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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. I have recently written a paper for a class I take in college about child predators and the internet. The results of the paper were as expected. Though changes are being made to make things alot harder for predators it is still way to easy for them to find ways to exploit and prey upon children. I based most of my research on myspace though some of it did come from here. I was mildly impressed with the changes myspace has made in security; if you're under like 14 or something your page can't even be viewed unless you add that person as a friend. Its still quite easy to create an account with false information, and trick the naive and uncautious youngsters into adding a complete stranger as a friend. My professor has a 14 year old daughter and I asked him for permission to use her in my experiment. With my false account I approached the young lady and sent her a message asking her if we could be friends. Without even a question I was added. With this I add access to her pictures, a wellspring of personal information, and most importantly her friend list. I approuched serval of her friends and said I was her friend and they added me simply based on that. At this point I knew their names, school, how they look, and enough information about them to have kidnapped anyone of them. Not only that I also had gotten a few of there phone numbers, addresses, and offers to meet up with them somewhere.Out of 47 girls, only 11 asked me a questions, and only 3 refused to add me. Otaku on the other hand goes souly on trust. It trusts that its members will have the integrity to be honest and do what they're suppose to. I remember when I was a young naive 16 year old member here trying desperately to make friends and be noticed. I sent several older members messages asking them to be my friend and they obligded me though seemily uninterested in any further contact. But just think if they were a predator and they come across this unsuspecting teenager desperate for friends. That's a problem waiting to happen. This became terribly evident to me when the "e-marrige" started to happen here at otaku. People feeling connections and obligations to people who they've never met. Enough of me typing.........What do you think?
  2. This thread is dedicated to finding out the meanings behind our favorite songs, shows, and movies. I'm sure many of us has sat there and thought, man this song is cool but what the hell is it talking about? Here's some of my enlightening discoveries [U]Music[/U] Fallout Boys - Dance Dance: Basically a bunch of nerds are trying to loose there virginity on Prom night. Every Evanessence song - I'm a worshipper of Satan, but God's cool too Every Link Park song - Chester-"Just because I'm a Dork she left me?" Mike-"Yeah man now we'll show her who's boss" [U]Movies [/U] Crash - (I have know idea, but could someone enlighten me?) [U]TV Shows[/U] Lost - This show is basically an experiment to see how quickly humans will put aside there differences in a crisis Grey Anatomy - Shows you what a hospital could be like if lawsuits didin't exist Smallville - Superman went through puberty too I was pretty much kidding about everything except for Lost, but lets see what someone of you other people have come up with.
  3. Not only is this a sad turn of events but it also ruins Smackdowns main plot involving Bastista and Eddie. I watched his final match against Ken Kennedy and enjoyed it greatly, but not half as much as I would have if I knew it would be his last. Eddie has had a history of drug abuse, but he seemed to have been doing fine. This is a sad sad day for wrestling. And I shall never know where the WWE was going with his character. Was he sincere about being Batista's comrade, was he plotting to stab him in the back. The many question I have.
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The pastor of the church I go to says we are in "the finals days". I consider this guy a nut case who wants the world to end soon so the doomsday sermon he's been preaching for the least 40 years wouldn't have been wasted. I'm not your textbook Christian I do believe there is a God among other things. But I don't think the world is ever going to end. He baises his statements on the current events going on in the world today, and vague material mention in the book of Revelation. Sure it says there will be wars and natural diasters at the end of the world, but how do we suppose to know these just aren't changes being cause by global warming and a ignorant president. But I can't shake the thoughts that these could possible be the final days of this world. The thing that's really gotten to me is the discovery of the oldest christ church near Armageddon. Sure wars will happen as long as humans have wants and needs and yeah I can say earthqukakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions are just a coincidence, but this church which was lost to time now being discovered near the supposed final battlefield has left me with a lost for words. How much longer do you think we have? Is George Bush the anitchrist? [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I remember when everyone here started getting "e-married". At first it was good, I even tried it for awhile, but then it took a turn for the worse with people fighting here, people breaking up there, and The Relationship Thread Scandal. It ultimaetly ended in me leaving the site because I was sick to the stomach, after seeing the first "e-babies" being born. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]You know what. I was hoping for the same thing. I was practically crossing my fingers in hope that Kane would punish Lita's slutty, lustful, and downright messed up act. Crap! Lita was one of my all-time favorite female wrestlers, until she meant her downfall. I'd hate to say this but Lita is now a love toy, and Trish is actually starting to grow on me (it has nothing to do with her attire, I assure you). However like I said before. Lita.............Such a sad case.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Lime]I hate all of the Raw story lines. I used to like the Kane, Lita and Edge story arch until Matt Hardy stuck his big head in the picture and got sent off to SmackDown. Raw's primary storyline right now is centered around the Macmahon family, who only seems to appear when the ratings are dropping, and them threating to fire people but actually just giving them paid vacation. They have alittle HHH and Ric Flair thing going that no one wants to see. I wanted HHH to come back and go after Cena and beat the **** out of him. Of course that Cena, Angle, and Bischoff junk. And their last plot and probably the only one worth seeing is the brewing war with Smackdown between Edge and JBL and Rey Mysterio and Masters. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to start watching Smackdown instead of Raw. All the talent is there (Ken Kennedy, and the most impressive wrestle since Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner, Lashley). All the interesting storylines are there (Beniot and Booker T, Orton and the Undertaker, Eddie and Batista), and they have the hottest rising Divas (Stacy and Christy) [/COLOR]
  7. Could some please make me a matching Wolverine banner and avatar? You will recieve credit in my signature for your work. I don't have any specifications so fee free to take it anywhere you would like. I would like the banner to say "Feral Rage" where ever you would like to put it.
  8. I've been hearing alot about this movie though I haven't seen it myself (mainly because it hasn't come to America yet). But its supposed to be the Japanese version of Saw and where America got their inspiration for Saw from. Three... Extremes is a compilation of three short films: Cut, Dumplings, and Box. Each very disturbing, but suspenseful and beautifuly made. This film was made to shock the mind and the senses, and from what I've seen they do just that. [Spoiler][U]Box[/U]: Directed by Fruit Chan A beautiful female novelist, still guilt-ridden over the childhood death of her twin sister, receives a mysterious invitation to meet at the site of her sister's demise. [U]Dumplings[/U]: Directed by Park Chan-Wook A retired actress longing to retain her beauty seeks the rejuvenating effects of a doctor's "special" dumplings, only to discover they contain one horrifying ingredient. [U]Cut[/U] Directed by Takashi Miike A film director is abducted by a vengeful stranger and forced to make an impossible choice that will change his life forever.[/spoiler] Look for them in NY and LA October 28th
  9. Pagan


