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Request Help me please!!! This RK banner is killing me!!!
Pagan replied to Pagan's topic in Creative Works
This is quite good. I really like the effect you added, but my computer can't exactly handle it so could you just leave the color either inverted or as its regular self. I didn't really want anything written on it anyway, so you did good by not putting any writing. Very perceptive about the picture, I never really noticed that before. Could you please make a matching avi to go along with this awesome banner? Thank you very much. I owe you one. -
I've been working on this banner ever since Rurouni Kenshin first started coming on Cartoon Network. I just can't get it right so now I'm going to give someone else a crack at it. The banner is suppose to be of Saitou Hajime, but I can't get pass putting the picture together. Here is what I want done with the picture. I want half of the banner to be Saitou wearing the red suit and the other half to be him wearing the blue suit. It is very important that both pictures be balanced out and have the same amount of sword and stuff. I want the avatar to be the same thing for the most part. Just be creative and original. Thanks to all that post. I owe everyone who posts alot. You will recieve credit for your work in my signature. Oh yeah and could everyone who post please make a banner with inverted colors as well as a none inverted one.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Wolverine, who had been in the jet the entire time, finally decides to leave and stretch his legs after eating Destiny’s wonderful meal. “I’m going out for some fresh, someone else can fix the weapons system.” He walks out on the ramp and sniffs the air to find out where everyone is. He smells Gazelle, Sora, and someone else he has never smelled before over in the woods. He decides to investigate and heads in there direction. On the way to the to them he spot a beehive in a tall tree. “I think I might need some dessert”, and releases his claws. He jabs one claw in each side of the tree and begins to climb. When he reaches the hive he chops it down and leaps off himself. When he reaches the ground he realized the hive had broken open and released a swarm of bees. Wolverine, as fast as he is, couldn’t move escape from being engulfed by the bees and was stung many times. Wolverine didn’t even flinch from the stings, but he did become swollen. He finally makes it over to where Sora and Gazelle was and Gazelle begins to snicker at the overblown Wolverine. “I had a accident with a hive, so what? We all don’t have animal fur to protect us like you”, and Wolverine closes his eyes and concentrates on his healing factor. He glances over at Sora with one eye and notices how nervous she is. “Am I interrupting something?” Wolverine says with a grin. While waiting for a response he notices the footprints of someone else and wonders whom Gazelle and Sora was talking to before he had arrived. He wonders to himself, could one of them be a traitor. [/COLOR]
I finally decided who I wanted to base my banner on after a long decision. The person is Storm of course. Could someone please make me a Storm banner? I'm going to attach the pictures that I would like used. The banner doesn't have to say anything, but if you have any good ideas use them. I would like the banner and avatar to match or atleast be similar. I appreciate all who post. You will recieve recognition for your work in my signature if I use your banner or avatar. Thanks. Here are the sites where I got these pictures from just in case you want to know. The first one comes from here: [url]http://www.marvel.com/bios/bios.htm?id=5&family=X-MEN[/url] The middle 2 comes from here: [url]http://www.cyberspace-market.com/xtremexmen/covers.html[/url] The last one comes from here: [url]http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/spotlight/showquestion.asp?faq=10&fldAuto=76&page=10[/url]
[QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] I also love Venom, but his character was screwed over in the ninties when they tried to make him a hero. Yeah....Check out The Hunger, or Ultimate Spider-Man vol 6 for some kick arse Venom stories. Oh, and I hatehatehatehatehate Carnage. [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] What's so bad about Carnage? He is the uncontested most powerful villian in the entire comic series. He dusted the floor with the Spidey on their first encounter. It took Spider-Man and Venom's joined effort to beat him, and they barely defeated him together. He also has one of the best background stories ever while Venom is just Eddie Brock the angry employee. As you can tell he is one of my favorite characters only rivaled by Electro and Hobgoblin.
