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Everything posted by Chimera
The Pillows, one pumped up band, that was on on f`ed up anime. I personally don't care if you cant understand the words to songs, like the ending theme to Inuyasha (the one in the early part of the series) was just really cool. Plus, allot of american bands that i listen to like slipknot, mudvayne, static x, ect, some times you can't tell what they are saying, but it's still awesome.
Crap... I live in stupid Texas. Hey, maybe all the texans can get together!!! Yeah...yeah, we could like, go to....hm..um...Minute Maid Park (formerly enron field) in houston! That would be sort of....ah screw it, it's just too much trouble. Plus, i'd have to go in natural sunlight, hisssssss, how I loathe the sun!!! Oh you will meet yours sun, soon, very soon....MUWHAHAHAHAHAH:laugh:. By the way, Adahn, what the hell does your your sig say?
To me everything in japan is addictive, especially if it's :wigout: CANDY!:wigout: Hey, check one of these comics (they make two new ones every week, and they started in 99'! That's allot!) from my favorite sites, penny-arcade. If do choose to go to the site, make sure you read the warning below their link in my sig. [IMG]http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2003/20030407l.gif[/IMG]
Oh! Yes, your right, your widom is overwhelming. :flaming:little cocky son of a....... nah im just kiddin', I did forget that, allot of people don't realize that spirits, ghosts, and poltergeists are not the same thing at all. People just pick one of those three words at random to describe a presence, not even knowing what theyr'e talking about. But as long as people can at least acknowledge the fact that were not alone (not aliens I mean), then that's cool with me.
Yeah, ghosts are definetly real. My sister's room was like an epicenter for all kinds of wierd stuff. Like one time she woke up in the middle of the night, and there was this swirling sphere of colors above her head. And she knew it was real because she stuck her hand in the sphere, and it was really cold, plus her dog was growling, so she knew she wasn't seeing things. But we think there are two ghosts in are house, a little girl and a woman. She's experienced encounters that led to that conclusion. But for the most part, I think that ghosts and spirits are non-violent. Like what Kieko said, about moving objects, is probably just a playful child's spirit. Yeah. . . . . . deep stuff.
It was a very good show, i mean is. But its just too short...what a shame
Race- Great Evil Type- Demon Name- Tenenbrae Age- 4666 Gender- Male Description- Tall (six feet and five inches) and slim/ wears a hooded robe (like the grim reaper) when he is in his "stealth" form, in his stealth form his body looks like a regular human body and he prefers kills his enemies silently, because in his stealth state, wounds he receives take longer to heal and are more serious. In his "oni" form, he wears nothing, (don't worry, he isn't...showing anything) and his skin turns pure black, with a very rough and uneven texture. And he sprouts wings (not like feathery wings, the kind with the thin layer of skin, like a dragons) and horns, his tail comes out, which is 10 feet in length, and the end of the tail is very sharp and spear like. Also grows massive talon like claws. He can perform more spells and abilities in the oni form, but he can't use his oni form more than twice a day. And his final form is a shadowy-mist (hence the name tenenbrae, it means "shadows" in latin) that allows him to get in to tight spaces and and allows him to use more spells. Location- Kuragari Weapons- Stealth form~ a magical katana with a 32 inch blade, shruiken (2 types, regular and toxin tainted; causes body aches, tiredness, halucinations, or death/it differs) his fists. Oni form~ his tail, his claws, his horns. Mist form~ none Magic/Skills/Spells- Stealth form~ katana can absorb a dead enemy's soul, katana can only hold one soul, when the katana has a soul it can use the spell Bleeding Lich/ the spell Bleeding Lich is performed by thrusting the katana into the ground, which causes serrated harpoons attached to chains to shoot up out of the ground from the depths of hell, they go 20 feet up in the air, then go back into the earth, the spell covers a 50 foot radius, so anything within 50 feet of the sword might (there?s about a 50% chance of getting hit by a harpoon, I will flip a coin to see if a player has been struck) get hit, those who are hit aren?t drug into hell, the harpoon merely ?releases? the victim. Oni form~ tenenbrae can only fly in this form and mist form/ can perform the spell Plasma Lux, shoots a beam of pure energy at a target?s eyes, if the target is hit, then he or she is temporarily blinded/ the spell called Pheyn, is necromancery based, and he calls upon a random demon, creature, or spirit to attack or heal his opponent (I will have a list of 12 different things he can summon, half of the things will harm you, and the other half will heal you. Each summon will have a number by it, 1 through 12, whoever I am attacking will pick a number and depending on which monster it is, will heal or hurt the player ) can only be used if outside/ and his final spell is called Masochism, (a last resort spell, it severely damages him, and prevents the use of any other spells for three days, {changing forms does not count as spells}) he slits his wrists on his horns, and lets blood spray strait up into the air, then all the blood goes into a sphere shape (at this point, he isn?t bleeding anymore), then the sphere shoots down towards the target (or targets), and about a second before impact, takes the shape of a dragon which swipes at two targets (if there are more than two that