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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. This show is wicked and cruel but oh so funny. I love the concept to see if looks really do matter much in a relationship. Some of these guys are pathetic and so sad it hurts to watch them. I love it when the hots guys come in and the Average Joe's go into a fury. One even started working out.
  2. I just can't find these funny at all. The comedy is so dry and plain and in desperate need for some actuallt funny jokes. I've tried to get into them; honestly I have but they just suck to me. I half way like Chef and Bean and at times I even laugh at then, but sadly thats about it.
  3. I didn't like Ashton in the movie because I couldn't stop laughing at him. He wasn't even doing anything funny but I've associated him with comedy. I just couldn't watch the movie because I kept seeing That 70's Show spliced with Punk'd in my head. I can't see Ashton in anything other thing other then those two shows. The rest of the cast were excellent to me though and were good choices especially Ethan Suplee. The movie's plot is awesome though kinda hard to understand I had to tell the girl who I was with the entire movie for the most part. Evan Treborn(Ashton) is an interesting character and I'm fascinated by him.
  4. 1.[B]Tom Hanks[/b] is by far the greatest actor of all time. Forest Gump was extraordinary and so was Saving Private Ryan. It amazes me the way he can be so funny in one movie and then serious in the next. Most actors/actresses are labeled as either comedy or action stars but Tom can do anything from Action to comedy at times he even does both. 2.[B]John Travolta and Patrick Swayze[/b] are both actors who started there careers off with dance based movies. They both did excellent with John's Saturday Night Fever and Patrick's Dirty Dancing. 3.[B]Hilary Duff, Amanda Bynes, and Lindsay Lohan[/b]are my favorite teen actresses. I love them so much. I've met Amanda before and she was great and very nice. I'm looking forward to meeting the other two. 4.[B]Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Dam, and Vin Diesel[/b]are pretty much the same person to me. They are all big action stars who can't speak english well. 5.[B]Lucy Liu[/b]is by far one of the hottest actresses in the world. Everything she has been in I loved; from Kill Bill to Alley McBeal. She was perfect in Charlie's Angels and to me out shown the rest of the angels.
  5. This one is easy. Duo Maxwell's Gundam is known as The Great Destroyer: Deathscythe. When the origianl Deathscythe was destroyed it was remade and called Deathscythe Hell. Now my Gundam Wing Question. Its another easy one. What was Zech Merquise real name?
  6. Sorry people but I hate 24. When this show first debuted it was suppose to be ground breaking and completely new. Instead they just mixed The West Wing with the time quality of Dragon Ball Z. DBZ has been wasteing time before 24 was even thought of. I sat through three episodes and other then seeing a few hot chicks I got nothing from it. I must admit though, its plot is very interesting. [spoiler]The virus/terrorsit storyline fo this season is extraordinary. They are the first show to actually pull it off flawlessly; sure I've seen hospitall shows and some Soaps try it but they failed.[/spoiler]
  7. [COLOR=darkred] I enjoy there music alot and find there songs very interesting especially. My favorite songs are "Whisper" and "My Last Breath". They made a excelent video in "Bring Me to Life" also. At first I thought the group was going to be completely Gothic and seeing the CD cover in the music store didn't comfort my fears(Amy the vocalist looked kinda like Marilyn Manson on it.) I got the CD anyways, and realized it was actually more Christian then Gothic in nature. I don't really believe they are worthy of 5 Grammy nominations though. The only nomations I agree with are Best New Artist and Best Hard Rock Performance. I must admit though, I would much rather see them win then Fountain of Waynes.