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Everything posted by NashvilleDream

  1. it's not the money, she just wants me to not rent because I own skis, but I want to rent a snowboard because I am a advanced skier and I want to try something new.
  2. I want to join the ski club at my school, It costs 180.00 for non rental, and 240.00 for rental. My mom wants me to do the non-rental, because I own skis, but I want to do the rental because I'm already a very advanced skier and I want to try snowboarding. How do I convince her to let me rent?
  3. ummmmm...... are people going to post, or are they going to kill this thread
  4. I wrote this down a couple months ago, I got a lot of good comments. I have also entered it in several contests. I wrote this poem when I was just over my suicidal state, I believe it is my second best poem. It dosen't have a title, but do titles really matter? Do not cry When I am gone For I am not forgotten I have left my mark Upon the world Like paint upon a canvas. But even stone will crumble And paint does fade with time It's colors lie forgotten Leaving the canvas Eventually blank For another to paint Upon it's face. I wrote this poem after that one. I believe that this is my best poem. [U]A Part of Me[/U] A part of me Died that day The day you left On your way To find yourself To search your heart For the answers to your questions. Did you think When you left Of what I would do without you? You broke my heart The day you left And left me all alone With only memories to guide me. It's shattered into Too many pieces And cannot be repaired. So a part of me Died that day The day you left Without a goodbye Only a note Tacked onto the door Blowing in the wind. Saying that you'd left To find out who you are That you'd gone on a journey To find yourself in your shrouded heart. And you probably wouldn't come back. I would've followed you To the ends of the earth Just to be with you forever. But that's probably why you left So early in the morning Without telling me goodbye. I know you didn't mean To break my broken heart I know that you'll still think of me Though we are far apart And I know that you'll remember me All those days we spent togerther And those nights under the stars. But that didn't stop a piece of me From dying when you left Or my shattered heart from breaking. You were my best friend You cared for me My entire life. Until the day you left And broke my shattered heart And killed a piece of me That was dead from the start. I haven't said a word Since the day you left And I won't move from this spot Just incase you come back for me You were my world Now you're gone. When you critisize, please keep in mind that I am only 13, and this poem will NOT be changed. Not even one word.
  5. Kagome: Sesshomaru, can I ask you a question? Sesshomaru: Certainly; what is it? Kagome: Why did you help Kaira? Sesshomaru: She's my sister too, I care about her. Kagome: But InuYasha is your brother, and she's his twin, you want to kill him, don't you? Sesshomaru: No, I don't Kagome: But you said... Sesshomaru: A human couldn't possibly understand a demon. Kagome: yeah, you're right about that one. _____ InuYasha: Welcome back to the land of the living Kaira: *laughs* InuYasha: You okay now? Kaira: Yeah, I'll be fine. InuYasha: How'd you find me? Kaira: I thought you'd died years ago, then I heard about a half demon killing Naraku, and I knew it had to be you. I asked around, and finally ended up back here. InuYasha: I see. Kaira: How'd you get around without me sensing you? InuYasha: I don't know, Naraku most likely. It's a good thing he's dead. Kaira: He may not be. InuYasha: How can that be, We killed him, we saw him die. Kaira: This energy, It seems very similar to Naraku. It is possible that whatever this thing is absorbed what was left of him, which would mean that Naraku still exists, and his hate is still strong. Though it is more powerful, it could have got it's start with the same thing that feuled Naraku. InuYasha: I see... Kaira: If this power continues to grow, it could mean big trouble. ____ Raven: This girl, she knows too much. She could present a problem if left. But this man, InuYasha. He would give his life to save hers. Either way, the plan is ruined. decisions decisions, what to do.........
