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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. Mugen No Kaze from Ayashi no Ceres.. it the best anime song ever!!!
  2. I e-mailed her today.. I duno what good that'll do.. but i feel sorry for her.. she has problems and wnats no one to help her...
  3. IN cali we get to take lovely tests called the SAt 9's.. everyone hates them they are a waste of 2 weeks.. and if oyu don't get above the 23rd percentile you get but in a class called Star Skills for the next year just to study fot the tests.. and also if you don't get about that 23rd perectile you don't graduate!!!
  4. i dunno what i want to do about the situation.. i mean she considers this girl her best best friend but she is feeding her all this bs that she believes.. and my firned has major problems of her own i mean she hates her own mother...
  5. she used to tell me everything.. i mean i know basically everythign about her.. except why in the hell she woudl think she coudl talk to anime characters.. i thik it is all her friends fault after all my friend told me that her friend was the one who told her about it in the first place
  6. she went to a shrink a littl ewhile ago but she didn't tell them anything,.. she is such an idiot she wouldn't tell the damn shrink her damn problems!!!!
  7. well I don' t think that she talks about it that much considering that she has no life.. but she calls them her Guardian Angels and that they watch out for her and talk to her and all this weird crap .. and how much Hotphpri loves her.. and all this crap that thiks is real but isn't cuz how in the hell can a character drawn on paper be real??? Just like a character in a book?? oh well she's mental
  8. She screwed in the head.. her freidns consist of her one human friend (though I doubt she is really that) and her G.A's as the like sto call them.. they all consist of anime characters.. I would like to see one of her anime characters beat the crap out of me!!
  9. XxmagentaxX

    favorite song

    my favorite song.... "Gunning Down Romance" by Savage Garden and "To Where You Are" by Josh GrobanBoth songs are so pretty adn have beautiful lyrics
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] But everyone else does understand everything. Besides, u think just by ignoring her and not get into a fight and show her that who's the boss is not going to do anything? For one, she will certainly know to think next time before she does anything rash. But not getting into a fight will also complicate things more idiot! She may not be looking for a fight, but i'm sure her friend is starting this for a fight. And the longer she ignores it, the more likely this girl will strike out at her when she is not expecting it. [/B][/QUOTE] I could fight her if I wanted to .. But she herself said she would never fight me because she was scared of me.. and she said i could kick her pasty white ***.. so I am not worried about her lashing out or anything...
  11. I don't want to fight her..I am not one for fighting.. any way It would be waste to fight her.. she hits like a weak girl.. I just want her to know how it felt when she treated me the way she did... no deserves to be treated like that..
  12. I didn't go to the comp.. I don't thinkthat going would have solved anything anyway.. it would have been a waste of my time.. But i hope that I don't cross paths with her in the near future
  13. There so many places to buy anime onlin it isn't even funny.. animecaslte.com, animenation.com, japanimation.com, voe.com, planetanime.com, i can't think of anymore.. but if you need help just ask... and at anipike.com they have all the cons coming up in the next monthes so you migth want to check there.. all i know is that there is a con in ohio next month called OhayoCon..
  14. If I see her I will do whatever I have to get my point across... adn then it will be over and I won't have anything to do with her ever again..
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Having enemies is good. Not having any is bad. U may think this is wrong, but it is right. If ur friend is that b*tchy for no reason, then well, honestly, she has no right in having a great gal like u as a friend. Listen, if she ever starts any crap, just do what it says in my sig, or u could just do what Heaven said and hit her with a bat, either way works, although mines more effective, gets the message across if u know what i mean. Anyways, personally, she is a pathetic waste of human DNA, and space, and oxygen. If she tries to get into a fight with u, do it in a area where u have lots of friends watching, and let her throw all the insults, and the first punch, remember, self-defense is also making sure they never throw another punch for the rest of their life:D :devil: :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] I swear no one has any idea about how much I want to kick her whiny little a**.... But i never see her and I haven't talked to her in 3 monthes.. and she doesn't go to the smae school as me but all of my friends see her at competitions.. so I got the idea to go to a comp today for some weird reason.. oh yeha cuz i keep having weird dreams where she steals the guy i like.... and it's really wrong ......so i have to decide whether or not to go the comp tomorrow or not and face her...
