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Hero Of Time

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Everything posted by Hero Of Time

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Dude, who said anything about crossovers? Who gives a rat's *** if you tried to give Link a voice? You were writing a crossover...a fanfic. What makes you think a LoZ movie would attempt crossovers? The LoZ Lore is strong enough without diluting it with pointless introductions of non-related characters. Your logic is faulty and your argument weak. [/B][/QUOTE] Dumbass.....remember the legend of zelda cartoon?!It failed..and Link talked.....and in the orcarina of time manga...link didnt talk...and that manga did well...look at the different jack****
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B]Link [b]can[/b] talk, it's just that, in many Nintendo games, the hero or main character doesn't talk. They say stuff, it's just that you never know what they do say. [/B][/QUOTE] In the world of philosophy..Link can talk...but..in nintendo games..he either cant talk ..only saying grunts and noises from being hurt or noises when he attacks....or.....he's just the strong silent type.But to go by the way of the nintendo games...it would be best if Link wouldnt talk...>_>
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kumkuat14 [/i] [B]Allright after all this posting I think that an Anime would do best. But still,*coughs*voices. [/B][/QUOTE] An anime would be kinda hard..being as Link cannot talk.You seen the original cartoon right?Link spoke..and it sucked not just that..but that was the main reason.You know how hard it is to do a crossover with the legend of zelda?!I did a Legend Of Zelda/Inuyasha crossover where Link looks for the Triforce in Feudal Japan.In the parts where inuyasha insults him...you know how hard it is to come up with a sign language for Link to respon in?!An anime would kinda suck being as though it would be hard to make it that Link would talk and it would be good..>_<
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ares [/i] [B]I believe they should make a manga of Zelda. I mean, I love manga and it is really fun to read and it would definitely work with Zelda. [/B][/QUOTE] There are actually three mangas of the legend of zelda.The first on depicts the gameplay of the original game,which didnt do so well..then theres the orcarina of time one which did really well..then Majora's Mask...made by the same person...the only reason why you dont know about it...is because it never came to america...only like zelda fanboys..know about it...x.x well go to a search engine..wellI would suggest google...then put in "Manga Legend Of Zelda" or "The Legend Of Zelda Manga"
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]You must not know very much about TWW. ;) Miyamoto and others have said time and time again that they created TWW for people of all ages. It was not made with younger kids in mind. So many people assume that because of the cartoony graphics, and it's just not true. I mean, really, the original Zelda had cartoony graphics compared to other NES games of its time, yet it wasn't considered a kids' game. Heck, it was dang hard. Probably very, very few little kids would be able to beat the first quest, let alone the second. And when you say that it was a lot of the mature gamers that complained about the cel shaded style, you've got it backwards. It was the [i]immature[/i] people that complained. The actual mature people appreciated the style for its complexity and how it went back to the games' graphical roots by being cartoony. Not to mention that, if it came down to it, they'd be able to look past the graphics at how the game actually played even if they didn't like the style. I mean, really, if you base your whole opinion of a game off of its graphics, that's not exactly a mature opinion. But anyway, about SCII, I don't think it's going to change Link's image. He's already had both the cartoony and realistic look before, so another game in which he's realistic isn't going to change anything. We'll probably see people saying that that's how he should have looked in TWW, but we've already gotten tons of that because of that old Spaceworld trailer. So yeah, this is nothing new, just more of the same.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Please man...you are right in a way about the cartoony link.No offense but it will change Link's image if he was(Wellhe is now)in sc2 because look at it.There are sooooo many fanboys that like halo and ff crap...blah blah blah.And when they see Link in the fighting game for soul calibur 2..it opens their eyes.That Link is cool...Link is 1337.Link owns.But seriously,it would make him better because look at it out now..he's the greatest adventure hero of all time,now in "the greatest fighting game of all time."But if you look at it,it would change it because this is the very first mature fighting game that one of nintendo's first party titles are in(Super Smash Bros is a great game but it isnt as mature but...they are both rated T for teen).So this actuallly helps nintendo and makes the fanboys of xbox and ff that just look up to those games as god and a cold smack of reality hits their face.Link is not kiddy.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Conna_da_fox [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Inuyasha... hmm, my favorite anime! I can normally see the show at night, so I'm saving up my to buy the DVD's. I'm also planning to buy the manga. Yeah, Inuyasha_Pro, I've seen what Naraku really looks like... I have the game and it shows him in some episodes I've seen. I like all the charaters except for Kagome and Jaken. Don't hurt me for not liking Kagome.*sheilds herself* She is kinda annoying, otherwise she's alright. I just love Inuyasha and Sessy.*huggles plushies*My favorite character is Kikyo, she is so cool. I don't get why so many people hate her. I wish Adult Swim would have showed Inuyasha in the summer... now I have to wait till I get the DVD's.:bawl: Meanies... well at least they [I]show[/I] it. I shouldn't call them mean... they provide me with all the anime I watch. I AM SORRY!!! I absolutly love the music, I have the first 2 CD's and I have tons of Inuyasha songs downloaded on my computer. I wish I had some Inuyasha shirts or something. But, I think that is all I have to say for right now.