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Everything posted by Pagan
Splinter Cells looks so real it's amazing. I though Rainbow six was the best Tom Clancey could do but Splinter Cell is clearly better. The plot for the game is good I mean its better than some of these regence plots like Max Payne, Dead To Right, and Grand Theft Auto VC.
I'm not a huge racing game fan outside of the Test Drive series, but this game is going to be good. I've played a sample and from what I've seen the graphics are amazing. The game play is so simple even a child could play it. The cars are slamming and they even have 2003 models out there racing against hte old school ones.
I've had it for a while now and haven't even made it off the first stage yet. This game is very difficult the graphics are glitchy and freeze sometimes(or maybe it's my disce). I hate heavy mech games but for this I''l make and exception; it pretty good.
I beleive some games shouldn't have sequals and Twisted Metal is one of them. The game play is wonderful but once you've blown up one ice cream truck you've blown them all up.
What about Dr. Crotex from Crash. He wasn't very scarey but he sure could make you laugh. He made most of Crash's other enemies and can be kind of challenging at times.
I played Madden and the game play is like any other football game, but the special features were amazing. You can set the prices make and entire team with customized uniforms. The graphic weren't really great and didn't look really real but they made up for that in the breath taking tackles.
My first was Sailor Moon also I saw it when I was really young and couldn't tell the difference between TV cartoon girls and real life girl. So I watched and feel in love with Ray(Sailor Mars) and then I found out she was fake and I was sick for liking the cartoon girl even though I still think Ray is hot(if she was real)
I think me neighbor stole my pure breed German Shepard and name him Pup. One christmas I got a dog it was a girl and I named her Kiss. I took her out one day for a walk and she broke free and ran away. Then very nest day my neighbor got a dog that looked just like mine.
Link all the way. He has a pretty nice offense could use a better little better defense, but over all he's one of the top five best fighter in the game.
Sleepy Hollow was the story about the headless horseman right. The horseman was cool he had some wicked moves with those swords. The overall movie seemed to hurried; as if they were rushing to get I out for Halloween. It wasn't really scary though it had its moments and it stuck surprisingly close to the stories plot thou in the end I didn't think Crane died.
The hardest SNES game to me was Star Fox. I never beat the game on its hardest stage level. It was crazy on the last stage you always had one fox left and all your friends are dead and the final boss is so far away; if you were lucky you would see the last boss in the distance. I've never seen it before close up.
I think it will suck I remember the first one with astronaut and the little thingys. It was one of the worst ever its plot sucked every game now starts off with a ship crashing. If its a remix like Zelda Ocarina of Time with very little changes made it will fail badly. If its a completely new game though I might buy just to see what it like. What is this 2 players thing it sounds good.
I need help a girl at school likes me, but she's a Freshman and I'm a Senior. In my state its illegal to date someone that younger than you, but she was so cute and nice so I dated her anyway and she eventually became my girlfriend. We tried it for a while and it didn't work(I broke it off because me and my High School Sweet Heart made up and I still loved her). She was really sad and went crazy talking about taking her back. Now the girl is blabbing about our secret relationship and the teachers suspect that she was my girl, but don't have enough proof yet to bring me in. I asked her to stop talking but she's blackmailing me and says she won't stop until we are together again. How do I keep her from talking?
What are your thoghts on Reality TV if you like it why and whats your favorite show; if you hate it why. The TV is swamped in Reality Shows about people getting married, people doing stupid stuff for money, and people just living together for the fun of it. I'm tired of these shows; each season a whole new wave of Reality TV hits the airwaves(Paradise Hotel and Cupid to name a few) pushing out better show that actually have plots and actors. Sure there are new TV shows but there are many more new Reality Shows. Pretty soon its going to be nothing but reality shows on TV. I beleive they should just have a channel for reality TV; put all the shows on it and you can watch it if you want to. Some of these shows are the same just with different names look at all these wedding shows. Some are made for dum people to try stupid stunts for little money like Fear Factor(10,000 dollars whoa that a lot of money....Not). I miss the days when intelligence and witts got you money on TV and not muscles and luck. Some follow around has beens like Anne and Ozzy who really need money and will do anything for it. Others are a long string of shows like Joe Millionaire, Road Rules, Real World(I still love this show interesting people with great live) ,and Big Brother(I hate this show boring people with boring lives not even worth watching). I must admit thou I did watch Survivor, but then they ran out of places to send them( and now it's the same island with a different stage set). I'm still waiting on Survivor Tundra to come on(now that I'll watch).
