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Everything posted by NashvilleDream

  1. I don't know why I went and wrote wedding vows, but I did, so here they are. [u]The Road Ahead[/u] The road ahead Is long and hard As life does thend to be But knoeing you Are by my side Makes me want to see How far we get On our own steam How much we have to learn And knowing you Will take each day And make me-let me-earn The love you feel for me The life I've yet to lead And the greatest honour of them all Your presence here with me [u]I Promise[/u] I promise to live I promise to be A someone who's there Whenever you need I promise you life I promise you love I promise to be gentle The song of a dove I promise to be A guiding hand I promise a better Foundation than sand I promise to care For the rest of my life I promise to be there In joy and in strife I promise you freedom To chase after dreams I promise the trust That you'll come back to me I promise you joy For the rest of your life I promise a shoulder When you need to cry I promie you kisses A sweet gentle touch I promise you wishes Whenever you want I'm debating the last line between 'whenever you want' and 'whatever you want'
  2. It's not so much a banner or art request as it is blatant begging for a picture. I wasn't sure exactly where to post this and I figured my best bet was here... See, for Otakon, I'm cosplaying Tsunade But in order to do that one needs a costume and in order to make a costume one needs a picture and therein lies the problem. See, with all my searching, I can't seem to find a decent picture. So if someone could help It'd really, really appreciate it. Part of the issues, though definately not all of it, is finding a picture (or even two different halfway decent pictures) that shows the whole outfit and the symbol on the back, that isn't a fanart. Thanks to anyone who takes their time to fufill this request.
  3. While I don't need a smaller banner, I do need an edited one. People were complaining saying it was "Too Graphic" And I've had to remove it. Because I'm totally in love with it, I would ask you to make another one, but if you can't, I understand.
  4. ....... Yes Tekkaman, that's what I meant XD sorry I didn't make that clear... but I thought >.>
  5. I guess it's just so bloody amazing that even straight married men like it :P XD
  6. This contains spoilers for post-soulsociety arc. If you haven't finished it yet, read at your own risk. [b] Hope life?s been good to you Since you?ve been gone I?m doin? fine now--I?ve finally moved on It?s not so bad--I?m not that sad[/b] It was supposed to be fine, she was back home, in Soul Society where she belonged, so why did it hurt so much to be here without her. There were plenty of distractions, people to save, hollows to fight, but it just didn?t feel right without her by his side. It just didn?t feel right. [b]I?m not surprised just how well I survived I?m over the worst, and I feel so alive I can?t complain--I?m free again[/b] She was the one who made the decision, he?d said it was fine. She?d wanted to run to him then, wanted to be held in his arms, wanted to cry and have her tears dried by him. But that wasn?t like her. She missed him so much, but he was where he belonged, back home. And she was here, in Soul Society, where she belonged? or did she? [b]And it only hurts when I?m breathing My heart only breaks when it?s beating My dreams only die when I?m dreaming So, I hold my breath--to forget[/b] They?re fools, the lot of them. They see that they belong together; everyone around them sees that they belong together, but they insist on torturing themselves. Oh well, he figured it wasn?t for an old man in a hat and clogs to decide. He still didn?t understand why though. [b]Don?t think I?m lyin? ?round cryin? at night There?s no need to worry, I?m really all right I?ve never looked back--as a matter of fact[/b] She didn?t understand why he was so distant after they came back. He smiled even less, and even then it was sad. [i]She[/i] was a touchy subject; you never talked about [i]her[/i] around him anymore. He?d always get... different. He seemed like he was about to cry all the time. She?d never seen him cry, she didn?t expect to either. [b]And it only hurts when I?m breathing My heart only breaks when it?s beating My dreams only die when I?m dreaming So, I hold my breath--to forget[/b] He?d always thought they?d be together, but when she went there? she met that boy. That boy did things he couldn?t do, saved her when he was too afraid. He?d always thought it?d be him and her together, but he moved aside for that boy. It was so obvious how she felt, how he felt. So, he moved aside. And then they went and? got themselves separated. He never could completely figure her out... and the boy... well... he was definitely not just what he showed everybody. [b]It only hurts when I breathe[/b] [b]Mmm, no; I?ve never looked back-- As a matter fact[/b] She missed