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I got the game...got everyone...the music?I download them...I know the plot for both movies.....x.x man..your not the only one thats an IY pro around here...I've only seen up to episode 42 and I know about the stuff showing up in japan...I bet everyone else..including the great Prince of Anime:Adam knows about it...O_O.You know...Im a bit bored....Im going to get my friend's hacking system(no nothing like gameshark...something thats not like gameshark..more like hacking into the game from what you want..not from what the companies that make the hacking stuff that give you the codes..you make the codes)to better the plot..Im going to do in the IY fighting game like what Namco did with sc2 for gamecube...^___^ if you have or seen the commercial for the gamecube sc2...then you know what Im going to do...^____^.In the plotline when you pick a character in the story mode..and they tell their story...Im going to put my own story with pictures blah blah blah.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animangademon [/i] [B]Oh man, I love Inu Yasha! I am kinda new to this kind of anime and manga, but i love it. I feel I have a sort of connection w/it..weird I know, but it's the truth....I myself love Inu Yasha, Miroku and Sango (please forgive my spelling, adn please correct it for me or I will cry :(, lol)...I love all the characters, eeehh..except Jaken (once again correct me spelling)...I went to Guru and tested what villan i would be and he said I would be Yura*ahahahaha, laughs sinisterly*.......well, i think i said enough for right now [/B][/QUOTE] You spelled them all correctly dont worry about it.Inuyasha is so cool...I like it...I got the dvds.Hopefully AS wont do this again...delaying Inuyasha.....that made me mad..I was hoping to watch IY during the summer...but...hey it doesnt bother me... Hey Adult Swim!This one is for you for not showing IY in the summer! :butthead:
  8. I like....Sesshoumaru out of them all(and its Miroku not Miruku)I basically like everyone (except for Jaken)from Inuyasha,every character is so well done.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoKents [/i] [B]Yeah, thats totally spam. Looking back at it, even I was on the list. Anyway, Im actually coming back to talk about the series and what we are gonna get to see. The first thing thats coming to mind is the dog fella and kagome being kidnapped. Thats obviously the first subject upon IY's return. Question is, what comes after that? I saw a new demon in the commercial. (along with old footage as well) So that means new demons (of course), but Im interested in another subject... Where is the series right now, currently, in Japan? Is the series over? How long term has this thing been going and where does the story stand in the most recent stuff? [/B][/QUOTE] This demon you speak of,her name is Kagura,she is one of two(or three I forgot)of Naraku's minions thats created by Naraku,the show in Japan is currently being shown along side of Shonen Sunday like stuff like the also unfinished anime called Yu-Gi-Oh(currently up I think around the same episodes of Inuyasha I believe)and some other animes I cant think of.But Inuyasha is right now up to...episode 125 I think.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kahlan [/i] [B]All those different Links? That would confuse those who know nothing about zelda. You got to remember, everything they do with a new game in a series, they are able to make a connection with previous games, but they have to make it so it wouldn't be too confusing for newcomers to the series. Same with shows. It probably wouldn't be as good if all the Links and games were rolled onto one show. They would either stick with one time, or most likely make the show totally new with barely any connections to the games. Games are novels in them selves, and if u make a novel into a movie, its going to change. Make a movie into a show, its going to change even more. [/B][/QUOTE] No Iam saying its complex but if people watch it from the beginning like most animes they would understand it.It could be like the dragonball saga but it could be much different than dragonball.You know what I mean
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Heh.. At ganonstower.com or something like that they have a page about some guy who's written a script and done a storyboard for a Zelda animated movie.. But Nintendo didn't tell him to, so they probably won't let him do it.. But it looks good enough. Also, there was a live action movie that came out before LoZ on NES did, and I think Miyamoto once said it inspired him.. It was called "Legend", I believe.. *shrugs* Just thought I'd bring those up.. Well, anyhoo.. I think a live action movie wouldn't be that great.. It would have to be, like, 4 hours long to fit in an entire game's worth of storyline.. And then we'd have to see Link actually talk! *gasp* Besides, how many actors out there can look good in tights and wield a sword at the same time? *nods* I think an anime would be best. Maybe just 26 eps long like most original anime in Japan.. That would cover about one game's worth of stuff, I suppose.. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Technically,the movie called "Legend"is not where Shigeru Miyamoto got the idea for Zelda.Actually he got the idea for green from Robin Hood,and when he was younger he would see kids with arrows and bows..he based The Legend of Zelda(Well..most of it about the bows and the dungeon crap..not completely everything though)from his childhood.26 episodes?What are we basing this anime on?Well ..I would at least make it about..100 episodes long..like from the beginning of hyrule..then from Kokiri forest..then blah blah..going from diffent timelines..because...26 episodes..does not cover all the Zelda games for each link is a Link upholding the tradition of the past Hero Of Time.So Techinically..it would be a bit long...like for Orcarina Of Time,then Majora's Mask,then WInd Waker,then A Link to he past,then the original Zelda....then The Adventure Of Link,then the gameboy zelda games go in after that....(Dont even think of counting the Zelda made by those Phillips people....)
