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About SonPikkon

  • Birthday 01/28/1987

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    Mr G Starwind
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  1. [quoteDVDs in the UK is Forbidden Planet in London[/quote] Hmmm, theres a Forbidden planet across the road from me, I'll have to check it out. In anycase I think the anime which the above poster pointed out inst exactly what we were hoping for, Im not saying that they're bad, but rather kiddy in looks and aimed at younger audiences. I used to watch Outlaw Star at 10:15 on toonami until it got pushed back until the 4ish AM slot, and I dont get up early enough to catch the two episodes if anime, So for the most part I dont get nearly enough anime I'd like to. They cut alot of the great anime they once showed, like Techi Muyo, Salilor Moon, Blue Submarine, Cowboy Bebop etc but at least were not stuck with just Pokemon and Yu-gi-Oh. btw Did anyone catch Metropolis on Sky Movies a few months back? Also If your into manga, try Waterstones in Bluewater, they have a few manga's and GNs there, they have Akira!
  2. I dont think X revolutionised the series, if anything it was just another addition, if you look back through previous FFs, alot of new things were tried out, such as Materia, Junctioning, Jobs etc, even summons at one point were new. But i agree that X is the better of the two, although i like the battle system somewhat im not too keen on the rest of the game itself, i havent played Blitzball in FFX-2 yet but i loved it and spent many hours on it on X. X had a much better story and it was easier to grasp because of the 'straight through' type of feel where as FFX-2 has this 'stop-start' feel to it. Im not saying i hate FFX-2 but from what ive played so far i doubt after i finish i'll be coming back for more. There are many good points about FFX-2 but the bad points out weigh the good IMO.
  3. anime i never get tired of watching ay?........well i suppose Tenchi Ryo Ohki (not the 3rd OAV yet), i absolutely love this anime, i dunno why it doesnt bore me, but it doesnt, i suppose i can add Tenchi Universe cos i havent got bored of that yet(then again ive only watched it through once), yea i agree Trigun is great, ive watched it through 3 times now (i have it on DVDs) and i havent got bored of it, i guess thats it really, o wait Jubei Chan the Ninja girl (either season) has been one where i watch it over and over, i love that series so much,the idiocy in it is great and the action scenes are brilliant.
  4. SonPikkon

