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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. Whoa that old; I forgot what it was about. Was it the man with scissor hands or the green man who stole christmas. Just kidding it the movie like monesters inc just older right. From what I remember i liked it.
  2. I like Jackie and all but I think its time for him to do a serios movie and stop all that funny stuff. He's to funny no one will take him serios in a real fight. The show on TV is good to me though.
  3. I just got it. I love the extra features. The movie is so long I can't find time to watch it all.
  4. just got it early I have connectons. Spawn has some wicked moves. He is so much better than link.
  5. Starfire is like Vash to me; she acts very stupid but when she needs to she can pour it on. Raven is my favorite she's so dark but cute at the same time. I hate Robin and will always hate him forever( the old Robin was cool the one who left Batman to go solo).Beast boy is the humor for the show and is very funny. Cyborg....I don'y know what he does for the show other than fight.
  6. I choose my name because I'm a Xmen fan and love the HellFire Club on it. I'm not a demon worshiper or nothing, though I don't enjoy going to churdh I do go on 1st sundays.
  7. I was watching DBZ the other day and came to the realization that DBZ is a cheap animation. The fighting scenes though great as they are, are almost as bad as Pokemon. They have a sitting background and move the characters up and down in front of it on sticks. Well maybe its not that bad but its some of the worst; it's up there with the old Speed Racer. When they fight they replay scenes over and over like in the fight with Freiza they showed their fist clashing like fifty times it was the exact same picture. I like DB because they weren't very fast and you could see everything but as the show progresses it gets even worse as the charcters get faster the less we see actual punches and kicks and the more we them disapear and go so fast we can't see nothing but flashes on the background. DON'T THINK IM DISSING DBZ IM A DIE HARD FAN. But they could of made it better. Hopefully when DBGT comes along this year it will be better animation.
  8. The new show are much better than the old. They look fresher and more modern. The old one's were so repetitive he would turn the screw driver but actually it was the same picture back and forth. On a different note I like Dee Dee way more than Dexter mainly because I have a nerd sister who has a laboratory and thinks she's smarter than me. Oh how fun it is to mess up her experiments.
  9. "True skill comes without effort" Chow Yun-Fat as Li Mu Bai in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. This quote is true when you become so skilled at something it becomes easy to you. "Is the enemy of my enemy my friend" Blade. I like this one also.
  10. Thats a really nice banner. I love it even though I'm not a real Sonic fan.
  11. I have 34 cds,10 mps,32 8-track,52 records.
  12. I was changing the channels the other day and then I saw it, Power Rangers Ninja Storm. I think the makers of Power Rangers are running out of ideas because now they're recycling zoids; I could swear there have already been a falcon and lion zoid. Not only are they recycling stuff but now they're going into other shows tryintg to find new rangers ,like the Beetleborgs they are Power Rangers now using the same costumes and zoids as in their show. They even stole Hamtaru. Haven't there already been Ninja Rangers too. They're recycling and entire show to a whole new generation of children. Ninja Storm was good but it was like watching a rerun of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I stopped watching Power Rangers after the last original was gone I think he was either Tommy or Billy. What do you think is it time for Powers Ranger to let go and just die or should they keep right on remixing the show?
  13. That show is wild; I never missed a show of it on SCIFI. I enjoy laughing at those people scream their heads offs, but I also hope that it never happens to me. I think the only problem with the show is the host Shannen Doherty she doesn't inspire fear in me at all(the lady from the Weakest Link would be a better fit to me).
  14. Boy Meets World sucks the only reason I watch it is for Topanga(sp??)BKA Danielle Fisel who dated one of the Back Street Boys. I hate any show that reminds me of school on Friday or the weekend.
  15. This may sound weird......but I want to be Blue from Blue's Clues. The women love him, he smarter than that dummy Joe, and he's got his own show. No one can tell me they don't like Blue. What ever happened to that other dude on Blue's Clues did he go crazy like PeeWee Herman.
  16. Cell and Buu are pretty much the same character. They have all the same powers regeneration,many forms,and the abilty to absorb so I mean what the real difference. Cell was made so was Buu. Sure you could say Cell was a robot and Buu wasn't but thats a bad reason. I like Buu more than Cell of coures because he had the powers first.
  17. Queen is good she's been around for a long time and still tops herself. I used to watch Living Single and I just got Chicago on DVD. Man that gold dress was amazing
  18. The last movie I saw that was actually on my mental level was a Beautiful Mind. All the rest are just entertainment to me. He was so smart it made him crazy.
  19. Me and the Osbournes have a love hate thing going on. I think its funny and all and that Kelly's hot(for some reason). I hate how those kids live in their parents house and they're in their 20s. PS Isn't it time to move out of the house Jack
  20. Spirited Away was touching though tears never came form my eyes it made my girl friend breakdown and cry and want cuddle.
  21. Its alright DMX is an awesome actor. Most artist can't make the cross over from music to movies. The plot could be better but over all its gets two thumbs up. If Bruce could see Jet now he would be proud Jet makes every movie he's in special. I think Jackie Chan and Jet Lee should make another movie.
  22. Midi files are tight. I was really excited about the otaku jukebox but to bad its not up and running yet. I like Cowboy Bebops Real Folk Blues.
  23. This is so true. Look at what happened to the Olson Twins when they started singing and how long did that last. It was cute when they were little but as they grew older it stopped being so cute. That is a major career killer. Her voice is OK and all but it's not good. Why do actors always try to sing and singers try to act Leave the singing to the singers and the acting to the actors. I still love you Hilary but please don't sing any more. P.S.I bought her CD any way
  24. Pagan

    The OC

    I thnik it needs a midgit they always make shows better look at jackass. I guess your right Different Strokes didn't have sex or drug at least I hope not.
  25. Kuribo is mine because they are always thinking why is he playing that card.
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