I hate wendy's commercials too ever since that dude died. McDonalds also have some crappy one's like the thing about them being scared and they dress up as Elvis and dance. My most hated one is that Enigizer Bunny I hate that little drum he plays so much.
Haven't thought about this before....what my fav 64 game....oh yeah No Mercy. That game is the basis for all new wrestling games out now. That move TKO was brutal and funny looking. I also liked the Raymen games because he didn't have arms or a neck.
My favorite game was ninja turtles. I had every game on NES and SNES. They were cool back then.
My favorite horror film was Final Destination 1 and 2. The thought of death being after you and will kill you eventually is scarey.
I loved Princess Mononoke it was one of my favorites. I didn't mind the demon, because anime is full of them look at Inuyasha. That show is full of demons; its a show about a demon. The demons in Mononoke were pretty scarey though.
I'm a Blink 182 and Sum 41 fan but I'v never heard of the Boxcar Racers. I like my rock a little more hardcore though like LP. Over all though I'm a Linkin Park fan forever.
My favorite cartoon was X-Men,Spiderman,The Hulk,Iron Man, Silver Surfer, and The Fantastic Four. I love any cartoon that was Marvel like Spiderman Ulimited or the new one that comes on MTV. I rember they used to come on Fox and UPN when I was little now some of them come on Fox/ABC Family
Words can't express how sad I am for your lost. Its hard to acceptthe death of a child espeically such a young one. I went through something like what your going through when my mom lost my little brother in labor; it was really hard to deal with at first but with time I felt a little better as time progress. I still think about him every year and my family lights candles on his birthday. Just remeber to keep him alive in side of your heart and he will really never be dead.
I hate commercial with a passion; peopel trying to sell you stuff you don't even want over TV. I've noticed they always put commercial in good shows other than crappy ones because more people will watch those ;so more buisinesses want their commercials on good shows. What does the TV company do ,they make the shows shorter to accommodate their many commercials. I was outraged when they made Paradise Hotel shorter so that it was more commercial time then show time. On a different note thou, there are some pretty entertaining commercials out there. Like the one with Missy and Madonna trying to sell you jeans or the one with the man who can't dance trying to sell you boxers. I used to love the Coke Polar Bears or Beyounce or Britney Pepsi ads. Some commercial are pretty helpful like the ones that tell you when a show is coming on or when a new show is coming. If you like commercial whats your favorite?? If you don't why??
I don't really beleive ki can make you fly and fire blast from your hands but I do believe they're really is ki. Ki is suppose to be your life force and when you run out or use it all upp you die. DBZ took ki to another level where you can fire it and force it under you to fly and control it at will.
Most Disney movies suck now ,but when I was little they rocked Beauty and The Beast ,The Alladin Trilogy ,Lion King, Pocahantas,even Toy Story. Now though its completely different they have good plots and all but the old Disney charm has fadded. The last great Disney film I watched was spirited Away and that wasn't really Disney. I've seen Lilo and Stich 2 with all their little Koala bear friends and yes I think it sucked. Disney used to make wonderful films and leave the sucking to WB,but now they both suck. Then the DVD player on my computer doesn't work anymore I think it does have a virus on it. It said would you like to install some active visual stuff so I did and it worked fine until I tried to stick in a none Disney film Chicago and it wouldn't work but yet Spirited Awy worked perfectly.