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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. I really like the new season of Angel. They have really made the show better; it has more twists and turn. The old plot was kind of boring; they would just kind of run around and kill demons. Now on the other hand the new plot has them fighting evil still but now they must defend it also. They can't defend the evil to good or the evil will be set free so they must have perfect balance at all times. It is like CSI, Law and Order, and the Pratice all rolled into one. I think they made the right decision in cutting some characters while adding others. I think Spike was a good addition to the rosters; now we have two vampires with a soul. I believe this season will be a great one. What do you think?
  2. Jazz is alright. I would prefer the Blues. Jazz is a little to noises and loud for my taste. The trumpets and drums and all that noise. Smooth Jazz on the other hand is all right with me. I find it calming and soothing to listen too.
  3. This story takes place after the final War with the Borg. The galaxy is at peace for a while,but now a new race rises from the Omege Quadrant and can't be stopped. They tear through the Federation in a matter of years and destroy almost all the ships with ease. No one has ever seen this Race and have lived to tell about it so very little is known about them. The Federation needs more people to pilot their ships and fight the unknown evil so they began to draft people into Star Fleet Academy. You my friend have been drafted. Name: (Make it sound Treky and that it fits your race) Age: (18-26 makes you a student anything above that makes you a teacher) Race: (Any race from Star Trek. I'll also except two new races) Apperance: (Make it fit your race) Major: (What section do you wanna be in make it any seen one show) Position: (What position are you trying for) Bio: (Tell us a little about your character) Examples of Majors:Engineering, Medical, Securety, Astrometrics. Examples of Races:Vulcans, Bajorans, Klingons,Human. Examples of Position: Captain, First Officer, Counselor,Cook. Ok this is how this RPG will work. You join Star Fleet Academy and learn all about what space but you will be rushed through the basics so keep up. You will go on to the advanced classes where you will go on several minor missions but you can't go to far being only rookies. I am Admiral Rovak the top person in Star Fleet. I will grade you and judge you on your performances. When the time has come for you to recieve a ship of your own I will position you in what ever position you think you would like, but remember first come first serve. You will have the ablity to change your position if the current person isn't doing a good job. When a class leave another will come in and will train until they are ready to recieve a ship. My role in this RPG will be minium other then assigning missions and giving ranks. When a Captain has become experienced enough he will become the new Admiral and will teach the next generation of students. My character's profile Name: Rorak Age: 48 Race: Vulcan Apperance: A Vulcan(what more to say) Major: Engineering Position: Admiral Bio: A veteran of the Final War with the Borgs; He has great skill and wisdom. He is a strong fighter though age has weakend him. He know alot about the space and is the only person to have seen the enemy and live.
  4. Ok who would actually go to the movies to see a cat woman movie even though Halley Berry is fine. I know for one I wouldn't. Everyboby knows its all about the Caped Crusader and his Boy Wonder. Cat Woman is one of those every once and a while sidekicks like Aquaman or Supergirl.
  5. Is it time for a semi-villian yet? Oh well I'm gonna introude myself into the story but not into the thick of things. I'm sleeping dreaming about the the demons who killed me parents. I suddnely wake up and say "Wow that was some dream. It seemed so real though." My dagger which picks up near by demons begins to glow and I look to the village across the field. I begin my journey toward the village but I don't get very far because I am still exhausted from the battle I had just fought a few of hours ago with a powerful demon. I decide to sleep for awhile and go kill the demons my dagger picked up when I'm well rested.
  6. I love the vidoe Stand Up it is really funny. Ludacris and Busta Ryhmes have some of the funnest vidoes out there. I saw Stand Up for the first time today and it had me laughing in a matter of seconds. The part when he was a baby is my favorite. Ludacris is my favorite rapper next to Eminem(I wish they would make a CD together). He is really smart and has a great vocabulary. "Now see ya got it all wrong like women in tuxedos and you keep coming up shorter then five Danny Divetoes." that is funny and it shows off how witty he is. I can't wait till Chicken and beer comes out. I've got to add it to my collection.
  7. Name: Tokyo Destroyer Age: 23 Gender:Male Class: Demon Slayer Appearence:Long brown hair,blue eyes, very fit and in shape.He is wearing the pelt of a Wofl demon as a hood. Under he is wearing the same thing as Naraku Bio: A warrior out for revenge on the demon kind after his village is destroyed by a horde of Dog Demons. He is a cold and ruthless fighter and will take no mercy on demon if they are caught by him. Weapons: A blessed sword that can block demons powers for a short time, a sacred dagger that can tell if a demon is near,a bow that magic arrows that can freeze demons Skills/magic/special attack: He is a tracker and can easyly find any demon. His attack is called Holy Sword Strike if used correctly it can kill and hundred demons.
  8. I used to have a TI-83 but mine didn't hve any games; how do you get them? My calculator was good it would do the enitre problem for me so I didn't have to work it out. I think I've come to really on it and no longer even know how to do the math anymore.
  9. Do you have any famous people in your family? If so who? My family claims that we are related to everyone from Madonna to Martha Stewart. Most have yet to be proven and are porbably not true. My grandmother just sits there watching TV saying that we are related to everybody who pops up on the screen. I guess in a way we are all connected but I mean some of the bonds are stronger while other have faded; as each generation passes a little is lost but a little more is gained. Well back to the topic the only truely famous person we are realted to is Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine from Seinfeld) by marrige. My family has great potlitcal roots in US History we are related to the former President and Genral Ulysses S. Grant(I would rather it had been Bill Clinton but hey he is still cool). Not to meantion the countless number of senators,majors,governers,congressmen,and cabenit holders; I currenlty have a cousin who is a congressman and two uncles who are Senator. I am the also the President of my class.
  10. I love chat rooms and I am a big fan but there are some real sick people out there. I'm not for closing them down ,but I'm for better supervision. The people on AOL don't care if there is a 46 year old talking to a 15 year old onlie and that is a problem. I believe they should make rooms for teen that only teens can get in; they could ask a quesrion a question that no grown up can ansewr to seperate the teens from the online jerks.
  11. My favorite food is Chinese food. I love everything about it. I just don't know how to make. The Chinese Restruants are so secretive with their recipes. I tried asking once but they sadi it will cost me money. I kinda understand their reasons for not giving them to me for free; if they would have gave it to me I could go and open my own restuanrts. My favorite dish is: Fried dog meat with cat sauce(just kidding)
  12. Name: Ferio Gender: Male Age:unknown Weapons:A really big sword Anime he's from: Magic Knight Rayearth Rank:Guard Bio:He likes to sleep and he's the princesses little brother and he is in love with Fuu Apperance:Green hair in a short pony tail. He has a little cross on his cheek. He is wearing a gard of Cerio's warriers with some armor over baggy pants. Society: Duke of Honor
  13. This is really good. I like it alot. The pictures you used are excellent and well chosen; they blend right in together. Maybe next time I need a banner you could make it for me.
  14. Man this movie sucked. It was funny to me. The tooth fairy goes bad and starts killing people. I laughed when I saw the plot. I must admit it was kinda scarey at times. Most of the time though it was just confusing. I was lost from the start to the finish.
  15. Inuyasha has my favorite anime music. Every theme song is wonderful and just perfect in everyway. I'm trying to teach my band how to play Deep Forest and My Will for concert season. My favorite song from Inuyasha is Change the World. Every song on the show is very touching and alway makes me feel sad afterward.
  16. The only song I'm like that with is Its a Small World After All. When I was little I went to Disney World with my parents and my parents put me on that ride. They went out and played and forgot all about me. I rode that annoying ride with all it flashing light, vibrant colors, and cheesy robots for hours until they finally came found me. Now whenever someone sings, hums,or whistles that horrible song it sends me into a blind rage. Once I got in a fight because someone was humming something that sounded kinda like it. The school got me consouling and I might just have it under control atleast until I hear it again
  17. I think the only reason they are making it is to remind people about him(his last movie was in the 60s). The buzz is that he is going up against Michael Myers in the semifinal round of the monsters championships(the winner will be crowned the greatest monster of all time). Then the winner of those two will go on to fight the winner of Freddy vs. Jason. I hated the first movie myself the gore looked really fake and the people were so stupid. The idea of a man carrying a heavy chainsaw just isn't scarey anymore; not only is it hard for him to catch you with the saw, but when he does he'll have to start it up (who would run with a live saw in his hands). I'd be gone by the time he was ready to kill me. The dum characters stood there screaming waiting for him to get it started so they could die.
  18. My favorite is Legend of The Dragoon. This game is wonderfully made and the graphics are amazing when compared to of the some other Playstation 1 games out at the time. This games characters are very interesting and unique. Each one has a different Dragoon Sprite with completely different powers. The plot is excellent; though at times it is a little confusing. The game is full of twists and turns that are completely unexpected. If you haven't played it I strongly recommend dusting off the old Playstation ad getting this game. You will be addicted to it until you beat it which is very hard to. It took me 7 months; my longest time ever playing a game.
  19. This picture is wonderful. I really like it. It makes me almost like Yami more then Bakura. It is perfect in every way; the nose looks a little funny but thats it. I love how you captured the intensity in Yami's eyes. Looks like you did research on the cloth I could have sworn I've seen another Pharoh wearing that. This is really nice I give it a 10/10. Great Job.
  20. Pagan