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=crimson]General Awards Overall Member of the Year:Charles Honorable Mention:Me of course Male Otaku of the Year:James Honorable Mention:Me once again Female Otaku of the Year:Terra Honorable Mention:Not me.....hopefully Staff Member of the Year:Manic Honorable Mention:Mitch Funniest Member:Wrist Cutter Honorable Mention:Me, I guess? Most Opinionated Otaku:Olga the Dwarf Honorable Mention:Ummmmm Me??? Member most likely to be here in two years:Adam Honorable Mention:Probably not me Best Newbie:Evolved Dragon Honorable Mention:Second place goes to....me Best Oldie:Ben Honorable Mention:Maybe me someday Most likely to become a Staff Member:Heaven Cloud Honorable Mention:Possible Me Favorite Banned Member:Watinabe Honorable Mention:Never will be me......hopefully Most improved Member of the Year: Drix D'Zanth Honorable Mention:Meeeeeeeeee Thread of the Year:Matrix Reloaed Honorable Mention:A thread about me Silliest Thread of the Year:Joke Thread Honorable Mention:A thread not about me Random Awards Avatar Award: Shy Honorable Mention: ME,MY,MO,MUM Signature Award: Japan 86 Honorable Mention: Dah its me Best Location: T-Man Honorable Mention:Mine Best Otaku Couple:Kitty and Buriro Honorable Mention:Me and my girl Best looking Otaku:Baby Girl Honorable Mention: Don't wanna sound shallow but, ME Otaku clique of the Year: Delta Rebellion Honorable Mention:My, HellFire Club Best MyOtaku: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention:Mine....lets not lie.....not mine Otaku Writers Poet Laureate:Karma of Choas Honorable Mention:To Me or not to Me........ME Writer of the Year:PoisonTongue Honorable Mention:Must I say me Orginal Story of the Year:I Winter Tale Honorable Mention:Mine though it did suck Role-Player of the Year:Vicky Honorable Mention:Me mee meee just tuning up Brawler of the Year (sparring):Raiha Honorable Mention:Me, no really, meeeee Role-Playing Game of the Year:The Matrix: Rebooted Honorable Mention:Mines, mines, all for keeping Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: ChibiHorseWoman Honorable Mention: Don't make me say it....... me Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention:Me, silly Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: Sara Honorable Mention:Its all about.......me .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: HackHelba Honorable Mention:Me though I don't watch hack DragonBall Guru: PiroMunkie Honorable Mention: Me Digipeep of the Year: Na' Duo Honorable Mention:Me Gundam Member of the Year: Duorocks17 Honorable Mention:I'm the honorable mention, that I am Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Deathbug Honorable Mention:MeGiOh Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1 Honorable Mention:Possible me Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: DeathKnight, Honorable Mention:Let me guess.......is it me Nintendo "Mario" Award:Shinmaru Honorable Mention:Hint, hint, me The Sony Award:Valen Honorable Mention:Me Xbox Gamer of the Year:Hells Fire(me forreal this time) Honorable Mention:cloricus PC Gamer of the Year:BlazinReddrgn Honorable Mention:Mime Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):Evolved Dragon Honorable Mention:Is it me, I think it is Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention:Please vote for Me Best Spriter:Kazuko Honorable Mention:Sorry but its not going to be anyone but me Series Otakus Series Otaku Member of the Year: Desbreko Honorable Mention:Hey, its me if you couldn't tell Square/Enix Member of the Year:Sephiroth Honorable Mention:I can't be...nooooo its.........me PokéPlaque (Pokemon):Crimson Spider Honorable Mention:Me once again The Triforce Award (Zelda):Conna da Fox Honorable Mention:Lastly me[/color]
  9. Pagan


    I liked the Spirited Away soundtrack though it was mostly just the same song played over and over just with little differences. I also enjoyed the Alladin soundtrack just because it had [I]I can show the world[/I] on it. And of course the 8 Mile soundtrack which is one on M&M's best CDs ever.
  10. My hair color changes every week. Last week me and my friends dyed our hair purple and we all wore matching designs of clothes. I have also dyed my hair pink in honor of Trunks a couple of years back. Right now I'm using my natural brown color with a few red streaks. Next week I'm going white or maybe completely red.
  11. I remember last year there was a couple who were caught having [spoiler]oral sex[/spoiler] in the weight room upstairs in the gym. The kids were sent home for a couple of days and after that the teachers have never been the same. They watch the security cameras for the littlest things and will chase you down in the hallways if you are even seen about to kiss. So the kids have to get creatice with it. My girlfriend used to drop her books and I would bend down to get them for her but I really was rubding her leg. We also had well placed objects that blocked the teachers view. There are alot of blind spot in the school were the cameras aren't. The bathroom in one of them, but thats kinda risky because the person who doesn't belong gets suspended. I rent out the janitors closet for a fee of $5.00 for 10 minuets. My P.D.A has gone pretty far but then I remember why I come to school and that I could just save it until home, but the fear of getting caught is such a turn on and sometime you just have to play your chances.