him so much. She?d cry but then brother would worry, and he was already different enough as it was. She wanted to see him, but if she did, her resolve would waver, she?d go back again, make everybody worry again, and she couldn?t do that. But god she missed him. [b]And it only hurts when I?m breathing My heart only breaks when it?s beating My dreams only die when I?m dreaming So, I hold my breath--to forget[/b] He wanted her. Wanted her back. She belonged here with him, like before. He kept telling himself that it was her decision, that it was best for both of them; but he kept thinking that she should be here. He missed her... so much. But it was her choice? But he missed her. [b]Hurts when I?m breathing Breaks when it?s beating Die when I?m dreaming It only hurts when I breathe[/b] [i]I miss you? Rukia [/i] [i]I miss you? Ichigo[/i]
  7. Right, so I've just joined a HP Forum (located [url="http://finalprophecy.proboards50.com/index.cgi?"]here[/url]) as MidnightGenius, but I don't have any banners made that fit with the general theme of the site XD ...in otherwords, all my stuff is anime. Anyway, if comeone could make me a Harry/Draco set, it would be awesome. The avi is 100x100 max, and there's no size limitations on the banners Nothing to graphic, it's not a yaoi site but something kind of cute, with a quote from the fanfic Checkmate (located [url="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/798255/1/"]here[/url]) would be nice If you can't do that, or if you don't want to go through the fic to find a quote (it's a really amazing HPDM fic) then just something sickeningly adorable would fit :3 Thanks in advance to anyone who takes this on. And also, I [i]will[/i] give you credit, in the form of your sn and a link to OB, underneath the banner.
  8. [quote name='lostvoice]The problems solved. I dumped him. He didn't want to be friends afterward so now I think hes kind of an asswhole. :animeangr But anyway I think I need someone... I don't know....mabye a guy who's less masculine. Someone strong yet still kind. (Someone less athletic and more [i][b]Poetic[/b][/i'].)[/quote]You'll want to be careful on that, you definately don't want it to seem like a rebound. I think you should probably hang out and have fun being single for a while, and let things happen.
  9. I have a small piece of advice for you. Your level and leveling up doesn't matter, what matters is the abilities you get. So be careful on that.
  10. [font=Arial][size=2]If anyone noticed, the title is something of a spinoff of "Candle on the Water" and you'll... err.. see why later. Anyway, following is the fanfic. I used the english names because I don't know Duke's japanese name. My ff.net is [url="http://www.fanfiction.net/u/675412/"]MidnightGenius[/url] Summary: Yami left, and Yugi finds himself going steadily downhill. What happens when he misses his other self too much, and can no longer handle the pain? Warnings: Character death. __________________________________________ ?What do you mean?? ?I mean exactly what I said, Joey.? ?But I don?t understand.? ?It?s alright, you don?t have to. But I want you to use it, since I won?t be anymore.? ?What?? ?No more games for me Joey, I?m done.? ?But Yug?? ?It?s alright, it?s not like I?m dieing. I?ll still be here, I just won?t be dueling anybody.? ?I-I?ll take real good care of it Yug.? ?I know you will.? Yugi smiled up at his friend. He?d had to give up his deck. It reminded him too much of Yami, and that only hurt, only made him sad. That conversation had been years ago. Yugi was the same height Yami had been? but he didn?t like to think about that. Yugi had moved out as soon as he graduated and got a small apartment in a big city far away with the money he earned working at a local convenience store. Thought being far away would mage the memories stop haunting him, lessen the pain. It didn?t work. He cut his hair as well, too much like Yami. Yugi sighed as he looked in the mirror at someone who was obviously not Yugi.?What do you want?? He asked the non-yugi creature. [i]What do you want?[/i] ?Yami.? Yugi answered the non-yugi creature. He sighed and the non-yugi creature sighed with him. Yugi turned away from the mirror and got ready for work. Days that started like this only got worse. ?Yugi?? Tea?s voice would have echoed through the apartment, if the apartment had the ability to echo.?That?s odd.? ?Wonder where he went?? ?The door wasn?t locked.? ?He should be here then.? Yugi?s friends came to visit every so often, on pre-arranged days. Yugi would always leave the door unlocked and greet them when they came in. But he would never smile. He hadn?t smiled in a long time. ?I say we search.? ?Agreed.? ?Bedroom first?? ?Yeah.? What they found when they entered the bedroom was unexpected to say the least. There was Yugi, laying on the bed, face up and perfectly still, candle burning in his hands, which lay over his chest, and a smile on his face. On the table there was a bowl of water, a second candle in it, and a note by its side. Tea, Congratulations on marrying Duke. Joey, Good luck with Kaiba. As for me, I?ve gone to be with Yami. -Yugi Upon further inspection, the candle in the water matched the one burning in Yugi?s hands, four letters written in the pure white wax. [center]Y [/center] [center]A [/center] [center]M [/center] [center]I [/center] [/size][/font]
