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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX
whats your favorite songs whatsoever?!?
XxmagentaxX replied to ArcticLynx's topic in General Discussion
Mugen No kaze ~ from Ayashi no ceres Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite ~THTC The Ghost of You and Me~ BBMak Drops of jupiter~Train ONe More time~ Daft Punk Digital Love~Daft Punk Tsuki No Ie~ closing to Outlaw star Pop ~ Nsync It's gonna be me~ Nsync Crash & burn~ Savage Garden actually everything by savage garden Come what may~ Christain & Satine (Moulin Rouge) Elephant love medly~ Moulin Rouge Your Song ~ Christian (Moulin Rouge) & Elton John jeez i can't think.... i think that is just my short list of favorites... -
Bebop is the only anime they are gon aplay.. and Cn admitted that they are gonna edit it.. but other shows.. are Space ghost, and a few other original Cn shows...
i would be glad to be moderator.. and it doesn't matter what forum.. what ever is availible
Anime Who is the most annoying girl in the series of Tenchi Muyo.
XxmagentaxX replied to Meilin13's topic in Otaku Central
Ayeka is so annoying all she does is whine and cry about tenchi... Ryoko is a kick *** space pirate.. who kinda whines about tenchi but at least her voice isn't annoying.. -
i think that it's very doubtful.. i hear rumors like that all the time.. and they are never true.. and even when an artist does get into hot water about drugs or something.. it usually boosts sales..
that's exactly what i am saying .. that you are responsible for your own beliefs.. and who said anything about me going to hell??i don;t wanna go to hell... just said that cause people beleive that if you don't beleive what they do.. you will burn in hell... which i think is silly cause there are so many religions and belief systems out there.. that no one is right and no one wrong.. iand if they beleive that i will go to hell then keep beleiving that.. cause thats they're problem and not mine..
i think that only reason that this keeps being draggoned on is because she was famous.... thats probably the only reason.. yes i admit that she was talented.. and i was shocked when i heard the news.. but she has fans allover the world and they lost someone that they looked up to as an icon.. so i feel bad for her family and friends and all of her devoted fans.. but the people here that keep dragging it out.. need to drop it...
i know that some people might find my opinion wrong.. but i can live with it.. i know that not everyone will agree with what i have to say and you don't even have to listen...no ones forceing you But i know that there are so many people that are much worse off than me.. and i didn't mean to sound like i was selfish in anyway..cause readin that post i relize that was how i sounded... and i didn't mean anything by it.. and i worded that completly wrong and i didn't mean to put that.. my head told me one thing and hands typed another.. I just wanted to say.. that i don't totally agree with organized religion.. i have nothing wrong with it.. but i just agree with some aspects of it.. we are entitled to our beliefs and no one is right or wrong.. so please don't say that what i say is wrong.. because i have every right to say it.. just as you have everyright to say what you want to.. this is off subject of i am typing.. but i hate it when others try to force thier beliefs on you and try to convert you.. it's happened to me..and people say that my beliefs aren't real and that i will go to hell for believing them.. but i say i guess that i wil have to burn then.. the thing is that we all have our own right to beleive in what ever the hell we want.. from Jesus Christ to Suzaku... and no one should tell you that it's wrong or right.. it's what you want to believe and on one else.. is everyone happy now?? no more being a brat?? now it's forgotten...
if i offened anyone by saying that i'm sorry just forget i said anything.. i really don't want to strrt an argument about organized religion....
i'm sorry that you think that.. but how dare you call me a brat.. you don't know me i hate it when people assume the worst from people.. you have no idea what i have been through.. my life has been one thing after another.. and i do not appreciate you saying anything that you said
religion.. i don't get it.. so you supposedly have a god.... that is all powerful... but he never did squat for me... thats why i'm not religious.. but if people ask I am either druid or wiccan... no one god can control everything....thats why there are many gods and many goddesses
What is the origin of your board name???
XxmagentaxX replied to Ice Dragon v2's topic in General Discussion
i don't really know where the forest came from but i got my hair cut short and alot people said that i looked like apixie.. and i wanted a new aol sn so i put pixie but it was already taken.. so i needed to be a pixie from somewhere so i decided forest.. so i am the forest pixie (and probably cause in my fanfic i am a pixie that lives in a forest..) ^_^' :cross: -
i can barely last 12 hours... sad i know... :cross:
My Darlings, Come in here and help me!!!!!