  12. [COLOR=firebrick] This is my unfinished poem(elegy)I was supposed to read at one of my girlfriends funerals. They didn't let me read it and instead had me read some poem by Emily Dickens(her favorite poet). Is my poem really that bad and please be honest? Sometimes I think about you And our future together I promised that I would love you And protect you forever My love for you was endless But it ended before it began In loving memory of Stacy Andrews. [U]The Histoty Behind the Poem[/u](please read) This poen was dedicated to my girlfriend who died in a car crash last year. She was driving under the influence and I can't help but feel responsible because she was driving from my Christmas party. I offered her a room at my house and really didn't want her to drive but she said she could make it and wanted to be home for Christmas morning. I really shouldn't have let her leave it was really late about 4:00 AM but I was drunk myself and tired; so I gave in and let her leave. I remember going to bed thinking she only lived down the road alittle and could make it home no problem. When I woke up the next morning her mom called at about 6:00 AM and asked if she had spent the night over here; I said no and we began to search for her. She was found a couple of hours later many miles from her house in a ditch. She was barely alive and the doctors said she wouldn't make it to the end of the day. She put up a good fight though and almost made it to see January 1, 2003 but she died 9 minuets before the clock hit 12:00. I remember her last words to me were "I love you" and she died before I could say I love you too. I always think about her on Christmas and what could have happened if I had only not let her leave, but I was stupid and let her attempt to drive home. I miss her so much and sometimes wish I could have died with her. Maybe with the story about what happened to me I can deter some of you from DUI; just think about the people you are leaving behind. PLEASE PEOPLE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!! FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
  13. I asked for a all new Volvo with some nice rims and a spanking new sound system. I even offered to pay the monthly bill on the car all they needed to do was cough up the 30,000 down payment. Instead they just gave me their old 2001/2002 Audi and bought a new Mercedes for themselves. They also gave me the rims and the sound system but now I will have to dish out the money to have it installed. I wanted the new car I've never owned a brand new car, but I guess the Audi is ok. It is still mostly new I guess. The paint job is excellent on it and the leather seats have warmers built in. I'm a major car freak and all of my money go into my rides. Now I have three rides to take care of:a jeep(my favorite), a car(the audi), and a old style beautiful coverett(I named her Precious) oh yeah and a motorcyle that needs the head lights fixed.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Snodin [/i] [B]By the way, the Scales really are based on an ancient Egyptian myth that involves the god Osiris. He weighs the souls of the dead on a scale, and if the soul outweighs the feather, that soul can move up to the next realm, and if not, they're eaten by a monster named Amut. [/B][/QUOTE] Excellent! I see that there is another Mythology lover here in otaku. The scale is called Maat and is also the goddess of justice and truth. Amut the devouver is demon who eats the hearts of the judged if they weigh more then the feather. All of the millenium item are based on Egyptian mythes. The puzzle was actually a puzzle found in the tomb of some pharoh. The millenium Ankh is given to everly pharoh when they die to give them new life in the underworld and also tell them friend from foe. I have a quetion. Are the other items waiting for other people to come and collet them or are they Shadi's? If they are his wouldn't that mess up the balance Shadi is trying so hard to maintain? I remember when Bakura took Pegasus's eye Shadi came from Egypt to investegate; why didn't he come when Yami took Ishizu's necklace?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Maybe it's because you're using "then" when it should be "than". [/B][/QUOTE] Wow you're making a habit of this. Like Aaron could do any better. I've heard him say "better den";atleast I'm closer then him. Thank You Very Much. Now to the more important stuff. I saw that skit on SNL it was hilarious. I must admit that I have bought one of his CDs just to destroy it. I hate the song when he is trying to rap about beating Shaq. How Shaq degrade himself by letting Aaron Carter dunk on him; he should have thrown him dwon the court. Has this kid ever made a rap song that actually has words that rhyme.
  16. What do you think of Aarom Carter: the singer, dancer, and actor. My sisters worship this boy they love him and wishes they could trade me out for him. I can't stand him at all he has taken my sisters. He has dated every girl I like: Hilary Duff, Amanda Vines, and Lindsey Lohan. I should be sining me heart out: I look better then him, can sing better then him and, I am smarter then him so why is he famous and I'm not? You want to know why its all because of his gay brother Nick Something in one of those stupid boy bands. Now he is complaining about his mom stealing his money. I say take it all Mrs. Carter; I'm with you all the way!
