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About Max

  • Birthday 04/08/1987

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  • Occupation
    the crapyest one on earth

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I heard that too, this might be differnt but i think that was because of a snake bite or something. I to am a fan of linkin park and have most of there cds. My favorite songs out of all there collection is Breaking the habit and in the end. I have been to one of there concerts and they are a great band, but like Fate said minus the screeming (example one step closer) Hey who is in this club and how many people are in it?
  2. I realy like yellowcard. I have turned most of my friends on to it too. My favorite song is october nights and way away. I think the violin adds something that other bands dont have. It is a good band and i only wish more people have heard of it.
  3. ok I live in michigan to and I think i can solve this problem. We should all meet at a common place. My sugestion is the midland mall. It is almost in the center of the state and would be equaly distanced from everyone except those who live near of corce. Give me some feedback and maybe pick a time and date.
  4. I just starting learning spanish this year and so far i know only the very easy words. We all think our teacher is bi-poler, one miniute she is all calm and reviewing the vocabulary and the next miniute is is all freaked out and saying advanced spanish words all excitedly. That is not the worst though she makes us act out the words so we have to run and jump around the room tuching our heads, the walls, someone elses head and so forth. Maybe its her way of teaching but I wish it wasent.
  5. Have you ever thought what would it be like if I could do (whatever power)? If so what power would you chose, why, and how would you it/them? I always wanted to have the powers of greenlantern and goku.
  6. My school just made some new rules this year i wasent so happy with. They started the whole id tag thing u all talk of, no short shorts (who wears them anyways) you are now asigned parking spots for the whole year. Teachers and seniors get first pick, i being a junior am not happy about this. Also you must come in the frount doors since all others are locked. my classes and locker are on differnt sides of the school, but at least i dont have to dress in school uniform.
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