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  1. [COLOR=deeppink]This Rpg's sign up was started by (_)ltryneo,but over the weekend his computer went bye-bye so I'm here to start this for him wial he sets up his new com.So he will be telling me what to type. Robotnik has taken a desprite move and captured Sonic,Amy,Cream,Tails,Big,and Knuckles and all the Chao emeralds,and has used the chaos emerald to make evil copies of them all with twice the power.Now Tikal has senced the power of the chaos emeralds being used buy evil and has called the remaining Freadom fighters and Chaotix to Angel Island. After a month robotnik has relesed the copies with a chaos emerald in each and the seventh one at robotniks base.At the same time The Freedom Fighters and Chaotix have all arived at The Temple of the Master Emerald.Among the group are Manic,Sonia,Ray,Espio,Vector,Mighty,Charmy,Julie-Sue,and Bark... "Hello all,and welcome."Tikal Walks out of behind the Master Emerald. "So you the one that called us here,because of the capture of Knuckles and that blue rodent Sonic and his friends?"Espio says pushing to the front. "Yes,just as you stated they have been captured.."Tikal turns to the Master emerald and Chaos appers. "Wial they have been captured a few are still left safe and able to help." Chaos says approching everyone. "What do you mean?"Manic questions"I thought only My bro and some of his friends got sent there." "Yes,thats correct,but there were some others they have befriended" Tikal touches the Master emerald and they all see an image of Rouge the Bat in the presadents office and shadow the Hedgehog exploring an island. "These two are the only ones left but they should be very helpful to you all"Tikal starts to vanish as all of them start to get transported to Station Square"We will all meat again very soon."[/COLOR] -------- Eggman's base... "Hmm,all the copies are compleate and infused with a chaos emerald"Robotnik turns to six clear canisters that he can see the clones of Sonic and company."Mabey getting them some clothes will help too." Robotnik turns to his computer and starts typing and not any sooner a robot comes in with idenical clothing of those that they all wear. "Good work...NOW GET BACK TO WORK BEFOR I TURN YOUR INTO A TOSTER!"Robotnikspins around at the robot shaking his fist. "Right away Master Robotnik."The robot scurries out of the room. "Excelent...Every things going acording to plan..." The outer boarders or Station Square... "Man...What happen.."Overburn raises his head and looks around."Well at lest I know I didn't go insane." "Good your awake ya little punk!"Espio smacks Overburn on the back of the head. "Ok dumb butt you made your point..."Overburn rubs the back of his head."And a painfull one too." "Well if your down fooling around you'd notice that they others arn't here."Espio leans agenst the nearest tree. "Tikal only said she was going to warp us to Station Square,not where in Station Square she was going to warp us."Overburn stands up ,and starts to hover above the ground. "We are goign to head towards the last knowen spot of Eggmn Base."Espio slides down to lay agenst the tree. "And where would that be?"Overburn starts dusting him self off testing his jet wings a out some. "It's around forty miles off from Station Bridge."Espio closes his eyes and starts to blend in with the tree and ground. "But how are we going to get there?" "Simple...We swim."Espio reappers behind Over burn"So lets get a move on." "Gotcha,Espio."
  2. [COLOR=deeppink]Well (_)ltryneo's computer went a bit high wire and blew out half the mother board so he sent me on to put up his own sign up and start this (Neo telling me what to type). Name:Overburn Animal:Hedgehog Gender:male Bio: He is very hardheaded and rash.He is one of the leading Chaotix born and rased with them.When he was younger he was hit with a blast from the Master emerald leaving him with the ability to sence the Chaos emeralds.He isnt as fast as sonic,but does out stealth him. Apperance:attached.He has no back spike and has two metal wings instead that let him hover a bit off the ground. Well I'm going to start this thing for him and then take my leave when he gets his new com set up. [/COLOR]
  3. Name:Chi Age:16 Type:RAcaseal Weopon:Twin psychogun Apperance:looks like chi from chobits. Description: Happy ,childish Bio: She was shut off for the whole trip to ragol and in the prossece her meamory was earsed.she can only say chi and mimics what others do alot,but every once in a wial her incripted programing will slip out and she will act with great power and smarts.
  4. Char. name: Kakeo Male/Female:Female Age:16 Group name: Human Type: Psychic Spell LvL 1: Star light blaster Spell LvL 2: Moon light blaster Spell LvL 3: Luner eclipse Spell LvL 4: Solor eclipse Spell LvL 5: Gracful Light Gate type: Holy Aura type: Holy Weapon: Spirit sword Description: Like Chi from Chobits but with brown hair instead of white.