  17. [COLOR=firebrick]Are you cocky and arrogant? Do you think your better then people and trys to show it. I know I'm better then people and openly display it. We all think we are better then certain people, some of us just don't act like it. I can at times be very rude and snooty. When I'm around my friend especially; we have these rules that are known by most but have to told to others: 1. If you live on the "poor side of town" don't talk to us. 2. If you are "not up on your looks"don't try to flirt with us. 3. If you take "slow classes" don't even stare at me. 4. If you are a "underclassman and not on the cool list"you are invisble to us. 5. If you aren't in the "in crowd" you don't belong with us. There are more but I won't go there. We actually have these written in a notebook somewhere. I know I'm a jerk but I wasn't always. Over the years my confidence has grown into all out arrogance. I've watched as I left behind my nerdy nintendo bunch of friends and moved up to dating a cheerleaders and hanging out with my fellow jocks. I tried to help sevral of my old friends into my new clique, but the gap was just to great and I ended up having to lose them. Slowly I began to take charge of my school and now that I'm a senior I am the single most popular and powerful person in the school. Being all of this I most maintain a certain level of coolness and that means not talking to people who are under me while my friends are around. You can approach me when I'm alone(girls only) and talk or something. I'm one of the nicest people in my school and I am very kind and generous, but when I'm around my friends I am in jerk mode. I sometimes go and apologize for being mean to people, most understand but others call me phony or two faced. [/color]
  18. I'm pretty sure this thread has been done thousands of times, but I am just really curious. So I'm asking what two millenium items you would like to posses and why. But remember while chosing you have to take everything it comes with which includes the spirits Here is a link to the otaku page on the subject [url]http://theotaku.com/yugioh/milleniumitems.shtml[/url] I think I would like to own the millenium ring and rod. I think it would be and internal battle between Yami Bakura and Yami Marik and they would be to busy fighting on the inside to notice me on the outside. The two abilities one to locate other items and on other to control minds would be one of the best combinations of them all. I also have a question about the Yugioh Tv show. Why do the characters voices change when they tap into the powers of their millenium item? My thought is that they are using their past life voices because I know for sure Yugi's can't be over 12 and he would be the first 12 year old with a voice that deep.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]That being said, I do wish you the best of luck with choosing a university, it is a tough decision. Hopefully you'll keep us posted about your decision. Also, if you do play football, I'd appreciate a copy of your strength training program that you recieve in the summer. Being a bit of a gym rat, I love trying different college training programs (I actually have quite a few from some of the larger universities and I rotate them monthly) because they all are remarkably different.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick]Thanks you for your support and attempt to help me. You remind me so much of my big sister it amazes me. I wil get you my training program and workout sceduale. Oh yeah I bought this junk out of a Eastbay magazine that really helps me build up my strenght. It was some shoes that build leg muscles by making you stand on the tip of your toes and a vest with weights in it that you can attach a parchute to and run around with. By the way may I ask what college you go to? You never seemed to mention it. ^_^[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]My little sister is a senior in High School. She has been all conference three years in Volleyball and all state the past two years. She also was all State two years a row in basketball and she has won various awards from AAU camps and Hoops and Dreams tournaments. Needless to say, her situation has made me quite familiar with how athletes are selected for large universities. You may be getting countless catalogues, brochures, and letters, but heck, I got those. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]Its very different with girl sports. They don't bring in much money and usually end up costing more then they make in(no offense ladies, I still love you all). When you are a GREAT as me walk on won't be a problem for me. Come to the field throw a few TDs and work on my celebration dance. They are fighting over me and will find away to get on their team if I arrive late. Red Shirt Freshman all the way! About the not being able to pass thing, "jocks" get alot and I mean alot of help if they are important to the team and a good player. I'm pretty much being forced to graduate by all of these teachers and coachs. I haven't lifted a pencil all year yet I have a B average. I have also paid alot of money for ACT/SAT tutoring and have all of the Kaplan programs on my computer; these have brought me great success on the ACT and SAT. Sure my scorese weren't really great but they are in the upper middle range. Now to the arrongance thing. When you are a QB you have to have confidence in yourself and the team. When I walk on the field I believe I am better then the other team and that they will be no problem. Sure I would be wonderful if I wasn't a QB but that also helps to make me better then the average person. I mean I have the looks, the brains(though I don't use them), and the a great personna. Who can't help but love me![/color]
