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Lone Bebop

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Everything posted by Lone Bebop

  1. As Vash walked threw the desert with his bang over his shoulder, He saw a person on a motorcyle out of the coner of his it was perty far off but he could have swar that the person on it had Irvines old Phoenix Soul. " Could it be Irvine? no no it couldnt be he died a while back in the New July incadent" Vash said as hit his face " Snap out of it, it must be the heat getting to me, wonder if there is saloon near by?" Vash as he raised his hand to shiled his eyes as he scaned the area " AH! salvation!" Vash as he began to make his way to a small saloon he saw off in the distance.
  2. Yes this topic may be a bit old and out of date but i was thinking of this when i was watching my Big O DVDs last night, I just think that Schwarzwald was rob of his victory caues of that stuip "Good Guy must win" rule i mean how can you get a 50 ton Megaduce to hang from a thin dome with one achor?? Any one else agre/dissgre???
  3. Lone Bebop


    That cats name is Kuroneko-sama which means Lord Black cat, He was one of the first things the creator of Trigun Made, his main reson for being in the show is to lighten the mood, It also acts as the Creater of Trigun Mascot.
  4. Lone Bebop


    Well i can help out with a few questions here 1) The Reason Wolfwood killed most of the Gung Ho Guns is this, When he was talking to Chapel he said the " Knives told me himself to proctect Vash and bring him to hom" So Wolfwood was following orders to save Vash and make sure he stayed alive 2) He cries fro this reason. Remeber back in the bar Vash said he didnt like pain? thats why he hates to see people hurt/kill each other and he would feal responsible if Bostock died 4) I belive that the reason is brcaues yes it did have its plants intact but maybe it got caught in some magnedic feild in the upper atmosphere that slowed it decent to the plant. I say slow caues vash said " A Ship that never quiet crashed" think of the thing in slow mo, but when the plants went it must have lost the feild and so it went down 6) Chaples gaint red eyes are sergical implants, Why he got them is beyond me 7) My Theroy is this maybe Knives used his powers to put the image of Steve raping here in Mary's head 8) He calls them the "folks" becaues over the time he was there the kids he was friends with had grown up but every one knew him and there was a sence of family on borad the ship 9) No Wolfwood shot his gardian and got picked up by Chaple and then he was trained to kill, So he didnt want other kids to go threw what he had he became a preist and began his orphange
  5. Domonique had her gun the Heat Wave 187 it had a eye on the handle
  6. Alright this is for those Trigun Fans out there, We all know that Legato [spoiler] Has Vash's left arm [/spoiler] Now what i think becaues of this one would think that over the time he had it [spoiler] Vash DNA and Cells would mix with Legato's[/spoiler] so one would think that Legato could make some kinda [spoiler] Angel Arm [/spoiler] i mean if knives can use one on each arm..
  7. Name: Alucard From: Hellsing Because: He is one of those character that you kinda sorry for, i say this beacues he is a slave to the Hellsing family, Also his powers are amazing with his Control Art Restriction System and the way he can esaily take down most of his opents. i say most becaues of Alexander Anderson and [spoiler] Incogneato (sp?) [/spoiler] What he does: Hunts down vampires for the Hellsing Oraganization, with his two big *** guns the Jackel and the Castle
  8. well i can answer some of your questions for you (2) Thats was Kiade (sp?) unborn child and Chandi (Super Soilder) Caried it off. (4) well it went like this, Kchan (nerd kid) did the attack but then Betterman in his final form attack Kankel with his "Phyco Birth" that caues a big exploshon but Betterman made sure to get Hinoki (bettermans "sister") to safety. Not much is none bout about that caues that is were the show ended (5) Kiade (pregnat girl) and Sho (husband) were fighting somthing (i forgot what) thne Kiade got Algernon and did a Synaps attack on the robot thet were in killing them both hope that helps, And your right the ending was a bit confusing
  9. Sweet a Sequal well i want to live this time round so..... Name: Vash The Stampede Age: 135 Years Old Height/Weight: 6"7, 135* Description: Tall, Spikey blond hair, Red Trech Coat, Black battle armor under said coat, yellow/orange glass, Attitude: Fun loveing and kind does like pain or to see people get hurt, But is willing to fight if he needs to Weapon: Sliver .45 AGL Long Colt, Machine gun inside left arm Side: Good guys *no clue really just made it up
