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Everything posted by NashvilleDream

  1. ok, my freakiest food habit. some of you will think i am a comlete maniac (well i am so it dosen't really matter does it) bread dipped in vanilla pepsi also, my grandpa used to like onion, Peanutbutter, and mayonaise sandwhiches. my neibhor eats them to
  2. umm..: file not found. please reupload it [url]www.uploadit.org[/url] I don't think that's a good thing, considering it was supposed to be your wallpaper
  3. Ken-Ichi: That was good, Let's try a new one. I just learned this one, It's not perfect yet, but It's the last one. Kaira: Sounds powerful Ken-Ichi: It is, you cannot let it go, understand? Kaira: yep Ken-Ichi's eyes close and his face shows deep concentration. His hands are about six inches apart. A multicolored ball of energy apears floating in the space in between his hands. His eyes open and the ball dissapears. Kaira: wow. That was a lot of energy. Ken-Ichi: Try it. Bet ya can't get it on the first try. Kaira: Bet ya I can. Kaira looks down places her hands about six inches apart and has a look of deep concentration on her face. A glowing orb of pure white energy appears between her hands. Kaira: I did it! Ken-Ichi: Concentrate. Now make it Dissapear. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard by all the beings inside the castle, Causing Kaira to drop the ball of energy. As soon as they realize what is going to happen, they both put up their strongest barrier, Causing them to be unharmed by the explosion that followed.
  4. Sorry for the wait, we've been having some major technical difficulties. Kaira: this is your room. Ken-Ichi: wow Kaira: recognize it? Ken-Ichi: not reall? oh yeah. It?s the same one I had last time. Kaira: Yep. *laughs* Ken-Ichi: What?s so funny? Kaira: Do you remember? What I used to call you? Ken-Ichi: Oh. That. Kaira: Kichi. It was my nickname for you. Ken probably would?ve been more sensible, but then again, we never did anything sensible in those days did we. Ken-Ichi: Some things never change. Kaira: *laughs* like Inuyasha Ken-Ichi: Is he still? Kaira: Still as protective as ever. Sesshomaru too, although he was considerably more lucky in inheriting father?s brains than Inuyasha was. Ken-Ichi: Where were you? Kaira: What?? When? Ken-Ichi: All those years you were gone? Kaira: Looking for you. After you left, you said you would be back soon. When you didn?t come back, I went looking. Ken-Ichi: We must?ve just missed each other. When I came back, Sesshomaru said you?d just left. Kaira: All those tricks you taught me sure came in handy; they got me out of a good many hopeless situations. Ken-Ichi: Like with your si.. Kaira: That girl is not my sister. She is not the girl she once was. Something happened to make her hate humans and halflings. She even turned against her family. Ken-Ichi: I?m sorry. Kaira: It?s not your fault. Ken-Ichi: so? how?s your training coming? Kaira: I?m a little rusty, it?s been a while since I?ve practiced. Ken-Ichi: Why don?t I go teach you some new ones? Kaira: That?d be cool. The training room is still in good condition. Ken-Ichi: That?ll be a perfect place to practice. Your barrier?s still really good. Kaira: It always was my best. Kaira and Ken-Ichi walk out of the room talking about different moves and run into Miroku standing outside the door. Kaira: How long have you been eavesdropping Lecher? Miroku: Again with the names? Why must every girl insist on insulting me? Kaira: Probably cuz you?re a pervert. Miroku: What exactly were you doing in there? Ken-Ichi and Kaira: That?s none of your business. Miroku: sure took ya long enough to come out. *slap* Kaira: One more word out of your perverted little mouth Houshi, and I?ll make sure your girlfriend comes up here to find you plastered against the wall. Miroku: Being a little harsh, aren?t we? Kaira: I warned you. ____________________________________________ Sango would come up a few minutes later to find that Kaira had made good on her promise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok people you can post now. again, sorry for the wait.