is), causing damage, then finally hits the ground, sending a gigantic shockwave (with a 100 foot radius) throughout the ground, which sends any other enemies (plus the first 2 attacked with the claws) flying in different directions (targets fly about 40 feet or so), and damages them when they hit the ground or another object (the shockwave can?t harm someone who is in the air, whether they are flying are whatever). Mist form~ can fly/ can use a healing spell on one ally, has 50% chance of working, can only use once a day/ can fly down someones throat and into their lungs, causing brief asphyxiation and shortness of breath, target is unable to travel very far (like, they can?t really run) and can?t use any healing or supportive spells for the rest of the battle, (and yes, tenenbrae comes out of the character, pretty much just right after he goes in) can only use once a battle, if target has a helmet or mask then it doesn?t work. Personality- very full of hatred and pain, he enjoys causing others suffering even though he himself is in torment. He is very intelligent. Bio- Little is known about Tenenbrae, due to the fact that he?s over 4000 years. But there have been ancient tablets and carvings that Tenenbrae was once considered the god of the underworld, in Greek mythology. Though the odd thing about this great demon is that when he?s killing an enemy, he often looks as though he was killing a friend, someone he does not wish to kill. And when his comrades are being killed, he is often seen smiling. :worried: WHEW!!! Sorry if that?s too much information, but this story sounds cool! Also, if there?s anything that isn?t necessary (like flipping a coin for a spell) or if there are too many spells, then just make sure you tell me so I can change it. Okay, so just make sure to tell me if I can be a part the game. And also, when the game starts, at what time will we be doing it? (never done this before)
I just saw the trailer for it, it looks so funny!!! i cant wait for it to come out! here's the link [url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/miramax/scary_movie_3/trailer.html[/url]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i] [B]There is one DVD set that has the whole series a few extra commentary on it.I plan on getting it when I have the money. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the info hou! Oh, and im glad that someody brought up the fact that haruko is one of the hottest anime girls out there. :love:
I keep going on amazon.com to find the dvd's of flcl, and they have it! The only problem is that there are three dvd's, each one with two of the six episodes on it. I really just want one one "ultimate collection" or whatever you call it when a dvd package has all the episodes on it. If any one finds one like that, be sure to PM me.
I personally like fooly cooly, i mean, you have to admire the different styles and mediums that go into each episode. Plus the Pillows are an awesome band.
Hell yeah it's agreat anime! I downloaded some of the episodes frm japan, they have like, over 100 of them!
Nijas are so cool, how they can practically disapear in their surroundings. (yeah...exactly the same way I am, right behind YOU!!!!!!!!).
Yeah, I mean, when people think of aliens, allot of them think of little green men with big eyes...oh and if you haven't figured it out yet, yes, I do believe.
That's some great artwork man! Personally, I dont think there's too much white in the picure, it kinda captures the emotion of it...yeah.... anyway, coo!:rotflmao:
Oh yeah, this sounds cool. Though it's my first time. Name: Vispillo Saiezen Alinement: Evil Race: Day walker Gender: Male Weapons: A giant scythe, poison glazed shruiken (throwing stars), his claws, tanto. Age: 137 Description: Completely bald, has a giant pentagram carved in his forehead. He wears a black robe with a hood that covers his face, much like the grim reaper. His skin is pale white and wears no shoes since he has tremendous talon like claws at the end of each toe. Also has claws on hands, but not as long, He is 6'5". Bio: Vispillo came to be what he is now 113 years ago, when traveling alone on a forest path, was attacked by a vampire. But for some odd reason he did not fully turn to a vampire. He is different from most day walkers and vampires, for he developed claws on his hands and feet. Vispillo hates everyone and everything, but he ended up choosing the vampire's side, even though he hated them too. He is an excellent fighter, and loves seeing blood spray and cries of agony. He takes no prisoners. Hopefully i'm in!
I would like to see Vash (trigun) and ryoko (tenchi muyo) together. I know it's not the same anime, but I think they are kind of alike.
Adult swim is bringing it back, with new episodes. They just have to dub the ones past episode 26, where they stopped showing it.
I swear to god, Dave attell has one of the coolest jobs ever! Go to different cities, get drunk, take pictures of hot woman, return home, repeat.
Personally I like their old songs better than the new one. My favorite song is Dig, it's freakin awesome. But you should still check out the new one.
Oh yeah man, ak47s are awesome. But my favorite type of gun is the sniper rifle (as it is with many others). It takes allot of training and discipline to be a good sniper however.
Yeah, the preview's in anime, and any other show with previews, does make you really excited about the next episode. I would much rather be surprised at events, happening in real time, not in a preview.
I definetly could not stand it. I'd still have video games however...BUT HOW LONG CAN YOU LIVE ON VIDEO GAMES ALONE! NOT LONG!!!
Im going to have to agree with Tical here. Million knive is an unpredictable psycho. :blowup:
I friggin hate cicadas, they're so loud!