    Wild West

    This is a pretty good picture. The sand did come out wonderfully, but the building on the other hand looks like some card board. The cowboy looks cool with his shot gun and the sun set in the background blends everything together nicely. I give this picture a 8/10 O took off 2 point because the buildings.
  21. This is my favorite anime movie of all time. It was the anime version of Alice in Wonderland(my favorite book). The world of Spirited Away was so rich in texture and color. The characters were well drawn and very interesting. My favorite character was the little coal spiders they were so funny and actually made me laugh. I'm glad they didn't make the girl apperance perfect because we need more imperfect characters.
  22. My favorite from G Gundam is The Dark Gundam. I really like the way it looks in its final and ultimate stage(with Rain as the pilot). I wish it could have atleast had some attacks and could move a little. They really made it strong but weak it doesn'y do much more then sit there and launch gundam heads out.
  23. I hate all triglogy comedy movies. The movie gets tired after the 2nd. They run out of "A" matterial and just ultimately end up using the same jokes. I must admit the Michael Jackson thing was funny.
  24. Pagan

    Cabin Fever

    This movie was like pornagraphy(actually that was the only reason I saw it). Not really scarey at all I enjoyed Jeepers Kreepers alot more. I found myself laughing every time someone died. So of those deaths are so dum that they are funny I mean come on. It was like Final Destinination 2 funny gore
  25. Goosebumps books by R.L Stine were hot back in Elementary school what ever happened to them? Did the kids change or was the book not selling or what?(Skip next part if you don't want to hear my life story) I used to love this book series. I would buy every book and actually read them finishing a book off a week. They weren't really all that scarey but hey it did give you goosebumps. Then I would watch the shows on Fox every Saturday. It was like a race ,to see who could read them all first then it just stopped one day for some strange reason. I wasn't interested in the books anymore. That was the day I read my first Manga and then that craze started. (ok start back reading after this) My favorite book was Monster Blood 1&2 they were great. I also enjoyed the ones The Haunted Mask and The Cuckoo Clock of Doom. What was your favorite book.
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