  5. Characters taken as of this post are: Kagome by Ladyscorp2006 Inuyasha (which is ONE word, for those who think it's two) by eX_mErcAnerY Rin by DaggerIX1 Miroku by Keiko and Kikyo by Inuyashagurl_15. If any of these people would like to quit, please notify me or post here so your positions can be filled. Characters still open are as follows: Sesshomaru Kaede Sota or Souta Kagome's mom Sango Shippo Kagome's friends Myoga Raven Hadji (That Badger-thing that is Miroku's friend) Hojo Grandpa and multiple others whose names stupid little me can't remember. You can also make up your own character
  6. Kaira had watched Kyp leave a while ago. She heard leaves rustling behind her, she whirled around to find a man. Man: Woah, easy Kaira, It's just me. Kaira: Ken-Ichi! Kaira ran forward into his arms and looks up at him with tears in her eyes. Kaira: It's been so long. Ken-Ichi: I know. I've been looking for you. ____________________ Inuyasha: I think it's time I go home. Kagome: You can wait here until I finish my test. Souta: Well, My sister and my hero. What a nice couple. Kagome & Inuyasha: SOUTA! Souta: Help!
  7. Kaira was drawn out of her eavesdropping by a strong sense that something was back home in the feudal era. She walked outside and to the well house. Kaira: Hey Souta, tell Inuyasha something came up and I had to go home k? Sota: I will. Kaira: Thanks. Kaira closed the door behind her and jumped down the well and emerged into the feudal era. Kaira: Hey Raven! Picking on the only people you can again? Raven: Grrrrrrr Kyp: Hey! Kaira: Back off kid. Raven: I AM NOT WEAK Kaira: Whatever. Raven runs twoards Kaira to attack her, but runs into something and is forced back. Kyp: < Woah... she's a lot stronger than she let on. > Kaira: That's a little trick that Ken-ichi taught me.
  8. Kagome: Inuyasha, you shouln't try to move yet, you're too badly injured. Inuyasha: Kagome, what about you? Are you alright? Kagome: I'm fine. Kaira: Now I get it. Kagome: get what? Kaira: You two like eachother, but neither one will admit it. Inuyasha & Kagome: WHAT! Kaira: You're both blushing. I'll just leave you two alone. Kaira left the room and joined souta in spying. Inuyasha: Kagome... Kagome: You're so hot, your fever hasn't gone down yet. Inuyasha: Kagome, Is what she said true? Kagome: *blushes* Yes, It's true. Inuyasha: It's okay, you don't have to be emberrassed, I never thought you could like me, with what I did with Kikyo, and me being a jerk to you all the time, I thought you hated me. Kagome: I never hated you, how could I hate you, you were always there for me when I needed you, even if I didn't know it, you did. I felt so useless, I couldn't do anything useful. Sango had her boomerang, miroku had his kazanna, and when that was gone, he had his staff and his spells, Shippo had his foxfire and the other stuff he did, and you had the tetseiga and your claws. And what did I have? Inuyasha: You had your bow and arrows, and you could see the shards. But you could also reverse my transformation. Kagome: Yeah, and how long did it take me to actually hit something. Inuyasha: you were the most important member of our group. You can ask anyone of them, you're special. Kagome: but then why... Inuyasha: I was an idget, you're kind and... Kagome: And what? Inuyasha: And I love you. Kagome: I thought you'd never say it. Kaira: Souta, go help your mum. Souta: But I wanna see... Kaira: You'll see plenty when you're older, you shouldn't see it now. And be Quiet, or they'll know We're here Souta: Right. ______________________ *Slap* Sango: PERVERT Shippo: You two at it again? I Guess I'll never understand you adults. Sango: SHIPPO!!!! Shippo: AHHH Where's Kagome when you need her! Help! Miroku: Sango, he's just a kid, give him a break. Sango: Break! I'll show Him a break. Miroku: Where's Kaira when ya need her? Sesshomau: Apparently, missing. Kyp sent his blades
  9. Kagome: Inuyasha? Kagome's mom: I think he's coming to. Souta: Is Inuyasha gonna be alright? Kagome: Yes, his body's different, he should be fine. Inuyasha: Ka.. go... me. Kagome: You should rest, We'll be safe here. Souta: Kagome!! Kagome: How many times do I have to tell you, stay out of here. Souta: But It's a Inuyasha double. Kagome: Kaira! How did you get here! Kaira: I guess It's because I'm related to Inuyasha. Is he okay? Inyasha: I've been worse.