  10. Name: Keran Age: 24 Rank: Jounin Country: Sound Weapon: Kuni knife, Throwing stars, Demon Wind Shurkin Looks/Description: Keran is tall with messy black hair he has one blue eye and one green eyes. his mouth is wraped up with bandages, he weres kinda baggy black pants with a dark blue shirt with a black jacket Bio: Was a leader of a advance gruop of shinobi. But on a mission they were betrade by one of there own and were killed only Keran made it out alive, he then went back and got revenge on the trader in the high cuonsull, He found that the person was told to give the order. He then was thrown out from his clan and has spent the years perfecting trying to find the person who gave the order to have his unit killed Attitude: Keran is the quiet type and laid back and spends his time thinking, But when battle comes his personality does a 180 and it is showen why his is called the sound. Attacks/Ablilites: 1. Sound Blade: Takes his demon wind shuriken and hurls it at a fighter he then powers up the sound around it so it makes a large exploshon when it hits 2. Voice: Pulls his mouth wrapping off and incress the pitch of his voice into a soud beam with a force that can crush even soild rock 3. Sound Waves: foucs sound in his hands and fiers them along the ground and in the air 4. Sound of the Soul: when fighting Keran incress the volume and perssure of a person soul so that only that person can hear it, The targets heart the blows apart from the perssure 5. Wave of Silince: Traps the fighter in a filed of total silince and then fires at the fighter a high pressure sounds wave crushing them. 6. Sound Lighning: Allows Keran to hurl down huge sound waves at this aponet. 7. Sound Strike: Focus high pressure sound in his fist and srtikes the other fighter crushing them. able to blow even soild steel
  11. Seeshomru all the way! .a shame this will get shut down
  12. I be Alucard from Hellsing That guy is so cool with his to big *** guns and his Ristriction Art Control System.
  13. Grave and Demeti Ran closer and closer to the town were Knives and Vash were fighting. they stoped at the edgge of the twon " Grave this is it we might not come out here alive" Demerti said as he loaded the Vial marked "Catergory Vash Number Zero" " So as my father once said, If your going to go out go out with a bang!" Demerti said as he and Grave ran into the fight between the brothers. Grave ready his pistols and made for cover behide and pice of rubble at took aim at Vash and fired. " What the !?" Vash said he quickly doged the bullets and fired back at Grave. " Whats this Knives cant fight me with your little gang? " Vash said mockingly " Grave? Demerti? What are you doing here!" Knives yelled " Making sure you win master!" Demerti yelled as he jumped down from a roof " And so i can get my Rebeca back" Demerti thought as he brought his cane into Vash shoulder injecting the vail. " GAH!" Vash yelled in pain as he grab his shoulder in pain " What did you do!?" Vash said " Simple its a specail pioson that only affect you its will slowly make your cells self distruct good plan no?" Demerti said as he and Grave walked over tp Knives " Well done Demerti, Grave" Knives said " Look Knives i did my end of the contract now about my Rebeca" Demerti asked " Why would i bring back HUMAN TRASH" Knives yelled as he shot Demerti in the Heart sending him flying back next to Vash " Stuip humans that why you should die your fealings ha i laft at it your nothing but a fool" Knives said as Grave stood there. It was then that Vash felt somthing prick his neck. He looked over to see that Demerti had another vial in his hand and he whispered the word "anitdote" and closed he eyes and said his final word" Rebeca"
  14. Demerti ran off to wear he had seen Grave went to " Obiwaband your sacrifiec (sp?) will not be forgoten" He thought as he came up to the building were Grave and Kate were at it was a old bar. He looked and saw Kate and Grave both had there guns aim at there heads. Demerti noticed the gut Kate had hidden behide her. "Have to get down there" Demerti said as the ran down and snuck up to a window which Kate had her back to. " I'll give one last chance Grave" Kate said. Grave just stood and grin and made ready to pull the trigger. It was then that Grave saw Demerti outside and he gave a nod to Grave. Demerti then slamed his metel fist threw the window and grab Kate's head he then brought both his hands on Kates throat. She felt the pain of Demerti's cold metel hand pressing aganst her throat. " You and your friend have caues us much truoble young