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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. ha! I had a crush on him a few years back. When he was actually cool and a member of The Brood... those were the good ol' days
  2. my dad is a beatle freak... so i grew up with it. I love the movie Help... and I know almost every song by heart
  3. I really want Scrapped Princess, Naruto and Marmalade Boy.... But I didnt happen to ask for them for X-mas so I didnt get them
  4. In Aladdin it's "All good teenagers take off their clothes." In the Rescuers there is a naked chic in a window
  5. I turned 18 in October and nothings changed... It sucks
  6. Kingdom Hearts IS being made into an anime as we speak. I dunno when it's coming out. But its in early production stages right now
  7. Heaven ~ DJ Sammy feat. Yanou Love At First Sight~ Kylie I have alot of reasons, but I don't really want to get into that now
  8. There are so many I want to see.... LOTR Peter Pan The Last Samurai Love Acutally (again) Big Fish Cold Mountain
  9. I really hate how stupid alot of people today are. There are alot of people who have this idea that they have to play god and rid the world of all of it's evils. It's really sick and twisted. Hopefully, as time goes by people will finally realize that you can't judge other people because they look different or live a different lifestyle, but just because they are human like all of us.
  10. I got mine last year, Cuz that was the year I graduated. The stone is garnet, and one side is a hawk ( our school mascot) and the other are the 2 masks for drama. thats about it...
  11. The Teen Titans theme was sung by Puffy Ami Yumi ( I think thats it) They were at Anime Expo in 2002 and are so great. They have an American release, they have such a great sound. Favorite opening theme... "Super Drive" From Gravitation.. mmm... So good!
  12. I saw the movie... Because the animation is amazing. Thing was it didn't make one bit of sense. I sat and watched it totally confused, but loving every minute of it.
  13. All I buy are bootlegs... because 1 the series hasn't been bought her yet or 2 it's too expensive... but go to Amazon.com they have everything and it's decently priced... Also most sites have sections for American releases and Hong Kong Dvd's
  14. my parents dont really care... they like it cuz it looks pretty and they appreciate good art... and hell Im 18 I can watch what I want... and it doesnt matter. Who cares if they dont want to watch it? Watch it anyway... If they aren't stopping then just watch it
  15. There was this guy at my work shopping with his daughter, and she had a chain on a pair of the pants she bought and she said that couldnt wear it to school. Then he said someting about the braclets... I thought it was the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life.... In HS I used to wear those bracelets all the time... in many different colors. I remember when they were called raver braclets...
  16. What is your name? kayte Spell your name backwards. etyak Date of birth: 10/15/85 Male or female? female Astrological sign: libra Nicknames: Shayla, wench, MCA wannabe @_@ Occupation? student Height: 5'8" Weight: I dont think so Hair color: as of now black with red streaks that are slowly turning into blonde streaks Eye color: blue Where were you born? Corona, CA Where do you reside now? Laguna Hills, CA Age: 18 Screen names: OxpiratewenchxO E-mail addy: [email]OxpiratewenchxO@yahoo.com[/email] What does your screen name stand for? O.o... my weird obsession with pirates What is your gangsta name? >_< What does your diary name stand for? my vampire name... Pets: 2 cats: Toby and Wasabi Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? 0 Piercings? 3 Tattoos? 0, but soon once I get money. I want at least one Shoe size: 9.5 Righty or lefty? righty Wearing right now: clothes Hearing: people talk Feeling: tired Eating/drinking: I just ate a bagel and a coke ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love? Maybe once... But I think it was just lust... How many people have you told "I love you"? None How many people have you been in love with? I think one How many people have you kissed? None, I'm a freak of nature Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Nope How many people have you dated? None, still a freak of nature What do you look for in a guy/girl? Seems to be different everytime What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? What everyone else notices.. Looks What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? Different everytime Do you have a bf/gf? Nope, again with the freak of nature bit If so where did you meet them? What do you like most about your bf/gf? Do you have a crush right now? I have 2 actually If so who is it? Chris and Hugo... 2 guys at work Do you believe in love at first sight? Sadly I do Do you remember your first love? yea sadly Who is the first person you kissed? *sigh* Freak of Nature Do you believe in fate? I dont know anymore Do you believe in soul mates? See above If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? When hell freezes over ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? 1 What are your parents names? Jodi and Mark What are your siblings names? Alex How many siblings does your mother have? 4 How many siblings does your father have? 2 Where are your parents from? michigan and south carolina Is your family close? kinda Does your family get together for holidays? sometimes Do you have a drunk uncle? i dont have ant uncles Any medical problems run through your family? cancer... Does someone in your family wear a toupee? hell if i know Do you have any nieces or nephews? nope Are your parents divorced? yup Do you have step parents? nope not yet Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? nope If so for what? Did some of your family come to America from another country? my great grandparents ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? Every Savage garden song What's the most embarrasing cd you own? I dunno What's the best CD you own? I have like 20.... What song do you absolutely hate? 'Stacey's Mom' Do you sing in the shower? no What song reminds you of that special someone? Anything by Dashboard
  17. name: Kayte nickname: Shayla age: 18 birthday: Oct. 15,1985 hair: at the moment black with red tips eyes: blue height: 5'7" weight: unknown >_< wardrobe: tshirt, jeans, dresses occassionlly, pointy shoes... mmm Manolo goodness... personality: kinda shy, reserved at time... but loud around my friends music: 80's new wave... Duran Duran, Pop, JRock Duel Jewel, Blood, fave song: Come Undone~ Duran Duran hobbies: singing, writing, working on my comp, playing ddr, or FF X-2, watching Johnny Depp movies
  18. To Die For The Hours Birthday Girl Far and Away I love Moulin Rouge... Have you even seen it? Don trash til you've tried it, is all I'm going to say.
  19. "Honk if you've loved Miaka" "Honk if you're a guy mistaken for a girl" Edit: What was I on when I posted this? Those are terrible!
  20. The whole thing with preps and punks started back in the 80's Preps were the ones who didnt want to be anything like the punks and wore the polo shirts with the aligator on them, and members only jackets... and crap like that , to basically look like that have a stick up thier arse. It kind of lost its meaning over the years. now I dont even know what a prep is... Everyone is going for the same "punk/goth/trendy" style... you dont know whos who anymore...
  21. I didnt go with my family... I go with friends. So I can do whatever I want and not have parents scolding me for running around like a freak like everyone else. $500 will do alot of damage.
  22. I dont think there is such a thing as true love anymore... Its all just gone. No one stays in love anymore. They either break up or divorce... its really sad
  23. Because teenagers are experts on the subject
  24. It's a chemical reaction in your brain... Simple as that
  25. Cons have got to be the best part of being an anime fan... You get to meet new interesting people and have so much fun. If you want to get the most out of it go to the panels and video rooms and specil events. Also go to the exhibit hall and spend some cash... You can find anything in there. Have a great time... I remember my first con. It was so much fun... and worh every penny that I spent
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