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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. the first seasonm was sailor moon on heroin.. don't watch it!!! i mean you can but it is the worst.. it suxs dubbed and subbed the only good thing in Inouva *swoon* but the 2nd season is SOOOOO much better!!! but if oyu want to watch the 2nd you gotta watch the 1st so there is no going around it...
  2. actually it is a very bad thing.. i don't want to look like a mom.. i want to look 16.. cuz thats what i am.. a lil older is fine but a mom??? NO!!!
  3. well i am kinda flattered that people think that i look older then 16 cuz everyone thiks i'm alot younger then 16 like 13 or 14 which is sad..and alot people treat me like a kid.... oh well... everyone does say that i look like my mom...which isn't a bad thing..
  4. i can't believe people think that i look like a mom!!!!!! man now i am all depressed.... are oyu guys saying that i look old??? is that it??? i'm only 16!!!! god dang it!!!!!!!!
  5. OMG... i look like a mom? r u serious??? i don't usually dress like that and i don't really look like that anymore!!! i don't wanna look like a mom!!!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  6. this is the only pic i could find... an dit isn't very good.. it's kinda old.. about 5 months and i cut my hair soon after it was taken so i look REALY different... and ths picture wasn't scanned to well and it just looks ba.. but it was the only pic of me that was on my comp ......... so here ya go.. i will get a better one someday.... the other person is my brother........ sorry but it's kinda big......
  7. sorry but my friend can't find the pic.... i will get one though.. probably on monday so i can get it on my mom's comp or i could just find a good pic.. if one exists.....
  8. I was on colorguard.... does that count as a sport?? i think it should.. at my school it is a ' preforming art'.. we dance, twirl flags, sabers and rifles... i hated it i couldn't catch the flag and the saber scared me.. and the leader is the devils concubine she hates me to no end even though i never said anythig about her and and rarely ever talked to her.. she stil hated me that was the reason i quit and the whole idea of going to band camp (we work with band so we get to go too) it just reminded me of american pie and scared me.. so i quit and it wasn't worth the 2 grand anyway. i would much rather buya car than twirl a flag..
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Really? I thought i didn't. Well, good to know i do! [/B][/QUOTE] yeah you made sense.. but did my description of what happened at the end make sense???
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] I would luv to see it, because, well, i just can't picture u as Sanosuke! [/B][/QUOTE] yeah probably cuz i'm not a guy.... even though my friend wants me to cosplay as Sano.. but i thik i would look scary.... well when i get the pic i will post it... even though i think it is a horrible pic... the only thing decent looking is my hair.. well that was the point of the pic cuz i got my hair cut that day...
  11. yeah you made sense... more then i did i think...
  12. I have read this whole dang thread.. and I was wondering if i should post my pic.... would anyone want me to??? well everyone else is.... My friend has it on her comp so she has to e-mail it to me..
  13. Im glad i could be of help.. was I any help??? did i make any sense???if you have any more questions about any anime... well basically anime ask me.. cuz i have no life and love talking about anime
  14. no no no.... Not anime series Manga series.. MANGA as in comic they have a whole series of 20 manga's that have what happened in the OVA and what happens after.. except what happened in the OVa is alot different from what happens in the manga.. so it this all cleared up now???:therock:
  15. for me it's the feeling... i know what you are all thinking..and I know that look you are giving me to... But it's just his feeling you get... where you feel nothing can go wrong and everything is perfect and you never want to be seperated from that person and they feel the same... Thats what a soul mate it..... where you have the one person that can (ok this is REALLY corny but bear with me) finish your sentences ALOT of the time, can sense when you feel bad and then can't help but feel bad in return because they can't help you not feel bad... and just everything that a sould mate should be.... So How stupid does that sound?? do I sound like a complete nut case?? why am I not suprised..... this always happens to me...I have like absolutly no grasp on reality.. can you tell????
  16. I have the biggest fear of water... deep water like 4 feet and deeper my thinks that iI drowned in a past life and that is what i am afraid of.. I also don't care to much for heights.. I went to vegas about a year and 1/2 ago and went to the stratosphere thingy and couldn't stand it I had to back away as far I could but my dad kept pushing to look over the edge.. I coouldn't stand it.....
  17. I forgot Nakago , Amiboshi, Subboshi and evil Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi... and Makoto from El Hazard thats it I think:cross: :D
  18. Inouva ~ Magic Knight Rayearth Eagle ~ MKR Lantis~ MKR Zagato ~ MKR Sanosuke~ Kenshin Chic ~ Maze the MegaBurst Space Man MAze ~ Maze the MegaBurst Space Yuhi ~ Ayashi No Ceres Aki~ ANC Wei Lei Fei ~ ANC Kei ~ANC Alec Howell ~ ANC Kira ~ Angel Sancturay Inu Yasha~ Inu Yasha Hojo~ Inu Yasha Sessho Maru aka Fluffy ~ Inu Yasha Naraku ~ Inu Yasha Miroku~ Inu Yasha Shido ~ Night Walker Shiro Amada ~ 08th MS Team Ren ~ Fushigi Yuugi OVA Young Tokaki ~ Fushigi Yuugi Tasuki~ Fushigi Yuugi Nuriko ~ Fushigi Yuugi Kamui ~ X uh.. thats all I can think of off the top of my head....I'll probably think of more later...:p :p :p
  19. Ok don't read this if you haven't seen it... Ok so Adam Kadamon (sp?) tells Setuna that the only for him so save Sara is to die and go to the Hades to save her soul... so He gives Kira a knife and stabs him..and he dies rather too quickly... But then Arachne shows up and asks what happened and Kira sayst aht he has gone to bring back his wife!! oh well... Kira was strange.... and then Kurai is supposed to be talking to the angels and says sowmthig about making a coulde of dopes angry.. then setsuna says something.. I can't remember what but it leaves off with him saying "only then will our genesis unfold" and then they show you a preview of that little person.. I can't remember his name.... and then you see Rosial??!! I thought he was dead... or gone or something..... but he isn't..... So not much happens after Kira stabs him.. and I can't believe the only reason they made that great OVA was for you to buy the manga!!! Oh well guess I'm buying the manga.... I hope that helped anyone that needed it... And fo rthose who haven't seen Angel Sanctuary what are you doing??
  20. I would be Miaka from Fushigi yuugi and dump Tamahome's *** and go after Nuriko!!! ^_^ or I would be Aya from Ayashi no Ceres and dump Toya (cuz he is a retardand he doesn't know jack!) and take Yuhi up on his offer....
  21. I'd go to to Feudal Japan or I would go to Ancient Egypt or Medieval Times....
  22. I forgot my favorite I am a total idiot.... (please don't anyone agree with me) But Change the World from Inu-Yasha...... it's better then itooshi Ito No Tameni.... i dunowhat i was thinking
  23. mine is Itooshi Ito No Tameni, it's the best..... uh what else??? hm..... I can't remeber the name but the one for the 3rd season of El hazard.. " I am flying to your love"and both opening songs for Rayearth.. The opening animation I can't stand it Ceres I love the song But the opening is scary and it has WAY TOO MANY SPOILERS!!! it's scary cause toya looks like a woman.. wait HE IS A WOMAN!! (sorry Toya fans) I mean Scarlet is great song but the opening animation scares me...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]hayden looks better in "life as a house" if you ask me, w/ the black hair & all those piercings... :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: [/B][/QUOTE] I think he does look really good with Black hair and the peircings but he looks good either way.. he is one of those people that can look how ever they want to and look gorgous
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