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Everything posted by NashvilleDream
Cream soda, definately. And the ones in the bottles are even better. YUMMY!!
This thing kinda died there didn't it -_- lol
[size=2]My name is Joelle and the one that somehow came from that is Jello... don't ask I don't know -__- lol[/size] [size=2]My other nickname is Kaiya, that came from 1) my RP character's name[/size] [size=2]2) It means forgiveness (I always forgive people)[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]My friend's name is ashley. I was randomly typing one day (you know, like fdkhsjjkshfdl and stuff?) WELL I ended up typing Assy-k EXACTLY like that and it reminded me of her and so that's her nickname.[/size] [size=2]HER other nickname is ashy, cuz it's short. lol[/size]
((OMG IT'S BEEN FOREVER!! LOL))OK, I'm going to try to revive this thing.. (not sure if it's gonna work though -__-) so, ANYWAY. We're still looking for some people??
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
NashvilleDream replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
((wow, it's been SO long -_- I'm not sure even I know what I'm doing anymore... lol :D)) It was near dawn by the time Inuyasha reached Kikyo. He drew his sword and prepared to fight, Kikyo retaliated by drawing her bow, but lowered it when she saw who it was. Inuyasha took this oppertunity to charge forward, Kikyo raised her bow, and fired. ____________ "Where's Inuyasha?" Kagome asked Yuri later that morning, "Why did he leave without telling anyone?" When Yuri meerly shook her head in return, she turned to Kyp. "Will you please look for him Kyp? I just know there's something wrong." "Not much use in looking for him" replid Yuri "He came back earlier but... you shouldn't see him right now." "Why not?" Asked Kagome worridly "Kaiya and Sesshoumaru brought him back. He's in.. pretty bad shape" replied Yuri ((I learned a thing or two about RPing on the other forum I was on ^^ but man it's been FOREVER -_-')) -
Writing My first fanfiction: Muchi to Nayami [PG- L]
NashvilleDream posted a topic in Creative Works
[b] Prologue[/b] Suzaku was the final and most formidable of the four saint beasts, which also included Genbu, the rock, Byakko, the white tiger, and Seriyu, the blue dragon. A barrier formed by the Spirit World long ago encircled them and the city below them. When the barrier was erected, the Spirit World hoped that it would prevent the demons from entering into the human world. However, Spirit World is blind to much, and there is little they grasp. Suzaku was the leader of the saint beasts, and there were demons in the human world. This is what the Spirit World knew. What they did not know was that Suzaku had a sister, and immensely potent emotions. One day, many decades after the erection of the barrier, she fell ill. Her condition continued to deteriorate, and he had no alternative. To stop the disease, he was forced to put her into a temporary dormancy, and he swore revenge on any and all who had caused it. It was later that he learned the disease was caused by the barrier around the city, and it was then that he sent a letter to Spirit World telling them to take down the barrier, or suffer the consequences. They dispatched the spirit detective, Yusuke Yuremeshi, who was accompanied by Kazuma Kuwabara, and sent Suichi Minimoto, otherwise known as Youko Kurama, and Hiei to help. Kurama defeated the first saint beast, Genbu, retained a wound to his abdomen, and Kuwabara barely defeated Byakko, the second. The group reached Seriyu, and Hiei made quick work of the Blue Dragon, as they called him. Suzaku, now aware of the power of the group, dispatched the cultivated humans. He knew now he would not survive the encounter, and they would not hold them for long. He needed to see to the safety of his sister. As he stood over her with his hands on the container and said his goodbyes, he cried the only tears he ever shed. He did not know that in her sleep, she heard every word he said. When he walked out, he sealed the chamber, protecting her from what he knew would come. He knew he went to his grave, but he vowed to try his best, and he did, and failed. He tried and died. She knew, and it was not long after his defeat that she awoke. And what she found was not something she ever wanted to see. [b] Chapter one[/b] [b]Learning of loss[/b] Kaiya awoke to a sense of great and terrible emptiness. When she left the chamber, she knew why. She saw her brother and ran to him. She turned him over and cradled him in her arms as the last threads of his life broke and his spirit drained away. She held his lifeless body and cried. She cried until she had no more tears and still she held his body. She held him close to her, rocking back and forth. She could not bring herself to leave his body, which was beginning to grow cold. The time passed and finally, she left his