  12. (Chapter one) Link walked through the door,looking around he looked for another entrance,then seeing another door with next with bars.He entered that door,the playing of an orchestrated piano could be heard getting louder.He looked and saw a stairway.It seemed dark,thinking of how dangerous this could be he knew this is what he was waiting for.The final showdown.against the evil King himself.The wielder of the Triforce of Power:Ganondorf.Walking up to the stairs the orchestrated music got louder and louder.The stairways seemed to be infinite,turning and turning to see just another stairway of steps.Then all of a sudden,the red carpet that was in the middle of the stairs,had stopped.Link looked to his left and saw another door in the same symbol of the last door.He went through it.Walking through he was in shock he saw Zelda entraped in a big purple crystal as her triforce of wisdom appeared in her hand then slowly disappeared,Link's Triforce of Courage in his hand suddenly appeared.Only seeing a red carpet and red hair and armoed black armor.Ganondorf slowly stood up from sitting down in playing his Piano. Ganondorf:The Triforce parts are resonating,I know have the Triforce of wisdom.They are soon combining into one.The Two Triforce parts that I could not capture on that day seven years ago,I didnt expect them they would be hidden within you two!And now,finally all the triforce pieces are in this exact room! Ganondorf had slowly turned around,moving his right hand towards his cape as it slowly moved behind him.His evil red eyes had glared right into the sight of Link,Link being shocked.Slowly,a smirk slowly became upon Ganondorf's lips. Ganondorf:These toys are too much for you! I command you to give me your triforce of courage! Just then Ganondorf shown his the back of his left hand,it showing the whole triforce symbol,but only the top part and the left side of the triforce was glowing.Ganondorf moved his hand with the triforce symbol and a wave moved towards Link.Not expecting anything from him Link moved back,putting his hands in front of his eyes as purple electricity had slowly surrounded him,it seemed to be shown moving around his tunic and face and towards around his Master Sword and Shield.Navi,the fairy gotten out of Link's hat just in time before the attack had went to Link.Slowly Navi was being surrounded by the purple darkness aswell. Navi:Link! I cant help you! Because of the waves of darkness,Ganondorf had stopped me from knowing his weakness and getting close! Im sorry,Link! Ganondorf laughed devilishly.Floating up in the air he continued his devilish laugher,the Orchestrated Piano and Princess Zelda nowhere to be seen now.His cape moved around violently as if through a storm.Link looking at Ganondorf ready for a fight he had unsheathed his Master Sword from his back and his Hylian Shield.But just then,Ganondorf thrusted his fist downward towards the ground and a little wind had caught up,feeling a bit of an earthquake,Link looked downward to his brown boots.The place where he was standing was slowly disentegrating!Turning around Link ran towards the door but the earthquake had stopped him in his tracks,only the floor close to the middle of the room had disappeared now.Link on the floor,Ganon put his hand up and the room went dark,electricity surrounded Ganondorf's hand as just then a little ball of energy appeared.Thrusting it towards Link,Link noticed the sound.Ganondorf let out a loud 'HIYA'when he thrusted it.Getting up Link dodged the attack and the room went to its original lighting.Ganondorf doing it again,Link noticed from his previous battle in the forest temple that Phantom Ganon done this before.Then when the ball of energy had gotten close,Link swung at it with his Master sword,it headed back to Ganondorf,Ganondorf thrusted his left fist towards the attack and it headed back to Link.Ganondorf having his eyes closed he smirked."This boy must think Iam stupid"he thought to himself but when he opened his eyes,the ball of energy was headed very close to him.It had hit him,then Ganondorf had felt the surge of his own power attack him plus some of the good power the Master Sword had wielded.Link rushing in to attack Ganondorf thinking he might be weakened enough to go on the ground he jumped into the middle of the room,but Ganondorf had his hand glowed purplish and then he thrusted his powered up fist at Link.Link flying back.His back hit the wall,leaving an imprint of his body.Ganondorf,doing the attack again Link thought he was supposed to have gotten down from the attack.He didnt know what to do,but then,in his own train of thought because of the sudden thought.The electricity attack hit him.Link shook his head as Ganondorf had laughed his trademark devilish laughter.Suddenly Link got an idea,Ganondorf laughing. Ganondorf:Want some more?! The room got darker and electricity from nowhere was gathering quickly into Ganondorf's left hand.He thrusted it at Link and the speed was quicker now.After a round of five swings to the ball trying to hit eachother,Link hit Ganondorf.Ganondorf closing his eyes in the sudden pain,Link