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Could someone please make me a matching banner and avatar featuring either the X-Men's Gambit of Cyclops. I have chosen the pictures I would like them to be created from. I will give you credit in my signature if I use your material. I wish the avatar to macth the banner and to simple say the characters name. I would like the Gambit banner to say: The Luck of The Draw is all in The Deal . I would wish the Cyclops banner to say: The Greatest Curse is to be Gifted. Thankyou who ever posts.
Another Florida story. Does this state ever give it a rest. This story is about a little girl who's learning how to count with jelly beans. Hers are taken away because she is acting foolish, and the little girl doesn't take this well. She starts hitting, biting, and scratching the teacher. She knocks books off the shelves, she tears papers off the wall, and she yells and curses like a bloody sailor. The teacher trys to calm her, but she is relentless, so the teacher send her to the principal. The principal has the girls sit in a room and think about her actions, but the girl continues to scream and cause trouble. The principal calls the mother and tells her to come and pick up her daughter or the cops will. The mother responds, but not fast enough. Three cops(2 female, one who I can't tell) come into the room and place the now irrate girl's hands behind her back and slaps those handcuffs onto her wrist. They then put her into the squad car, but before they can pull off her mother arrives. I myself feel the little girl deserved it. She was causing a disturbance and had to be removed. They taught this little monster a valueable lesson.
Man oh man. I'm so tired of seeing my sister breast feed her baby. I agree with the conservatives on this one and say put them up. In Florida there is a dispute about about some woman feeding her baby in a major meeting. The major expresses some annoance by this action and woman takes offense. So in the next meeting her and some of her friends appear in the meeting and all decide to breast feed in protest. How stupid is this? They say this breat milk is ten times better then formula. That is is so healthy, and good for the baby. The baby will grow faster, and turn out to be smarter. The people promoting formula say the same thing about there product. Anyways what do you think is better and do you agree with the Florida moms?
Next week the NFL draft will happen and many players dreams will either be realized or crushed all in one day. Here on campus every senior or junior athlete is jumpy and are waiting for there fates to be revealed. I hate this entire process...... The draft has become a playground for little children. Especially in the case of the NBA. Kids who are younger and younger are just skipping college and going straight into the league like slabs of raw beef. I'm just waiting for a middle school student to be drafted. The NBA has discouraged this and are currentlt trying to raise the minimum age of playing to 20, but the teams won't allow this to happen. They want a franchise player who they can mold into a god like figure in the game. A new "Lebron" for the future. The NFL thankfully can't take players straight out of high school because no player will be quite big enough for NFL play. But what will do is let a player go to a college for a year of straight working out and then get them in the next draft. Though they won't truelly be worth the cap points; the young player is like clay and can be trained like an animal. Just anotherexposed crack in the drafting system. The only big sport where drafting isn't rampid is MLB. Mainly because they also ready have big enough problems with the steroids issue. Though there are some player in baseball right now who are just 19. Even Soccer has gotten in on the drafting action with this Freddie dude. They are saying he is the Pele who ever the hell he is. What I'm trying to say is it isn't fair to the athletes like me, who go to college for a better eduaction along with the sports. It is messing up the drat retirement balance. It is simple, when a veteran player retires the team either trades to get another player or they just draft a new player. This new player would normally come from a college at about the age of 23 and have a good 10 or 15 year career and retire for the next new drafte'. But now the league can draft a younger more eager player over a older player player who has been through college. This new young player will have a 20 or 25 year career and will step down for the new young player. This ruins the system of college sports and mainstream sports and even effects highschool sports. It must be stopped. What do you think on the issue?
Its time to just go on and say it. If you are ugly or unattractive, unless you are smart or funny you are going no where. The world is based on look whether you like it or not. Survival of the best looking is the current policy. In my pychology class we did a survey where we took some of our better looking students and some of our not so attractive students and sent them out in controled experiments. In all the cases the better looking person would come out on top, and the "ugly" but smarter person would be left in the dust. I have noticed that here on campus the more attractive you are the more friends you have and the more people want to be around you. Better looking people also tend to be more out going and friendly in some cases. Well in closing I need more information on beautiful people versus not so beautiful people so I can start on my paper for finals. So could people please discuss this or something.