body, filled with death. She watched that boy kill her brother and her friends, the ones who had taught her all she knew, and swore she would find them. She knelt by her brother?s body one last time, kissed his forehead, and whispered, ?I will miss you, my beloved brother.? She escaped the city; by the same hole the Spirit World had made for the spirit detective and the rest of the group to enter it, and into the human world. She would find that boy; she didn?t care if she died trying. He had murdered her friends, her mentors, and the only family she'd ever had. He would pay, with his life. [b]Chapter two Hunting[/b] The human world is something I'll have to adjust to, Kaiya thought as she flew above the buildings of (name of the city) or perhaps it's being awake that causes the inhibition of my normal abilities. Like her brother, she was highly educated, well mannered, and good-tempered with a kind and gentle nature. Usually. But now, with her mind so entangled with anger and bitter hatred that were quickly breeding many thoughts of revenge that grew and spread at an alarming rate. There was a storm approaching, a big one, she could feel it. Kaiya had not yet gathered enough strength to take that kind of bashing. Though many of her abilities had returned, she still did not have the abilities that the others or her brother had taught her. She needed to find shelter before she was caught inside. If her instincts had not been still numbed, she would have been able to realize this sooner, giving her the time she so desperately needed, but did not have. [b] Chapter three A chance encounter[/b] Black. Everything was black. There was nothing, only sounds, and something didn't quite fit. Where was all the noise? "Are you alright?" asked a kind voice "She's alive, isn't she." responded another voice, sounding slightly annoyed "That's more than you can say for most of the others who got caught in the open during that." Kaiya opened her eyes to a pair of emerald green ones. ?I think so. Who... are you?? Kaiya asked. "My name is Kurama" The young boy with very red hair replied, "Care to introduce yourself?? He asked over his shoulder, smiling. Kaiya followed his gaze to see another boy, shorter than this one, with black hair, red eyes, and a bandana covering his forehead. "Hiei" he stated, and then returned his gaze to the other direction. "He doesn't talk much" Kurama informed her. From the direction Hiei was looking came a voice that sounded like the owner had an abnormally small brain "Yo! Kurama! Did you and shorty f-" The owner of the voice was abruptly on the ground, twitching Hiei?s fist where the boy's face was only a second before. Before the high school student behind him knew it, he was on the receiving end of a very large blast of energy, and Kaiya was struggling to get free from Hiei and screaming "I'll kill you! You murdered my brother, you killed him, you're a murderer and you killed him. You took the only family I had away from me and I swear I'll kill you for it. Yusuke Yuremeshi, I swear I'll kill you! Damn you Yusuke Yurameshi! I?m going to send you to HELL? But recent events had left her energy lacking, and she collapsed almost immediately after conveying her message. Hiei laid her on the ground. ?Yusuke? Kurama said, almost like a question as he knelt by her face, ?Look closely at her face. Who does she look like?? Yusuke walked over and knelt next to Kurama. ?She looks like? Suzaku? Yusuke replied, confused ?But? I don?t understand. How? ?Perhaps? Replied Kurama ?It would be most advantageous if we take her to Genkai?s to recover, and then ask her.? [b]Chapter four[/b] [b]The dream[/b] ?Kaiya? A familiar voice echoed ?Kaiya? ?Kaiya? ?Sister? This made Kaiya open her eyes. She was in the castle, and all of her friends were there too. But, how can this be? She thought. Was it all a dream? No. It was real. This is the dream. But, I don?t care. Here, my brother, my precious brother, is alive! ?Suzaku!? Kaiya exclaimed as she ran towards him and clung to him, as if, by doing that, she could make him real. ?I?ve missed you so much.? Kaiya whimpered ?My little sister? he replied. ?Kaiya? ?What brother?? ?Why do you seek revenge on that boy?? Suzaku asked her ?He took all of you away from me, He?s the reason you?re gone, he? he?? Kaiya shed the tears clinging to him now that she thought she had already cried holding his dead and dying body. Suzaku knelt on the floor, holding his sobbing sister close to him, giving her the comfort she could now only find in her dreams. ?Kaiya, my dear little sister, everyone has things they have to do, and everyone has things which they are unable to, and they cannot forget, nor forgive themselves. Everyone has a reason for the actions they take, even if their actions cause undesirable effects. I know you want to remember, but forgiving does not mean you have to forget. Yusuke?s death will