  10. FYI: the text inside these things: < >; is them thinking. Kagome was back in her own room now that Sesshomaru was awake and seemingly all right. Kagome) < all this chaos lately has worn me out; I think I'll sleep for a bit > _ _ _ _ _ InuYasha: I think we may be confusing them by acting like brothers instead of enemies. Sesshomaru's only reply was a small nod, for he was looking in the other direction deep in thought. Sesshomaru) < Cherry blossoms and beaches, Kaira must be up at last, but what's that other scent, strawberries and jasmine it seems familiar, yet I can't place it... > Sango drew him out of his thoughts Sango: Have either of you seen Shippo or Rin? Sesshomaru: They're probably in the gardens with Jaken. InuYasha: With? Probably more like torturing. Sango: Yeah, probably. Sango walked off. Sesshomaru: Is your nose broken, why haven't you gone to find her yet? InuYasha: What...? Who...? Sesshomaru: Idiot, use your nose. InuYasha: Kaira! She?s awake! Sesshomaru: Yes, and who else? InuYasha: M... Mo... Wait, that's not possible ... is it? How can I smell my mother? Sesshomaru: Her room idget, Kaira's in her room. ~*~*~*~*~ She had been here for a while, just looking at things and remembering her childhood. The pain, the hurt, and the happiness one can only find as a child. When she came to the desk she saw three letters, one with her name, and the other two with the names of her siblings, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. She picked up the one with her name on it and traced the characters that mad up her name with her finger. As she opened it and read the contents, the tears that she had been holding back for years escaped her eyes and began rolling down her cheeks. Her mother's neat handwriting was smeared, as if it had gotten wet. The letter: To: My dearest daughter Dear Kaira: You may not know this yet, although you must have found out by now, but I am your mother, and you are Inuyasha's twin sister. I am sorry to have kept this from you, all I want is four the three of you to be happy. If you are reading this, it is because I am no longer of this world and have left without telling any of you the truth. I am truly sorry about the death of your adopted family, I know how close you came in three years. I wish I could have the time to make up for past mistakes. I am truly sorry for any pain I have caused any of you. I want to say something that will comfort you, I know you will be crying, but there is nothing I can say. Trust in your brothers and yourself and be strong. I know I will always be in your heart. Love, (the word is too smudged to read) ~_~_~_~_~ When Inuyasha reached his mother's room, Kaira ran to him and began to cry into his chest. In her hand was a piece of paper. He was startled, he had only seen Kaira cry once before, but he wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. When she had calmed down a bit, he asked her what happened. Kaira showed him the letter, and told him about the two on the desk. ~~~~~~~~ ---------------- ~~~~~~~~ They had come running to him a while ago, Inuyasha had a piece of paper in his hand, and he could smell tears on Kaira. When Inyasha handed him the piece of paper, he did not open it. Now it was several minutes later and he was alone in his room, where he could safely open it. - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - Dear Sesshomaru: I know you never accepted me, how could you after what happened to your mother, but I still feel like I failed you. If only you would have accepted me as your friend at least, I would have felt better. If you're reading this, it means either I failed to reach you, or I am no longer around to try. If it is because I am gone, please take care of Kaira and Inuyasha. They are only half lings, so will need your help and protection, especially when they are transformed as humans. I know you miss your mother, and I know you must hate your father for taking a human after your mother, but I wish you would accept me and forgive him. Beware of Raven, she will try to kill them and you. she hated that her father could forget about her mother so easily, she has tried to kill him many times. once he is gone, she will direct her anger at you. She is strong, and can only grow stronger, she has learned forbidden skills and made them strong. Please take care when challenging her, she has become completely one with the darkness and evil within her, and her blood is nearly as strong as yours. Her mother was Extremely powerful, bordering on the same kind of power your mother had, and the blood of your father only serves to strengthen it. but your blood is stronger and you can win. Believe in yourself and any friends you may have, and don't lose faith. Stay strong and don't forget your memories. your human stepmother. - _ - _ - _ - _ - Sesshomaru) < so, she knew about my mother. I never knew, I guess I was so involved with hating father, that I never knew she cared. How strange that we can regret something enough to drive us crazy, yet it does nothing but that, for we cannot change the past. > A scream forced Sesshomaru out