Now a days everyone has a cell phone. These little portable telephone are packed full of a persons personality from the outside casing all the way down charger you stick into it. But nothing on the cell phones screams more about a person then his or her ringtone. It tells what kind of music they like, or if they even like music. I kind of miss the good ole days of everyone having that same song and everybody in a room checking to see if it is them. My ringtone right now is March of Toy Soldier by Eminem. Though right now everybody has it either on that or Candy Shop by 50 Cent. I have gone through my Greenday, and Blink 182 ringtone phase and have now moved on to some of the better rap songs. There is one problem with ringtones and that is the annoying ones. My girlfriend has the most annoying ringtone ever created. A ringtone so horrible it is pitiful it is, Alvin and the Chipmunks!!! So to close what is your ringtone? And the most annoying one you've ever heard?
It seems like every year since I've been here I've started a thread on top model and it does poorly. Women loves this show, but what about me. Am I the only one who watches this show? Are the women not hot enough for any other males to watch? Like I thought, you watch it you just don't want to admit it. Don't be ashamed, come out of your closet and smell the fresh air. This season I'm cheering for Naomi because she is cute and has a nice body. Yeah I said it, sue me. Every season I cheer for a certain girl and I have a mixed record. Season 1 I cheered for Elyse and she lost in the finals. Season 2 I cheered for April and Mercedes and they both lost in the finals. Season 3 I cheered for Eva and I finally won for once. Anyhow lets talk model. Who do you like and why?
This channel has really stepped it up, and become half way decent television. For the first time in my life I watched PBS for more then 30 seconds. This channel now has it all. This channel now has more to offer kids, then just Arthur and Seasame Street, I was amazed by some of the new children shows like Cyber Chase, Liberty's Kids, and the new but classic Thomas the Train. Still there are crap shows like Boobah(?) and the ever annoying Teletubies. They have also canceled the great Zoom and I'm still crying from when they cancled Wishbone. They also have excelled in what they are normally good at, educational television. Nature is still my favorite creature show, but it has only gotten better. Now feel a actual connection with the aniaml, and have many times thought of being a vegatarian(?). It now has National Geographic with the every once and the while exclusives. I now learn, but I am also entertained at the same time. The overall entertainment is just down right better. Exxon Mobile Materpiece Theater has finally moved out of those boring old time British novels and have move at least to the 20th century. Plus they are giving the food channel a run for its money. The concerts are awesome and I just watch my parents dance and have fun. The one problem is those lame, stupid, dry, British comedies. Sure I can watch Chef, but some of the others just suck. Has anyone else noticed?
[quote name='Shinmaru']Yeah, because most of them have been remembered for more than two massive bumps. I'm not going to take anything away from Mick Foley, because those two huge bumps he took off of the cage were absolutely sick, but the match as a whole wasn't that good. The first Hell In A Cell is still the benchmark match, in my opinion.[/quote] Yeah the bumps were a big overrated deal, but what impressed me was the beating Mankind took and still walked away. That is what really made this match what I consider the greatest ever. Though these matches were the greatest I think the Elimination Chamber will soon replace the Hell In A Cell. On a different note, what has happened to the womens program? I remember just a few months ago they were doing pretty good with Victoria fighting against Molly, Gail, and Trish. Smackdown has never had a good program because the women there don't have anything good to fight for, but what happened to Raw? I think one of the problems is they are hiring to many really pretty talentless girls. Plus, Charles now that you've mention it I can sort of see that happening, but in a different way. Why would they send the legendary Hollywood Hulk Hogan (or as I like to call him the origianal HHH) out losing to the modern day Iron Sheik it just doesn't make sense? I see a tag match with Eugene and Hogan against Hassan and Iron Sheik. Hogan and Eugene will win and this will lead to Eugene and Hassan fighting for awhile until it gets boring. Oh yeah and can someone please tell me what a heel is.