    Game addict

    Well seems like you lack the ability to make decisions, but thats not all bad (im not much of a decision maker but when it comes to games i usually buy games that appeal to me). Demos are probably the best bet, reviews and peoples opinions are all good but solely going on their opinions could make you regret a purchase or not making a purchase (Solo im not implying your telling him jus to go with others, jus a quick 'thinka about it' type thing) anyway, if you know what sort of games you like i dont think there should be too much of a problem, if you see a game that falls into one of the catergories you listed, then find info on it, check screen shots, gameplsy videos, reviews, demos etc on it. Some games may not look great at first but they can grow on people (damn you Grandia 2! making me spend so much time playing you!), anyway listen to the advice of others but dont forget to find stuff out for yourself.
  5. Well ive seen all the pics now (i never mentioned the 'cerebeus' one on your Otaku) and as with your pic on my otaku i think you have unbelievable talent. Your first pic (Mosquito) i couldnt make out much but i only glanced at it for a few seconds so my bad, But of what i did see and remember the detail is great, i can see the influence from Aliens, i'll have to check the pic if i wanna say anything else. The next pic (Horses i think) Was almost Flawless but as you and *insert member here* agreed on the horses are a bit too close to the bottom of the album cover(?), The skill behind the faded outline of the horses torso,limbs and head and the Neon blue of the talis and hair is fantastic, and the pose they were put in just makes the near perfect picture that much better. I would comment on the abstract person pic but i cant exactly see....[I]anything[/I], i can slightly (i think) make out the souls of the feet but im not too sure. So i suppose i'll leave it at that. And the final pic (excluding your Matrix banner) is well......fantastic, i noticed before reading the post it resembled the dobermans from Resident evil what with the bloody colour and with odd bones being visible, and i suppose i shoulda guessed it was influenced by the mangey mutts but alas i never so my bad. Anyway "Cerebeus" looks perfect, its in a wonderful stance as well as looking quite realistic (for the undead anyway), i hope i helped in some way (doubtful but meh). Well lets wrap this up shall I, overall im in love with your work lol, They live up to the greatness of your Bahamut and Tifa pic on My Otaku.Good Job.
  6. well as i said on your Otaku site, Wow your charcoal drawing is near perfection ([B]near[/B] meaning nothing is perfect). It kind reminds me of *thinks* dammit *desperately tries to remember* no *cant remember* dammit, but it reminds me of something ^-^ . Anyway someone said (no disrespect to their opinion) the neck/upper body region is a bit blurry/slightly less detailed but im gonna put my money on you were going for effect rather than detail *hopes he doesnt lose money* but at the same time i agree with that person as the eyes,teeth...well basically the head of the alienated [I]horse[/I] is sublime, absolutely flawless.
  7. hmmm lemme think i suppose movies with alot of hype get me interested, but usually just to see whats good about them. I guess i go to the cinema to see films which are either action orientated (as i love a big fight scene) such as Kill Bill and sometimes a war film, but most of the good war films are pretty old. But saying that sometimes films made by specific directors or groups also get me off my *** to see a film, such as tarratino(sp?) or pixar(gotta love the animation masters). Theres probably more to it but usually it ends up being a 'spure of the moment' type thing with me.
  8. Hell Yeah! Kill Bill was great, its rated 18 here (UK) and because i was 16 i thought i wouldnt stand a chance of going to see it, but my mum, older sis and her bf( both 18) went along so i was able to see it, and i loved it, especially the anime part half way through(erm i think it was half way ish), The Sword fight was great.The blood was over exaggerated but that made it even more enjoyable IMO, All my friends ive spoken to about it didnt seem to like but i dont care it was a fantastic film.
  9. *referring to ChocoboGene* The .hack games come with a bonus DVD here in the UK (not sure about other countries), so you are able to gain some knowledge on the series at least, .hack//LIMINALITY is what comes free, im not sure whether its all the episodes but i presume its only a few. [URL]http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/productpage.asp?ProductCode=PT1174[/URL] Thats where i plan on getting .hack from, and i suggest UK gamers get it from there because its reliable as well as a fairly reasonable price most of the time.
  10. Yeah FFIV is my fav of the series so far (even though i havent finished it >_
  11. Sounds Awesome!! They (IMO) were able to pull off the remakes of FF1+2 for the PSX (Origins) and hopefully will do the same for the GBA, and if they're COMPLETELY re-doing them im gonna have to get a GBA soon thanks for that
  12. i partly agree and disagree with the above poater, i dont think it was shallow but that wrapped it up nicleey in the end, no questions left unanswered (like the above poster said) unlike FF7. I dont think 9 was a bad game, if anything its one of my favs, but to think FF9 will have a sequel is a bit farfetched, the game is too old for a sequel, with all the rumours about a ff7 sequel (not the movie) a square spokes person had to clear it up by saying that it isnt ruled out but unlikely it'll ever happen cos of the older game engines used and the out of date graphics, hence why FFX got a sequel
  13. oops my original post wasnt what the topic creator wanted so im doing it again NES: I have 3! i had my own and 2 of my cousins gave me theirs, i dont have many games on it so i dont play it (go figure) anyway it sitting in a box in my room. Master System 2: i think there were 2 versions of this, quite a big one and one with the shutter, well i got the one with the shutter, anyway its got Alex the kid built in but other than that i dont have many game for it, a couple of the sonic games, and a football game, again sitting in the box with the NES Gameboy: The big 'ol chunky one,i have only 3 games on this, tetris/mario/Pokemon yellow, no wait 4, pokemon trading card game, again doesnt see the light of day. SNES: I was on this 24/7 when i first got it, i had some cool games like Mario allstars w/ Mario world, Zelda:LttP, errr and about 10 others but i can think of em, this gets brought out every now and then but not often. Mega Drive: i think i only have 2 games, sonic 1 & 2, no wait i got a 5 in1, o well i dont play this anymore, just sits in that box of mine Gameboy Color: erm its on a lead in my room with pokemon silver in it, i got pokemon gold as well and GTA2 on it but i dont actually play it PSX: this dont work, cos my sister dropped it out of the loft (i used to sleep in there) anyway i got about 20 or so games, i still play some but only the FF ones, i got Origins/anthology/6/7/8/9 as well as legend of dragoon and a couple of other good 'ens Saturn: i got bout 15 games on this, the only one i play is Shining force 3 though, its set up through the AV socket N64: this is in a box but gets brought out every so often to play Mario Kart or mario 64. i got 10 or so games Dreamcast: im looking to buy another cos my one dont work anymore, i got Powerstone 2, skies of arcadia, dammit i cant remember but i had some real good ones GBA: i dont actually have one but i got FFTA. i found it on a bus yay PS2: this is always played cos of FFX-2(eve though i dont like it much) i got 20ish games on it which include FFX/-2,KH,Legaia 2,Grandia 2,timesplitters 2(which i always play). this is set up through the SCART extension Xbox: sitting in my cupboard, i only got 4 games. halo, TS2,rally fusion and midtown madness, it dont get played GCN: This is also set up through the SCART extension cos i recently(ish) got FFCC plus i still plsy the older ones like SSBM, Mario kart:DD, wario ware (import) and some others. erm yea thats it, if you wanna see my game collection see [url]http://users.ign.com/collection/squallqwodo[/url]
  14. that rumor stinks as much as this board does, Bungie havent even made 10 hot games, nor would they give away 10 games to any one who could get this tank, because i doubt they have the money to give away 10 free games to an unlimited amount of people (as you never specified how many people were allowed to enter). Also why would they not officially anounce it? Gamefaqs.com would of said something about it and so would of IGN/Gamespot.
  15. Metroid Prime isnt counted as a FPS, it comes under adenture according to Nintendo, but there arent many great FPSs on the cube, Timesplitters 2 is no doubt the best multiplayer one, its cheap, but because im from the UK i dont know the price for the US version, i dont know how the ratings work there but i think its an 'all ages' here, i would give it a 9/9.5, its great, SO many charcters and different modes, around 100 characters and more game modes than you can shake a stick at, i highly reccomend it, XIII is good but the multiplayer is lacking ALOT compared to timesplietters 2
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