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Everything posted by Soul_Taker

  1. I fear alot of things.........? The dark, needles, snakes, getting hurt, and............and..............SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uuuuuugggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! They scare me so much!!!!!! Even the little ones!!!!
  2. Since I have the most horrible alarm clock sound, I turn into a grouch. I get up at like 6:30 am to sit in my bed and watch Zoids, then I take a hot shower that I don't wanna get out of! So yeah, I am a grouch!
  3. oh my.................!!!! VERY GOOD! I like the bad boy's one because it has Sano in it! -^.^- *Theh* he looks good! sorry, got of trak! But very nice!
  4. Well, at holloween, I sometimes eat part of the pumpkin. I don't know why................AND KETCHUP WITH MEATLOFE(sp?) IS THE BEST!!!! thats not to weird. But this might, if I have like fried chicken for dinner (witch is da' bomb), I'll have like mochi for dessert/desert. (mochi is ice cream with a thin layer of rice around it.)
  5. " Why do you do that......" Suzuki said looking at Suziki. "What?" Suziki looked at Suzuki. "Hang on the wall......" "Why do you always skip 4th period!?" Suziki said eyeing Suzuki. "Thats none of your bussness." Suzuki said walking away. "Weird girl........But great fighter...." Suziki said watching her walk down the hall.
  6. OOC: I'll post for spot. "Oh and Evean, you owe me---------." Suzuki wispered in his ear. "!!!! Oh yeah!!! I still owe you money!" Evean said putting his hand on his head. "Or, put me on your team. Permunetly." "Sure! Why not!"
  7. spot lets me help her with her posts because she's so nice and because she's right here with me. She said she doesn't care. It's just a picture. Who cares!? It's not like you'll always see it whole time!
  8. 1 wish huh? Well I don't know.........I would wish for......1 million more wishes so I wouldn't have just one! ^_^
  9. OOC: I'm sorry I wasn't here. And I want to thank the people who filled in for me. T_T Your so nice.....T_T As Suzuki walked down the hall alone, she saw an open locker. "Hhhhmmmm..................Should I look?Naaaa." Suzuki said as she closed it. Just then she see's Ars. He walks by very quit. "Where are you going?" Suzuki asked as she grabbed his collar. "Uuhhmm........No where!?" Ars said. "That was very nice of what you did for Aiko." "What!? How did you know!?" "I have my ways." "You won't tell her will you!!??" "No." "Thank you." "You can. When your ready." Suzuki said letting go of him and walking away. He stared at her and then walked away. Suzuki stopped in the hall. Staring at her locker. It was ajar. "What the!?" She looked and saw a note. "Oh no. Not me too" Suzuki sighed. It read: "I'm no one, yet I'm someone." "What? Okay, whatever." Suzuki said closeing her locker. She walked down the hall somemore and entered the Gym were she saw Suziki.
  10. "Hey Nitsu, I have an idea." Suzuki said. "Flash can suck some of the evil energy in my zoid and turn it into good energy and Flash can have it to regain health!" "It might work!" Nitsu said. OOC: spot asked me to post. So I did.
  11. And I know this off subject, but what about Subaru's(sp?) wings? Can she fly? And about Sora's 'yoink' thing,it's eater the donuts, or he keep some weird medication!!
  12. O no YMK! I'm not angry, I'm just saying it's really funny! I never ment to think that she was dissing it.
  13. Ooooo! Thak you BP! Now I know, Thats just, just, ew!
  14. Well I never said he was dead, even tho he shur looked dead, I just felt bad for him. And what about him and Mille(sp?)? Are they, ya know, together?
  15. Yeah your right.It's probably 3-41/2 meters long, but when he transforms,it's like 100-200 meters!
  16. No sex DBD, would you want to do that when a few people are looking at you?
  17. Did anyone feel sorry for wolfwood last night? :( I know I did.
  18. I was woundering the same thing. But that is one huge a** tail tho!
  19. Thank you, I not alone......But it has something to do with your hands? *Shuders*
  20. She don't care, trust me. Besides, this IS her first theard. But yeah your right K.K.C., but not french fries, try 3 dozen donuts! (Not saying all donuts are bad for you.)*Rethinks for a sec., is eating donut right now,keeps eating it*
  21. I'm sorry, but, WHAT THE HELL IS FOOLY COOLY!!!!!????? I know the grandpa explaned it, but I still don't get it! O! And did you see last nights episode? Were that girl kissed the robot? What the hell is up with that!?:confuse2:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chimera [/i] [B]So, there is only six episodes in the series? :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know if theres only 6 episodes,but I do know that it was realy funny! It made me :laugh: so hard I almost :bawl:! But it was also confussing!
  23. I hope it lasts too.Because it seems only two really hate the idea.So read the bottem please...... The story is about a lonely girl who has no friends at all. So one day see finally has the guts to go up to a boy to ask to spend the night.He says yes.Now the girl is so happy that she ask's some more people,and they all say yes. She jumps up with glee to know that people actullylike her. And right now, the people that were asking quesstions,this is my FIRST RPG!:bawl:
  24. Name:Anne Margret AGE:14 Afternoon Sport: Baseball Description: Long green hair with white tips,always wears blue lipstick,always waers ponytails,5'8",a very lean looking girl,wears a blue turtleneck with a white shirt on top of it that says angel on it,camo. pants that are ripped,and brown highheel boots. Bio.: She's the kinda girl that doesn't care about what she looks like.She's the stronge silent tipe.She lives with her mom that gets waisted all the time so she has to fend for herself.Her face is ether in books,or hitting someone ealses.She gets in alot of cat fights and fights with boys and wins. Schedule: 1 period: Homeroom-Mrs.Chue 2 period: S.S.-Mr.Asule 3 period: Math-Ms.Turdykqu 4 period: Gym-Mr.Brown 5 period: Cooking-Mrs.D. 6 period: Science-Mr.Brown 7 period: Lunch-Mr.+Mrs.Judd 8 period: Lang. Arts-Mr.Brown 9 period: Homeroom-Mrs.Chue Items: School bag,textbooks,pencils,paper,pens,notebook,binder,and bat baseball.
  25. YOURRRRRRRRRRRR RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just doing this for s***s and giggles!! NOT!! I'm asking people why they stay up so late basicly. As you can see I make it to be a creative way to ask people their reasons for staying up so late. I mean, would you want to answer a thread that said "Why do you stay up late?" I no I wouldn't. So like I said, I make a creative way to ask people. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?
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