not bring us back, nor will it do anything to ease your pain. You know what it is like to lose those who you love, and you don?t want to cause others that kind of pain. I understand you want to blame someone and hurt them, but in the end, the only person anyone ever has to blame for their problems is them self. Try to understand this Kaiya, my sister, and do not seek to harm. Your very name calls you to this; you are forgiveness, my sister, so forgive. I love you, Kaiya, my dear sister, I always will. I will be watching you.? As Suzaku spoke these words to her, the four began to fade. ?Our time together has come to an end. Sayonara, my sister.? ?I?d like to see you again? Kaiya called after them. ?You will? Suzaku responded. ?In your dreams? ?I?ll be waiting for you? Kaiya called aver him ?I?ll be here waiting? In a room in a house in Japan, a girl asleep began to stir, only the black-haired demon noticed, he was the only one who was not lost in a deep slumber, though the soft rays of morning?s first light would soon wake the sleeping city. [b] Chapter five[/b] [b]The beginning of understanding[/b] ?Yusuke? Yusuke?s dream faded into a surrounding of white as his most recent enemy appeared with his back to Yusuke. ?Suzaku, what are you doing here, get out of my head? Yusuke shouted, ?What the hell do you want from me?? ?I want you to take care of my sister? Suzaku replied, turning to face the raven-haired teen who had defeated him. ?That?s ridiculous!? Yusuke replied, ?How can I take care of someone who wants to kill me!? ?She does not want to kill you. She merely wants to mourn her friends and family, but she cannot do that with the hate that fills her heart, and that rage will not go until you set things straight. You need to tell her how you saw it. Before you do that, go back to the city of ghosts and apparitions, in the chamber where you defeated me. I will remain with you, and give you instructions when you get there, take none with you, and tell no one where you go.? And with that, Suzaku turned and walked away, fading just as the dream had, and how the white was now fading again to his dream. [b] Chapter six[/b] [b]Righting the wrong[/b] Kaiya opened her eyes to find herself staring at a ceiling, and as she sat up, a sleeping black haired fire demon. She paid him no mind as she left. She walked until she found a pond, then sat on its banks and cried. ?Why are you crying?? said a gentle voice. ?Because my brother, who was always kind, was murdered,? Kaiya replied. The man behind her gently wrapped his arms around her, and she turned and quietly sobbed into his chest. ?I?m sure he wouldn?t want you to cry, he?d want you to live for him.? The man stated, ?Kaiya, I know the boy who killed your brother, and he wouldn?t have done it without a reason. He?s gone back to pay his respects and see your side of the story? Kaiya slowly stopped her sobbing and looked into the eyes of the fire demon. ?He?d do that for me?? she asked. ?Yeah, that?s just how Yusuke is? ?Yusuke?? ?We?d better be getting back, they?ll be wondering where we are.? Kaiya nodded and followed Hiei back. [b] Chapter seven[/b] [b]Healing the pain[/b] Yusuke looked around at the damage, at what he had done, and sighed. ?No wonder she was mad, look what I did to her brother. He quietly went over to the large screen, ?Kurama said it should be around here?? He watched her past play out on the screen ?I see? so that?s why?? [center]~_____~_____~ [/center] ?Why would you help me?? Kaiya asked Hiei, ?After what I did?? ?Everyone has reasons for what they do, sometimes those reasons are hidden, even from the one who has them.? He replied. ?I don?t understand. I tried to kill your friend? so why?? ?Because I care about you, so don?t you even think about killing yourself.? Hiei told her as he held her. ?You have no reason to now.? ?My brother told me that I was the strongest person he knew. So did the rest of them. They all thought I was strong. And? I still don?t understand.? ?The said you were strong because you are. You have a very strong mind, you just don?t know it.? ?I thank you, Mr. Hiei? Kaiya said as she walked away from him. ?There?s something I have to do now, I?ll be back soon.? And with that, she was gone. ?She?s really something isn?t she? Kurama said as he walked up behind Hiei. ?Mr. Hiei eh?? ?Shut up.? He replied ?I don?t need you to tell me about my feelings.? ?Really? What are your feelings then?? ?Hiei turned to look Kurama squarely in the eyes. ?I love her.? He said, and walked off into the woods. ~________~_________~ Kaiya walked up behind Yusuke. ?So? you know now.? ?Yeah. I?m sorry for? your loss.? He replied, head down. ?Don?t be; it was his choice. I wish to lay the past to rest now.? She said as she walked through the door and out of sight. ?Odd girl?? He said to no one. ?Better get back? ok, so the chapters are kindof.... pathetically short -_- Alright... so it's sortof more of a short story isn't it........ -
