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Everything posted by Soul_Taker

  1. Finally a girl! But where I'm at,whitch iat my uncles house,Adultswim is already on.It's on!AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot! I'll write back later!
  2. Thank you for joining! I still need a few more people to bring up something new tho..... So come and join! Plus, I can't be the only girl here! Unless.....you guys are cute of course.:naughty: But! I want to know, what show you are most looking forwerd to watching.(but still do the name,age,ect. if you are just reading this)
  3. Hmmmmmm.... This looks fun! Name: Night AnGale Alinement: Evil Race: Vampire/cat demon Gender: Female Weapons: Teeth,claws,stars,and a 9mm Age: 920,looks 25 Description: Long green hair with white tips,pale complection,deep black eyes,long black gloves,ripped shirt,ripped pants,and stealtoe boots. Bio.: She seeks reveng on the man who killed her kind.Since the man is dead,she seeks his great,great,(ect.)grandson to slater.To move quickly around in tight spots,like when he almost kills her,she is able to become a shadow,and teliport away and recover.
  4. Name: Suzuki Tizuma Year:4 Team: Waiting for one.... Label: Popular(most likely to be bad a** prom queen) Description: Long white hair thats always in ponytails,big blue eyes,always wears blue lipstick,nice taned skin,wears dark green tanktop with a black vest,camo skirt,reg. teneshoses,and black gloves. Bio.: She got tired of being a goody-goody one day and desided to become a bad a** chick.Of course she is still nice,but in privet.She's also like a geek.But being popular,they don't like geeks.So she keeps her real life a seceret.She's not all beauty,she's also brains.She's a straight A+ student, but acts like a straight A b****.:devil:
  5. First I would really love to thank you for joining(sp),this thread is like a slumber party!Since the people that join(if I get any that is)like to stay up late,they can talk about they're fav. show that they just saw!:D
  6. I'm glad you people actully like this theard!
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Hey every one![/COLOR] Who wants to pull an all nighter?(or untill your really tired)It's farely simple.All u have to do is make up a name for fun,age,male/female,description,what time you might go to bed at,and why you want to do this. For exaple Name: Suzuki Malimara Tizuma Age: 20 Male/Female: Female Description: A lean looking girl with long white hair set in ponytails,big blue eyes,lushes lips,and waers a pink tanktop and pink boxers to bed. Time: 1:30am. Why: Because adultswim is on and I don't want to miss Trigun or any of your replies! See, farely simple. So, give it a try!:)Please?:blush:
  8. K.K.C.,(I am also spotg67,but on my aunts computer)I don't think I ever saw those episodes,how could Sora turn BT agenst Bear and they others if she's still tags along with them!?
  9. Hi K.K.C. That is true, but BT is very good with words(like Crim)and can munipulate serten people.Because whats holding back Sora to not kill her?
  10. I really don't think that BT and Sora are lovers.They just don't seem like it.I mean they can barly stand each other!
  11. NAME: Suzuki Malimara Tisuka AGE: 20 HIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'8"/130LBS. DESCRIPTION: She is a lean looking girl that has long white hair in long ponytails,beautiful blue eyes,lushes lips,and a well tand skin tone.INSIDE RING: A ripped blue tanktop,ripped white shorts,long brown highheel boots,bandana,and black gloves.OUTSIDE RING: A light red blouse,short black skert,short black highheel boots,and a headband. MARTIAL ARTS: Kick boxing,Kung fu,regular boxing,and Karate BIO.: She has always loved to fight. But she does not fight for the money. She fights because she wants to show her older brother that she's not a worthless little brat. He would tell her that she would never make it out in the world,or she would never be as great as him. So she trained every day. And one day she had to fight against him. She of course won because she would train. All he did was show off.
  12. So what your bascily saying is, you guys are calling them 2 faced right? Becaues first, BT can be nice, and then she can be a real b**** and want info. And Sora, well, he's just a pain in the a** really.:smirk:
  13. *Giggles* I guess your right Otaku.And BT, when someone is trying to be nice to BT, she blows them off!
  14. I under stand, but, one episode, SK(silver knight) was talking to Sora, and if I can remember correctly, SK said something about BT being in his party. And isent Sora like BT in a way? I mean they both look for information from other people?
  15. In a couple episode, BT is friends,not really,with Bear and Subaru(sp?) and the others. Then,she JOINS Sora's party! THEN shes with Bear and the others again! So now I'm confussed! Witch is it, Soras party, or friends with the others!?!:confused: :flaming:
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