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Everything posted by SpikeSpiegel
Well I don't think what I do can be called dancing, but I've been told I can dance my car around the cones at SCCA meets. Its cool you found something to fill your time with..and something you seem to care to learn extensively. But all I can really show you is a poor excuse for the electric slide and chicken dance....and the running man. Cant go without the infamous running man.
wow thats an old game. i still have it. i never finished it either, well that an half my othet games after i got halo....damn that halo. i would like to know the ending too...
Well you can have him use a nice direct approach. Tell him to put a bit of lipstick on his collar(suspecting his shirt will have one), an a tiny hint of perfume. When he sees a lady he would like to "get to know better", he should slap her in the 4ss an say shes next. probably wont work but will make for some good stories..
I just wanna start off by saying my not-so-little bro thinks ur tha "man", a feat not easily accomplished, for two reasons. (1) your avatar rocks an (2) you started this thread. Back to me...well i played FM3 an loved it. Never thought they had enough brains to whip out a 4th one...till now. Now since my car has taken full control of my paychecks i dont get games very often, but you can bet ima be down to the nearest EB to get this one when it comes out. Those screenshots bring back all those fond memories of the 3rd one. If it is going to be anything like the others, with a great story line an some awesome play. ROCK ON!!
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a rather alrge animation an avatar. this one is about 700kb an i knew some kid a while ago used it for an avatar but i cant get it to work.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ani_Freak [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Way too much Gran Turismo...... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ah i hope ur not refering to me. gran turismo...na bro. gran turismo only looks good. stats in that game are close but not on the dot. an i have real expierence with an rx7. i own one.
[FONT=arail][COLOR=royalblue]haruno_sakura where do u get the epsiodes from? I finished that series about a week ago. I get my bit torent downloads from animnsuki.sandwich.net. Its a pretty good source for new anime. Right now im watchin this anime call Gunslinger Girls. Basically its about young who are physically injured, greatly, an are given robotic implants by a government agency. Then they are trained as assasins. So far its pretty good. An if you liked Onegai Teacher Ani_freak then try to check out Green Green. Its halairous.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=courier new][COLOR=darkblue]Ah the famed "Fiddy". Personally i think he sucks. To me right now all the talent has gone out the window. Record companies will sign any monkey with a crew an tatoos all over there body. Chingy is proof of that. There is no more talent, or at least no new talent, I would say in the past 3-4 years. Rap unfourtunatly has gone to the crapper. More an more I find myslef listeninng to the older "outdated", although i dont think music can outdate, rap. Rock an other forms of sonic enduced pleasure now take hold of my car, personal, an home audio systems. As for the whole bulletproof stuff, yeah he got shot. But A vest on the kid. Thats just a publicity stunt right there to try an show how gangsta he thinks he his cuz his kid has to bb bulletproof. Bunch of crap. Tupac an Biggie(R.I.P.) to my recolection never had vests or bullet proof cars. Those were the real rap gangstas. Today there just a bunch of no talent wanna-be's.[/FONT][/COLOR]
I live in this hell i call Pennsylvania. Some small stick town near Wilkes Barre. I cant even pronounce that cuz ive hear so many variations. Iwas born an raised in New York. 45 minutes from Manhattan. I lived on Long Island. an i wish i was back home there everday. its a good thing im only about an hour an a half from da city an about 2 hours from my old hood. only thing my parents didnt like about L.I. was that i lived an a bad area. that an the traffic. thats why they dragged me out here.everything they hated...i loved. cant wait to go back. some of u guys live in awesome places. cali, china, australia, singapore...wish i can trade places for like a week . any takers??
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ani_Freak [/i] [B][color=darkblue] To get a Mazda RX-8 I will have to wait till 2005, since it will come in a turbocharged model with DVD system in it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] by chance where did u hear that the RX-8 will be turbo? last time i checked the new Renisis rotary wouldnt pass japanese air polution standards when turboed.
favorite car. i would have to say the 1991 Mazda RX-7 Turbo II FC3S. it has a 50-49 wieght distrobution making it a great autocross car an a drifters dream. i own a non turbo 88 RX-7 an i love it. 4 gear takes me to 135mph, give or take a few mph, or that was the last time i looked at the speedometer. i was revvin 7450rpm(roughly) when the car rev limited at 8000. the Turbo II gives an extra 1000rpm which is sweet. didnt have enough highway to test 5th gear but i think u get the idea. i would chop off my left pinky toe to own a J-Spec model. either that or a 1993 Nissan 240SX with a SR20DETT redtop J-Spec engine dropped in it. those are me two dream cars. than an of course a 1991 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec.