of his thoughts, followed by the words "Stupid toad" Yelled by a male, and "Perverted monk" Yelled by a female. Sesshomaru had to force himself not to laugh. _______________________________ Miroku: STUPID TOAD Sango: PERVERTED MONK Miroku: Sorry Sango, but Jaken Pushed me. Sango: Oh yeah, sure, and you landed on that particular spot by accident. Miroku: exactly. Sango: Right, sure. Miroku: I am a Monk. Sango: and a lecher. Kaira: What exactly is going on here? InuYasha: This is a normal occurrence, Miroku gropes Sango, and then Sango slaps him even though she likes it. Sango: INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!! Inuyasha: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, IT'S THE EVIL SANGO. Inuyasha runs off, closely followed by Sango. Kaira: Ummm... I don't think I ever want to make her mad. Miroku gets up leaning on his staff. Miroku: Definitely not. _______________________ Inuyasha is now backed up against a wall while a very angry Sango has her boomerang raised above her head. Inuyaha: Sango, I'm sorry, it was a joke, don't hurt me. Sango: grrrrrrrrrrr Kagome: Why do you have to be so loud? Inuyasha: Kagome! Help! Kagome: Sango, put the boomerang down, Inuyasha, Inuyasha: I DIDN'T D... Kagome: Sit. Inuyasha: Why do you keep doing that? Kagome: You woke me up. Inuyasha: She... I'll shut up. Kagome: I have a test in a couple of days, so I have to go home. Inuyasha: Kyp can take you to the well. Kagome: Actually, I kind of wanted to tell you something before I left. Inuyasha: Oh, Ok, you ready? Kagome: Yeah, let's go. ____________________________ Kagome had fallen asleep a while ago, her and Inuyasha were on their way to the well, she was on Inuyasha?s back. He almost ran into a tree, so deep was he in his thoughts. Inuyasha) < She said she? does that mean anything? Huh? What, that scent! Raven, not good. > Inuyasha burst out of the trees Inuyasha: If I can just reach the well. They were now halfway across the clearing. Inuyasha: almost there Raven: Where are you going half-breed? I?ll catch up, no matter how fast you run. Raven: hiding in a well? That won?t do any g? where did they go? _______________________________ Inuyasha?s last thought before losing conscious in the well in Kagome?s time was: Made it.
  11. Kagome: Be careful Rin, Sesshomaru's still pretty weak. With that, she left the room. Rin: Sesshomaru, why are you crying? Sesshomaru: Because, When someone is very sad, they cry. Rin: Why is Sesshomaru sad? Sesshomaru: Because Sesshomaru almost lost someone very close to him. (FYI: I had him talk like that to immitate Rin, not because he talks like that or anything) Rin: Oh Sesshomaru: Remember how sad you were whin you lost your parents? Rin: Yes. Sesshomaru: It's like that. _______________________ Kagome: InuYasha, he's awake. InuYasha: That makes one of em. Kagome: still out? InuYasha: Yep.
  12. Sesshomaru: everyone, get inside. InuYasha: But I can help you, I'm not a little kid, I can fight. Sesshomaru: No. I promised father I'd protect you. Kaira: And besides, If Raven does get past sesshomaru, We will need someone to protect the childeren. Kagome: Come on InuYasha. Rin: Will sesshomaru be okay? Shippo: Sesshomaru will be just fine, you've never seen him fight, noone can beat sesshomaru. Rin: okay then. Kagome: Rin Shippo. Hurry up. ---------------------- InuYasha: so what do we do now. Tsicoro: We simply have to wait ------------------------ Raven: So, you make the halflings run like cowards. Sesshomau: I've told you before what the penalty would be if you came back. Raven: You despise me, You nearly killed me. Sesshomaru: I spared you. I could've let father kill you. Raven: He wouldn't've killed me. Sesshomaru: He would've. He loved that human woman, there is no way he would not kill whoever tried to kill her childeren. Raven: You do not understand. Sesshomaru: You forget, I am older than you Raven: what difference does that make. Sesshomaru: I know father better than you. Raven: you do not know what he told me Sesshomaru: I know what he promised you, and I'm about to give it to you. Raven: Bring it on.
  13. *flashback* There were two boys and two girls standing by a flaming building. the younger boy and girl looked exactly alike. The older boy was carrying the younger girl, while the older girl was standing a little ways off with a smirk on her face. The younger boy was clinging to the older boy. The younger ones were both the same age, around 3, the older boy was about 10, and the older girl was about 7. the 7 year old pulled out a sword. 10 year old: Raven, what are you doing? Raven: Put Kaira down Sesshomaru, her and InuYasha must die. Sesshomaru: InuYasha; take Kaira and get father. InuYasha: Right. *end flashback* Kaira: and that's what happened, or at least, all I remember.
  14. I've started speaking jappanese (Yes, my teachers are now extremely confused.) And the best part is, you can insult people and they won't know it!!! Like this: Willseyjoelle [12:23 PM]: you are a baka ningen ZolaOnAOL [12:23 PM]: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a baka ningen? of course I am.
