers his sword ice and it make it stronger) Ice Canon ( Ice takes over his arm and becomes a canon that fires ice) Shards of Ice (put ice into a dagger form and throws them) Armor of Ice ( His body is covered in eye that forms into a strong armor that stiil allows him quick movement) Cold Hands ( focues ice power into his hands and can fire it causeing what ever it hits to become frozen)
Just wanted to know if people know/ever heard of this siers or its 3 moive counter parts. I think the siers is perty good, but for the moveies i think 2 and 3 were the best. So what do you people think?
Anime What's the longest you've gone without anime?
Lone Bebop replied to Moor_Child's topic in Otaku Central
Longest i have gone with out anime would be 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days the resaon, bad grades = no anime for me grr I MISTED IT BY ONE SUBJECT!! Stuip Langue Arts,grrr:flaming: -
Answer: He can steal intire star systems Question: Who was a the 1st onwer of the Sowrdfish II ?
hello and welcome to the Otaku Boards
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
Lone Bebop replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
Well from listing from what has been said on this thread i have come to this idea The whole thing will blow over in a month or two, this lady has no way to win, As it has been stated above there are warings before almost all them shows, and CN has done the laws editing stuff, i think she is one of them old fashion ladys that thinks " Cartoons" Mine a mouse and a cat beating the crap of each other (Tom and Jerry) i mean there is alot more vilonce in them, So any one else this thing will just blow over in time? -
Answer: Liger Zero and the Berserker Furry Question: What organiztion does Alexander Anderson belong to in the anime Hellsing?
Vash came running up to were Shai, Evean, And Ticris were, still tied up and jumped in the air " EVEAN SHOOT!" Vash yelled as Evean qucily took aim and fired cutting the ropes and Vash laned behide were Shai was, He grab his Gun and aim at the back of Shai's head to find still doing hands motens " Give up Shai" Vash said but Shai ignored him " Hey i'm talken to you" Shai just contuined with the hand motens " Well this was esay?" Vash said as Shai stoped and spun around in a instant they both had there guns at there heads, each one waiting for the right moment
Answer: " Caues it to waseful. After all i can come into a resterunt like this a buy a whole stack of pancakes for the price of one lousey bullet" Vash~ Trigun Question: What is the name of Alucard's black gun in the anime Hellsing
" What is it with people putting guns in my face? is it a new fad?" Vash said sarcastily " Maybe it is" Shai said " Ticris tie the other one qucik" Shai said not takeing his eyes off Vash " Right away" Ticris said as he went at Evean he swung the Phoenix Soul like a club at Ticris but he blocked it and puched Evean knocking him to the groud as he quckly tied him up " Hey Vash tell you got a plan right?" Evean asked " Me? i always have a plan, we maybe not always, things work themselfs out, most of the time but as a for a plan none" " Great" Evean said as he rolled his eyes " Shut up the both you know we just wait till yah friend to get here so we cant take yah all out" Shai said as he took Vash's gun and knocked him to the ground and fired 3 bullets in his left arm " There that should keep you from causeing any truble" Shai said as he tied up Vash and walked him a Evean to the town square " One question, Why are you doing all this?" Vash asked
I never really heard of that. then again i dont watch/plsy alot of sports (caues i suck at almost all of them, well not socer)anyway i knew a few guys last year who did that it was perty funny, but the stuip teacher cut it short for some resaon oh well, Did i get off topic by any chance?
Answer: French if i remebering right Question: What are the names of Alucards Black gun from Hellsing?
