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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. oct 15... i'l be sweet 16.. finally how sad is it to be a junior that is only 15??
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Hahahaha yes we can't escape it :p Anyway, Sano's sword was a Zanbatou, or Zanba Sword. [/B][/QUOTE] thanx i knew it started with 'Z' but i couldn't remember the rest... and you're right we can't escape it..
  3. ok so 3 anime things this time. no bishonen.. i swear.. 1) the book of the universe of the four gods 2)sanosuke's cool sword.. crap i can't remember what it was called.... 3)uh... um....... all my bishonen... sorry i couldn't help it... once a fangirl always a fangirl... same goes for fanboys... :smirk:
  4. half full... half empty is depressing.. who wants soemthig to be empty??
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] hahahaha don't forget fanboys too hehe :p [/B][/QUOTE] ok ok fanboys too.....
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]I believe you were supposed to put 3 things! [/B][/QUOTE] Mu Bishonen count as one thing... just cause i said so.. (and cause i couldn't choose just 3) never make a fangirl choose between her bishonen!!!!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] how could you forget the hottest guy in all of anime? [/B][/QUOTE] i have no idea how i could have forgotten Sanosuke.. what am was i on?? sheesh....
  8. I could kick myself.... i forgot Zanza-man aka Sanosuke.. i can't believe i forgot him... :( stupid stupid me.. what kind of fangirl am I??
  9. i would have all of my lovely Bishonen come to life... that woudl be nice.. i woudl have... Inouva Kira Yuuhi Tasuki Lantis Eagle Chic Tamahome Nuriko Harry Mc'Dougal (yeah i know i probably spelt that wrong) Goury i think that't it.. but i would want al of them to be real... such a pathetic fan girl I am.... oh well it's fun to dream :D :D :D :D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B] me 2. o well thats life, and we only get it once, so we might as well make the best of it instead of sittin around and b!tching about it. [/B][/QUOTE] i agree.. i have just gotten used to it...
  11. uh.. help with what exactly??
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]dont have a gf.,because of social status, so i remain single. [/B][/QUOTE] i think social staus sux.. it's such a waste.. it keeps so many people seperated so alot of people never get to know each other.. and i hate it.. oh well this is really off the topic.. but anyway.. i had aboyfriend.. i kinda told him to go away.. it's kinda difficult to explain.. but thats pretty much what happened.. and it kinda sux now and i looking back i have no idea what made me give him up...
  13. stupid bums.. they didn;t have any pics of the characters oyu wanted.. but i did find a cute pic of unico and the lil blue devill
  14. hey i'll try to find pics of them.. i found this great unico site on anipike.. soi will look there
  15. it was unico.... i remeber that one.. i rented that one too.. it was about this really cute lil unicorn that was sort of banished and these god people were watching him and they tested him cause they didn't like him.. and unico met all these different people like this lil devil person and this cat named katy that wanted to be a girl and unico turned her into a girl... it was suck a cute cartoon... i wanna see it again i hope that helps......but just so you know the ast unicorn is NOT anime.. it's german animation....
  16. I love Fushigi Yugi.. cause it has such a great story.. i think it will always be at the top of my list... tied for 2nd is Kenshin and Ayashi no Ceres and Angel Sanctuary I love Sanosuke he is so **** cute! Ceres is really dark and it ahs the stupid main guy that no one likes.. so you get to laugh at how stupid he is.. but the story is awesome.. and it's funny when it needs to be and sad when it does too.... Angel Sanctuary just totally kicks ***.. I love it... Kira is **** sexy. even though it is only a 3ep oav it's amazing.. with the crossdressing demons from hell to the incest.. if oyu look past all that it has a great story.. even though it makes hell good and heaven bad.. i can't go for very long without watching it.. even though Animerica said that it pretty much sucked .. see for yourself.. and you will probably like it.. I had my friend who is a total born again watch it and she loved it.. If you couldn't tell what i really love in anime is great storytelling.. even though i kinda like ranma (which has no basic storyline to speak of) i would much rather watch soemthing with a complex storyline that makes you think.. instead of something that makes you look stupid.. (no offense to Ranma fans..) i love ryouga!! god all i do is babble i once i start i can't stop...
  17. sorry but none of those are my fave.. i like fushigi yuugi, angel santuary, ayashi no ceres, and inuyasha
  18. i feel really immature calling them copy cats but thats what they are.. they stole my websites name... that sux monkeys!!!
  19. i doubt that i will do anything.. and ontheir site ist said the creation date and it was likea month ago.. ours was back in feburary..
  20. thats what my mom and my friend sayd,... copyright infringment.. you know i could sue them for that...
  21. i have a website.. called Flames and Narcissism anywho i was on anipike looking at the new sites.. and i found a site called Narcissism and Pyromania... so just looking at the name i was kinda pissed.. so i went to check out the site.. and found out that they had taken so much from our site.. from things that we had said.. to other stuff ... but i went to their guestbook and totally flamed them it was a polite flame but a flame non the less... and i asked them to change the name. becuase well we had that name long before they did.. even thoug it's not the same name it's close enough.... right?
  22. I'm a vocalist.. that's what i consider my instrument.. music is my life.. i dunno wanna think where i would be if i didn't have it... well that and anime ^_~
  23. this is one of the biggest issues in todays society.. not just racism but discrimination in general.. like the popular kid making fun of the nerd.. or the rich kid making fun of the poor kid.. or the straight guy making fun of the gay guy. and a peson making fun of someone because they are different.. uh what are oyu blind everyone is different..... i see it happen everyday.. and it's disgusting.. it makes me sick.. and ithink that all of this is just BS and it needs to stop..
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