  6. Ok, This popped into my head a few months ago, and I just got to writing it down, I'm not sure if it allready exists, but it's from a fanfiction that i haven't finished or gotten to writing down yet. If ever you're lost and alone Look up to the stars for my face And if you are lonely call to me And listen for my voice on the wind
  7. i have recently discovered that you can put an l right after the first letter in almost any word. the current obsession of me and my friend: slesshomaru
  8. anybody know the lyrics to Tommy Shane Steiner's -- 'What If She's an Angel'
  9. Miroku: It seems that this blade has a higher power than the rest. It has a direct link to your mind, and reflects what is there. It does not listen to you because you have yet to learn to listen to yourself. This can only be accomplished by overcoming the trials of life. You have yet to lose Innocense, have not yet killed, and so, in your current state, you do not yet know your own power, and so you do not know the blade's power. It has a direct link to you. Kyp: So you're saying... that this blade... can read my mind? Miroku: in a way, yes. ___ InuYasha: (scilence) Kaira's condition was worsening, She no longer opened her eyes or spoke. Her sleep was calm and the only signs of life were the rise and fall of her chest, and the shallow breaths, and those were barely noticeable, even for his keen ears. InuYasha was worried, they should have been back by now. Where were they? He was just thinking this when they walked in. InuYasha jumped up; InuYasha: The antidote, did you get it? Sesshomaru: Yes. She'll be alright now, right? Himura: Yes, she'll recover. InuYasha: She just needs time to rest. ___ The pain and cold, it was gone now, she could finally breathe normally, and she had her senses back. She knew her brothers had saved her again, she owed them her life. She slept soundly that night, they all did, knowing that the immideate danger to her life was past.
  10. Miroku: hmm... Kyp: what? Miroku: Let it go again. Kyp: Why? Miroku: It has some kind of special power, it has to have some reason for doing it. Kyp: ? Miroku: has it always been like this? Kyp: no, it just started a little while ago. Miroku: How long ago? Kyp: I dunno, a few months maybe. Miroku: Interesting. Very interesting. Kyp: What? Miroku: That was about the time we all started sensing the dark prescence. ___ Sesshomaru: What was that I sensed InuYasha: I dunno, ask him *points to Himura* all I know is that we need you to show him where our hometown is, so he can get the antidote for Kaira. Sesshomaru: Right. Let's go then. Sesshomaru and Himura leave, and InuYasha goes back inside to watch over Kaira.
  11. InuYasha: Kaede...? Kagome: Where is she? Miroku: Not here, obviously, It looks like it's been deserted for years. Sango: That isn't possible, I was just here yesterday. InuYasha: Himura, you know what the weed looks like, right? Himura (Winged man): Yes... InuYasha: Go and find Sesshomaru, he can show you where the town is. The weed used to grow by the river. Please hurry. Himura: Right. Himura leaves to find Sesshomaru. InuYasha lays Kaira down on the straw mat. InuYasha: All we can do now is wait. And hope he gets back in time. ___ Kaira could hear voices, and sounds. But they didn't matter. All she really felt was pain. And cold, it was so cold here. The memories of pain, the pain now, the freezing cold, all merged. There was no light or dark, there was no sense of time, no past, no present, no future, only pain. There was a voice, it was familliar, but she couldn't place it. It was getting warmer, and there were crackling sounds, but still that voice. Kaira knew she knew who it was, it was soothing and familiar, but there was too much pain too know for sure. Pain. Cold. Memories. Pain. Pain and cold. Cold and pain. Memories... ___ Kaira tensed in pain, InuYasha moved a piece of hair from her face, and ran his hand down her cheek. It quieted her a bit, and she relaxed. The fire had helped too, her skin wasn't cold anymore, but she was still shivering. The others had all gone to sleep, but InuYasha refused to leave her alone. He would stay up for days to watch over her. It wasn't only because she had done it for him, It was because he cared. If Kaira died, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. No, he wouldn't lose her, not again.
  12. I have allready stated that Signups would remain open as long as the rpg was kept going. InuYasha and Sango are the ones we still need. Unless of course eX_mErcAnerY fells like PICKING UP THE SLACK that he left. Shippo is also a spot needing filled
  13. Kaira: InuYasha, you sure you're ok? InuYasha: Yeah, I'm fine, what about you? Kaira: I'll be fine. InuYasha: You sure, you look like you're in pain. Kaira: It's just a few broken ribs, I'll be fine. InuYasha: Kaira? She looks up, he can see the pain in her eyes, she then collapses, unconsious. He catches her as she falls, and he knew. It wasn't just broken ribs. Visions of the past clouded his mind, and he knew. It was happening again. Kagome: InuYasha, what happened? InuYasha: We have to go to the village and find Kaede, it's vital to Kaira's survival. Miroku: This has happened before, hasn't it? InuYasha: Yeah. She almost died. We need to get help before it's too late. Man: And too late could be very soon. InuYasha: What do you know about it? Man: I've seen this before. It causes great pain and kills quickly. The only antidote is the serenity weed, it became extinct years ago. There are others, but they only delay the poison's spread. InuYasha: Kaede will know what to do, she's helped her before. And the time will let us try to find this serenity weed. I emember it grew by the riverbank at my hometown but... I don't think I can go back there. We have to go to kaede, It's our only choice.
