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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. Its little fuzzy but from what I can see I like it
  2. Mortal Kombat was pretty scarey when I was little. Those characters still kind of creep my out. The four armed dude was the scariest of all then when his sister came she was even more scary. The man with the knives for fingers was also scary. Reptile, Subzero, and Scorpian weren't all that scary at all but my my favorites.
  3. At school we have groups the anime nerds and the popular kids. I'm one of the popular kids but I sneak over to the anime nerds every once in a while and talk DBZ with them. It is really hard not talking to popular kids about anime because its such a big part of my life.
  4. The movie I liked the books I didn't. I couldn't just sit down and read a book like that and look at myself in the morning. The movie on the other hand was terrible but it was quite entertaining.
  5. Sponge Bob is an ok show. I must admit that it is quite funny. My favorite show is the one when they read the curse words off the dumpster and when ever they said one it wold be a strange noise.
  6. Pagan


    I have a fear of channel 3 on the TV. Chanel 3 is the VCR channel and ever since the Ring I can't deal with fuzz and sound. Every time I come to it I run out the room though I know the girl said 7 day and it has been more like 7 month. It still scrares me..
  7. Pagan

    50 vs. Shady

    50 is alright though half the time I don't what he's saying. Eminem raps clearly and you know every word he saying while 50 sometimes rap through his teeth. P.I.M.P was my favorite song though 50 almost messed it up Snoop saved it.
  8. Pagan

    Finding nemo

    This movie was one of Disney best but I believe the only reason it did so good was because of a lack of competition. When Finding Nemo was out its biggest competition was Sinbad. Most of the summer was adult film or teen flicks not really nothing for children except Finding Nemo or Sinbad the Saiolr hey what would you choose? Most people made the right decision and saw a good clean Disney film.
  9. I would erase pried. It is my greatest liabilty and my worst asset liabilty. Though being proud of yourself is good in small doses; I've taken it to another level of thinking I'm better than people who are less fortunate. My family has a great position in the US my uncles a Congressman, my cousin is a Senator, my grandfather the governer, and my father is a council member and will run for major next year ,a friend of the family is runnig for Governer of California. This doesn't make me more important than anyone else(though I may think it does).
  10. Pagan


    Since I play football I have quite a few injuries but the worst was when I broke my collar bone and was in a coma for two weeks and four days. It was fun though; it was like having a really long dream about me and J Lo?
  11. X-Men Evolution is so very flawed. They mixed up so many differnt generation in one show example:Showcat, Wolverine, and Storm are all thrid generation X-Men yet they fight with the originals Jean, Beast, Iceman, and Cyclops. Even wosre they screw up people's age they have Storm being older then Scott while in reality Scott is older then storm. What have they done to Rogue in both the movie and X-Men evolution(I don't think they have any aspect of her draining Mrs. Marvels in the near future). The overal plot is quite interesting but they could have stuck a little closer to the comics.
  12. The longest I've gone was thrity minuet. Anime follows me where ever I go. The TV pops on sometimes without me touching it with an anime show. I have an eire(sp) power to change the world around me by thinking about shows.
  13. Help! I'm making a Red Eyes deck and have all the fixing but I don't know if should make the main hitter Metoer Black Dragon or Black Skull Dragon. Who would be easier to get out on the field. I could search for the Meteor Dragon using Lord of Dragon but he takes to sacrifices or I could wait for Summon Skull to come up by using plain luck(I have three of them) but he needs only one sacrifice. Which one should I use?
  14. The best to me is Domon from G Gundam. He was a good Gundam fighter and could also handle himself out side of the Gundam. The only problem is with all those punches none of them actually hit. That totally sucked him and master Asia had to have hit each other with all those many blows thrown.
  15. I wasn't really surprised because they had mentioned it in Jupitar Jazz part two with Grim. The to indians were talking about some stars and that one failed but one still had a chance.
  16. I live in a subarb of Atlanta Georgia and their it is illegal for a 18 year old to date, well not date but have sex with some one like 5 years younger then them. She is 13 and I'm 18 and we go to one of those school where your in High School at 8th grade.
  17. I kind of plain nothings happening in it he just standing. I like the gundam pic but the background needs something. Could you make me one with Duo and Death Sycth(sp).
  18. I would love it if it had Mario,Luigi, and Wario and finish off the F Zero people maybe put sonic on it.
  19. Wow that such a nice picture. I really think its wonderful. You did a wonderful job.
  20. Man that is neat. Now I can play PS everywhere I go.
  21. I liked warped alot I was good. I love all of crash's games except that racing one. Crash is like Sony mascot like Mario and Nintendo and Sonic and Sega. The graphics on all his games leave more to be desired but the plots are wonderful. The gameplay is easys enough for a kid to play hey children do play.
  22. I think you need the chip like Kind Cloud said. Its not very expensive about 29.99 at some stores.
  23. Pagan

    Fav vid game

    Lord of the Ring on PS2. I normally hate movie games but hey I like the movie and love the game. It a RPG with good graphic and ok game play
  24. Dead or Alive vollyball. The girl would score and dance and then strip.Enough said.
  25. I flirt would with the cashier or have someone older person buy it for me. Now that I'm old enough now though I just buy it
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