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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Maybe Nakago DID tell him to, but it's not like he didn't want to. He was so mad at Tama for supposedly killing Amiboshi.:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] well I didn't like Tama's family.. and you're supposed to blame everythign on Nakago that's what I do.. also we are totalyy off the subject... so maybe we could start a thread in anime where it is supposed to be..:p
  2. um.... the 8th right before Shun chan does it Nakago tells him to go and do something and then he goes and kills his family so thats what Nakago told him to do.. I know way too much abou this series for my own good!!:eek:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] I think it was Shun-chan's fault. ^^ Perhaps if he hadn't *murdered* Tama's family........:therock: Oh ya.....Closest female friend: Forest_pixie:D and.......I will: .....my Amiboshi shrine to Forest_pixie [/B][/QUOTE] Closest female friend: Amiboshi It was actually Nakago and Yui's fault.. remember??:smirk:
  4. I like my glasses.. Contacts and the whole eye thing scares me
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] No way! The flute is awesome! And, uh....seeing as Shun-chan killed himself with his "yo-yo", I think the flute is safer as well...:nervous: Plus....he can play music! ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Poor Shun Chan!!! It's all Tamahome's families fault!!
  6. I'm not a nerd... But at one point I probably could have named all the pokemon in order.. but I doubt I can now.. or would want to..and some of my friends call me an otaku... oh well :p
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] Of couse you can can have Shun-chan. As long as I have Aniki. *sniff* Thanks you so much! You're the first person to leave me anything! ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] Have fun with Aniki.... sorry but the whole flute thing scares me.. Suboshi has the yo yo's...:p
  8. Member Name: Forest_Pixie Original Member Name: StarPrincess Member Since: August 2001 Current Status: Newbie *cringe* Favorite Forums: General Anime, General Discussion Favorite RPG: none Favorite Threads: I dunno Favorite smilie: :therock: Most Memerable Moment: um... When LilGreenFairy got banned.. anyone remeber her?? Probably not... Quotable Quote: Yuppers Wish to be remebered for: I don't care just remember me I will.... - share The twins with Amiboshi (as long as I can have Shun-chan) :p
  9. The dubbed Fushigi yugi was funny.. it had the lamest jokes in the world.. I liked it.. The sub was pretty much the same but the jokes made sense.. so I like both... the worst dub was Sailor Moon and Nadesico.. I had nightmares about Nadesico.. *shudder* My anime club needs to die for doing that to me.. thats why i am gonna be president next year and show only subbed anime and a few good dubs.. :p
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] did your friend know that you like the guy before they like him? [/B][/QUOTE] yes they knew but they don't care..
  11. [color=crimson] there is only one good thing about dubs when you don't want to read the words... In dubs you can sit back and listen to the bad american voice actors :p cuz when oyu are watching subs and don't understanf japanese all that well you don't ahve to pay attention to every second and read the words.. :smirk: It's great for lazy people like me..... that's probably why they made bilingual dvd's so you can have the dub and the sub right there..... [/color]:p
  12. [color=crimson] I've been through that before my friend did that but luckily she snapped out of it ....... I saw what she did and don't want to do it. But most of my friends aren't worth it, I mean 3 are but they aren't in that group (acutally none of the people in that group like my 3 friends) so I dunno what to do.. choose my crappy friends that I don't like or a guy..... The guy is lookin pretty good right about now... :naughty: [/color]
  13. [color=crimson] But it's not just that.. I mean all my friends treat me like crap.. i just need new friends.. My 2 best friends don't go to my school and my friends at my school don't like them... and I am constantly left out alot of the things they do........I really think that they just use me to borrow my anime (cuz they are too lazy to buy their own) I'm serious.. When msot of them are around me thats all they will talk about with me and it bugs me.. I seriously don't want to put up with anymore BullS*it from them or anyone else... I need to find new friends mine jsut suck ***!!! :demon: [/color]
  14. [COLOR=crimson] I swear all my friends or I doubt I should even call them my friends.. They all suck!! We all the same freaking guy!!! But I liked him first.... I have liked this guy for a pretty long time.. and I didn't tell anyone and now almost all of my friends like him too!! Why the hell would they do that?? It really pisses me off, I just don't get it!! AAAHHH!!:flaming: Does anyone??? Now I think that we are all gonna start fighting over him and it'll get ugly..[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] Oh! I love your SD Tai avatar! He looks so cute! Okay, I have more pics! ahaha! I know you're all probably sick of my fushigi yugi pics, but, what can I say? I have so many favorites!Okay! This is Tasuki, in the oav (or is it Ova? whatever....) Anyways, he looks really cute, and I love his outfit in this part of the series. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] NO sh*t man.. sorry thats what he said at that part of the ova.. he's so adorable at that part
  16. I know they do look alot alike.. But hte twins will always be better then Tamahome But no one is better then Nuriko!!!!
  17. *drool* Shun-chan...... Pretty....... *snaps out of it* What?? oh yeah.. Suboshi, he killed Tamahome's family.. and Yuiren IS evil!!! Here is one of my favorite Fushigi Yuugi pics... EVIL TAMAHOME!! Bwahahaha!!!
  18. I want to be a teacher or a translator in Japan.. actually anything to get me to Japan and away from my parents.. when i was really little i wanted to sing.. I still do but come on thats a one in a million chance to actaully make it big..
  19. my school is the biggest peice of crap ever.. we have no stadium (we play all of our games on our rivals field) and no reakl theatre.. oh well.... [url]http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us/schools/LHHS/[/url]
  20. My fave scouts are the Starlights.. I don't like any of the others.. The villains are better... :smirk:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]Final Fantasy Legend of the Cyrstals. :flaming: It wasn't bad..it was awful, the color scheming was horrible, the main charator was a dork, and the storyline was bad! [/B][/QUOTE] That was the ugliest anime I had ever seen.. Everyone was so damn ugly that you couldn't help but hate it.. I mean people tend to like anime with people that are pretty.. and the storyline was really stupid
  22. This is one of my fav pics from an anime called Maze.. has anyone heard of it??
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