Its that time of the year again wrestling fans. Its time for the grandaddy of them all. The main event of the year. The great, the grand, the WrestleMania. This years wrestleMania is being held in the Hollywood on April 3rd, and it appears to be a good one. Here are the matches along with my predictions [B]World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Triple H[/B] I see Triple H winning with aid from Rick Flair. Batista is going to dominate the match, but sadly will lose. This will lead up to Flair leaving Evolution and turning his back on HHH which will in turn lead to Flair 20th(???) title reign. [B]WWE Championship: John Cena vs. JBL[/B] John Cena will ends JBL's reign. I see this because of his new music, him losing the US title, and because plai and simply the people want him to win and are tired of JBL. [B]Women's Championship: Christy vs. Trish[/B] Trish wins just because she is hot good or evil. I actually don't know who will win this one, and don't care. Its two beautiful women fighting. [B]Shawn Michael vs. Kurt Angle[/B] This is going to be the best match and I'm giving it to Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels is a awesome superstar and a legend in his own right, and that's why he is coming to Smackdown!. Angle is going to break his leg and when he returns it will be to Smackdown!. [B]Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker[/B] The Undertaker will win this match even though I wanted Orton to kill the legend. At first I believed Orton would win hands down because he has beat up so many old guys, but now they are making him into the villian, which is bad news. The fans decide who will win and they won't be cheering for Orton. Plus is so unafraid that he will be very afraid. [B]Money in the Bank Ladder Match[/B] I'm going for Kane just because he is my favorite. If he doesn't win then it will be Jericho. This matches entire purpose is to decide 2 things who will be the new Intercontinental Champ and who will fight HHH for the title at the next Raw Pay Per View [B]Big Show vs. Akebono[/B] Big Show is going to win just so Akebono will become a wrestler. After getting beat I promise you that he will interupt in Big Shows title match against Cena and then they will fight in the next Smackdown! Pay Per View [B]Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] Another good match. I don't know who is going to win this one and will leave it as a DQ for Rey because Eddie is going to start losing a snap. [B]Stome Cold vs. Roddy Piper[/B] We all know they are going to fight and Stone Cold is going to Stunner him and give him a few choice words along with a middle finger. Watch and see. Anyone else have a prediction?
[IMG]http://www.emcrf.org/images/2004/barney_martin.jpg[/IMG] To clear up any confusion this is the late Barney Martin. He played Jerry's father on the greatest sitcom ever. I remember when Jerry had stole this old woman marble rye and this woman happened to live in the same retirement home as Morty Seinfeld(Jerry's dad). Morty was running for some position in the home, but needed one more vote, and the last vote belinged to the woman who Jerry stole the bread from. So to make a entire show short she found out that he was Jerry's father and voted for the other guy. Man that show was great. We will truelly miss our Seinfeld father.
For some reason I find this entire story hilarious. I just shows how stupid we American are. Why do people stand outside the hospital with glasses of water and food if the woman is being fed by a tube. I want them to just let one person in with a glass of water and see what happening. This lady is a shell. Her mind is gone. What is the point of keeping that body alive. The husband wants to move on, the brother wants to move on, the parents want a shrine. I'm curious to know what our "great president"(hah!!!) and his brother will do, or if they will even step in. I think this could either make him more popular with the conservative or more popular with the liberals which either why works for him.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I say the Bachelor or Bachelorette ones are the worst. I mean of course these people are going to fall in love...they're all astecally pleasing. They're flawless and good looking and they act so damn perfect. Krista was so sugary she made me want to barf. All there is on the show is physical attraction. You don't get to see any faults with all the cameras. How will you know how you'll react when you start screaming at eachother for forgetting a birthday, or getting lost on a drive? You can't. The least they could do is blindfold one another on dates. [b]EDIT[/b]: She just refused and he's still saying how amazing she is...dork! :animesigh [/color][/QUOTE] The reality shows involving love are especailly stupid, but I thank this show for proving my point. This woman on the Bachelotette was brought back from another season where she picked one guy and dumped him. Now suddenly they bring her back, like we want to see her again, and even worse she is a picker once again also. They drag us through an entire season of torture and inevitably she decides not to pick anyone at all. MY GOD WHAT A WASTE OF MY LIFE!!! Yet I feel uneasy, for America loves a happy ending so I doubt I've seen the last of this lady. Meanwhile I have to watch the boring survival shows on the other networks, which have also become ridiculous. We people making complete fools of themselves on Fear Factor, Paris Hilton and her sidekick running around pretending to be poor, and about 16 different shows involving nanny's or parent swapping. But lets not forget the grandaddy of them all SURVIVOR. They try so hard to reinvent this show I feel bad for them, because their ratings continue to drop. They put more hot people, they put more black people, heck they even put more gay people on, but nothing seems to work. They have tried everyplace in the world but still not audience. They even have a Survivor for children called Endurance, that I don't watch. If the SURVIVOR producers read this I have one word for you: ARTIC! Now that I would enjoy, espicially when they start eating each other.
