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Wild Wind

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Everything posted by Wild Wind

  1. Well, here it goes...its not all great or anything. I'm kinda new at this whole graphic art thing. I haven't used Adobe in awhile either, so oh well. Suggestions, comments, and questions would be appreciated... Thanks in advanced!:)
  2. Yeah, for me it would be... Hiei: Speed, power, and attitude. He has it all, and can blow his opponenets to ashes...and their ashes' into ashes...I like fast characters, because it gives that mentality that strength isn't everything. Plus speedy characters kick ***, and its cool to see him disappear one moment, then reappear the next moment, seeing his opponent on the ground all sliced up. He also uses a sword, and appears to be very skilled, interesting to watch him fight his opponents with such speed an skill with a sword. Overall he has a good combination of attacks; speed, skill, sword, powerful oblivion attack, and much more. He doesn't take **** from anyone and is loyal to himself and his friends (although he would never admit it...)
  3. I think more realistic is okay to be made into live action movies. As long as they don't make it all screwed up and has nothing to do with the storyline. Maybe they can make a Gundam movie, but it would be kinda hard to pull it off. But any other anime that has super powers or anything as such would be crap. I remember they made a live action movie of Dragon Ball:eek:...And it looked like total crap. So no movies like that...:mad:
  4. I could see a Trigun movie happening... But a movie of an anime with wacked hairstyles, or superpowers...Those won't do to well, but ya never know...
  5. Its kinda obvious for me but... Name: Hiei From: Yu Yu Hakusho Why: Fast, ruthless, strong, plus his "Dragon of the Darkness Flame" attack... Why wouldn't I like him?
  6. My name is from a Yu Yu Hakusho song, "Wild Wind" (really good song)sang by Hiei and Kurama, and I seemed to like the song and the title alot, so I chose this. Besides the fact that wind is my favorite element too.
  7. I like "Wild Wind" from Yu Yu Hakusho...Some of the songs' lyrics translation is in my sig...
  8. Ugh...I don't like racists one bit. I know how you feel about not wanting to go to school because of racists. It's sad to hear people are today, but I've experienced racism before. Since I'm hispanic, you can get alot of racism living in the south west (especially when I lived in Texas *shudders*) Anyways, I always seem to get a racial comment everywhere I go...And when me and my family were moving to Arizona from Washington, we stopped by this hotel in Nevada, we were very tired (we've been driving for ten to eleven hours) and we needed a hotel to rest in. However, each hotel we went to was either a "We don't accept your kind here." or a "We don't have a place for you.". So we had to spend our night in our cramped car that night. Not very comfortable...Sorry to hear about that stuff...Anyways, I'm not really lookin forward to school, just more responsability and more homework...
  9. Actually, I do know what my name means... Well, first off, it's Rheo Grant Martinez so: Rheo in Spanish means "river", and in Greek it means "flow". So something to do with flowing and stuff like that. And in some language (Aztec maybe) Martinez means "Warrior". I dunno what Grant means so...Put it all together and it means: River Warrior! As for my board name: Wild Wind I chose it because there's a song I like from Yu Yu Hakusho, which is called "Wild Wind" and was sang by Kurama and Hiei. So, yeah, I like that song...
  10. Boys: Akira- Sounds pretty cool, an anime type name. Rheo, Ryo, or Rio- Not because it's my name, just because I like the flow of it, and it's different from names you'd hear often. Girls: Amber- I dunno why, but I just like this one... Courtney- Its a good name I think, just like the sound of it.
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