miss" Demerti said as he grib got stronger " Grave,! Obiwaband used he last bit of life to help us and the traiter Tao is dead. Go and help master Knives i will take care of the gril" Demerti said Grave nodded and ran off to the town. " Irvine will stop him" Kate manged to say " He might have been able to if he were still alive!" Demerti shouted as his grib again got stronger " no Irvine is Dead NO!" Kate Yelled as she grab Demerti's noraml hand and tried to pry it off with her hands " Your lieing!" " I can never tell a lie miss ,its a same that you sided with Vash your skills with piosons could have been handy" Demerti said as he felt Kate's nails go into his hand " Also your will to live reminds me of my sweet Rebeca actully if you were a few years older you would be her." That was the last thing that Kate heard before she blacked out and hit the floor. her final thoughts focused on Wolfwood Vash, and Irvine. " There no there both out of the way if i hurry i can catch up with Grave" Demerti said as he ran off. (sorry instantramen14 :( )
  15. actully i saw the first Volume of the GN at Walden Books yesterday
  16. Demerti woke to find Obiwaband next to him. " He got what was comeing to him any one who trys to stop me from getting back my Rebeca will die and that means even master Knives" Demerti said as he reached into his coat and pulled out his now ruin pocket watch as he cluched it in his hands he remeber how Rebeca put that watch in his hands before she died. He then heard the sounds of Tao and Irvine fighting. " Hmm that pioson should start to take affect any second now" Demerti thought as he rosed to his feet. He pulled out a red and white vial with the words " Catergory Vash Number 0". He then put it back in the box and readede a green vail and then hide behide a rock and took aim at Irvine and fired a large Sound Wave that sent Irvine a good few feet back and knocked him out cold. " What the ? Demerti!" Tao yelled as he saw Demerti walking towards him" Why did you do that?" " Simple my good man that pioson i gave will take affect and second and he would not have been a worthy oppent for you" " That doesnt matter! i need no one to help me with a fight" Tao yelled angerly " If its any consulation he might wake up from the blast with your yelling" Demerti said sarcasticly " Now how bout you get me near Vash down there?"
  17. "What are the ninja levels in the Hidden Leaf Village? Include an example of a person (i.e., Naruto is a Genin) for each level, and if that person deserves that rank (i.e., No way! Naruto's way better than a Genin!)." Answer: Hokage: Hokage The Thrid: Well hard to say he doesnt do much but he most have to gotten that rank so i guess he deserves it. Jonin: Kakashi: No way! He should Hokage with his Sharagain (sp?) Eye and all of his exprince in battle. Chunin: Iruka: From the way he fights and how he help out Naruto in the begining i belive he deserves his rank. Genin: Sasuke: I think he should be moved up to Chunin becaues he skills are way above noraml for a Genin and he has more combat exprence than Naruto and Sakura Ninja Academy: Konohamaru: Yes he should stay in the academy he is was to sure of himself. Question: If you read the Shonen Jump Manga version of Naruto they tell what some of the characters name's mean. So what does Zabuza's name mean?
  18. Becaues of his Flufy Tail Weapon thing on his shoulder
  19. "The Final Battle Begins!" said Demerti as he fired a narow beam of blue light at Vash. He manges to dodge but were he last stood a small crater had been made " Like it? its compressed plant energy very unstable" Demerti said as he loaded a gray vile and he aimed at Vash and fired Vash jumped out of the way and pulled out his pistol and fired . With one of the bullets hitting his left shoulder the other 3 were stop by Demerti mental hand. Irvine graped his stab shoulder in pain as he felt somthing fly into it." Obiwaban must be snipeing from some were I have to find him" Irvine thought as he ready his Phenoix Soul as another shot wized by he head. He went for cover and fired a shot were the last one had came from but he heard nothing " He's good must be moveing every time" Irvine thought as a bullet hit his foot "AHH" Irvine yelled as he quickly tried to aim were he thought he saw Obiwaband shadow but he eyes were a bit blurry when he shot and he missed. Gave un coffen his pistols as took aim at Kate. " No Fare why did i get the creepy one" Kate said as she made for some over as bullets went by here head. she manged to inside a building and aim her gun at Gravee the shot only sratch his face. He then grined and ready his coffen and aim at the build Kate was in.........
