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About morpheus13

  • Birthday 10/18/1973

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  • Biography
    a 30 year old college student who wants to make web pages once i get done college.
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  1. hey syk3 does this mean that they're cancelling case closed or did you forget to put that in the listings?
  2. i have heard a rumor on the internet that YYH is coming back the first of may with new episodes and i was wondering if anybody knows if this is true
  3. if you like action and horror then a good series to get is hellsing. it has a good combination of action (with lots of firepower) and a good amount of horror also the Vampire Hunter D are excellent in the horror sense. hope this helps out
  4. i was wondering if somebody could make me a banner of the following characters Integra Wingates Hellsing Alucard Seras Victoria with the word Hellsing in the upper left hand corner and Morpheus13 in the lower right hand corner. if finding a picture of Integra Wingates Hellsing is impossible then how about a picture of Alucard in his demon dog form. and thanks to whoever can make this banner for me
  5. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by Kent btw, whr would be totally awesome if it wasn't for the artsy coffee shop theme[/QUOTE] first i would like to say that i think that WHR is great and while i don't know how many episodes there are i plan to watch all the ones that they air on AS. i think the main reason that i like it is because 1) the music: it gives you a sense of calmness at times but it can also let you know that something is about to happen. 2)the action scenes: while it does not show alot of violence it always seems to give you enough to bring you back to see what will happen next. and in reference to the quote i think the artsy coffee shop is needed as a source of information as it was proven in one episode.(would add more to this thought but not sure how to use the blackout thing) so i hope that they keep this show on the air since it is very hard for me to find good cartoons
  6. twinkle trick from the rune soldier series both songs from the hellsing series and freckles from the Rurouni Kenshin series on CN on saturday night
  7. the password at the end of forbidden memories is used as a password in Duelist of the Roses. there are seven of them but only five (i think) are usable.
  8. excuse me Kyo no Ryu but which one there doesn't seem to be anything after your comment.
  9. i was wondering if anybody knows of an anime site that gives detailed reviews (i.e. #of episodes or ratings) of current or old anime cartoons movies or OVA's. any direction would be greatly appreciated.
  10. from what i have seen so far it is definatly worth getting not to mention that the music is great.
  11. i have been getting mixed reviews about this movie so i was wondering if it's any good. also is it anything like hellsing in terms of better or worse. i'm not sure which one i'm talking about but if you have comcast digital cable they have been advertising it on encore action channel 152 (might be different in other places) as coming out on november first. hopfully this information will get me a review as to weather or not it is good enough to watch
  12. it says that there is a vampire named alucard. if it's the same thing that i'm talking about then it supposed to be on this friday (oct 3) at midnight on channel 152 (Encore Action)
  13. i have comcast digital cable and they are airing previews to an anime called van helsing vampire hunter and so i was wondering if any body knows if it's any good or should i forget about watching it. also on a completly different note are there any anime music lovers that have seen the blue seed series? if so does any body know the name of the tune that they played while sacrifice girl (cant remember her name) was doing that dance that she was doing.
  14. # 1 is freckles from Ruroni Kenshin # 2 is Twinkle Trick from the rune soldiers series # 3 is the opening song from .hack//sign
  15. my most favorite enemies are the emerald and ruby weapons from FF7. my reason for these monsters are the fact that they take so much time and energy to kill them and the fact that if you screw up they don't hesitate to kill you and make you even angrier when you have to start all over again.
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