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Everything posted by NashvilleDream

  1. umm.. I just found out, that in order to put someone else's poems in your book, you have to have their written permission, and THEIR SIGNATURE. So... it's not very possible.
  2. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, how does a 13 year old girl know about a great legend like John Denver. Well, if it wasn't for him, i probably wouldn't have the dreams that I do, He changed my life, and I wanted to know if he changed any of yours, also, if you have a favorite song of his (if that's even possible) and, if you want to know some of his history, I know a little.
  3. I was really stupid, I watched it right before I went to two weeks of overnight camps, and right after the 7 days movie thing, the phone rang.
  4. howcome we're all getting these dreams from too much TV? whatever happened to outdoor fun.
  5. It was FREAKY. The part where the girl comes outta the TV...
  6. Has anyone else seen "the ring"?
  7. I don't think i can top any of you, but... I dreamed about Quattre once... (too much GW research, I think...)
  8. My screen name, is exactly what it says. Nashville Dream. I've got a dream of going to nashville and becoming a proffessional singer. After I finish collage, of course
  9. Yeah, I'm about as shy as they come, that's why i'm worried that i'm gonna have problems following my dream
  10. us women, if you can figure out us, you can figure out anything
  11. yeah, I need anger management therapy, not that it would help much, but, yeah, I have problems.
  12. I kicked my ex boyfriend once, He was a stupid lying jerk, i kicked him, and he moved his leg, so i ended up kicking him pretty lightly in the ankle, the next day, he came into school with a big bruise on his shin, and blamed it on me. I got detention, yeah, detention, evil place, that it most certainly is.
  13. Name: Squall Leonheart Age: 17 Sex: M History: An ellite member of the legendary SeeD. Squall is extremely talented when it comes to fighting with a unique weapon know as the Gunblade. There is only one other character that can weild such a weapon, Seifer Almasy. Description: Squall is a very emotionless person. He likes to keep to himself, but that all changes when he meets Rinoa. Weapon: Gunblade Special Weapon: Lion Heart Appearance: here: [url]http://www.fflegacy.com/ff8/ff8-squall.shtml[/url] does this work?
  14. A girl was standing at her favorite spot, the high rock, in a place that she figured no one else had found, because no one ever came, when she heard a voice behind her, she turned around and there was a young boy there, he seemed pretty shy, and , being very shy herself, and not wanting to get close to anyone, because she she didn't want to feel the pain of losing someone again, The young boy said hi, and asked for her name, and she answered: "I'm Kara, what's yours."
  15. Character Info- Name: Kara Age: 13 Height/Weight: 5'7"/ 127 Bio:N/A Deck Info- Deck size:80 (20 fushion cards) Deck type:eheh Favorite card: The Unhappy Maiden
  16. Can I be Maya? oh, and are you SURE that it's not one of those save-the-world one's, cuz i remember that it was...
  17. In world Name: Kara Gender: Female Description: Long black hair, deep blue eyes, 5'3", light blue dress (reaches down to ankles), bare feet Class: wavemaster Outside Name: Joelle Age: 13 Gender: Female Description: Short blonde hair, blue or green eyes, 'bout 5'7"
  18. Name: Kayra Michimora Age: 13 Sex: Female Eye: Hazel Hair: dirty blonde Wand: Willow, Pheniox feather, 13" House: Year: first Personality: Quiet and reserved, Kayra rarely talks to anyone and spends most of her time alone, extremely shy, but is devoted and very loyal to the few friends she has managed to gain. Biography: Kayra Lost her parents when she was very young, and her brother denyed going to hogwarts in order to take care of her. She loves her brother more than anything in the world and can somehow talk to him in her mind. Though she rarely talks, she understands almost anything and excells at all her studies. she fears getting close to people, because she does not want to feel the pain of loosing them. she is determined to always do the right thing, and is one of those people that it's impossible to hate, even though she usually keeps to herself.
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