took out his Hero's bow,then pulled out an arrow.A yellow light had surrounded the metal part of the arrow.He let go,and the arrow was headed toward's Ganondorf.Hitting Ganondorf in his leg,Link hoped to have hit him in his chest,but then,the light from the arrow moved out of the arrow and surrounded Ganondorf.Seven lights had lit up the room,making a little light show.Ganondorf,suspended in the air he slowly fell to the ground,a yellowish aura had surrounded him.Link quickly jumped again to the middle of the room he had swing his Master Sword at Ganondorf repeatedly.Ganondorf would let out small grunts being hit in numberous places in his chest and arms from the Master Sword.Ganondorf regaining consciousness he floated up into the air again.Link jumping back to the other side of the room,the room got very dark,as just all that could be seen were purple dots.Link saw the purplish dots form together as he then saw Ganondorf was forming a black hole energy.When it had gotten big,Link had pulled out his bow and another Light arrow.It alone lighted up the whole room,Link letting it fire.It hit Ganondorf's chest,the light would surround him as he fell again.Link would jump again into the middle of the room,swinging his sword now towards Ganondorf.Ganondorf had let out a loud yell,holding his neck he started breathing heavily.Kneeled down before Link. Ganondorf:I cant believe it...I was beaten..by Link! Slowly the Crystal imprisoning Princess Zelda had appeared in the sky and slowly moved down.The Crystal,moving onto ground and slowly disappeared.Princess Zelda,looked behind herself,looking at Ganondorf had been on the ground.Supposedly not breathing.Zelda looked back at Link Zelda:Poor Ganondorf,with his evil heart and ambition,he couldnt comprehend the power of the gods..and now-! A strange noise could be heard behind Zelda,Link had looked and Ganondorf a purplish circle was surrounded behind him.It made an eerie glowy noise.Ganondorf standing straight upon it,he smirked.As the back of his left hand had glowed. Ganondorf:I have the triforce of Wisdom!Just wait...I shall come back and get your triforce of courage! Ganondorf had jumped inside the portal.Link trying to stop him,the portal was still open but,Zelda stopped him.Link moving backward he looked back at her Zelda:Link,please,you need to get the Triforce back to this place,please get the other pieces of the triforce back to hyrule.Without it,the land of hyrule will become full or more powerful,worse monsters than that inhabit the land of hyrule now!Please I beg you! Link had nodded.Looking back at Navi,Navi moved around moving quickly indicating she was ready for the new trip.Link jumping in,the portal moved him around.Getting dizzy,Link yelled throughout the trip.Landing on the soft ground.It was night time.Trees surrounded Link,slowly getting up.His neck slowly looked around the place.It was very quiet.Moving to his vision to see his arms he looked at himself making sure he made through the trip intact.Link looking up into the sky he had saw a piece of the triforce.It was circling around in the midair.It was giving off a very bright light.After the light,it just stopped,then began spinning again.After the spinning,it would slowly crackle.Making crackling noise it lighted up again then it broke into eight pieces and flew into different directions.Link,seeing one of the triforce pieces of where it went to,he started running.But after the sprint he heard a faint voice. Rauru:Link,its me,Rauru,the sage of light.Listen carefully,when you had went through that portal in the name of freedom for hyrule.You went too far from our power.This is why you can barely hear me,our power chanelling towards you is fainting.Be careful Link!You might not know what lies ahead.But do not fear completely.You have the Sword of evil's bane..the Master Sword!Have faith and get the other remaining triforce pieces! In a village.One tall man had entered a hut.Light could be seen through the hut and the man breathing heavily.He would have his eyes closed.A bow and arrow were at the front of the entrance,the man wearing a blue kimono,his hair being tied by a topknot.Breathing heavily the light show was seen through the window.He was speechless.Slowly an old woman making a fire looked to her side,seeing the man in shock.She was wearing a white kimono and a red long skirt.Getting her bow and arrow she got outside,more people went to her.Children were scared,going to their parents,some cried.Some hugged their parents legs.Some just stood there in awe seeing the golden Triangle.Everyone stood in awe as the Golden Triangle had moved then stopped.The light had temporarily blinded them as a loud explosion could've been heard.One shard of the triforce had landed near the lady with the Bow and Arrow and White and Red Kimono.Everyone circled around the glowing piece of the triforce.It stopped glowing then a villager had gotten closer to the lady wearing the white kimono and the green skirt. Villager:Priestess Kaede,what do you think it is? Kaede:Hay,ye dont know,must be the work of a demon.If so,this must be of some great importance. In