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Everything posted by Kyo

  1. Kyo


    I never had to deal with my sisters because there's a good difference in our ages. My eldest sister graduated (from colledge) when I was born and the other one is two years younger than that.
  2. Kyo


    I have A claustrophobic bunny with problems named Gryphyn her son Phoenix (he's so kawaii) and a German Shepard name Ebony.
  3. Kyo

    pen pals

    I had a pen pal once. We exchanged letters once and she never contacted me again. But I have a friend on the internet that I email back and forth with, I know her as Ashes of Death and she knows me as Kyo. I try to keep up with email penpals, but its hard sometimes.
  4. I just started watcing Outlaw Star. My friend has the whole series, including the hot springs episode, on DVD, and I'm slowly watching it. The theme songs are great! and the story is really good. I love it!
  5. Has anyone played Chrono Cross? I started playing it a while ago, and I've been stuck in a certain part of it for a while. I'm in the Deva castle and I've just defeated the blond Deva. The old guy says to go to the main hall and push the button behind the second to last pillar on the left ( or something like that). I can't seem to do any of that. I can't go downstairs or upstairs, and I can't seem to find any hidden buttons anywhere. Can anyone help me? Please? I've been at this certain spot for months, and I can't move. It's really annoying.
  6. I think the show is an insult to the original sonic show, no offense to anyone who thinks differently. Eggman? What happened to Doctor Robotnick? The only good thing about the show is that Knuckles is in it.
  7. Kyo


    Well, it seems I'm not the only one with a horrible life.
  8. I didn't get to see very much of Escaflowne, but from what I have seen, it is one of the best anime ever! I only saw the beggining, so does anyone mind telling me what happened after Hitomi found out about Van's wings?
  9. From what I've seen of it, it is a really good series, but be warned, there are some episodes where the girls don't wear much, or anything in some cases.
  10. Originally posted by ReTarr I figure most of you people here in the OB are young, and by young I mean in school. I figure everyone likes anime or else they wouldn't be here. Well, I was wondering (I do that a lot) if you people are considered a dork for watching anime. I mean, I am. It's not a big thing where I live. It's hard to find it in movie rental places or even places to buy it. Only little kids watch it; sure there are others of course but if you're over ten you're consider a weirdo. My friends just don't get it. They think I'm really weird for watching it. They like to watch stuff like Sponge Bob (nothing against him), but they don't like the japanese cartoons. I personally don't care what they think. Is it like this for anyone else? I know exactly what you mean. All the kids at my school, except my friend Misaki of corse, watch spongebob or some other weird show, yet they think anime is for little kids. Why are people like that? Any theories?
  11. Thanks for replying everyone. I was starting to think Misaki and I were the only two. By the way Chichiri's girl do you mean Shigure? He's the one who turns into a dog.
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