I'm really glad to see a surge of comic book disscusion here. I'm even more excited to finally see a Marvel superhero. I would like to appluad DeathBug, for bringing the Marvel fans this wonderful thread dedicated to "Our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man". I used to be really into Spider-Man back when I first started reading comics. I remember the first Spider-Man comic I read was Amazing Spider-Man #346 where Vemon returns to kill Spider-Man, but ends up on a deserted island. That one was awesome and I believed it could only get better. Then in 2000 it happened, Marvels dummest move ever, the reprint. They restarted almost every Spidey series, so they can go back and tell the entire story over for the new fans. They even went as far to cancel some pretty good series like Spider-Man 2099 and turn them into utter crap like Peter Parker Spider-Man. I still try to read Spider-Man comics but they just aren't as good as they used to be. They've made the plot weaker and less interesting to the reader. I mean sure Spider-Man Unlimited is pretty good but it just can't compare to the good old Amazing Spider-Man. The last truelly great Spider-Man was the 9/11 issue, that I admit made me cry. The only thing that's really better about the new comics is the art work thanks in part to Damion Scott(Spectacular Spider-Man drawer) and Mark Bagley(Ultimate Spider-Man drawer). These guys half way know what they're doing, but the writers are still in lala land. I look at J.T. Krul(Spider-Man Unlimited writer) and wonder what he is thinking. I must say the movie industry and the television industry are doing wonders with Spider-Man. The 90s cartoon series was excellent and very accurately followed the Spider-Man story. The Spider-Man Unlimited show that came on fox wasn't all that great but still I watched it. Then the movie came out that didn't really stick to the story well, but still was interesting. Now the MTV cartoon that has some seriously good animation, but terrible storyline has come and gone in a matter of seconds. I'm half way looking forward to Spider-Man 2 mainly because I want to see if the villian is going to be Venom or Doctor Octopus.
Name: James Howlett, Logan Age: Unknown, but he is believed to be in his late 90s Code-Name: Weapon X, Wolverine Mutant power/Mutantion: Enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, and hyper-keen senses. Wolverine has a healing factor that can heal virtually any wound or disease, and also slows his aging. He also has retractable bone claws that extrude from his forearms. His bones and claws are bonded with adamantium, rendering them unbreakable. Description:[IMG]http://www.marvel.com/about/retailers/xtras/wolverine.jpg[/IMG] Height: 5'3 Weight: 195 lbs. Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Side: X-Men though not on the team much Biography:Wolverine is one of the oldest and most powerful mutants alive. He is an Omega class mutant meaning his powers are highly advanced. He fought in WWII along side Captain America and there he met a young Magneto. Shortly after WWII he was taken by the Weapon Plus Program and tested on . While in the program he was given an adamandtium skeleton, but the program also erased all of his memory. After escaping from the Weapon Plus Program he joined Alpha Flight. Him and Alpha Flight did sevral missions, but he was unhappy working for the Canadian Goverment and sought a way out. When offered a position on Xavier's X-Men he jumped on the oppurtunity and has been a member ever since.
[quote name='Transtic Nerve']That thing is Hellboy... and I don't think he's human. He's either a mutant or something from another planet. Regardless, it's a comic hero, they aren't exactly supposed to look human. Unless they want to be boring like Punisher or Daredevil lol.[/quote] Hellboy comes from hell and is actually more like a demon. He was summoned here by Rasputin to aid the Third Reich. After the war was over he starts work for the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense and protects humanity against the evil forces. You can read more about him in the reissued Hellboy: Seed of Destruction and Hellboy: Wake the Devil. I'm not really a Dark Horse comics expert but I do like Hellboy. Mike Mignola's Hellboy is actually the only Dark Horse comic I can half way read other then Buffy The Vampire Slayer or the occasional Star Wars. The rest like Alien and GI Joe should just discontinued. The movie looks pretty good and like it is going to follow the basic plot of the comic book series. They even gave the character his trademark "Right Hand of Doom". The previews make it look awesome, but I don't think its going to be all that great. The Hulk and Hellboy are pretty much the same type of character(other then him being red and the Hulk green) and will probably do just as well as the Hulk did in the theater. I kind of like Punisher, and hopefully it won't suck like Daredevil. They do have alot in common and basically the same vigilante out for revenge plot. The comics are different though and Daredevil is now more like Law and Order with a twist of Batman while Punisher and Deadpool are more rip out your guts for the fun of it.