    Most movies turned into games haven't fair so well in the box office, but after seeing Resident Evil Apocalypse I'm sort of looking forward to Doom. They seem to have stayed pretty close to the games plots only with a few more realistic modifications. I also like the customes, that are actual monsters from the game. The director, Andrzej Bartkowiak, isn't particularly one of my favorite directors, but he's good. He works on alot of scifi action flims so this should be right up his alley. The thing I'm really excited about is the Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) starring a Sarge. He's really proven himself as a good actor; though I'd like to see him back on wrestling. For some reason I'm even looking forward to seeing him in the Johnny Bravo movie as well. Plot wise I would have liked them to have stayed closer to the game, but what they've done is still good [WARNING MAJOR SPOILER] [spoiler]Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed. And the messages that do get through are less than comforting. It's a level 5 quarantine, and the only souls allowed in or out are the Rapid Response Tactical Squad - hardened Marines armed to the teeth with enough firepower to neutralize any enemy...or so they think. The research being done at Olduvai station has unwittingly opened a door, and all hell has broken loose. A legion of nightmarish creatures of unknown origin lurks behind every wall and stalks the countless rooms and tunnels of the facility, killing what few people remain. Sealing off the portal to Earth, Sarge, Reaper and their team must use every weapon at their disposal - and some they find along the way - to carry out their orders: nothing gets out alive.[/spoiler] What does everyone think? I would have rather have seen Halo or Half-Life as a movie, but Doom still should be good.
  10. [URL=http://www.pojo.com/yu-gi-oh/PriceGuide/Banned-Restricted-List.shtml]The ban and restricted list[/URL] Why are they banning so many cards now? What's the point of releasing them if they are going to be banned? This is just crazy. As soon as I got my hands on Black Luster Soldier: Envoy of Beginning he already had been banned. I never even had the chance to use him. The reason they say is he is "too powerful". Shouldn't some cards just be "too powerful" to seperate the better duelest from the pack. Not only are they banning new cards, but they are also banning old favorite like Pot of Greed, Mirror Force, and Graceful Charity. Most of these cards were staples and ran in every deck so why would you ban them? I have to rework my deck almost every month because more and more cards are being banned and restricted. I'm almost to the point of just quieting, because the game is getting so hard to play.
  11. Pagan

    Its sad...

