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Everything posted by SpikeSpiegel

  1. seen the whole thing a while ago. really good. never was really into the whole mecha animes but this one is def in my top picks.
  2. sippin on a bit-o-that haterade bro? i dont like marylin manson but i dont go hatin...why dog...why....lets stop the hate.
  3. i like almost everything. jazz , rap, hiphop, rock, clasical. just no country, opera or that worship crap i see on tv(no offense to anyone who likes it). i love to listen to linkin park and rage against the machine but i spend most of my listening time tuned to Mos Def, Sean Paul, Onyx, Nas, Biggy, Def Squad, Busta, Mobb Deep, Wu-Tang Clan, EPMD, Scarface, Dead Prez, early Ludacris, some Jay-Z, Pharoahe Monch, Red/Method Man, kieth murray..and some eminem. i dont really like the commercial rappers like 50 an r. kelly. oh yeah an i listen to some underground stuff too(cant rember any names....too lazy to look at my music :) ). an techno aint that bad either.
  4. my little bro likes it when it rains. dont know why. he sleeps till about 3 in the pm, an even after that his face is in a computer screen all day so i think it could rain all day before he noticed..but he likes it anyway. i personally dont mind. i mean i can do stuff if it is or not but rain is kinda fun. makes drifiting alot easier.
  5. Cause i love cowboy bebop an spike my fav character. that an i have been usin this name for all my online gaming clans for a while now. that an my other names like GhostFace Killa, Conspiracy, and SkylineDevil(i put this first then changed it before i finished registration) didnt seem right to me. Oh yeah an TommyBDragon is gettin old(though its my otaku name) and some people dont get it.
  6. ur right G.E. my bad. yeah i do know that its all about the effect an stuff for rakin office records an crap but i dont think u realize how many people think that movie is what really happens out on the street. but im wrong for puttin that. again my bad.
  7. hmmmm...well my dad loves to pop in my room right after i come home from work, specially after a really long day an i want to rest a bit, and proced to poke around my room an a say "watcha doin tom?" in a really anoying voice. then hell ask if i want to go to the library. im 19. hell f'in no. that an my grandma accused me of stealin evrything she lost at her house ever since i was 14. remote controls, necklaces, rings, and crap like dishes an forks. now i know old spanish women sometimes get like that but this kills me. an when i lived w/her for a year before i moved it was like a hell in a hell on earth. thats about it.
  8. thank god i can say no. i never had a uniform other than work. but my school had enough problems wit gangs, fights, stabbings an they had a real problme wit gettin us to just show up. only thing we had to wear was out id cards around our neck on a chain. my high school was actually two in one so to differ the students, these genuises decided to make us wear our id cards on cheap chains. didnt go over very well with us so we never wore them unless we were dragged to the side an asked to pull'em out.
  9. i have to agree wit Shy(got ur back homie). this aint really a big freakin deal. yeah thousands of people were crossing the GW(a big main bridge in NY) but thats only natural. they wanted to leave so they huffed it. but everyone is actin like osama went over to a electric plant an blew it up or somethin. its no biggy. its happened before. s**t Con Ed can never get power running through the summer in the city with out blackouts all the time so many are used to it. i think it cause of all the 9-11 paranoia. too many people outside NY are afraid an when something like this happens they jump all over it. my dads still stuck at work in the city. he cant get home cause of it but hes like" hey *****, it happens sometimes." so too me its just another day with no power. light a candle, an go to sleep. oh yeah an as u can tell my area has power.
  10. if u didnt know...most REAL car enthusiats hated FAF. It was too unreal, show cars running 15 minute (supposidly 10 sec) 1/4 mile runs..it made many guys laugh. oh yeah an look alot closer..Jessie's dead. and NOS doesnt make a car an automatic 12sec vehicle. so sorry to bash ur fav movie. an look up The Profesional an Meet Joe Black. great movies that have so much to think about.
  11. gotta say Akira. didnt really understand it cause i was little but i loved it. had a little robotech an early gundam like the 0080 series. after that it was ronin warriors, dragonball, an cowboy bebop(early fansubs, not english) to get me fully hooked.
  12. yeah NYC=the place to be. i lived there for quite a while(19yrs) an every where u went by me there was some store that sold some kind of anime. wether it be mainstream or not they sold it. yeah i watch it alot, but my friends watch some of it too, even my older bros friends who used say im still a kid for watchin it, do watch abit themselves thanks to me. so i guess the answer would be its highly accpeted by me. it kinda helps ya know.
  13. i dont mind bein labled a newbie. i think its better that way cause if ya screw up in something, other members who know better can correct u. so to me its all good in da hood. other than that (if anyone has ever played Steam or Counter-Strike) you can change it to nub. its a new word for newbie my clan an a bunch of others have been throwin around CS and Steam.
  14. oh yeah an i woke up by my dog lickin my hand. supposedly he jumped my fence, got hit by a car bout a mile away an dragged himslef home. he was bloody as all hell...scared the **** out of me..i was 13. he survived but damn was i scared.
  15. got a couple -fell asleep in the backseat of my brothers car. woke up on the floor an had to climb out the window cause he got into an accident. -woke up in the middle of math class to find out the twin towers were attacked..then to realize my dad works about 5 blocks away(hes safe) -woke up in my backyard. i used to sleep walk. i had taken my shirt off as well. was kinda cold when i woke up an was wonderin why my back hurt so much. -fell asleep at the wheel..woke up not to far from the guard rail. very scary..specially at 75mph. hhhmmmm...thats all i can remember. i have probably some real bad luck. things never go my way when i sleep. i think thats why i am an insomiac.
  16. hhhmmmmmm.... cant really decide. i think it would be cool to be a bit of both Ninja and Samurai. kinda like a ninja with honor, or a silent samurai. thought the idea would be conflicting enough not to be realiy, it still would be cool. kinda like Jubei from ninja scroll.
  17. usually i decide if its good enough to spend the green on by watchin it as a fansub or at a freinds house. all the stuff on tv is usually kinda old..not old old but not new cause they had to eng. dub it all. but the good ones earn the right to be bought.
  18. hhmmmmm...hard to believe. probably would have alot more dough, but that would all go into my rx-7. so i would be broke either way, but i would have more free time an more space on my wallunit.
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