  20. The sound of clapping hands was heard. Vash, Irvine, and Kate Turn to the door to that Demerti was there lening up aganst the door " Wonderful speech Vash your just like he said you were" " You mean Knives!? Tell me were he is" " Maybe.......MAYBE NOT!" Demerti yelled as he moved quickly at Irvine with his cane ready with a small 4 inch long blade at the end. Irvine moved or his Pheonix Soul but Demerti had blocked him and drove the blade in his right shoulder. Vash took out his gun and fired it hitting Demerti in the shoulder. Demerti hit the floor then rolled to were Obiwaban was and help him up. " HA you fools that man will die in a matter of hours from my pioson, An the only known qure is in here" Demerti said as he held up his cyber right hand " Its in a holo chamber, Vash! if you want him to live meet me, Grave, And Obiwaban infront of the clock tower" " The pioson again you dont give up do you?" Kate said " Well 3rd times the charm" Demerti said as he ran off
  21. Lone Bebop


    As Kitty and Irvine walked along the path going away from were Oberan once stood. Irvine suddlny steped on someting hard he looked down to see a person lying in the path. " What The!?" Irvine said as he helped the guy up. He saw that the guy was Lanky looking with messy green hair. his eyes were blue with round glass that had a cracked lens. He has a gray trench coast with light blue shirt with white gloves and black pants with boots. " Wa..wa...water" the man said "Oh here have some" Kate said as she handed the man he cantine. The person quickly drank down and then stood up and looked at the pair " Well i really must thank you i thought i was dead back there" " What were you doing in the road?" Irvine asked " Well a contact of mine said the lost princess of Oberan was coming back today and i wanted to meet her, But i kinda got lost and ran out of water and suppiles" the man paused " Oh! how rude of me, my name is Zen" " Well Zen why did you want to find this princess" Irvine asked " Well i had some questions to ask see i am after the guy who made Oberan dissaper caues my sister was there and she was my only family left" " What did you want to ask me?" Kitty said
  22. Obiwaban walked into the town square about 10 mintues after he attcked Irvine and Kate he saw Demerti was sitting in front of the monument looking at his pocket watch. " Hey Trick ! yor pioson is done with, she be fine" Obiwaban said as he walked up to Demerti " My dear Obiwaban that was stage one. Soon a large red rash will apear were the dart went in the she will blank then feaver then they will need the cure. Its called timed pioson delay" " Oh well Knives sent my here as back up for you" " Ah i see well then all we need is the last actor" Meanwhile with Irvine and Kate " Hey Kate you dont look so good whats wrong?" Irvine asked as Kate was itching her naeck. she looked a bit sick but not much " Its noting i am fine just a bit tired" Kate said as she moved her hand to see a small red rash....
  23. Lets see favorite Vocie actor i would have to say For The Guy: This one is a tie between Sesshoamru's voice and Zech's voice from Gundam Wing. They make any thing sound evil and cool For The Girl: It would be the Mille's her voice is so intersting.
  24. I by Alucard from Hellsing. He has all the cool powers like his Control Art Restriction System and the Jeckel is sooo cool.
  25. " Hold it right there Vash!" Demerti said as he jumped down from a building and grabed Kate and put her up as a human shiled " KATE!" Vash yelled as he aimed his gun at Demerti head but he then pulled Kate up to block the shot " GRR put her down right now!" " Or you will do what" Demerti said as he pointed the end of his cane at Kates neck " Now drop your weapons now or this girl will get a taest of my new pioson its very deadly kills in hours" " What!? Let her go" Irvine yelled as he ready his gun. But Vash made Irvine lower it " What Vash what are you doing" " We can't risk it Kate's life is on the line" Vash said as he threw his gun at at Demerti feet. Irvine did the same " Now let her go" " Why should i? whats more imporant to you vash this town or the girls life?" as Demerti said that more buildings caught fire " my Grave is haveing some fun tonight" " Let her go!" Irvine yelled " Fine" But Demerti first fired off his spell and a small dart landed on Kate's neck and he threw the girl to Vash " Damn You !" Irvine said as he made for his gun but Demerti had already made it to the roff and hide himself " If you wish that girl to live Vash Come to the town sqaure in 1 hour. and come alone" Demerti then saw a bullet go bye his head and he ran off into the night
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