a castle,it was very quiet.After an 'omnuous'cloud had been prevented from putting harm to inhabitants in the castle.The owners of this great place to stay people had invited these five people to their own rooms.The child was so jumpy and happy to finally found a nice place to stay for the night.A demon/human looking person of the group,having a sword sheathe of a katana at his side.His eyes were opened as he glared walking barefooted.Wearing a red kimono.Then suddenly the other man of the group,the person that sensed the 'omnuous' cloud had pointed to the sky.A girl with a huge boomerang and a cat on her left shoulder looked to the direction this monk with a staff was pointing too.The man in the red kimono had looked to the left aswell,as a girl wearing strange clothing.In her time it was called a 'uniform' looked in awe as the Kitsune child had latched onto the leg of the stranged clothing girl Shippou:Im scared Kagome! They all stared a bit in awe,they all had the same thought in their minds.Was it Naraku's doing?Was this the doing of another powerful demon?Inuyasha glared at it,as the light suddenly stopped,it showing a Golden Triangular shape suspended very high into the air as it shown signs of crackling.Then in a blinding light,8 shards had moved in different directions.One of the 8 shards was headed towards the little child,the child moving out of the way it landed.It glowing.They all circled around it. Miroku:Stand back,this could be Naraku's doing. Inuyasha:Shut up Monk,why would Naraku do something like that? Sango:What could this mean?Lets keep it and make sure what happens,we might find more about this later. In a dark castle,a man shrouded in darkness looked up into the sky.His evil eyes smirked.His raven like long hair swaying to the side.He looked at the golden triangular shape Naraku:hmmm... Back towards the village of Kaede and the forest of Inuyasha.Link slowly walked around,not nearing a giant tree.Looking at it strangely.Looking back to his left he saw a village up ahead.Deciding if anyone had gotten any information about the Triforce he began running as fast as he can.In the village there was a rumbling.Villagers going back outside to see what it was,slowly,7 skull warriors with swords and shields appeared from the ground.Going towards the hut of Kaede an echoeing voice came from out of nowhere.They stopped just in front of the entrance of the hut of Kaede. Ganondorf:Hand over that shard of the triforce of wisdom! Kaede not knowing what this voice was talking about,she looked at the golden shard next to her."That must've been what that voice was talking about"She thought,as the Stalfos gotten closer,she got her bow and arrow.The villagers inside her hut had nodded at her,grabbing their own bows and arrows.Going closer,the villagers then fired their arrows toward the Stalfos.The Stalfos being shocked,they moved back from the sudden attack.They didnt think they would be attacked by these simple villagers.Continueing to firing their arrows,the villagers thought they had a victory.One of the stalfos,jumping up into the air,it tackled through Priestess Kaede.Kaede upon the ground she looked in utter shock as the Stalfos was about to stab its sword toward her chest as just then an arrow from seemingly nowhere headed towards the wrist of the attacking Stalfos.Making it lose its sword,its sword flew to the sky then landed onto the ground.The other six Skull Stalfos looked to the right,the villagers also looked in that direction.What they saw,they seen a little white fairy floating around a man in a green tunic attire with a bow and arrow.All of the stalfos had turned and started their attack towards them.Pulling out another arrow,a red color had surrounded the metal of Link's arrow.Letting it go,it hit one of the Stalfos's chest,the Stalfos had caught on fire.Another Stalfos,jumping in the air with its sword swung,it was headed towards Link.Putting away the bow and arrow and Sheathing his master sword and Hylian shield,he put his shield in front of the Stalfos's attack.Kaede,getting up,she saw the Triforce symbol with a little bird.Link,blocking the attack,he swung his Master sword towards the attacking Stalfos.Moving back,the stalfos fell on the ground,then the 7 Stalfos surrounded Link in a circle.Looking around,Link finally got onto one knee,his sword behind him,it glew blue,slowly making an aura type glow noise.As the stalfos got closer,Link's sword glow turned red.Then getting up,he started to spin around,his sword extended out,it made a large red wave that went towards the Stalfos.The seven stalfos,getting hit multiple times,their bones disataching eachother,the bones,as it was slowly headed towards the ground,it disappeared in a green fog,their sword and shields,disappearing into the ground.Link sheathing his Master sword and putting his Hylian shield behind himself.The villagers,pointed their bow and arrows at Link,surrounding him Villager:He is an outsider,he must be after that golden shard aswell! Kaede:Why are ye here strange one After a while of explaining his problems,Link sat inside the hut of Kaede while most of the