XxmagentaxX replied to Lady Saiya-jin's topic in General Discussion
I LOVE the first dress.. it's so gorgous... :D you would totally turn heads in that one... -
i saw it on the news.. I y was actually apreiveiw for the news and it only happened earlier this evening.. so mtv.com will probably have something on her death on the morning.. But those other stories were stupid jokes.. and weren;t supposed to be taken seriously..
i am really upset she was an awesome talent that will definetly be missed...:(
adult swim actually only has one anime show on it.. Cowboy Bebop... an dthe rest is CN crap.. adn you bet that they are gonna edit it until they butcher the storyline and the script til it makes no sense just all those stupid *** toonami shows... But the reason why they edit anime is becuase they don't know any better they aim anime at the wrong age group and they think that just because it's animated it's for kids... so they aim it at the 7-12 age group which the stupidest thing that anyone coudl do... and it also has to do with the BIG cultural differences.. i mean americans are scared of everythiing... they are scared of violence and nudity BIG TIME... and the japanese aren't.. thats why these stupid american people have such strict censorship laws.. and i persononally think that editing anime and music and basically anything is absolute BS... And CN can edit anime all they want.. dust doesn't mean i have to watch it... I don't plan on it... and just so you know i am an american and i hate it.. I hate how we censor every little thing... from anime to the internet... and all the parents say thats its for the good of the children.. what the hell for?? it's just making children have this false sense of reality and thinking that the world is perfect jeez i think that i got a little carried away... see i told you i was opinionated... i have my opinions and i'm gonna share them.. whether you like it or not!!!
the name of the show that zelda used to bea part of was called Super Mario Bros. Super Show... just thought you wouls want to know
where did you find that pic.. could you give me the url for the site???
one time i didn't check my mail for about a week i had i hada bout 40 e-mails all pretty much the date.. all porn.... what the hell is wrong with these people??? I don't use my account much either cause it is at my dad's house and i got msn at mom's... So i don't have to put up that BS as much...
I hate my aol account... all i ever get on it is porn.. no i don;'t go to porn sites..i am 16 years old..and i don't do anything.. i have no clue how these stupid people get my e-mail address but i get atleast 20 porn e-mails a week!!! what the hell is up with this??? Does anyone else have this probelm???????? Oh and does anyone else get those stupid enlagre your penis is 2-4 weeks things.. me and freind get like 4 a day... It's twisted... and you know what.. they need to get it into their stupid heads that i don't have a penis!!! i mean i am a girl and i have the word girl in my screename!!!! I just think that all these stupid people have problems when thay have no clue who they are sending their nasty e-mails too...
Love is everything.. It's like oxygen... Like the Sky, the Moon.. the world .. everything... True love is so hard to find.... But when you find it you never want to let it go.. Yes sometimes it can end in heartache.. But I think that everyone has one perfest person for them.. to create that whole person... You know what i mean?? and it could take life times to find that person.. but it will only be one person..and you know thats it's the right one. you feel it in the depths of your soul.... you want that person to have all the happiness you can give them and they want the same for you.. you can tell what each other is thinking.... you caneven finish each others sentences sometimes... and when you are sad they are sad. you are happy they are happy.. thats what love is..and even if you find that person tht completes you and it ends in heartache.. you are meant to be together.. for all eternity.. so even when you die in the next life you will find that person.. I think that is all i wanted to say.. but people say that love is a horrible thing because they don't believe in it... but everyone should.. or else how miserable would that be??
i usually have nightmares that i am falling or drowning... since i am scared of heights and i also can't swim it makes sense to me.. But i also have nightmares about people i know dying..and i also have daynightmares kinda like daydreams but you know well nightmarish... about people dying for some reason i have this whole issue with dreams about death and rebirth.. like reincarnation... i guess .. but people are reborn as the person they were not into a different person completely and the thing is that this nightmare is never about real people but about anime characters.. and i am always among them and i always have this really depressing part to play in my dream.. like once i had a dream that i was an assasin and had to kill thsi guy that was madly in love with ... i just don't get it.. and everyone think that i am f$@#ed in the head...
my greatest fear is heights.. I went in the Stratosphere in Vegas and almost passed out.. it was a really horfic experience
i would love to see a Zelda movie.. but i can't real picture it live action.. i think it would be really dificult... but i can imagine it as an anime movie... but it would beawesome to see the story on the big screen