  16. i know that i am mature enough not to make her an enemy.. but i just want to end it.. and I don't even want to talk to her anymore it wouldn't be worth it I doubt she would care if I said anything any way.. so screw her i am just gonna forget about it..
  17. I think everyone has friends that they don't really like.. i mean all of freidns have totally changed since i am not friends with a certain person anymore.. i now i don't know why most of them are even my friends anymore
  18. another thing she did to piss me off.. she changed all the passwords for our website and e-mail address.. and i have no idea why.. and i don't exactly want to be nasty to her i mean i was gonna go to the comp even if she wasn't there but i kow that i will more then likely see her.. and her friend scares me.. they are both really weird.. But i wasn't planning on being nasty.. i can handle things civily.. but her on the other hand would probably not listen to what i have to say and just b*tch and moan about what my friend said to her....
  19. ok now this might not make much sense... But I hate one of my best friends.. I literally HATE her with all of my being... so we aren't friends anymore.. and I have no idea how it all started it was just one day i felt this emense hate for her and never wanted to speak to her again.. and I can't explain it....... But i never use the word hate but there is no other word to describe it.. I mean there are reasons why i was mad at her.. I mean she kept trying to tell me that she was smarter than me in her crappy subtle way which didn't work.. and she treated me like an inferior not a friend.. and she just kept pissing me off.. and I never told her why.. she told me that if i had S*it to say then say it.. i told her that loathed her with all my being and hung up.. and she didn't even care which pissed me off even more.. I mean people piss me off easily but I never say that i hate people.... Tomorrow there is a competition that she is gonna be at and so are all of my other friends so I want to go there and tell her everything.. or basically b*tch her out.. I really dunno what to do.. i mean there is no way to salvage this friendship because i don't want her as a friend.. But should I do it ?? just to tell her why i did what i did?? see i told you that would make no sense...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]In my opinion there is no such thing as a bad anime, just a person who doesn't get the story. I mean, alot of ppl in the US call Evangelion a bad anime cause they don't get it at all, I didn't after the first 6 times watching the series, but I didn't call it a bad anime, i called it a great anime even though i didn't understand it that well back then. Ppl will call anything bad if they don't understand it, or don't get whats going on. Now, there is such thing as anime with bad art, but then again, u must think, every artist has their own way of drawing, and maybe it's just the veiwers who are bad judges. [/B][/QUOTE] It's not that people don't like it cuz they don't understand it.. maybe they don't like it because it is not the genre they like or maybe the storyline isn' that great.. or maybe it IS a bad anime.. they do exist.. but it is their opinon whether it is good or bad.. and Evangelion is not a bad anime and no one I know has ever talked to has said anything bad or negative about it.. ok back to opinons.. i mean i don't care for Magic Knight Rayearth but i know alot of people that do.. it doesn't mean that i don't understand what it going on in it, it's just that I DON"T LIKE IT!! Becasue people will like what they like and don't like what they don't like.. it's as simple as that.. no one has the same opinon on anything EVER!!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]I have! Yep, yep yep! Me and my friends launched a bunch of fire works off near our school......Fun, fun, fun! [/B][/QUOTE] Someone at my school jsut got suspended for doing that like les than a week ago.:eek: weird
  22. There was a whole episode about Will & Grace about it... where Grace wanted bigger boobs and Karen took her shopping and bought her one and on her date it started leaking.. and streams of water was coming out both sides... i felt really bad for her.. but it was so funny...
  23. My anime club sux.. I hate it.. it's a bunch of stupid senior guys who know nothing about anime and just wantch it for the scifi aspect of all the series we watch and it bugs me to no end.. so next year i want to be the pres so we can watch decent anime!! no dubbed crap!!
  24. I personally don't really care for ceres that much the art work is amazong but the story is so confusing.. they didn't follow the manga and they screwed up the whloe story.. they left out some of the best character Watase created..I was really disappointed... But if you really like Ceres you read the amngas.. they are much more exciting....and actually have a storyline.. which didn't really exist in the anime
  25. The manga of Ayashi No ceres is soooo much better.. in the anime they leave alot of stuff out.. but it is really good subbed never see the dubbed you will regret it..
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