villagers were outside,listening Kaede:So that golden triangle is one of the three triangles that help your land?This 'Ganondorf'seems very dangerous.We cannot do much,but I will do as much as I can Kaede had given Link two quivers of arrows.Link nodded in saying Thank you as Navi moved around,showing her appreciation.Kaede gave Link the golden shard of the triforce of wisdom as slowly in the back of his left hand,the triforce symbol appeared and the lower right Triangle glowed.Link moved out of the hut and waved goodbye before he went back into the forest of Inuyasha to search for the other 7 remaining pieces of the triforce.Going throughout the forest.Link sighed,he thought now and wished he had his old horse friend,Epona.He would zoom throughout this massive place and would make his search for the triforce of wisdom quicker.Then he stopped thinking of something.How was he going to come back to Hyrule?!Ganondorf seemed to only know how to go back to Hyrule,but this seemed very,very strange...... Ganondorf looked around,his red cape flowed through the wind.A villager gave Ganondorf information to this castle of where this man only named Naraku.This Naraku was killing people in this man's village.He had enough of this,he was going to have whatever villagers go and attack Naraku,but this man,with red hair and a red cape came to his village and spoke of the strange triangular light show that happened recently in the sky.Ganondorf had spoken to the village chief,he was going to kill him,but the village chief,being smart he thought that this new evil can go up against Naraku and in hopes that they would kill one another.Ganondorf spared his life and the man gave him directions to reach the castle.After a walk through the forest near this man's village.Ganondorf walked up and saw a strange phantom castle.Naraku seeing him earlier before he had come to the castle,Naraku was behind him.Ganondorf hearing something he turned around and saw a man in a baboon mask.Wearing a white robe that basically covered his face and his body.Ganondorf looked at him,this might be the person in which the villager explained about him having pieces of the triforce of wisdom. Ganondorf:So...are you the one named Naraku? Naraku looked at him,he wore a rather strange outfit.But Naraku is suprised a bit,someone that looks new around to this area would know about him Naraku:Yes Iam,how do you know about me? Ganondorf:Thats not much..but I also hear that you have something...pieces of the triforce of wisdom! Naraku:Triforce of Wisdom? Naraku thought for a minute,triforce?Wisdom?He didnt understand this 'triforce'.First was that triangular shape that split into 8 pieces and now this strange man appears.He was a bit confused,but then suddenly something came to his head,this 'triforce of wisdom'might be that Triangular shape that this man is speaking of.Naraku smirked.He didnt knew who this man was,but he might be able to use him to an advantage. Naraku:My apologies...I do not have this triforce of wisdom you speak of..but I seen it scatter into 8 pieces.... Ganondorf:You sure your not lying?! Ganondorf had gone closer as if to attack Naraku,but Ganondorf felt suddenly a great evil among this man.He stopped a bit in shock,then slowly a smirk came across his lips and he then laughed.His eyes closed,his head facing into the air.Ganondorf was thinking the same thing as Naraku,that he can use him to an advantage. Naraku:I dont have this 'triforce of wisdom pieces'but I do know in which directions they went to.I will help you..but...you must help me aswell Ganondorf:What is it do you want? Naraku started to explain.Of how it began fifty years ago,how he started as this thief named Onigumo,but something had happened to him,he was severely injured and was supposed to not be able to walk ever again.But this Priestess named Kikyou helped him.He wanted her and this Shikon No Tama.He called forth many demons and that is how he became what Ganondorf sees today.Naraku also explained how Kikyou loved another person,a half-Demon Half-human dog Hanyou named Inuyasha.So what he did he made them betray eachother.Kikyou had entrapped Inuyasha with a sacred arrow.And Kikyou died,supposedly taking the Shikon No Tama Jewel with her to the other world.But fifty years later,a girl named Kagome had the jewel in her body and destroyed the spell that this Priestess Kikyou had put on Inuyasha.He has a very powerful sword named Tetsusaiga and during their adventures,Inuyasha and Kagome met a fox child and this Demon Slayer who's village he's destroyed and a monk whom he has put a curse upon,the curse with a hole in his right hand that will swallow him up if he doesnt kill Naraku.He called it the wind tunnel of 'Kazaana'.Naraku pulled out a shard of the shikon no tama as it glowed a white small light Naraku:This is a shard of the shikon jewel.One shard alone can double the power of a demon.And these people that are my enemies,they are seeking the jewel's power so I may not make a wish Ganondorf:What wish is this? Naraku:Whoever makes a wish upon the Shikon No Tama,it will be fufilled.I want the jewel's power to make