This year is a comic book lovers dream. [B]Iron Man[/B] This movie is a mystery, that even the people who are making it can't figure out. The release date for this movie changes more then my undewear. At first they said 2004, and now its 2005(which I still suspect will change). They don't even know who will be their leading man. Nicholas Cage, Tom Cruise, and even Leonardo DiCaprio have expressed interest in playing the richboy Tony Starks, but no confirmation have been made. The villian hasn't even been selected and I'm still hoping it won't be M.O.D.O.k . Yet still after all of these setbacks; I'm looking forward to seeing a truely awesome movie with excellent special effects. [B]Fantastic Four[/B] I hated there comics, I hated there powers, I hated there name, but I would be lying if I said I'm going to hate this movie. I don't expect it to be better then Spiderman or X-Men, but I'm praying it will be better then Punisher and The Hulk. I expect this movie to be action movie of the summer due to lack of true competition. [B]Batman Begins[/B] I cried when I heard about this movie. It is either going to save the Batman movie franchise or bury it. I myself have enjoyed all of the Batman movies with the exception of Batman Forever, and would hate to see the chain end on a low note. The main problem to me is that each movie has featured a different actor portraying the dark knight. [B]Constantine[/B] This movie is so close to release I can smell the fire and brimstone. Hellblazer by Vertigo comics is one of my favorite graphic novels. I don't think the movie will have as much action as many would like because the comic is a talker, but the plot is so good it will carry the entire movie. My Honorable Mentions [B]Underworld: Evolution[/B] [B]War of The Worlds[/B] [B]Jurassic Park IV[/B]
Ken Jennings successfully completes his 34TH appearance and continues his unprecedented winning streak on JEOPARDY! On the Monday, July 19TH show, Ken won another $35,000, putting his winnings well over the one million dollar mark at $1,135,460. I've been watching as of the last month just to see this guy lose, but that doesn't seem like its ever going to happen. No one even gets clsoe to beating him and that makes me wonder. I remember a movie called "Game Show" or something where a game show with low ratings rigs the show to let a contestant win to boost the rating. Could Jeopardy be crooked? You know its funny how Jeopardy changes the rule about the five day limit and suddenly this Ken guy appears who seems to know the answer to everything. Ok now lets say Ken isn't cheating. How can Jeopardy get rid of him? Like every other game in life you should play till you lose. What he never loses though? They wouldl have to make up a new rule, and that might not sit well wityh Ken bringing on a lawsuit. Jeopardys hands are tied, and they love it. I mean somethings not right the way he always has double the amount of his closest competitor. I would hate to play against knowing that even if I bet it all he would still win. A friend of my fathers is a college professor and he was going to send in his application to play on Jeopardy, but now he is waitng for Ken vanquished. So what do you think? Is Ken cheating? How can Jeopardy get rid of Ken when the time comes? Is Ken the smartest guy ever? Does anyone else think Ken's head is rather big? Will it be a male or female who defeats Ken? Doesn't Ken have some of the ugliest suits and will Ken be forced to wear the same suit twice? Should Alex Trebek grow his mustache back? Or should Alex grow a beard? Will Hells Fire ever shut up? This Is Jeopardy!!!
Another excellent banner. I really like it alot. Now I have a hard decision to make. These are both very good banners. I'll probably use both. Could you make a avatar to match your banner Turdle? Thank you both
Actually this banner hit my quote right on the money. It truelly is greatest and most awesome I've ever seen. I really like your work; it is quite good. I can tell you put alot of effort into making this for me and I am greatful. Thank you very much.
I'm getting back to my roots with this banner. I remember my first banner was of Gambit so I want my last to be of Gambit also. Well my last of my High School life and the first of my College. I would like this banner to be the greatest and most awesome I've ever seen. I know someone other then me likes Ole Remy. I would like the banner to say "Pick A Card Any Card". I would also like the avatar to match. Good Luck(cause you're gonna need it). ^_^ Here is a link to the picture [url]http://www.uncannyxmen.net/covers/previews/xmenunlimited3.jpg[/url] Thanks to all that post!
I'm looking forward to The Village. It seems to be a pretty good movie from the previews. They are pushing it heavily for a movie that is nearly 3 months away. I really like the way I've noticed that M. Night Shyamalan's movies are hard to judge without seeing the movie. I thought the Sixth Sense was going to suck, until I saw how cleverly it was made and the brilliance in its plot. Then I thought Unbreakable was going to be good but it disappointed me. Finally I came down to Signs which I thought was going to be aweful, but turned out to be ok. I really can't judge his movies because he is such a wonderful director and I believe he is the master of the plot twist. M. Night also seems to attach himself to certain actors in the buisiness. Bruce Willis had the lead role in both The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, and now Joaquin Phoenix finds his career in the hands of Night. M. Night also does the Steven King and appear in his own movies in minor parts.