nicknames....hmmm... well i have been called alot of things. none of them nicknames. my name is tom but for some reason my nicknames mostly arise out of situation. ewok spirticus(dont know why) g34rz techsupport conspiracy(my old tag) timmy..ill add when i remember the rest
if you like racing then its a great game. its got both circuit racing, drag racing, an my personal favorite, drifting. worth the 50 bucks i spent.
kinda slow...im still tryin to tweak the suspensin for better times. 1:29:351. make a number of random mistakes. should be lower this aftrnoon when i get home from work. yo kent u got times yet?
yeah i know....not the best. but that makes for better drivers. stage 4 turbo.
i used to participate. but it got too boring. straight lines done interest me anymore. it all about the corners. an i try an drift as much as i can but for now its on hold untill i can fix my rx7, as stated above, or buy a nissan 240sx an sell my prelude.
aight. ima check my cars an tracks. next time ill post a track an car on this reply.
i want to correct myself. dirting is actually racing. my bad.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DFantasy [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][I]...I prefer drift racing ....[/I][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] i just noticed this. drifting is really not racing but a art form. you are judged on how fast you hit the turns, what kind of drifts, the angle and things like that. there is no real racing. i dont know if you have been watching a bit too much Initial D or something...but that really doesnt happen. its a style of driving.
hmmmm....i had a lot of fun in myt senior year. college was something that i thought of alot but things happanin to me didnt allow me to go for long. i went full time for one semester. i knew what i wanted to do back then but now i kinda dont know anymore. there are things that i love like working on cars an stuff but im not sure that i want to make it a full time thing. i guess i need more thinking, which by that way im not real big on but everone else tells me i do too much of when making a decesion an i dont even realize it.
i broke my collar bone when i was real little. i broke two knuckles on my right hand an one on my left. me an some freinds at work were seeing who can punch throught the most frozen meat patties. i won...but i hurt. i broke 8. that was my right hand. i forgot what i did to my left....an i have broken numerous toes by random stuff like kicking my car..and runing into my bed leg when i was little...stuff like that. nothing real big..yet.
ah as you might be able to tell....ima drifter. i used to street race but it got boring. no fun at all. all those damn civics got on my nerves. so when i bought my 88 mazda rx-7 i got into the sideways driving. loved it since my first drift. im retartedly good but im workin on it. my 7's in the shop right now, but hopefully soon i can get it fixed. i rearended this lady..its a long story. she shouldnt have been doing what she was but i was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time. parking lots were big by me but i love the actual road drifting. more speed allows for the onger drifts but i can get hairy if u screw up. luckily i havent...yet. my 7 was bone stock but when u can pull 134mph in 4th gear stock...u dont really NEED go fast parts although i am planning on droping a JDM turbo engine in it, dual A-pexi N1 exhaust and a Unorthodox main power pully to get more to the wheels. u want a nice drift site to check out... [url]www.Driftsession.com.[/url] they are tryin to pull a american D1 out here, a real honest-to-god sanctioned with pro D1 drivers. so far it is planned for next year....cant wait.
my prayers are with u an ur family. i personally have been in 5..count'em..accidents. 3 were above 55mph an one was at 75. the others were fender benders at variable speeds. the worst i would have to say was i came off a clover-leaf ramo for a highway an i didnt see the person in the middle of the ramp fully stopped. i had no idea wtf she was thinking in the middle of Knick game traffic but i hit her at around 55mph. thank god i wasnt hurt but my chest were i had the belt on was brusied for a while. the one at 75 was when i spun my RX-7 in the snow an jumped the curb on the highway. it was stupidity that did it but i wasnt hurt( i dont know how) an the car wasnt damaged. thats it. i hope u regain all ur vision an ur family makes a safe recovery.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]I took Spanish for two years and I know a bit but I'm not really that good at it. Which is ironic, considering I'm half-Mexican... [/B][/QUOTE] i thought i was the only half spanish moron who couldnt even speak what he hears all the time. i took two years..passed one an failed the other. i can get by with basic crap but not the more complex stuff. i understand it more than i can speak it. speed of the other persons dialect(sp?) doesnt seem to bother me either. i guess thats because i used to live in a predominantly spanish town of every kind of spanish backgound. didnt help me in school though. i wish i could have taken japansese. i only know a few basic words. sucks cause me an a bunch of freinds are makin plans to go there in a year. oh well...