Does anyone watch this show other then me? Who are your favorite girls from the two seasons? Who do you have the most in common with? This is my favorite show on TV right now. I find the modeling world so interesting. I remember I was asked if I wanted to be a male model and from seeing this show I figured out that I'd rather date models then to be one. I have fallen in love with so many of the girls and I've hated so many others. Mercedes Scelba is my favorite girl out of everyone that has been on the show. She is so cute, sweet, and genuine. We also like the favorite things. I plan on trying to meet her somewhere in the world hopefully. I also loved Elyse Sewell. She was all about "high fashion". Her views and outlook on the world were also interesting to me. I really just want to have a conversation with Elyse. April Wilkner is my final favorite. She is so passionate and has so much drive. We have so much in common it amazes me. She also somewhat believes she is in a different league then everyone else and so do I.
[quote name='Manic']And with that said... how many cars do you have?[/quote] I have been through 7 cars in my life span. Most of them have had short lives because of negligence on my behalf. Right now I only have 3 cars and motorcycle that I can't drive. I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara(In the shop), a 1998 Nissan Infiniti(Wrecked), and a 2002 Audi S4(In danger). My dad is constantly getting new cars because he feels that he needs the most modern and best car out there, so he passes his old cars down to me. It is a major waste of money, but I'm not going to complain. I've become a car freak myself and right now I'm saving up for a 2004 Volvo C70 Convertible. And to everyone who has posted, I offer my gratitude. Today's driving lesson was still hell, but it did somewhat improve thanks to your helpful hints.
How was it when you first started driving? Who taught you how to drive and did they ever yell at you? Have you ever killed a animal or caused damage to a car (You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to, these are just to stop spam) I've had enough of my little sister's driving. I'm suppose to be teaching her to drive, because my parents are to busy to. She is by far the worst driver in America. Her first time out she hit three garbage cans and ran over a pigeon. She has completely wrecked my first car, caused 1,300 dollars in damages on my Jeep, and now she is getting started on my new Audi. She has even blown out my freakin speakers and messed up my 5,000 dollar paint job. She is so distracted when driving constantly looking in the rear view mirror to check her hair and fix her lip gloss. Then she turns the music up so loud that I can't instruct her; I mean I do love Britney Spear's Toxic but when driving the many noises can confuse you. Even worse she is always trying to race and flirts with boys in my car. She never listens to my instructions and always complains about MY car's smell. Heck she asked me to borrow it one night and of course I said no, but she took it anyways and got three tickets in one night. I just don't know what to do with her. My parents said that if I don't teach her then I will have to pay the money for her driving school. I mean I pratically taught myself how to drive from the video games. I remember I used to play Test Drive 5 and Twisted Metal and learned what not to do. Then I played Gran Trismo(spelled that wrong right?) to learn what I should do when driving. My sister hates video games though so I can't try that. HELP ME OTAKU BEFORE MY SISTER WRECKS MY AUDI!!!!!!
I belong on one of those idenity theft commercials. Someone has stolen my life..... Well not really but they have stolen alot of my money. I am so very pissed off today. I lost my wallet yesterday in the mall and figured that it would be returned because the world is predominantly good. I mean it had and identification card in it with my address and phone number and even had,"If found please return to owner reward will be given in it." Instead this person decided to go and write some checks to himself and then charge a few thing on my credit cards, heck he even got 7,000 out of my saving account with my ATM card. Even worse I had just came from the bank and had withdrawn a large sum of money for some major shopping. Then when the over draft charges kicked in they took their 973 dollars. My overall balance was lower then 3,000. I had to freeze both accounts and then file a police report and then the bank will think about reimburse. What I didn't understand is how they could do all this without any photo identification, but then I looked at all the places he was spending my money at and it all made sense. The gas station rarely checks ID and neither does drug stores. What I don't understand is how the banks let him withdraw so much money. My daily withdrawal limit is just 1,500 and anymore then that they should have contacted my parent. Anyhow the bank people said my money should be back in a couple of weeks and hopefully my income tax check can keep the gas in the cars. I propose a question to you out there. If somebody had dropped a blank check that just needed a sum and your name on it. What would you do, cash in or turn the check over to the proper authorty? Remember you couldn't get caught or nothing, it would be a clean get a away. Me well after all I've been through, I'm still human and would take it for all its worth.