Answer: GTO = Great Teacher Onizuka Question: Name the 4 main Characters from Lupin The III
I think we they dont do that is that they are a scared to go beyond the city, I mean after being told for some many years that there city is the only one it could burn out hopes of getting to the outside, Plus as we have seen from our own history, People fear what they dont know or understand so this also could turn people away from leaving Paradime City
Vash rushs over and trys to take the knife away from AkaSuki but she wont let go of it. " Hand" Vash said as Evean toss him the hand again, Vash made the hand grab the knife and AkaSuki let go and stard at the hand " WHAT! thats Demerti's hand! you have to get rid of it" AkaSuki said " Thats what i been telling him" Vash said " No thats not is, rumor is that Demerti put a cruse on that hand" " Listen i had this thing for 3 months and nothing bad has happed besides there is no such things a cruses" Evean said " Hey guys were in luck" Zi said as she walked over with some paper in her hand and rope in the aother " It seems there is a bounty on AkaSuki and Nicholas, so we should go turn them in the nearst town is New July" " As long as its them an not me" Vash mumble but Zi hit him on the head an tied him up qucikly " HEY I JUST SAVED YOU GUYS AND NOW YAH TURNING ME IN!" " Yes" Zi said as she and Saiga took Vash and AkaSuki and out them on there Thomas " Hey his right we can take AkaSuki and Nicholas in but why cant turn in Vash i mean he did help us and Kaiyden been looking for him this whole time" " So?" Zi said......
For me it would have to be Trigun, I love to watch Vash and his crazy stuts along with Woolfwoods " Preachings" its was funny to cause when the first Wolfwood eipsode was on last night i actull acted the whole thing out and stuff i had the lines near perfect * wired no? what can i say i do stuff like that*, Yeah its is kinda neat how you can watch somthing and always find something new in it
Answer: They are the Tyron (Sp?) Cacoshagin Question: What haunting question does Schwarzwald leave Roger with at the end of Act 12 Enemy is another Big?
Vash walks to were he once stood and faced Nicholas, both had there guns ready " A reason" Vash said " What you say" Nicholas asked " You asked me for a good reason for you to belive me and i think i have one" " OH really whats that?" Nicholas asked " Simple, If you are as you say Wolfwoods child, then why were you raised to kill me?, i am sure that Millie wouldnt have alound that" Nicholas stands there, just standing trying to take in the facts, who was this Millie? he had never hered of her name beofore, he just shock it off and aimed at Vash. " Sorry that isnt really a good reason Vash The Stampede!" Nicholas yelled as he fired at Vash, he quickly dived out of the way and fired at the cross punisher the plinks of the bullets were heard as they hit the cross " He's try to break this thing again" Nicholas thought as he rapilyed fired the cross. Vash was trying to doged them, he dove behide a sandune he put his gun at the top of the dune and fired, But then Nicholas fired straight at the dune makeing it collapse only to find Vashs gun left and what looked like wire on the trigger. Nicholas qucikly turn to Vash leaning over another sandune with his machine arm fireing away at Nicholas' feet makeing him drop the cross punisher, which Vash then put holes into it Nicholas stood there as Vash walked towards him. " Gee its a good thing i saved that wire from the puppet freak, those years ago" Vash said as he picked up his over gun and retraced his machine gun back into his arm, " Nice Trick, Vash" Nicholas said as he qucikly mange to pick up the cross punisher, Vash then qucikly ran to Evean " HEY DONT USE ME AS A HUMAN SHILED!!!" Evean yelled as Vash ran by and grab someting from Evean's pocket, It was Demerti's old metel hand. As Vash ran back at Nicholas who hadnt seen Vash get the hand just fired more, But Vash then put the hand into a fist and chucked it Nicholas hitting him in the head........
I was thinking this when i was listing to my Mp3s, So i want know what anime has the best Opening theme music and [U]Why?[/U] in your opinon (sp?) My Vote would be for Scryed Opening theme Reckless Fire Reasons: I say this becaues the song is a nice an upbeat, i really like the way this song is done caues it has kinda a spanish feal to it with the perfect use of the guitars and other intrsments, and the lyrics are really good and go well with the music, Also the Video they put with it is very good it helps so that this song could be use like as a fighting theme so what do you people think???[ [I]Negotiation Results: To Be Continued[/I]
" You still want to fight me? man i can never catch a break" Vash said as Nicholas ready his cross " Thats right i do " " Persintant arent we?" " Shut up and draw!" Nicholas yelled " Alright then if thats what you want" Vash said as he drew his Long Colt and took aim and Nicholas, as he did the same as he aims the Cross puinsher