  15. *a few days later* Sesshomaru woke up to the sound of music outside. He looked out his window and saw kaira, rin and shippo. He went outside to see what was going on. Rin: Sesshomaru!!!!!!!!!! Kaira: Oh, Sesshomaru! Rin wanted to learn how to dance. Rin: Rin can dance now! Rin can show sesshomaru how rin dances! Sesshomaru: (laughing) Sure rin, let's see you dance. Kagome *I don't think I've ever heard sesshomaru laugh before* InuYasha: I don't think I've heard you laugh for a long time sesshomaru. Sesshomaru: Times have been hard, there has been no time for laughter. Kaira: but sometimes, it feels good just to laugh for no reason. Shippo: Anybody could laugh at what happens every day with InuYasha and Kagome. Tsicora: There is a dark prescence nearby. Kaira: Sesshomaru look, it's Raven. Sesshomaru: I thought I told you not to come back.
  16. blueberry eggo waffles with ice cream ( toasted or raw) rew bluberry eggo waffles
  17. suddenly, a bright light appeared that seemed to come off of Kaira, and kaira reappeared on the ground where the hut had been, the monster was gone and everyone was treating wounds. the light seemed to take up the last of her energy, and the only signs of life was her breathing. InuYasha: this place is no longer safe. Sesshomaru: we can go to my castle, uit is well protected, and rin will be glad to have someone to play with other than jaken. Kagome: it will be good for kaira to be abel to rest without having to worry about being attacked. Miroku: And we do need to sit and talk about this thing. Sango: and it will be good for shippo to have someone to play with. Shippo: so it's decided then. InuYasha:we're going. Sesshomaru: follow me.
  18. InuYasha: No, you're too weak, and you're hurt. Kaira: I told you I'm (she tries to get up, but winces and falls back down) fine... Ok, I'll stay here, but you have to go and help the others. InuYasha: right. Kaira: InuYasha? InuYasha: Yeah? Kaira: Don't die on me, ok. InuYasha: I won't. I promise. Kaira: Go, Kagome needs you. InuYasha walked out of the hut, and Kaira went back to sleep
  19. who knew so many people went as crazy with ketchup as me? who knew you could get drunk on sprite.
  20. Raven: To think I would still be this weak even after absorbing Naraku, who would've thought it. And why does InuYasha and his darned [not quite a strong enough word, but oh well, how much better can ya get without swearing] sister always have to get in the way. And their stupid friends, they keep getting more of them. Messing up my plans so I keep having to make up new ones. why can't I just kill them all. Raaven: you know why, don't start getting ideas, you know they're too valuble. Raven: Yeah... but..... Raaven: no buts. Raven: thanks. Raaven and Raven became one once again ____________________________________ Kaira: InuYasha, I'm worried, we haven't had and activit from he enemy side for nearly a week, something's wrong, I know it.
  21. Suddenly, InuYasha's hand went to his sword with anger in his eyes and he raised it to strike. InuYasha: If you don't leave now, I just might decide to kill you. Kaira seemed to be the only one who wasn't suprised at his reaction. Kikyo: see Kagome, you were wrong. Kikyo dissappeared. InuYasha: Are you alright Kagome? Kagome: Yeah but... I thought... InuYasha: You thought wrong. Kaira: That is not the same Kikyo we knew. InuYasha: I realize that now, I hate myself for taking so long to figure it out. kagome, I'm so sorry. Kagome: It's ok InuYasha, I understand. ____________________________________________________ Raven: WHAT HAPPENED Kikyo: I... I... I'm sorry Raven, I couldn't kill her like you asked. Raven: I can't belive it, what do you mean he dosen't like you anymore? Kikyo: He tried to kill me. Raven: Great. Wonderful. Just peachy. Now I have to think up a new plan Again.
  22. Kara: Why did you do that, you Idiot. Enix: But... Kara: I told you that wasn't him, that thing had control. Enix: Sorry. Kara: You'd better be, thanks to you we lost one of our best weapons. Enix: I said sorry. jheesh, you dont need to rub it in. Subaru: Cut it out you two, we have work to do. Enix & Kara: He/She started it. Crim: Don't you see, It's trying to turn us against eachother. Enix & Kara: sorry. Crim: good, at least we can get this thing done without biting eachother's heads off.
  23. but what's the point in doing something for fun that isn't fun?
  24. A paper route and mowing lawns are not possible where I live, and there is no sweatshop near where I live. Besides, there is no way I can get a job and still keep up my grades, I'm having enough problems as it is.
  25. ummm... where can a 13 year old get a job?
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