Does anyone every wonder if you are actually learning about a subject or the teachers view about a subject? I find that most people recieve a biased education; that makes one group of people seem better then another. Since I'm an American, I feel that we tend to build overselves up higher then we actually are. I remember hearing my history teacher constantly says,"We are living in the greatest nation under the sun!" I know this is merely his opinion but then I find myself believing it. We also don't recieve information at all. My teacher completely avoided Vietnam and Korea. He has stayed away from America's losses and stays completely focuses on their victories. I kind of understand his reasoning, him being a ex Major and very proud of his nation, but I don't think he should be teaching from the Amercian view only. Either we don't learn material at all or we learn pulluted material. Anyways I have a question for all of the foriegn otaku memeber, and whenIi mean foreign I mean none American. Do you learn different stuff then we do here in America? By different I mean; for example, In the Revoluationary War it was America fighting for its independence against the tyrany of Britain, but what I want to know is your story any different?
I am a candid Steven King fan. I worship the ground this man walks on after I saw IT. Rose Red, last year was also a excellent series that actually brought fear back into me. I'm working on finishing up The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer and now I'm going to watch Rose Red again. I've been waiting for Kingdom Hospital to come out since I heard about it two years ago at a King book signing. I've seen this shows plot somewhere but I can't remember. Its basically a scary ER with a haunted hospital inhabited by ghost of not only dead patients, but also spirits from its dark history. The Cast Ed Begley, Jr.- Dr. Jesse James Jack Coleman- Peter Rickman Bruce Davison- Dr. Stegman Diane Ladd- Sally Druse Andrew McCarthy- Dr. Hook Stephen King- Executive producer/Writer I've seen some of these actors and actresses in other of King's shows. I think some were in The Langoliers and others are from Storm of the Century, but I'm not sure. Anyhow. What everyones favorite Steven King movie? I really like Thinner and Carrie but my favorites are The Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption.
Another scary movie that I will most likely sleep through while my girlfriend screams her freaking head off. I think this movie is more like Resident Evil then the Resident Evil movie itself. Here is the basic plot. A city is turning into Zombies and only 7 people are left unzombiefied(is that a word?). The 7 are running around shooting their friends and neighboors trying to escape the town before they too are turned into zombies. So what do you people think this movie is going to be, good or bad?
I must agree with you. Infomercials are boring and time consuming, but they do have a slight purpose though miniscule it is. They provide a quick and easy way to get stuff without even leaving your house. My grandparents are old and live quite a long distance from a Walmart so they have to use infomercials to get junk. Ok I've lost all point in my argument. They are pointless and will soon be replaced by the internet which is much faster and cheaper. I guess the TV networks will need to find a new way to make quick money because the infomercials are going the way of the dinosaur.
Good point. I guess I kinda jumped the gun on that one. I'll save my comments on the subject for later. Anyhow there is alot of hype out about this movie so we do see alot of sneak peaks and previews. I'm drawing most of my information from the commercials and they give me very little over all content of the movie, but from what I've seen I can draw some conclusion about the movie. It looked well made and had alot of work put into its fake Jesus carrying his fake cross down the streets of the Hollywood Jerusleum(sp?). I just hate seeing people trying to act out the story of Jesus. Even if it happens to be quite accurate.
I can't wait till my senior prom. My class has finally decided on a theme. It came down to The Roaring 20s, The Elizabethan Age, and The Future. We decided on my favorite, The Roaring 20s. I'm getting my suit custom made for my the prom and it is going to be a genuine remake. My date is suppose to be getting a matching dress with pearl beads and stuff. I'm going with my long time girlfriend, we aren't dating now but we promised each other that we were going to prom together. I'm going to be king of course, I mean do I have any competition in my class? I think not. Anyway....How was your senior prom? What was its theme? Who did you go with?