  5. Name:Kakeo Age:16 Male/female:female Class:Hunter Race:Human Type:HUmarearl ID:Greennill Mag:sumba Monster:savage-wolf Weopon: Brand +11 Description:Brown hair,5'11'',pink shirt and shorts,a yellow hair bow,blue shoes. Thanks for pming me my Type and ID (_)ltryneo.
  6. Ace walks into the class room only to find Kakeo screaming. Ace:Kakeo whats wrong? Kakeo:Poricdramon just changed,thats whats wrong! Ace:Oh you guy digivolved too,well let me see her now. Kakeo:I'm not touching it! Ace:Why not? Kakeo:Its a ball of spikes! All of a sudding the newly evolved poricmon walks out of under Kakeo's desk,then kakeo's digivice activates. Digivice:Thorndramon,Needle dragon digimon,Attacks Spike bubble. Ace:So Thorndramon is your name. Thorndrmaon:Yes thats correct,and can you let Spikydramon out of ur pack please. Ace opens up his pack and lets out Spikydramon. Spikydramon:Finaly fresh air! Spikydramon and Needledramon play wial Ace and Kakeo wait for any one else that might of got a digimon.
  7. Kakeo is waiting out side Ace's house looking at the egg she found befor she left.Ace walks out and peers down at the egg. Ace:You got one too?! Kakeo:Got one of what? Ace opens his bag and pulls out the egg he found. Ace:One of these. Kakeo:Oh,these egg things.By any chance did you get one of those weird coms? Ace reaches into his pocket and pulls out his digivice. Ace:Like this one? Kakeo:Ya,just like that Kakeo reaches into her purse and pulls out her digivice. Ace:It's colored gold. Kakeo:Ya,isn't it great! Ace:what ever you say Kakeo... Sudenly Kakeo's egg sytarted to shake. Kakeo:Whats happening to it?! Ace:Looks like its hatching. Kakeo's egg glows white then forms into what looks like a ball with spikes.It turns around and blinks at Kakeo. Poricdramon:Hello,I'm Proicdramon. Ace's digivice starts to flash colors on its screen,then speaks. Digivice:Poricdramon,Needle dragon digimon,Fresh level, attacks Boom Bubble. Ace:Did this thing just talk?! Kakeo:Guess so. Ace:Weren't Digimon those creature that the adults were talking about a few weeks ago? Kakeo:Yes,I belive so. Suddenly,Ace's egg starts to glow white and forms into a small cow colored creature.Ace looks down at it to see it chewing on his sleave. Ace:Its trying to eat my jacket! It stop and turns around. Cattledramon:Hello! Aces digivice activates again. Digivice:Cattledramon,Bull dragon digimon,Fresh level,Attacks Boom bubble. Kakeo looks at her watch. Kakeo:We need to get moving,schools about to start! They put away their digivices and run off to school. --------------------- OOC:I hope this is ok.
  8. They are pritty good considering he only has 16 colors on his computer,and has to use one of the oldest paint programs there is till he gets a new computer.
  9. -Tamer- Tamer name: kakeo Age: 16 Female/Male: Female Creast&Digiegg given: Death-Earth Digivice color: Gold Description: 6'0'',skinny,wares a sailor school uniform,blue hair and green eyes. -Digimon- Fresh: Poricdramon>Boom bubble In-training: Thorndramon>Spike bubble Rookie: Needledramon>Spike Ball Digiegg champion: Moledrilldramon>Jet Drill Champion: Drilldramon>Spike Drill Ultimate: Metaldrilldramon>Metal Spike Mega: Magnumdrilldramon>Drill Cannon Moon: Limbodrilldramon>Spirit Drill Star: Shadowdrilldramon>Shadow Drill Matrix: Exdrilldramon>Black Hole
  10. Name: Rose Mavrick/Reploid: reploid Male/Female: female Main attack: petal sword Secondary attack: thorn wipe Counter attack: Petal shield Apperince: looks like roll from mmbn but the pink is red and the black is green,the hair is replaced with a red bow and the entana things are replaced with two cat ears Short Bio: once she was a mavrik but after sigmas defete she was saved by Neo from the remaining mavriks that were still tryign to kill all the repliods.now she helps the repliod forces when ever she can but she refuses to attack a mavrik that is going through what she did
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