  11. [Spoiler]The firewall place thing, in the crystaly area, where you have to rescue the girl by killing 3 bosses. I think I'm at the 3 harpies one...[/spoiler]
  12. Mine's actually really simple I invented it when I first entered the online forum world and have used it (and variations) ever since. Anywhere you see NashvilleDreamer (or NashvleDreamr) That's mee It was (and still is) my dream to be a famous country music singer. And since Nashville is Country Music Headquarters, I became NashvilleDreamer
  13. As with many games, I find myself underleveld and stuck I'll be back later once I can remember exactly where I'm stuck XD
  14. I've recently revisited my first game: Legend of Legaia. The only thing that took some re-getting-used-to were the graphics. The blocky graphics of the PS1 just look like compete crap when put next to the PS2 and the next-gen systems But the storyline makes it continue to be my favorite game, even 11 years after I learned of it's existance :P Also, I found my dad's old Atari I wanted to play it but none of the chords fit any of the TVs we have XD
  15. I'm currently debating over wether to get this. I've heard horrible things about it, but I want to play it for the story. So what do you think? Rent untill I beat it or suck it up and buy it?
  16. I'm so massively stuck in this that it's not even funny. [spoiler]So I've got this boss to fight, right? Well I'm out of revival stuff, so I go back to the town to get some and then attempt to get back to the boss. I do, but by the time I get there I'M OUT OF FRESH SAGE AGAIN >.< Because the monsters are so strong that I use 20 by the time I get back to the boss that I need them for.[/spoiler]
  17. I'm rather irked at Sony atm. They're being increadably stupid. They shouldn't have rushed to release the PS3 when it wasn't even ready yet. They should have waited, worked out the bugs, and made enough where they wouldn't sell out. The only reason I'll have for getting the PS3 is if they put KH3 on it (*is addicted*) As Enix has ruined squaresoft and FFXIII won't be worth it.
  18. I'm finding myself having the same problem I always have, being severely underleveled. Currently I'm at [spoiler]Mt. Buromisase. In the temple, after you open the door on the right[/spoiler] One of the things that I really, really hate, is the fact that some of the chests have better things later in the game, and if you open them you can't get the item. So that's exceedingly bothersome. Another complaint: Character development is essentially nonexistant, and that's one of the major things that I love about Final Fantasy games, the characters. Anyway, I've been thinking long and hard about this, and I've decided that FFX was the last true Final Fantasy. FFXII just doesn't play like a Final Fantasy. It makes me sad. *Doesn't like what the merger's done to squaresoft* Oh and Rachael: Did you try killing all the monsters then exiting and reentering? And if that doesn't work, try not killing any of the monsters.
  19. Exactly! So I was going into it blind, essentially And I hate that.
  20. It depends on the kind of girl she is. I mean, I don't like Jewlery much, and I'm not much one for clothes But I love books and games and stuffed animals. (Yes, I'm 17 and still like stuffed animals) I quite like Delta's suggestion of Mace. I would probably find that hysterically amusing. You could always find something she loves but doesn't have For example, my best friend totally loves the game Uno, but doewn't own it, so I'm getting him Uno for Christmas.
  21. My first boyfriend got me a heart-shaped box with an engraving on the top. It was shiny XP
  22. I like to waltz. I think it's just something about the time signature and the way it sounds (loves 3/4) but it's just so beautiful to me.
  23. I'd go for something with sentimental value. They mean more. Well, to me at least.
  24. With my boyfriend it was somewhat of the opposite problem. I was the one who wanted to 'cuddle' and stuffs, and he was the one who wasn't affectionate. We were going out for two years and didn't kiss once. But defiantely don't do anything you aern't ready for, ever. If you don't want to do something, tell him so; if he loves you he'll understand. I definately like the saying "no boy is worth your tears and the ones who are won't make you cry" here.
  25. I also stumbled upon OB in much the same manner Although I do believe it was quizzes that I was looking for. I also think I remember you... from somewhere.
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