  14. Kagome: Kaira, can I ask you a question? Kaira: Yeah. Kagome: Why do you care about InuYasha so much, and why is he so protective? Kaira: I care because he's my twin brother. Ever since my brother died, he's been protecting me. Kagome: Brother? Kaira: It's a long story, I've never told anyone before. Miroku: Does InuYasha know that he is your brother? Kaira: No, but that man might have told him by now. Sango: I think they might be planning something, InuYasha took out his sword. Kitty: We'll have to hurry if we want to catch up. Kaira: No problem there. She starts off running, with the same jumps as InuYasha. Miroku: She really does look like his twin. Sango: she dosen't have his temper though. Kagome: I think we're all glad for that.
  15. Kaira's head turns back in the direction where InuYasha was. Kagome: What is it? Kaira: It's InuYasha, he may need help, Kagome, you can find him, we need to move fast. *************** Kaira: InuYasha! ____ InuYasha: Kaira! Winged man: Take a good look, this is the last time you'll ever see her. InuYasha: No, it isn't, we're closer than you think. Winged man: Oh, I know all about you two, how she was you your only friend growing up, but I know one thing you don't know. InuYasha: oh yeah? what's that Winged man: You're her brother. ____ Kaira: Kagome, is there anything you can do? Kagome: no. Kaira: Then we'll just have to follow him, and find him when he falls. He's survived worse falls than this.
  16. Kitty: come on, we gotta go. Kagome: You okay Kaira? Kaira: Yeah, it's been a long time since I've seen InuYasha... Miroku: You knew InuYasha? Kaira: we grew up together. He was like a brother to me. He always protected me, always cared for me, and then Naraku... You probably know the rest. (a tear starts to form, but Kaira turns away so they won't notice) We have to get going, InuYasha will come. ***************** InuYasha: I don't care if you're not fighting back, so long as you pay for hurting Kaira.
  17. ok, here's a really short one: Why do cats eat cheese? [spoiler]to attract the mice[/spoiler]
  18. I say Pleople, and one of my friends says confuzzled. I also have this thing where I elongate my vowels, so i say like confoosed, instead of confused.
  19. I've seen it spelled both ways, but which is really how you spell it?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Francisco Torre [/i] [B]Come on, I'm with Michelangelo. He got what he deserved. I mean, lets face it, he was a total pain to almost everyone. (Sorry for that I.Love.U.Sora) [/B][/QUOTE] What do you expect, he was in fourth grade. and he DID help Tsukasa in the end.
  21. InuYasha: Kitty, Get them out of here, I'll catch up with you. Kitty: Right. InuYasha: Hey ya jerk, come back here and fight me. ************************* Kitty: Come on, we need to get out of the area. Kagome: What about InuYasha? Kaira: He'll be fine. Miroku: how does InuYasha know you? Kaira: We need to get going, staying here is too dangerous. Miroku: But how... Sango: Don't. She dosen't want to talk about it, let her be. Kitty: Let's go.
  22. A reminder: I will be Kaira, So Sango is open. If you would like the story behind Kaira, please PM me. InuYasha is now taken.
  23. Johnny Cash. I remember, about a year or two ago when I first got into country music, he was one of the first names i ever knew, and one of my favorites. Early this year, when his wife died, I began to really get into him. He's one of those peole that no one can forget once they've heard him. I don't believe there's a name in country music that dosen't know his name. He truly was a legend in his time.
  24. The fourth post on this page, i put a line between when they leave the town and when they get to the well, so that could be confusing
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