    Rammstein just hasn't appealed to America very much. They make fun of America in their lyrics they even made a song called Amerika and made us look like yahoots. The Columbian shooters loved Rammstein which makes them look even worse. They seem Satanic, and we all know American is primarly Christian. They are anit-America so why would we possible let them come over? I myself like their music. I think their wordplay is clever, and skills as a band are good, but most people don't have a open mind. And they are kind of scarey looking.
  12. Did I spell scavenger wrong? It really looks like its spelled wrong. [Goes and checks] Oh nevermind its write. But my idea is an online scavenger hunt where we have members solve riddles and search the web and otaku for various stuff. The winner gets a prize or a title. This went by very well on my forum, but ultimately ended in everyone getting stuck on a stupid riddle and quieting.
  13. This thread is about those shows that have been on tv way past there expiration date. The shows we used to like, but now they should just stop. What are some of your? [U]Game Shows[/U] The Price is Right: Bob Barker its time for you to stop you're to old to be on television anymore Family Feud: There's a reason why you can't keep a host and its because you suck. Any gameshow that comes on PAX: I'm probably the only person who knows about these stupid shows. No one watches them so let them go. [U]Cartoons[/U] Pokemon: Yes its time for Pikachu to evolve off the air Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: They should have never brought you back Power Rangers: You should have stopped after Mighty Morphin Simpsons: Yes its time. You've already proven that you're the best now let Family Guy take over. I have more but I that last one got to me :animecry: . What are yours?
  14. [quote name='Shinji']They should be talking to Peter Jackson if they want the King Kong game. ^_~[/quote] You're right about Jackson doing the King Kong movie; I got my facts mixed up. EA has done all of the Lord of The Rings Movies and I read in Game Informer they are also slated to do King Kong.
  15. Yes I believe EA is evil. They are playing hard ball in industry that should really just be about fun(atleast I think it shoud). EA chose to buy the exclusive rights for the NFL and the NBA (I think) instead of competing ESPN to see who could create the better product. Evil you say? I must agree. EA has also gotten hostal with Ubisoft after its strive to become a major player in the industry. It bought several stocks in the company,not enough to actually have a say, but enough that they can profit off of the company and pull the floor out from under them if needed. Evil you say? I must agree with you on that one my friends. Now they have gone exclusive rights crazy. They signed a contract with Steven Speilburg for the exclusive rights to create games for his upcoming movies. Mainly wanting King Kong all to itself. Yes that is quite Evi. You may call me parnoid, but I see where this going. If EA is the only company that can make games then they can charge whatever they want for them (59.99 for Madden should be considered robbery). Something must be done about this. I say we Microsoft them and make their already divided division stand alone. And yes Electronic Arts is Evil
  16. Why are there so many new deises coming out of Asia? Is someone over there making these viruses? I mean this is getting ridiculous. Last years Sars killed thousands in many asian countries, and now they have another super mutated virus that they are trying to control. I don't think Sars made it into Europe, and I definetly know it never hit America, but we are going to have to check everything coming into America from Asia, which will probably greatly reduce trade. Weaking our already struggling economy. The reason I think these deises are running rampid is because there are to mant people living to close to each other. I mean if I were a virus in Japan I'd be in heaven because on an average day I'd be passed from one person atleast a million times. What does everyone else think?
  17. Pagan

    Saw II

    I loved the 2004 suspense horror movie Saw. It had everyone in the theater guessing who the jigsaw killer was only to surprise them with the most unlikely character in the end. Now only a year later they are releasing its sequel Saw 2. I'm excited about Saw 2 but also afraid. I'm afraid that this movie won't live up to the original and will ruin its plot. They seem to have rushed this film, though it's quite easy and cheap to record a room full of people chained to walls, I wanted them to atleast wait a few years before they made a sequel. [Spoiler]While investigating the bloody aftermath of a grizzly murder, Detective Eric Mason has the feeling that it is the work of Jigsaw, the notorious killer who disappeared leaving a trail of bodies - and parts - behind. And Mason is right. Jigsaw is at work again. But instead of two people locked in a room with only one unthinkable way out, there are eight. Eight strangers -- unaware of their connection to each other -- forced to play out a game that challenges their wits and puts their lives in jeopardy.[/spoiler] I hope what happened to the Cube series won't happen to Saw, but they just don't seem to be putting enough effort into topping themselves. I want more out of the story then just more people trapped. What do you think?
  18. This tv season there have been alot of scifi shows about alians and ghost. Supernatural, Surface, and Invasion are just a few to name some. Why do you think they have choose to air more scifi oriented shows this season. Now that there is no more StarTrek on televiosn (for the first time in 14 years), I would think that Scifi is dying out, but now they are launching all these new shows. I don't think many people will watch them due to the popularity of law and reality tv. And most probably won't make it to next yeart, but what do you think about them? I only watch Surface and Supernatural because Invasion just isn't all that interesting to me after seeing War of The World this summer. Surface is decent though they should have kept use guessing on how the creature looks abit longer. Supernatural is pretty good, its like Dukes of Hazrads meet the X-Files, but it isn't one of those shows that forces you to watch it. I plan on missing the next two weeks just to see if I can still know exactly whats going on in the series. What does every else think? And are there any other good scifi shows I left out?
  19. Pagan

