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Everything posted by XxmagentaxX

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DragonofDestiny [/i] [B]Oh yeah, has anyone ever heard of The Last Unicorn? That was an anime movie about the last unicorn, duh, who has to save the rest of her kind. I love the Unicorn, she was so beautifl, as was her voice. Totally magical! [/B][/QUOTE] last unicorn not anime... it was german or something... by the same people who did the lord of the Rings animation..
  2. I love Ranma... my favorite characters are Ryouga and Kuno
  3. They changed the name? god I hate Cartoon Network.... they ruin everything
  4. My first anime was Unico! i cant believe no one said anything about it.... I also saw Sailor Moon when I was about 7 or so.... but it all started with Unico
  5. its all about Perfect Blue nothing like a psychological thriller. I love that movie, and suprisingly not many people have seen it.... I reccomend it to everyone... I also like EOE, it was a really great ending for the series.
  6. I would just tell them. They're your parents They love you no matter what. They might not accept it right away, but you have to give them time. You'll feel so much better after telling them instead of keeping it bottled up.
  7. I had just gotten up and I was at this strange house, that was mine in the dream, but I didnt know where anyhting was. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and the guy I like was in there taking a shower. I didnt think anyting of it and just joined him. (nothing happened)It was like total deja vu like I had been in that exact situation before. So anyway.. i got out of the shower and the guy disappeared. Then my mom got me a job for this auto mechanic I was his secretary type person and I basicallt answered phones and made appointments. well the first call I got was from this 14 year old girl who had just had a baby and said that the owner was its father.. and she didnt know what to do with the baby, because she had no money. I told her to forget about him cuz he had no intention of helping her cuz he was a prick.. which isnt anything i would say. then she hung up and everyone was running outside cuz something was going on, turns out it was a street race... and the guy that I like had reappeared and was driving one of th cars and was one of the mechanics. thats the end of that one.... heres another.... I was driving up my street towards my high school, and I noticed all these people where cosplaying as characters from .hack and naruto... so my friend and I went to check it out. but we didnt have a pass so we cudlnt get in, so we went around to all these shops selling pictures. and I could hear songs in the background, one was this random song by Gackt and another was by Josh Groban... and that was about it. i cant remember the rest. i have really random dreams... my friend lexi has disturbing dreams, they are all bloody and pretty disgusting sometimes....
  8. I wnted to see it. my dad saw an ad for it on the side of bus and thought it was really sick, but the show looked really good. I'll have to catch it next week
  9. I went to Anime Expo a few weeks back, 2nd year.. Im going next year for sure. We already have everything planned out.. my dad randomly decided to move to Houston so I can go to Animefest in Dallas and Onicon in Houston next year!
  10. Ok here I go... Name: Orchid Ago:18 Fraternity: Rakksha Rank: Powers: Shapeshifter Personal Description: look at the pic Bio: very independent, does everything better on her own. She doesnt let people get too close to her. Orchid is this huge mystery to pretty much everyone. No one knows much if anything about her past.
  11. ADV is trying to get every cable provider to carry it... go to the website and see where it is...
  12. go and find a copy of new type you can get it at suncoast, tower, virgin, places like that. it has alot of info about it... cuz its all by ADV
  13. It was all about Hey Dude! I loved that show... oh and Salute Your Shorts1
  14. fav actress: Jennifer Connely * Labyrinth and A Beautiful Mind* fav actor: Orlando Bloom Hayden Christenson
  15. XxmagentaxX

    New Age

    I love Enigma Gravity of love has to be one of my favorite songs I just recently got into it too... The music is just so pretty
  16. The ending song for the Samurai X movie was horrible! i watched it with my friend and we said that it couldnt get any worse but it did!! It was the worst vocals I have ever heard!
  17. my new Fav is Duel Jewel and Blood I saw them at Anime Expo, they are so good. I want Yuya!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyber E. [/i] [B]I don't seem to recall anything about the Gravitation anime, but TokyoPop bought the rights to the manga. I don't recall anything about the anime, though. -Cyber [/B][/QUOTE] Right Stuf bought the rights to Gravitation at last years AX
  19. I'll be there tomorrow I know that tomorrow morning I'll be at the Pioneer Panel Oh If anyone went to the Anime Trivia, I was the one in the hat who likes hot gay guys! But yea i'll be there tomorrow, I'll be wearing and denim 50's style dress. so look out for us ^_^
  20. yea everyone goes through **** with their parents. doesnt mean that they have to put with physical abuse! or harsh verbal abuse. There should be no reason to hit or verbally abuse a child! If my mom ever hit me I would have myself taken away from her so fast. some parents go overboard with the verbal putdowns where its not bareable! I know Ive had to see it and put up with it. As I see it alot people shouldnt have children.
  21. Slayers cuz there is Slayers Next and Slayers Try
  22. legend of crystania sucks. its so ugly, and doesnt make much sense, I thin you have to watch Lodoss Wars before you watch it. Slayers is really good, i have the 1st season and love it. I reccomend it to anyone
  23. My friends mom did the same thing... would always put her down, take everything away from her, she freaking made her live the garage! and would let her in the house. So she ran away and lived with me for about 2 1/2 months. If she does anything again and you have bruises or scratches or anything, just go to the police and tell them what happened. they take kids stories over thier parents any day, especially if you have something to prove it. Just try to get out of there, no one should have to go through that.
  24. I noticed how Magic Dance was changed on the soudtrack too... it sounded so stupid. They should have just left it. Yea I kinda have a crush on Jareth too... It's kind of a mix betweek his hair, his chothes and incredibly revealing pants! ^_^
  25. I think the opening and closing for Fushigi Yugi and Ayashi no Ceres are THE best... I also love Junk Boy, the closing for Maze: Mageburst Space
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