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Radical Edward

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About Radical Edward

  • Birthday 02/03/1989

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  1. I think my first anime was if anybody remembers...The Samuai Pizza Cats. I remember watching it when i was like....3 or 4. All i remember is them shooting out of a house and the weird cats loving pizza. Hence the name. But later on it was ....Pokemon, then Digimon, all those kiddy shows.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fate [/i] [B][color=teal]Assuming you're a general guy, why do boys watch lesbian hentai? It's just a matter of preference. It doesn't make people "sick" or "disgusting." Same situation with furries.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I no it doesn't make people sick for wathcing it. But i just wanted to know, from a real live yaoi fan what makes them like, if when the stuff on T.V. makes a big deal about being gay and making it sound like the baddest thing in the world. P.S. I'm a girl...
  3. I don't know if i've just picked the wrong fanfic's but...when i tried reading Yaoi *to see what the big deal of it was* i found alot of hentai...and this happend everytime i tried a new fanfic, this kinda got me thinking about what was so great about Yaoi and made me think every one that read Yaoi was a complete pervert. I end up reading about nasty things and then i feel as if i have to go to a confessional or something...
  4. I've seen there are alot of Yoai fans and i had always wonderd..."Why do people watch it?" I've seen and read yaoi but inever got it...I don't really like the whole malexmale cpoupleing. Also same goes for the girlxgirl thing..forgot what it was called though. So...I have to ask..Whats so great about Yaoi? and why do you Yaoi fans like it? P.S. I'm just asking out of curiostiy not out of disrespect.
  5. Dang...sounds like they took a good anime and killed it...
  6. Ther are 100 episodes?....dang....but tell me...is the dubbing the only thing wrong with it?.....i only saw the second episode i dunno if i would like it....i'm a major critic.
  7. I don't really think Knights of the Zodiac is at all good or interesting...i thought the dubbing was a little off also.
  8. I've seen it...not really one of my favorites but the ships are kick *****, i've only seeen the begining and some of the ending episodes. Whats Banner of the Stars?...a continueing serious from Crest of the Stars?
  9. Betterman's Tranqulize Requiem is my all time favorite. I like the way it sounds, even though the way its dounds kinda freaks me out .
  10. Andy Von De Oniyate and he was from the Oniyate Ranch. Question: In Betterman, What were the two mech robots called?
  11. Dual kinda remines me of Evangilion....but just with alot more humor in it. I really like the opening theme. When i first heard of Dual i thought it was going to be like with swords and stuff, also when i heard it i thought of Yu-Gi-Oh...*ick*
  12. Kyosuke turns into the Soul Taker and the other "souls" are Soul Anubis, SOul Crusher, Soul Killer. Question: In Betterman, What is Hinoki's relation to Betterman?
  13. 1) well ....she wasn't the only one who was the cause of Algernon, it was also Dr. Umazaki, the Doc guy Asami was talking to with the Limpid channel, Hinoki's dad (Dr. Sai), The Guy who turned into the Braman (forgot his name) and Cactus i think were all apart of the Dive Inspection. Anywho reason being she was apart of the Dive Inspection that was taking place in the Iganta Caves (I think thast where it was).
  14. Name: Haruko Haruhara From: FLCL aka Fooly Cooly aka Furi Kuri Because: Not much is known about her except shes an alien and wacks Naota in the head with her bass Guitar (which is funny everytime I see it). What she does: Usually smashing something with her guitar weather it being Naota's head or a wierd monster robot thing.
  15. I would be Haruko from FLCL.....i would get a cool bike and killer bass Guitar.....heheh
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