me more powerful than Iam. Ganondorf:Very similar to the whole piece of the triforce Ganondorf in interest of becoming very powerful,he decided to tell this man,the power of the gods.The three gods that created Hyrule.Din,Nayru,and Farore.They left a powerful symbol known as the triforce,but these sages had built a temple in which evil cannot enter to protect the golden triangle.But when Link had opened the door of time which led to the sacred realm,he used this to take the Triforce,though he couldnt take the whole triforce,it was split within three people,Himself,Link and this princess named Zelda.Ganondorf had become the king of evil and ruled Hyrule.But the boy named Link was sleeping for 7 years and woke up during Ganondorf's reign throughout Hyrule.After breaking Ganondorf's spells in numerous places,Link had confronted Ganondorf in a final battle.Ganondorf,having the triforce of wisdom now from princess zelda after she kidnapped her.Link almost defeated him,but he opened a portal in order to escape in hopes of becoming stronger to destroy Link when he comes back.Link followed him,but during the portal he lost his triforce of wisdom.when he reached this dimension,he saw a bright light and then afterward 8 little lights that went throughout the sky. Naraku:A vexing problem...isnt it?Well.......this Inuyasha and his group are very powerful.But I have an idea. Naraku had led Ganondorf inside his castle and they looked around,coming up with a plot.Naraku came up with a plot. Naraku:I got an idea that can make us get what some of what we want...and destroy our enemies. Ganondorf:What is it? Naraku:Tell this 'Link' that Inuyasha an his group are evil and that they have pieces of the triforce and they work for you. Ganondorf:Thats a very good idea.But how are we going to convince him? Naraku:Leave that to me. Ganondorf opened his hand and showed where Link was.Walking alone in the forest Ganondorf:This is him,he is headed towards another village. Naraku smirked then began walking.Slowly a poison like miasma began to appear from his feet as he started to levitate. Back to Link,Link was slowly walking towards another village.Ganondorf gave a good exlanation to Naraku so he knew what to look for.Navi moved around Link as they walked.Reaching now towards near another village.Naraku had seen Link walking slowly.Before Link got into another village Navi had moved around Link Navi:Where do you think Ganondorf and the other pieces of the triforce of wisdom are at? Link shrugged,not thinking of any possible places where the Triforce of Wisdom but then he heard a voice.He turned around seeing Naraku in his baboon mask Naraku:Did you see that light show with the triangular shape?I think I can help you,Iam sorry...but that thing you speak of.I dont know..but...this triforce might be the golden shape that I saw.I've seen a group of people that has most of these pieces.These are very evil people,they are after the most rich things and kill innocent villagers.One of them,he has dog ears and a sword.The other one is Sango,a girl with a huge boomerang,the other one is named Miroku and has a hole in his right hand.The other two is a girl name Kagome she has a bow and arrow,the other is a fox child named Shippou. Though Naraku did not know they only have one piece of the triforce of wisdom,he lied saying they have more,but he didnt know this,he was just using them for Inuyasha and his group can fight Link and so they can kill eachother. Link nodded as he he looked at Naraku,though Link couldnt see him,Naraku smirked slightly. Navi:Hey thanks..we'll handle these guys...besides..they have what we want!Whats your name? Naraku:My name?Its Onigumo Navi:Ok Onigumo!Lets go Link..find this group and beat them down! Link nodded then ran towards a village.Everyone looked at Link strangely,well...if you just saw a guy from another dimension wearing ridiculous clothes you never seen before..you would look at the person strangely too.As Link walked by he heard people talking to themselves.He eavesdropped.Some people were talking about how first the golden triangular shape.Some other people spoke how weird this person dressed and asked eachother what was that white light with wings was doing around him.One child walked poked his mother and said "Look mommy!The thing on his back has the same symbol as the triangle we just saw!"Link would look back,but the mother and child moved back slightly in fear.Some would say that something bad might happened.Some other people spoke of how that his shield and sword looked expensive and thought about killing Link and taking his valuables.As Link would slowly walk,Navi slowed down moving around Link's head then got in front of him. Navi:So this place isnt attacked by Ganondorf...thats a good relief... Link nodded.Then going up into a giant place,he saw what looked like Talismans place upon the wall,japanese writings.Thinking this would be a good place to start he went into an entrance,a lady in a Kimono would go up to him.Link would ask where would be the owner of this place.The lady brought him to the man.The man wanting link to sit down,Link