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
NashvilleDream replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
[size=2][i]He still holds me,[/i] Kaira thought, as the storm raged around them, [i]Though I have not rode a fiercer storm before, the fear and pain of it somehow dissappear when he holds me.[/i] They had rode the storm from it's start, Kaira and Ken-ichi, that was hours ago. There was something that kept them there and woudn't let them leave. Something that held them in eachothers arms on that hilltop while the lightening flashed and the thunder threatened them. Something they souldn't quite understand. [/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][i] She cares too much, and yet, she never cries. There are weaknesses that she tries to hide from me, but we can hide nothing. In the end, all is revealed, and our faults become as clear as dawn in a cloudless sky. They are so much alike, and yet, so different. One day, it will be as clear to me, as it is now, to her.[/i][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Dawn was approaching, and the storm was beginning to dissapate.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]____________[/size] [size=2](OOC): So, did I confuse any of you?[/size] -
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
NashvilleDream replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
[size=2][i]This has to stop.[/i] Inuyasha thought as he slipped down the hallways void of sound [i]Someone has to end it.[/i] It was well after nightfall, the storm still raged with Kaira and Ken-ichi still in it [i]Damnit, why does she love those storms so much.[/i] He silently cursed as he passed his twin's room [i]If she gets killed, it'll be her fault[/i] Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief as he reached the outside [i]At least I didn't have to Go by Sesshoumaru. Yuri probably knows allready, she's like that.[/i]As he reached the crest of the first hill, he refocused on the task at hand [i]It can't go on like this, I have to end it. What no longer belongs here has to leave, or it will be made to.[/i] and with that thought, Inuyasha raced into the night, blending into it, black on black.[/size] ______________ [size=2][i]Darkness[/size] [size=2]Black[/size] [size=2]Can't see[/size] [size=2]All alone[/size] [size=2]A voice[/size] [size=2]Someone, calling my name[/size] [size=2]Who?[/size] [size=2]Who is calling me?[/i][/size] [size=2]"I am little one." The voice answered, as if it had read her thoughts "Do you recall a wish you made on a shooting star, a long time ago?" The black haired young girl nodded "How would you like for it to be a reality. When you wake." The voice asked and, having recieved another nod in response, the darkness faded into a dream.[/size] [size=2]________________[/size] [size=2]Raven sighed as she leaned back "What a mess. What a horrible mess"[/size] -
[QUOTE=PiroMunkie][size=1]While I appreciate you following my campaign, let us stay with the OtakuBoards' rules in size limitations for banners. The one in your sig is 20 pixels too tall. Lets not give Dragon Warrior any fodder to fire back at us now.[/size][/QUOTE] I'll fix that, I'll get right on it
Down with Dragon Warrior! No more brainwashings or Tea parties! I join PiroMunkie to stop this tyrant
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
NashvilleDream replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
FYI: I'm taking over Inuyasha until ex_mercenary returns. _________________________________________________ Kagome: Inuyasha? what are you doing here? Inuyasha: we should go back soon. Eri: Kagome? you know this... freak? Kagome: well... umm... yeah, I do. (guess i couldn't keep it a secret forever) remember that guy I told you about? Eri: not that pshco wierdo? Yuka: The one who tried to kill the guy? Kagome: uhh... (this might take some explaining) yeah Inuyasha: you told them about me! Kagome: yeah, sortof wait here *drags friends off and explains the whole story* Arimi: wow. Yuka: what about Hojo? Hojo couldn't've picked a worse time to walk up. Hojo: Hey Kagome! My mom packaged this up for you cold, It's supposed to be really good for them. Kagome: Thanks Hojo (Finally, Grandpa came up with a normal illness.) Inuyasha: who's this? Kagome: oh, sorry. Inuyasha, this is Hojo, Hojo, Inuyasha. Inuyasha narrows his eyes at Hojo. Kagome: INUYASHA Kagome drags Inuyasha off and starts yelling at him. Kagome: I told you, no attacking people. Inuyasha: whatever. We should leave when you get back. Inuyasha walks off and returns to the shrine Hojo: how do you know him? Kagome: *sigh* not again. *explains whole story to Hojo* Hojo: well, that explains why you left that one time Kagome: Yeah, I have to be going now, bye _______________________ Kaira: Oops. This isn't good. Ken-ichi: I would've