Everyone has been talking about this movie and I figured I'll start a thread on it. This movie is walking a thin line between religous and blasphemous. My friend, who happens to be part Jewish, has called it sacrilegious and doesn't want to go see it with me and some others. I'm going to see it mostly out of curiousity of what the big deal is over. I saw on the news that the Catholic Church was going to jump in to defend the Jweish people because the moive could be giving them a unfair prospective. Anyhow it I'm curious to see how good of a director Mel Gibson is who happens to be a devote Catholic.
I don't really know about this show. I mean, its on MTV2 who still shows reruns of Beavis and Butthead. This anime(what else to call it?)is actually pretty good I must say. The characters could be alittle better and the plot is like a Matrix forrunner. I really like J alot and his sidekick reminds me of either a really bad commical releif. I see this show as being Butch Kasidy and the Sun Dance Kid.
[COLOR=blue]I've been a devout horror movie watcher since before I can remember. I do remember back when I was little and watched the [I]Exorcist[/i] and [I]Poltergiest[/i] all by myself and almost died. Over the years I have seen horror movies degrade right before my eyes. It was looking pretty dim in the 80s with comical horror movies like [I]Gremlins[/i], but the 80s were saved by truelly scarey movies like [I]Aliens[/i]. The 90s started out terrible and got even worst; they began with some unknown movies that bored me half to death and then they progressed into stinky teen movie like [I]Scream[/i] and [I]I Know What You did Last Summer[/i]. Now in the new millennia I have to put up with RPHM(Role Playing Horror Movies) like [I]The Ring[/I] and [I]Fear.com[/I] where they want you to get involved. Why can't we just return to the good old monster movies like Steven King's [I]IT[/I] or maybe a revamped [I]Dark Stalker[/i]. I must admit though, that Jeeper's Creeper is half way intriguing and one of the best movies to come out of this era.[/color]
What are your thought about the illegal mod chip? If you don't know what this is I'm going to explain it. The mod chip is a game hack that can allow you to do anything. With it you can make a backup of virtually everything from a game to a cd. You can then access the backup anytime you would like without even having to buy the game or cd in. I have one installed in my GameCube, XBox, PS2, and PSX. Its kind of a bad thing, because I no longer eevn buy games all I do is go to blockbuster and rent a few games for 5 dollar and then go home and copy them to my gaming system after that I have them forever. It is very illegal and cheats every major gaming company out of their money. XBox has taken steps to make sure it doesn't work on there system but the creators of the chip stay a couple of steps ahead and just make it compatable for the changes in the system.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B]Whoa, I'm going to try to avoid the intense argument going on in here...[/B][/QUOTE] Actually avoiding arguments now? I myself have no problem with the use of recreatonal drugs. Sometimes people just need a reality break; to get away from the day to day dullness of life. For each his own if they want to take one of these drugs and go out of control, good for them I'm not going to get in their way. I've tried a few of them but they just weren't for me. I'll just stick with getting my high from alcohol. Some dude at school took Ya Ba(a really pure methamphetamine) and died instantly on the spot. He was foaming at the mouth and his body couldn't stop shaking. I can't become a candy flipper(X head) because I do have a football career and don't want to mess it up by being hooked on some funky drug. Girl around town get really messed up and then end up having babies and stuff, but it was their choice. Most of these drugs are made out of household stuff. Christmas Tree Meth is made out of drano and quite easy to make, but if you read on the drano bottle what does it say "for external not internal use". If people really want to get high there is nothing you can do to stop them and so I choose to let them live their lives the way they want.
My favorite temple came from Zelda Orcarina of Time. It is the Shadow Temple. I like it because it has so many different figures from the Reaper to the boat the takes you down the Styxs. The boss is kinda lane but getting to him is the most fun I've ever had playing. I also like The Legend of Zelda:Link to the Pasts, Forest Temple. The little monkey that leads you to the temple is so funny and clever. The boss and the monsters in the dungeon are hard to beat and difficult
My favorite enemy is Ganandorf's Shadow from Ocarina of Time. He was just like fighting Ganondorf at the end of the game. He is kinda hard to defeat because he hides in these pictures and pops out of one and trys to attack you. I also like the Volvagia on Death Montain with its flames. It is one of the coolest dragon in the world.