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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. :therock: I love this one.... it's my favorite.... :devil: this one too
  2. OMG.. i can't wait to see it.. Haden Chistinsen is playing Anakin... *drool* He's gorgous and ALL MINE!!! Cuz I have known about him for the longest time and I got first dibs 4 years ago!! and Ewan is Obi Wan again... *drool* I am so excited... :D :D :D BUt I REALLY don't wanna wait til May..... I also added apic of Haden so you can sit in awe of his prettyfulness!!!
  3. Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, & Angel Sanctuary (they are all tied) Movie: Ranma 1/2 the movie 2 Nihao My Concubine.. and Monononke Hime.. (why is that everyone's fav movie?? I mean it is an awesome movie.. but you know what mean... Right?)
  4. The only song that i have liked by M J was Thriller cuz it started the whole dancing in videos and it was juat an awesome video.. but nowadays he scares me...I mean on MTV and VH1 they aired his halloween special i had nightmares all week!!! But I think that he should have stayed retired.. I think that he is past the height of his career what more can he do?? AND THE YANKEES DO NOT SUCK!!!!! Go Yankees!!! :devil: :demon:
  5. Ranma is one of the only comedy series that i can stand to watch... I mean Ranma has it's moments where it's just trying to funny and comes off as pathetic.. but I like it.. the animation in the series is horrible but the OVA's and the movies the animation is really nice... I love the 2nd movie.. the music scars me especially fromt he 1st season.. yapapa yapapa.. it scared me thats all i have to say.. I like the Manga alot more... The one thin ghtat i absolutly CAN"T STAND is that in the end NOTHING IS RESOLVED!!!!!! it was so pointless. so ranma and akane never get married.. and nothing happens it just stops... I couldn't stand that!! even though this one of Rumiko Takahashi most famous works.. I think that Inu-Yasha is her best so far.. But Ranma is a classic... so I have mixed feelings I dunno if I love it or hate it....:therock:
  6. I have AOL, MSN and Yahoo... But I like Yahoo out of all of them... it has the cool sounds and the cool smilies.. but not many people I know have it..... msn just kinda sux.. aol..is the same as Ao hell but with out the whole "Welcome" "You've got mail" thing..
  7. The fry guys were called the fry kids.... they were all different colors.. they were SO adorable.... But everyone forgot about Birdie!!! you know the weird bird chic?? but the fry kids are the best~!!!!
  8. Believe me you'll love angel sanctuary.... it's a tad confusing at first but watch it a few times and it will make sense...
  9. night walker is also really good.. it's a tad short but really intreging (sp?)
  10. The point of music is to make you feel something .. to express emotion.. it's not telling you to kill people or do other stupid drastic things... it's just that people say that when don't want to admit that there is something truely wrong.. they blame music, tv, and a whole bunch of other crap that as nothing to do with what is going on... and i am really sick of it... I know that music shouldn't effect the way you act. it should effect the way you feel (hopefully in a positive manner) I know thats what music has always done for me.. because music is an expression
  11. alot of people are just stupid and ignorant...
  12. Jane Eyre ~ Charlotte Bronte The last Vampire 1-6~ Chistopher Pike Memoirs of Geisha~ i can't remember Lost in Translation~ da.. can't remember either Mist of Avalon (the best book ever written, in my humble opinion)~ Marion Zimmer Bradley The scandolous (sp?) affair~ Have no idea The scarlett letter~ god dang it.. i a reading this book now and i can't remeber the author~~~ gone with the wind~Mitchell the lost mind~ Christopher Pike thats all i can think of right now.... can you tel i have no life?? :D
  13. Angel Sanctuary... The art work is amazing and it has an awesome storyline.. The dubbing is ok but if you have a dvd get the dvd it is so worth it!! cause is isn't availible subbed on VHS. Harlock Saga is also pretty good.. Kenshin is a really good series... it appeals to everyone.....
  14. I agree with you completely... i hate it when people blame stupid crap like music on things that are going on.. It's stupid as hell...And for somereason people believe it which i don't understand for one minute why anyone would believe that Music could hurt anyone....
  15. Girl: Jade, Dance, Scarlet or Coral Boy: Thegan, Terence, Lex, or Sparky ( it would probably be short for Sean. I know someone who is called Sparky and it is short for Sean.)
  16. yeah thats basically it... Demons are the good guys, angels the bad.. Angels are supposed to be the most luminous and beautiful creatures in all the universe.. they are also supposed to be all good and protect the good and innocent.. But what if that wasn't what was happening and it was the other way around?? well thats basically what happens in Angel Sanctuary... does this make any sense what so ever??? I thought this post was about Vampires?? not demons and angels... ?? I just wanted to say that not all vampires are bad ok i'm done now...
  17. well then you must not have seen Angel Sanctuary.. cause after you see it you get a totally different perspective of good and evil, Angels and Demons.. and it makes perfect sense...
  18. Does anyone know what happened to anipike??? It has been down for almost 3 weeks...and i lgo to anipike almost everyday and now it's down..... what the heck happened??
  19. well not all vampires are evil.... Actually a lot of them aren't... But author ruin them over time making them out to be evil bloodsucking monsters....
  20. vampire: drinks blood (duh thats a given) they aren't turned to dust to sunlight it just slightly weakens their strength They don't burn when they touch a cross a few even wear tiny crosses They aren't sure about the stake through the heart but they aren't experimenting Silver anything... bullets, dagger.. they can heal within minutes... I think that is about it... Oh they also have about the strength of 10 men... thats it... Yes of course I believe in vampires.. I think that I would... Being immortal could have it's kicks..
  21. alot of people say that i act like Miaka from Fushigi yuugi.. i don't really look like her though.. i used to before i cut my hair... but i do act alot her sometimes.. like I eat WAY too much and i can be really stupid
  22. I swear there is no board that she goes to where she doesn't get banned.. I think it's hysterical.. But on the other hand... there were people here that wouldn't stop spaming and other crap like that,... and got away with it for a long time..and lilgreenfairy comments about a thread and you ban her right away.. that doesn't seem fair to me.. and i read her post and thought it was immature.. But she shouldn't have gotten banned because of it... I mean that was her 3rd post..... But she has ahabit of doing that.. at animegrapevine she got banned probably 10 minutes after joining.. cause she accidentally posted in the wrong catogory... it was really stupid.. oh well.... thats probably why she never posts anymore...
  23. I saw the Inu Yasha dvd boxset about a week ago and fell in love with it.. it an awesome series... and the mangas are so good.. If oyu haven't reaad the manga's read them (read them before you see the series) and um... after you read it buy the dvd's....
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] He most certainly is... [/B][/QUOTE] duh.. cuz it's true.... but there is someone prettier..
  25. i don't really hate it cuz of the pockmon are cute.. like 2 but what the hell? the reason why i don't like it at al is because there are no cute guys... no bishies... what am i to do?? uh.. not watch it .. and watch kenshin with the most beautiful creature ever.. Sanosuke...
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