I can't say that I'm a true Prince fan. My mom just happens to have the complete Prince collection and loves him more then my dad. So I find myself forced to love him or be disowned. He is the definition of artist and a extremly unique performer. I didn't expect him to be inducted into the Hall of Fame so soon but I knew he was going to get in sometime in the future. My favorite album of course is the classic [B]Purple Rain[/B] and also off of that album comes my favorite song [B]Let's Go Crazy[/B] and [B]Jack U Off[/B] is another good one just because of the name. Prince has been out there and has always been out there and will always be out there. I actually admire him greatly. He is one of the few people who has managed to be straight and yet kind of gay at the same time. I still think Prince is kind of weird and at time scarey, but as I grow older I appreciate him more and more. I don't own Musicology personally but my mom has 5 copies. She plays it all day so I guess it must be pretty decent. Any finally yes by answering all of your questions my grammar and sentences structure has degraded to the level of a ten year old.
I can't actually believe people still wants to hear these guys sing. The teen girls have revived them from the boy band cemetary and they are going to unleash their wrath upon the world once again. The thing I want to know is, are they the same? Other then very ugly haircuts I don't see much of a difference. Their new album "Underneath" is coming out in Tuesday April 20th and I can hardly wait to kill myself from the torment of listening to it. They are going to be on TRL this Monday and have no intention of even trying to watch it. They make me sick,I hate them. I've heard there new song,"Penny and Me" and almost died because I actually liked it!!! Yes that's right, I liked it! What is wrong with me? I bought the single and listen to it constantly in my car. I had to listen to MMMBop just to remind myself how much they suck.
When I was little I went just to because I used to think the actress was cute. I used to just sit there and wonder what it would be like to be around them. Lucky for me that got boring. Now, I go to hang out with my friends and meet the ladies. If the movie it good I might watch it to in between make out sessions. The movies isn't really all that to me. I can download a movie from the internet before it even comes to the theater. I hate the over priced food, I hate the over priced tickets, and I hates thart darn sticky floor. I would much rather go to a Motel 6 to make out in ,and if she wants to see a movie I'll just bring my X Box and a DVD. Its all a trick to get your money and I hate being tricked into doing anything; if they want my money they should just ask.
I will dish out any amount to be in style. I don't think I own a outfit that costs less then 100 dollars other then socks and underwear. I find that I am now obessed with Throw Back Jerseys and a pair of either Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfigire jeans. I also like keeping up on the best pair of tennis shoes though I don't really wear them. I love suits so much, and I try to collect different ones just to say I have them. I try to buy one or two a season. I love name brand and won't wear anything less. I also hate knock offs. The most expensive suit I own was hand taylored and made of some kind of micro fibered silk that makes you feel naked and the price is so much that I had to make a down payment and pay serval smaller monthly fees. My mom always say clothes define a person. They can tell you everything you need to know the person without even having to meet them. Everyone has a style and a taste and that is what makes us different from one another.
What are your thoughts about hazing? Have you ever been hazed? What did they make you do? I play football and hazing is just part of the game for me. If you can't take the hazing then I feel you don't deserve to be on the team. Last years seniors gave us hell at football camp, I'm not allowed to tell what they did but trust me it was hell, literally. This year its our turn to pass the torch on to the next generation and we aren't going to let it be given to the unworthy. Hazing is not bad and should be allowed. I mean hazing has gotten a bad wrap with these sexual abuse cases and stuff. Its just clean fun for most schools. The coaches at my school know about it and doesn't let it get out of hand. Its away of testing mental and physical strength that can't be tested out on the field. It is also a way of weeding out the weak who really shouldn't be out on the field.
How did you learn about sex? If someone told you then who? Did you want to learn? I feel that today my generation is learning from TV or school about sex. Most peoples families avoid talking about it, and don't enjoy talking about it. My family is different. They encourage the your interest and make you into little sex machine at the young age of 12. Today my dad took my little sister to the zoo and I already knew what was going to happen. He always arranges with the zoo manager to set up a little viewing in the Spring when the animals will be in heat. Then he lets the animals do the rest, while he holds your eyes open and makes you watch the animals go at it. He enjoys it so much. My mom has a equally vicious way and no its not the birds and the bees. She will unlock the premium channels and let curiosity take over. The instant I changed to Playboy my mom would know and come down and make you watch hours upon hours with her.