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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. Sean Paul songs are tight when its him and someone else,but when its him all by himself they sound to rega. Where are all these rega artist coming from all of a sudden? First it was the "who let the dogs out boy", then Sean Paul now its a man dancing in front of bed sheets.
  2. Pagan

    Cowboy Mouth

    I've never heard of them what are they like. Please don't tell me its another boyband who sings pop. I can't take another one.
  3. Futurama is the best. I liked on Toonami and Fox. The creators of the Simpson make the best shows. What ever happened to that show Bod and God.
  4. Jackass was wild but really funny to me. It was like that show America's Funniest Home Video people getting concusions while people in the audience laugh. Pain isn't funny to me nasty stuff like craping in your pants is funny.
  5. Pagan

    The OC

    It's a rip-off of different strokes come on a kid from a bad neiborhood moves in with some rich people. The show was interesting and all but it won't even last 1 season.
  6. I liked the movie more than the show, but their both good. The show has better character and the movie had the better effect. I espicially like the gods on the show; they have Greek, Egyption, Norse,and even Native American.
  7. Name: Pulmongor Apperance: Short about 5"6, Hairy Feet, Long Red Curly Hair, Long Beard, Blue Eyes, Kind of Fat, I'm wearing.... nothing just kidding a brown Tunic with some brown goats skin pants. Wearing one of the rings given to the Dwarves by Sauron on my finger. Race: Mothers a Hobbit Fathers a Dwarf...so a Dwobbit Weaopon: A Huge Ax with a little hammer like Marvels Thor on my side Specialties: I'm very strong and can lift 500 pounds, A skilled Woodman. I am Miner. Immune to my Rings power I have control of its magic or does it control me. # of Men: 25 We Dwarves don't leave the mines much
  8. A villian like Sora except I want to feel pain like Tsukasa. My weapon of choice would be a bow and arrow like the Elf off of Lord of the Rings. Come on we all can't be good.
  9. I know their is a Dark Magician, Dark Sage, Dark Magician of Chaos,and Dark Magician Girl ,but is there really a Dark Paldin and Skilled Dark Magicain. I think the Paldin needs Buster Blader(like in the show) but how do you make the Skilled Magician.
  10. Pagan

    The OC

    The OC sucked it was the worst show I have ever seen. It was a Different Strokes for our generation, only different was it had a likeable character....I hate Gerry Colman; I'm a Webster fan myself. Hey Celebrity death match fight Gerry vs. Web
  11. My scariest was powerpuffs first movie....just kidding though the animation is scary. Silence of the Lamb and any other Hannibal Lector movie is scary to me. Cannibalism is so cool.
  12. I hate the brand extension so much. It was a terrible idea. Smackdown doesn't have enough wrestlers and raw has to many. Smackdown has my two favorite wrestlers John Cena and Matt Hardy but all thery do is fight the same people every week. Smackdown's paper veiws headliners have all been the same Brock vs. Angle, Brock vs. Big Show and back and forth. Smackdown also only has three girls Torrie Wilson, Nidia,and Sable while Raw has Trish, Stacy, Ivory, Jackie, Gail, Victoria,and countless others. Sure Smackdown is getting some more stars like Jeff Hardy and Edge and possible the Rock but Raw still dominates with Stone Cold, HHH, Nash, Kane, Goldberg, Shawn Michales and other big names. Its just not fair Raw never come to my town ,only Smackdown(the rhyme was not intented). I miss RVD and Booker T and I'm tired of the Undertaker. If you agree can I get a HELL YEAH.
  13. I like linkin park I have all their cds. I went to their concert last night and they took song request. I asked for crawling.
  14. I like it but it would be better if there were hookups and stuff. Its like every one hates each other.
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