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Everything posted by SpikeSpiegel
i hum in the shower. if i tried to sing i think my family would blow down the door an beat me with sticks. i suck that bad. an i dont dance either. but i will yell random things at my little bro..his room is right next to our bathroom.
im game. sounds like fun. besides i've been tryin to find something new to do besides wrekin havoc on MOHAA servers.
as far as i know it is only scheduled for a japan release but a US release is in the works. as for the game itslef its geared mainly after the manga/anime. so the actual gameplay would be semi life like yet with a bit of non-realism to stay true to the anime/manga.
i dunno. my school has allowed backpacks only in the high school. all other grades is a no go. but what i dont get is that i lived in a bad nieghborhood. we would all bring weapons to school. ask anyone an 99% of us had some sort of knife(i had a butterfly knife myself). so u would think it would be the other way around. as for a columbine inccident, i think the white population of the school was too afraid to pull a stupid stunt like that. all the gang members would proabably whip out their piece an shoot back. so that wasnt a major issue. but like the others said we had some kid who hid a hammer on his back, strapped with a belt. whammed this gang member in the face with it. it wasnt pretty. i saw it happen..almost lost my lunch. so even if he didnt have a backpack he would have gotten it in. i believe its sort of how your school looks at things. mine kinda knew we would do what we had to do to bring in the "goods". so they never bothered with a no backpack rule. they used thier time with drug abuse help an roamin the halls to stop fights. if anything big hapend the cops were always in the parking lot just in case. so i guess ur school has a different way of looking at the problems. thats my take on it anyway.
i used to work an a toy store, *ahem* name withheld, and some woman tried to buy a PS2 but her check didnt clear so she said she would be back for it. so i kept it in the bag with the two games she wanted in a bag behind the counter. well low an behold she never came back. so a week later i told my older bro to come inside a buy a dvd. well i put the dvd in the bag with the PS2 an other games. he walked out an badaboom badabing i had a brand new PS2 waitin for me at home. thats about the biggest thing i ever took next to a gameboy color an pocket the same store used to demo games in. i took poekemon red an it has a freakin million mews. it was the one they used to trade with the nintendo people who came by when it was real big. thas about it. other than that i had a freind who stole like a whole wordrobe from sears within a month. oh yeah an the PS2 i stole doesnt work well anymore (that was 2 years ago) so it looks like i actually have to buy another one. damn.
i have wanted to own a import tuning shop. i love to work on my cars(although latley i hevent had the time to do so) an to gain as much info on how to make them run faster and quicker longer. i would love to become a professional drifter an drift in japans national D-1 drifting championbship, htats my dream. but for now parking lot and street corner drifting an my garage will do.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]One thing I believe the US should have done is announce the launching of the bomb 2 days before it was done. That would've given the civilians time to evacuate, and many casualties would have been avoided. [/B][/QUOTE] although it would have been a freidly justure, strategicly it would have been retarted. think of what kind of anit-aircraft guns they would have positioned to shoot us down. and we did give them a "warning" if you think about it. i am not positive on how it went but we did tell them if they did not surrender we would unleash a devestating attack. i think thats how it went.
um this is real disturbing. i've heard of some sick crap in my day but this tops the cake. it is hard to believe yet its not. either way its just plain nasty. excuse me while i go meet my lunch again.
I went to well diversed school. White poeple were the only manority but they blended in well. I really didnt have any racists in my schools(the high school was actually two schools fused together). I see at as the ones who have gone to a diverse school can handle situations involving other people of different races better. My home was the run down, semi-ghetto, u know it cause u dont want to be there town right next to a prodiminatly white an rich town. I had friends who moved there so I used go there often. I found out that most of those kids were kinda like wannabes. They always were tryin to hang out in our town, tryin to make freinds. All that most of them found was dealers to hook them up with the "goods". the ones, most of them girls, who did try an chill had the rep of going around the block a few times if ya know what I mean. They always made fun of the ones who didnt have what they did, couldnt do what they would, or didnt get what their parents bought them(cars an car parts). It made most of us sick an they would then get the crap beaten out of them. I dont know if it was a bad expierence, but it was as if they thought they were better than us an thought they could become what we were and an show us how to do it right just because they have more cash than us. I moved into another area in another state an its the same freakin thing. makes me sick really. I know there are white people who arent like this but even some of them wouldnt even look at us right. It makes me think really. I see it as I went through a different kind of eduaction. I dont see races when I first meet u. I see people. I guess I lucked out. Theres no one kind of person that I automatically think doesnt deserve my attention. I let them prove that themselves. Don't get me wrong I have white friends too. an black, spanish, korean, an the whole bunch. But I have only gotten this kind of reaction from upper class white people. tTose who never set foot in my school. Its just something that some people can never understand cause thier world is so much different from ours. Oh yeah a my father tried out for the marines but he broke his leg in training, so no go. My grandfather was in the armored division in WWII. his tank was hit by a rocket or something an he got shrapnel all in his leg. He got a medal though I forgot which one. Nothing like the meadal of honor or somehting that big but a smaller one for bravery or something.
