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Everything posted by magnaangemon01

  1. In a girl, I look for someone i can get along with and we can laugh together and spend some time together. Having some common interests would not be bad either.
  2. Tommy stared up at Gentrodramon from the toilet. He had woken up a few minutes ago and had found a weird digivice and egg beside his bed. The egg had hatched into Poyomon. He had fed Poyomon at breakfast and it had instantly digivoloved into Tokomon. He looked at his watch. 9:15. His first class started at 10:00. He got off the toilet and headed for school. He wanted to show Ace and his friends these new things he had found.
  3. -Tamer- Name:Stomou Kinkani (Tommy) Age:17 Female/Male:Male Crest/Digiegg Given:Life/Natural Digivice Color:Crystal White Description:Tommy is a little arrogant and bossy. He thinks he has all the answers. He's really a good friend , though. And in the toughest of times you can always depend on him. In the dark times, he never loses hope and knows that everything will turn out ok. Favorite quote is: "Things always get worse before they get better". -Digimon- Baby:Poyomon In-Training:Tokomon/Bubble Blow Rookie:Patamon/Boom Bubble Armor:Majesticmon/Majestic Wing Champion:Angemon/Hand of Fate Ultimate:MagnaAngemon/Gate of Destiny Mega:Seraphymon/Seven Heavens Moon:Angelicmon/Heaven's Wrath Star:Cherubimimon/Angelic Arrow Matrix:ArchAngemon/Staff of Karma
  4. I have one. My penname is magnaangemon01 on there. I write YGO, DBZ, Digimon, and original fanfiction.
  5. I'll join. Name: Chris Age: 23 Digivolution: Digivice, Crest of Honesty Digimon: Baby: Botamon In-Training: Koromon/ Bubble Blow Rookie: Agumon/ Pepper Breath, Claw Attack Champion: Greymon/ Nova Blast, Great Horn Ultimate: MetalGreymon/ Giga Missile/ Mega Claw Mega: WarGreymon/ Terra Force/ Mega Claw Bio-Merge: MajesticGreymon/ Nova Blade, Majestic Force
  6. Sorry. I hadn't realized that I was. Won't happen again.
  7. Do not trade the Blue-Eyes for Spellbinding Circle. If the monster you put Spellbind on is tributed, the Spellbind is still on the field, void. It just takes up field space. Do NOT do the trade. No. You keep the monster until: a)Your opponent attacks Relinquished or destroys him or b)You decide to take another monster. Then the monster you have is sent to the Graveyard. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Like Altron said, please don't double-post. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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