dropped it to. Kaira: Try explaining that to my brother and the others, look. Sesshomaru walks up followed by the entire group (except those who were preoccupied with something) Sesshomaru: What. Happened? Kaira: Well umm... you see... uhh... Ken-Ichi steps in front of Kaira protectively. KI: I was teaching Kaira some new magic and the scream startled her so she dropped it. Girls voice: Now Sess, don't go yelling at my favorite little sister. Sesshomaru: Not you again Miroku: Who's she? *WHACK* Miroku: What, I didn't do anything? Kaze: [i]You really should watch what you think[/i] Sesshomaru: She's my older sister. Miroku, Kyp, Sango: WHAT! Kaira: Yuri! You're back! Yuri: Yep, now where's my other little brother. Kaira: Umm... It's sort of a long story, but he'll be back soon. ________________________ Yuri (Not to be confused with Yura) is Sesshomaru's older full sister. half sister to Inuyasha and Kaira. She Inherited the purple eyes from her mother (I'm guessing, since no one seems to know about Sess's mom, and I thought purple was cool). ________________________ Kagome returns to find Inuyasha staring at the sacred tree mumbling about some long ago memory. Kagome: Inuyasha? Inuyasha: yeah, what? Kagome: Why did you save me? That time with Kikyo? Inuyasha: Because, She's dead. The Kikyo I knew is long gone. This Kikyo is only clay and gravesoil, there is none of the old Kikyo there. The dead can never make up for the living, I finally realized this. I can't forget about Kikyo, I loved her too much, and I'll never stop loving her. But Kikyo is dead, and so I have to move on, I have to learn to live again, to love again. You helped me do that Kagome. You made me realize that this Kikyo is not the one I knew. You helped me learn to love again, and the one I've fallen in love with, is you. Kagome: Inuyasha, let's go back. We've been gone a while now, the others may be starting to worry. Inuyasha: Right. _________________ Sesshomaru is walking down the halls desperately trying to avoid Yuri, unfortunately, she is following him very closely, sometimes floating in front of him, making him oviously very annoyed. Yuri: come on now Sess, am I really that annoying? Sesshomaru: Yeah, you are, now will you please go away. Yuri: Fine, Kaira and I have a lot to catch up on anyway. ________________ *Flash* A young Sesshomaru is chasing a young Inuyasha down a hall. Young Sesshomaru stops in front of Yuri. Young Inuyash, who has managed to get behind Yuri, sticks his toung out at Young Sesshomaru. *Flash* Sesshomaru is staring at the stars. Yuri sneaks up behind him and tackles him. *Flash* Sesshomaru: Nothing but trouble. Yuri. Mischevios, funloving, joking Yuri. Nothing but trouble. But then, there was that time when... *Flash* Light. Orange and red and yellow light. A shadow appears through the light. Then blue light. A 15 year old Yuri picks up a 5 year old Sesshomaru, and carries him out out of the flaming forest. *Flash* Sesshomaru: She's annoying, but at least she can get serious once in a while. Yuri: [i]So Sesshomaru, having a good time thinking about how many times I saved your life when you were a kid?[/i] Sesshomaru: no, not exactly, and how many times do I have to tell you not to talk to me like this. Yuri:[i] Until you can give me a good reason why not.[/i] Sesshomaru: It's dangerous Yuri: [i]Less dangerous than speaking. they both have their pros and cons.[/i] Sesshomaru: It disturbs my thoughts Yuri: [i]Come now little brother, you'll have to do better than that, nothing can disturb your thoughts.[/i] Sesshomaru: Just leave me alone Yuri: [i]You're not very good at this are you.[/i] Sesshomaru: How about it bothers me and I don't like it. Yuri: [i]There now, all ya had to do was be honest. Besides, Inuyasha's back. Oooo, howcome no one told me little halfling bro had a girlfriend![/i] Sesshomaru: Yuri... darn, she's gone. Well at least my mind can have some quiet without people popping in deciding to show off their mind talents. ____________________ Yuri: Inuyasha! my little halfling brother! How'd you manage to find a girl? Inuyasha: Has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be Yuri? Yuri: all the time. Who's the girl? Kagome: My name is Kagome, nice to meet you Yuri. Kaira told me about you. Where is everyone? Inuyasha: Probably Hiding from Yuri. Yuri: Actually, They're all in he library right now, I don't know why, I was talking to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha: Yeah right, more like following and annoying. Kagome: Inuyasha, why don't we just go and join the others. Inuyasha: Yeah, oh and Yuri Yuri: Yeah? Inuyasha: Stay away from Miroku. and if you do go near him, try not to murder him, it's your own fault if you get too close. Kagome: he's a lecher Their conversation continues as they begin to walk down the hall Inuyasha: He is better now that sango seems to be taking a liking