hmmm dumber? na i just stop given flyin *******. yeah thats about it. i treated every year in high school like it was my senior year. never in class. i just didnt feel like caring anymore. my mom tried to get me to care again but she gave up. i just kinda went to pass. but i got smarter as i grew. not about school stuff though. they say with age comes wisdom. i now understand that. its more of a how the world works wisdom than a book wisdom. in that sense i got smarter. but i still dont care. some things will never change i guess....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pantalaimon [/i] [B]aha spike spiegel the best bounty hunter in the galaxy yeah [/B][/QUOTE] read my freakin my bro...dont know how u did it. anyway u got alot of names to choose from if its after an anime. how bout ein. smartest animal ever. pantalaimon knows what im talkin about. hopefully....
dont really know. probably around 95 real cd's an somewhere near 250 burned ones. no joke i have four shoe boxes of burned cds...without any cases. that doesnt include the stacks by my comp, in my cars(i have two but one dont work) and next to my stereo.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by QueenBee [/i] [B]I love rap it is off the hessy fo shessy .... [/B][/QUOTE okay just to drop the spelling bomb on ya...u spell them with z's ...non s'. "shezzy...nezzy...hezzy..." see the flowwing theme. i may be wrong if ur tryin to be somewhat original. my bad if u is homie.
got a question for all you rain lovers..do u ever go out into the rain for like a walk or drive(if ur old enough)? i used to take my car out to the beach every time it rained an chill on the beach watchin tha waves crash an just kinda despool from any anxiety. an i didnt mind gettin wet. its kinda the best part bein all soaked but not minding at all...hmmm :therock: am i weird?...makes me kinda wonder if my older bro was tellin the truth....
i have aracniphobia(sp?). its not bad but i get the chills when i see a big spider. that movie fudged me up as well. i also have a fear of heights, but since im a speed demon i love roller coasters...cant get enough of'em, unless there the tallest in the park..u know those stupidly tall ones. i dont ride those. my greatest fear by far is becoming my dad. i hate the fact that i inherited so much of his traits. that one alone pushes me to go farther no matter what i feel like. other than that i'm a normal person...but that depends on what is normal to you...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][size=1] Better yet, they should be flown to a poverty stricked country in Africa and told to live on what the people over there live on for a year. It would be a fantastic new cross over show! Osbournes Survivor! [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] haha..thats a great one.
okay. im wrong. my bad. if its half as good as u say then i should at least check it out. one thing.who gets killed(arent they both already dead?)? tell me. comon. if u dont want to spoil it for others then pm me.
ur right i didnt. i never will. i saw jason x, an all previous remakes an im pissed off that i paid the money, excpet for x which my classmate brought in to class for us all to see how horrible it was w/o the wasted cash. ur a fan. so be it. im not. thats how the pebble rocks. besides i think an am almost sure that all of NYC and long island think as i do. an thats enough for me.
whats that little paragraph say after u post something?..
SpikeSpiegel replied to SpikeSpiegel's topic in Help & Feedback
thanks. helped a bunch. -
gotta love the GT series. have all three an about to beat the last one(89%). cant wait till i can get GT4. im itchin to get my hand on a Skyline R-32(hope they bring back the GT-S tune) an start the driftin :D . i really hope they bring back that final modification from the first one(racing modification). heard they want to. anyway cant wait. its gonna be great.
has anyone had a chance to check out any reviews for Initial D for PS2? I have been watin on this one. looks to be good. gotta say ive been watin for a driting game to come out. Ridge racer V was good but not enough cars, tracks and upgrade options. Gran Turismo 3 is the greatest game to drift as of now. im good. love the R-32. whats ur favorite game to drift/race?
i gotta agree wit ryan. i watched the episode(a while back) in the first season when sharon scrapped kellys license plate, an she was pissed. if i owned a bmw x-5 i would'nt care bout no stinkin plate. the car/truck is all that matters. but these kids are too freakin spoiled. i hate when i see kid actors who do no actual real work an cry, piss an moan when they dont get their way. in my opinoin they should all be taken out back an have sticks thrown at them. large ones.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Well i have seen this movie about 2 weeks ago at a free showing.I dont wanna spoil anything. [/B][/QUOTE] bro this movie will go down as one of the worst. save us all the money an time a spoil it. tell us everything so we wont have to spend the money, although most if us wont an wait till we can download it somewhere. trust me...you will be doing us a favor.
whats that say? when i first started to pist i never got that. only a sentence or two. now its a small paragraph. it goes away to quickly for me to read it. am i doing something bad an thats why or did something change on OB? also what is spam? i know its bad and to not do it but i dont know what it is. i tried to search for a thread in this forum but nothing helped me.
why does all this chaotic stuff happen at toys r us...i used to work there an caused chaos while i worked. does that count? one time me an some other coworkers got into a snowball fight in teh store. make everything wet. bosses didnt like it to much. we had to mop it all up. that an we used to go into other stores like k-mart an target an get on the pa system by watchin them do it. we used to do our cartman impersonations like "screw u guys im goin home..talkin poo is where i draw the line." put the managers into a frenzy. thats about it.