    Prison Break

    This show is my favorite addition to the overall line-up. The plot is somewhat strained and drastically limited, but its still provides an intriguing though unrealistic glance into prison life. I can't understand how they plan on making and entire series out of only a few weeks, and a plot about breaking out of prison. They seem to be doing an episode a day things so far, but that would mean the show would only have 15 episodes before its all over. I just don't see how this is going to work out. As fair as the overall story goes its your basic follow the main character deal. (What ever his name) is trying to break his brother out, while some government mastermind pulls strings to get them both out of the pictures. Simple enough. What do you think?
  20. Pagan


    I love and hate Lost at the same time. I love the characters (especially Sawyer and Sayid) the overall storyline, but I hate the twists. They just seem to be trying so hard to make the watchers of the show LOST in the intricate plot. I myself believe the secret to the entire show lies in the numbers that appear throughout the series. My theory is that Lost is Survivor taken to the extreme. Two tribes trying to figure out what they need to do to get off the island.
  21. Have you ever noticed that certain threads reappear throughout the lifetime of Otakuboard? How certain ideas seem to recycle themselves throughout the net in a never ending cricle? I swear I've seen the Nightmare Before Christmas thread about 6 times since I've been here. Monty Python has been done too. I remember when I was really active here I thought I was doing something new, making a real difference, but now I see that I was just the new ideas of the period. Its as if a new group of members sign up every year and post the same threads that their predecessors posted. Makes everything seem so pointless It must be truelly terrible to be a adminastrator or moderator and have to see the same threads over and over again. It becomes harder to just post the longer you've been here because you've already spoken your mind on the subject over and over again. How do you guys do it? Just so this thread doesn't turn into spam, please answer the following question. What thread are you tired of seeing recur here at otaku? What was the most original thread you've seen since being here that has never happened but once? My most hated thread is the Nightmare Before Christmas one that I have posted in soon to be 4 times. And the most original was the, "mod for a day thread" , it still makes me laugh. This thread has probably been posted or done before to. Its torture to even think about it. I WANT MY IDEAS TO BE ORIGINAL!!!!!!! Oh well you win some you lose some. Smh at suicide thread still being popular
  22. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]Could someone please make me a matching Megamorph Banner and Avatar for a Marvel comics forum, and a Spiderman banner and avatar for here? The marvel forum has looser ristrictions (150x150 on avatars and no banner limitations) so feel free to be very creative and make images larger. I do not care what pictures or picture you use. I want the Megamorph avatar to say Skittles and the banner to say, "When it comes to Superheroes Bigger is Always Better". You can sign the banner in cursive somewhere to say that you are the artist, but just try to keep it small. I want the Spiderman avatar to say Hells Fire and the banner to say Radioactive Evolution. I will give you credit in my signature for you work. Here are the links just incase you need to see the original pictures [URL=http://www.seanmckeever.com/images/MEG001lg.jpg]Group Megamorph Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.seanmckeever.com/images/MEG002lg.jpg]Hulk Megamorph Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.seanmckeever.com/images/MEG003lg.jpg]Spiderman Megamorph Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.uncannyxmen.net/covers/previews/megamorphs4.jpg]Wolverine Megamorph Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.uncannyxmen.net/covers/previews/friend-sm1.jpg]Spiderman Picture[/URL] Thankyou to all who post [/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  23. Forget the belts.... Could someone please make me a Trigun banner and a matching avatar. I would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to mess around with the designing and everything. But could you remove some of the more commercial stuff off the Trigun poster if possible. If not its still good. [URL=http://www.icecavern.net/~qirien/anime/trigun/manga%20vash.jpg%20-%20thumbnail.jpg]Avatar Picture[/URL] [URL=http://www.northarc.com/images/trigun/trigun007_copy_2.jpg]Banner Picture [/URL] I would like the banner to say "Evolution" somewhere. And the avatar to say Skittles across the bottom. Thankyou to all who post
  24. Pagan


    I'm not impressed by the appearance of the Revolution. Nintendo's system has always looked different from the others, but this solid black, sleek diesign reminds me of the redesigned playstation. Where is the color like in the Gamecube and the N64; every other system has turned white, but yet the Revolution loses it color and changes balck. They even sold out and went online like all the other systems. I keep on hearing that the main hit with the Revolution is going to be its new simple controller, but they still keeping it on the hush (touchscreen). I'm going to buy all three systems, but I'm waiting on the summer price cut for the Revolution. I also want to know are these two attached pictures the actual systems (the PS3 and the XBox 360) or just a possible design?
  25. Thanks Duo this is perfect as usual. Even better then I expected. Go to see another X-Men fan out there. Could you try the Cyclops banner and avatar as well? Thankyou once agin
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