to him. Kagome: yeah, I don't think I've seen him try to grope a girl since... Inuyasha and Kagome continue to talk about miroku as they walk away twoards the library. __________________ Inuyasha: So why is everyone in here? And where are Kaira and Kenichi? Sesshoumaru: Kaira's been outside for a while, but we don't know where, and Kenichi just went to look for her. __________________ Kaira is standing atop a grassy hill lookinh at the sky on the horizon. Kenichi walks up behind her. Kenichi: So this is where you were. Kaira: Yeah, I love this spot. Kenichi: We should get inside, there's a storm coming. Kaira: I know, that's why I'm here. On the horizon, thick black clouds could be seen, and the faint smell or rain, thunder, and energy was smelled by those who were given the ability. They could tell this storm was going to be very nasty. It was coming closer, and building fast. Kenichi: are you sure you want to ride this one? Kaira: Yes, I'm positive Kenichi: you know, if Your brother found out you were doing this he'd- Kaira: I don't care what Sesshoumaru would do Kenichi walks closer to Kaira until he's standing right behind her. Kenichi: I'f you're staying, I'm staying too Kaira: Nomatter what? Kenichi's arms encircle her and he pulls her to him Kenichi: Nomatter what And the storm comes closer and closer. __________________________________________________ _______ (OOC: lots of people have been pming me wondering why Sess is seemingly out of character. This can be explained if you read my "battle of the pairings" post on Livejournal.com. My screen name is nashvilledreamr. [u][color=#0000ff]www.livejournal.com [/u][/color]) -
Personally, I think that anybody who thinks that they have to change how they look in order to please some [i]guy[/i] is crazy, abnormal, and wierd. You are you and nothing can change that, if someone doesn't like [i]you[/i] for [i]you[/i], it's their problem, not yours. You can't change you, and you shouldn't try. Any [i]guy[/i] who cares remotely about a girl's [i]size[/i], is an idiodic jerk and doesn't deserve a girl.
I was wondering if there could be a forum for debates, or for discussing political issues.
anything that brightens your day
Request Request for a Tsume/Wolf's Rain banner
NashvilleDream replied to Cat's topic in Creative Works
Here's the one with the words on it -
Request Naruto: Gaara/ Kakashi avatar/sig set plz!
NashvilleDream replied to DeadlyDrifter's topic in Creative Works
Are these ok? -
Request The Beatles Banner/Avatar Request
NashvilleDream replied to Ellerby's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkolivegreen][font=Times New Roman]Is this OK?[/font][/color] -
How's this?
Request Hugh and Nathan banner and a dracula avi.
NashvilleDream replied to Prince Van's topic in Creative Works
Do you think that you could supply a few pictures? I can't find either of them anywhere -
are these what you were looking for?
Request Request for a Tsume/Wolf's Rain banner
NashvilleDream replied to Cat's topic in Creative Works
Is this OK? -
Request Hatake Kakashi and John Cena banner...
NashvilleDream replied to Ninjaman's topic in Creative Works
A few questions. 1) What color background 2) what poses 3)how do you want the text Or, if this is OK with you, that works to. -
I finally managed to get pictures of Kaira and Raven. They suck, yeah, but they're pictures. Oh, and just to warn you, you need to set your brightness to 50 b4 you see these, otherwise you see the major flaws.
OOC: Reading over my posts recently, I have realized how my quality is severely lacking. I have sinced changed the way I write, and will do my best to keep it that way. I apologize to the moderaters who I have caused more work for, I promise it won't happen again. In The World of Kair, trouble has been brewing. A great darkness has overtaken all of the southern lands, and is spreading quickly. People take their families and run for their lives. No one knows exactly where or how it started, no one paid any attention, all they know is that what it takes, it doesn't give back. Heroes have been called from the farthest reaches of every universe, every dimension and time. People live in fear, doing all they can to survive, praying they won't awaken to dark. Signups: The characters are the "Main Pairing(s)" from a RPG. One character to a person, one post to a pairing. People playing the characters in a pairing should be close, at least remotely friends, tremendous communication will be needed. In a case where one of the characters is dead, that character will be responsible for any and all of the other character's flashbacks that involve the dead character. When there is more than one Main Pairing in the game, as long as they don't involve one of the characters in another pairing, that is allowed. I know I'm forgetting something... Oh well, if you have any questions, or if I confusued you to no end, contact me.