sat down as some servants would come and give him and Link some tea.Navi would ask the man about the light of the golden triangular shape.Sipping the tea,he said he was taking in some very nice people,that they just left.The monk of the group said he detected an omnuous cloud and the monk would give him free service into making sure nothing bad happen to him.He gave the monk and his friends a place to stay for the night,when he was showing them to a room to eat,the monk saw a gold triangle floating in the sky,in a blinding light,it went in different directions.One landed next to the Monk's feet.The monk picked it up and decided to leave for they fear something might happen.Link got up quickly.Navi moving everywhere around the room Navi:A monk?!Who else was among them? House owner:Well..there was this girl in a Kimono,with a huge boomerang and a cat,this man in red with a thin katana with dog ears...and a girl dressed very strangely and little boy with a fox tail. Navi:Did you know where they went??! House Owner:Well..they want back into the forest,they said something about going back to Kaede for something Link had ran out of the room.Running backwards into the forest he thought that Inuyasha and the gang were about to attack Kaede's village in hopes to find out where Link is at.He couldnt allow it he thought,he couldnt allow those evil people that might supposedly work for Ganondorf to try and destroy this village because they didnt know where Link was.Naraku and Ganondorf had laughed as they saw Link about to attack Ganondorf through one of Ganondorf's crystal's.Link being in the bushes. Kagome:So what did you think that thing was? Inuyasha:I dont know,I dont care!This thing has nothing to do with us! Inuyasha snarled,he hated doing good deeds.Yet he hated this Triangular piece that they found,it slowed him down from his Shikon No Tama shard hunting.Yet it also slowed him down from Killing Naraku for what he did to Kikyou and him.He still had that thought fifty years ago still in his mind.Kagome moved back as Shippou got onto Kagome's shoulders. Shippou:Wow....I havent seen Inuyasha mad in a while.. Inuyasha:Shut up Shippou! Miroku:All of you calm down.Besides..fighting isnt going to do us any good. Sango:Yea..Naraku might be waiting for us to put our guards down. Myouga:Eh Lord Inuyasha?Why be so mad?This might be able to help us in stopping Naraku Inuyasha:Yea...your right.. Inuyasha stopped and sighed,Myouga might be right,this thing could be able to help them stop Naraku if they found all of the pieces that they saw scattered throughout the place.But He didnt want anyone to be put of their focus of their original plot:Finding Shikon No Tama shards,and putting an end to Naraku,once and for all.Link hearing them,he decided to intervene in their little conversation.Jumping up into the air,he pulled out his bow and Arrow.Inuyasha hearing him now,his ears moved. Inuyasha:Everyone get down! As Inuyasha and everyone else turned backwards they saw Link,he,putting an arrow that had a blue energy surround the metal part of the arrow,he fired it directly at Inuyasha,Inuyasha moving to the side,he looked at the arrow,slowly,the ground was slowly freezing.It turned into ice.Dropping onto the floor Link put away his bow and arrow and sheathed his Master sword and took out his Hylian shield.Everyone looked in a bit of shock as they saw the symbol of the triforce on Link's shield.With a bird under it. Miroku:That symbol is almost like what that Gold triangle was like before! Inuyasha:Who are you!?What do you want! Navi:You must be Inuyasha,Miroku,Sango,Kagome and Shippou!You will pay for what you've done!And we will take back the piece of the triforce of wisdom that you have! Miroku,Sango,Inuyasha,Kagome,Shippou:Eh....excuse me? Navi:Dont play dumb with us! Inuyasha:I'll handle him.. Inuyasha looking to the left of his shoulder.Myouga now,was no longer to be seen anywhere.The coward..Inuyasha thought..he's even scared of a little wimp with a fairy,wielding a shield and a sword with some magical arrows.Unsheathing Tetsusaiga,it got to its true transformation quickly.Link staring down into Inuyasha,Inuyasha staring down into Link,Link decided to start.Running towards Inuyasha,he started a jump,about to attack him from the sky.Inuyasha got ready to defend using his Tetsusaiga. Chapter 2:Coming Soon
  13. The best video game music has to be the Legend Of Zelda Theme.Then like very good anime songs come from the japanese dbz,dbgt and db.I like "Iam" from Inuyasha.But...if I had to choose an overall song from both worlds.(anime and video games).i would have to choose the zelda theme...especially the Orcarina of time opening theme when Link rides his horse around Hyrule...^_^
  14. Yea..they are up to about..I think episode 125..or something..
  15. Yea it is coming back,but during some time in the middle of august or the near end of August.Great...:rolleyes: The have to show the new episodes near the beginning of new school year.Oh well,this time I will watch it.Inuyasha is a great anime.Its one of my favorites.
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