  21. [COLOR=darkred]Hearing so much about George and Elaine reminds me of a show when George falls in love with Elaine after hearing her sexy message on Jerry's answering machine (I would kill to know what she is saying). Doesn't the last episode suck? It was funny and all, but I didn't like seeing them get locked up in the end. The plot seemed to sudden and not well planned like the show ended without warning, but if that was so then they wouldn't hve time to round up all those people to guess appear. Sometimes I wonder if I would've helped the fat guy or have just stood there and laugh and made jokes. [/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Every school you mentioned was a division one school, and the date that you can officially sign letters of intent is in early November. However, it is almost unheard of receiving a sports scholarship after November, mainly because the scholarships have already been allocated or reserved by people that have, AT THE VERY LEAST, used an official visit at a college. You do get five official visits, but usually those are taken in early fall (September or October) after the candidate has had an initial visitation. This should have been clearly stated in the thousands upon thousands of letters of interest that you received from various colleges (and it would be in the thousands if said division one schools were truly interested in you). Like I said bro, either you are full of ?explicative deleted? or you have procrastinated so long that you?ll be lucky if you are able to be a walk on at any of those schools. I wouldn't be counting on an athletic scholarship unless you are an indecisive All-American.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]When you have skills like me people will try anything to get you to come to their school. I could run down my stats for you but I don't have all night. Most school I've recieved letters from aren't really offering scolarship(not that I need one anyway)just brochures and junk telling me dates and stuff. I've recieved letters of admission from Georgia Tech and have been there on many occasions. My coach and family have pretty much said I'm going there and I am pretty much going there but I want to try some of my options before its actually to late. When you are a athelete schools will be more gracious and kinder to you then some musical and academic people late comers. Yes I did start sending in letters late but people listen when you are as good as me.*Head gets really big and then explodes*[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] So many good quotes... "you stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?" [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah that was a great quote. My favorite was "Serenity Now" from the show when George's dad was having anger mangament problems. Does anyone remember the show when Elaine had saw this guy at the gym and she thought he was hot; then this guy named Jimmy who talks in thrid person came up and started talking to Elaine? He was like Jimmy thinks your're hot and Elaie thought Jimmy was the guy who she liked and was flirting with him as if he was the hot guy.(Hard to understnd if you don't watch.)
  24. I know there are alt of college students here at otaku andI was just wondering if you could tell me about your college or University? I'm going to be in college next year and can't seem to make up my mind so maybe from your description I could decide. My dad said I need to narrow it down to five. I've sent recieved letters from every major football school in the East and some Midwest. These are colleges I've recieved letters of admissions and football scolarships from: Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Texas A&M, Alabama, Florida State, Kanas State, UCLA, Mississippi State, Auburn University, Penn, LSU, Syracuse, Notre Dame, and Michigan State. The only reason these schools want me is because I'm a good foootballl player and my ACT scores weren't that bad. Do you have any advice on which school I should chose?
  25. Just so nobody SPAMs up this thread I'm gonna ask that you answer some simple question if you don't have anything to really talk about. Who likes Seinfeld and why do you like it? Who is your favorite character and why them? What is your favorite episode and why is that one it? I love this show so much. I actually have the entire series taped on VHS. The plot of the show had me from the begining. It is just a show about people living their lives: no true villians, no true plot, and no morals. I really love it when at the end of the series it began to develope a plot but it was a crazy one. The plot was that they were going to make a show within the show about the show. I know thats hard to understand but you die hard fans wil get it. I am really attracted to Elaine physically but y favorite character has to be George. I just find him sad and pathetic that it makes me laugh. He is so cocky and arrogant though he doesn't have a reason to be; I mean come on he is fat, bald, and not very smart. I love all of the shows, but one really stood out to me. Its the one when Jerry is dating this stupid chick and his brain is playing chess with his...........well you know. The brain loses and Jerry ends up in th bed with the dum chick. Sometimes I have this very same game playing out in my head and end up making the sam choice as he did.
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