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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. That Offspring song is addicting. I can't get enough of it and now I walk around say "I know you wanna hit that." That little tune drives me crazy. I'm also addicted to this stupid rap song where Nelly asks this dude "What tha Hook gon be?" and then the dude replies "I don't need no hook on this beat"but by saying all that they made a hook? So what song has a hook that you are hooked to?
  2. Pagan

    Kid Rock

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr Highlight [/i] [B]WTF's up with his new album? :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] I don't want to sound like a moderator but, you really do need to improve your post quality. You only posted one sentence and didn't even mention the CD's name. I really think this is could be considered SPAM but I do like Kid Rock. His new album "Rock" for some odd reason sucks. His music quality has really shifted. He used to be all energy and rap rock but now I see him go sit down with a acostic guitar and just play softly alot more. I think Pamela Anderson has done something to him or taken all of his energy. "Feel Like Makin Love" his first vidoe off of this album could be alot better. I don't think I'm going to his concert when it comes here in February; I'm going to wait for Limp Bizit instead. By the way I really like your banner of Carmen Elektra she is hot.
  3. [COLOR=firebrick]I owned five of them and wish I could get a refund. Those things were so stupid. The only reason I had them was because they were popular at the time and everybody had one. Me and my friends had competition to see who could own the most and I lost because the other had then into the teens. I'm trying to get rid of mine but the homeless kids don't even want them. [/color]
  4. Wow ChibiHorsewoman you sure do post alot. I remember ages ago I used to have more then you. How do you do it? The movie I can't wait to see is HONEY with Jessica Alba. I think of this movie as being Jennifer Lopez's life story. She starts off as a dancer and slowly becomes a popstar. Not to mention how hot Jessica is. Did I happen to mention how hot Jessica is? Anyways I'm going to go see Lord of The Rings: Return of the King of course. Then maybe the Haunted Mansion because I'm a Eddie Murphy fan. I aslo plan to see some movie with this dude named Nick Cannon in it but I can't remember the title. There needs to be a good R rated movie I can go see but none of the one out now really interest me. Any suggestion for a R rated moive?
  5. Pagan

    Clay Aiken!!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B]Are you looking for any excuse to rip a newbie? I find that immature. If you are going to diss someonefor spelling, make sure you yourself can spell. "Invivsible"? "pry?" "braf?" do i sense hypocrisy here? On to the subject at hand, I heven't really given much thought to a certain popstar I'd like to meet, it's not something that's really a pressing issue for me, If I, by chance met britney somewhere, I mgiht introduce myself, and I might say hello, but then again I might not, it depends on the situations, she is after all, a human, and she needs her own space, and I'm not much of a celebrity fanatic. [/B][/QUOTE] The endless war between status. The Junior Members rag on the newbies and the Members rag on the Junior Members. Can't we all just be friends? But yes Deanna you were being mean and quite rude to the newbie nation. They out number us and we would be nothing without them. They start most of the threads and do most of the banners. And remember it was only last month that me and you were both newbies. :blah: :lecture: Anyways I must agree with the personal space thing, though I most likely wouldn't uphold it. These peoples lives are suppose to be a open and free for all to read, but when they try to keep it a secret its just not fair. When they sign that contract they agree to never have private business again in my opinion. That the price you pay to a celebrity.
  6. The attitude era is dead and now it reminds me of WCW in its last days with all of its stables(groups). The matches are all so boring and longer then ever not to mention repetitive. Smack Down's WWE title has bounced between the same three people:Brock Angle, and Big Show. Raw is trying so hard to be exciting and entertaining that is just seems way to desperate. They have brought back superstar after superstar to try to get the fans back into it. There are some good new and good old ones though like Matt Hardy, John Cena, and of course Brock Lesner . I blame all of the WWE's problems on the Brand Extension. Tag teams that we had grown to love were broken up like Edge and Christian and The Hardy Boyz. New teams have arrived that no one seem to like or care about like La Restrante or the Bashom Brothers. The absence of the hardcore title has greatly weakened the rosters by adding people into places they don't belong. Al Snow should be wrestling not annoucing(though he is good). There is a army of people who are trying to find there place in the WWE. I must admit that the main events of Raw have gotten alot better but Smackdown needs to really work on their's because the Strecher match just can't beat the Elimination Chamber. The miss managment of character has also brought about a decline. Rey Mysterio should be used alot better then he is all he does is pop up once a month and lose on a major match. I really do think Beniot deserves the title shot way more then Hardcore Holly in my opinion. Hardcore is very deserving but Beniot eats, sleeps, and dreams about the title and needs it after all he has been through.
  7. [COLOR=crimson]I love my rings alot. Yes I said rings. I had to get two just to have all of my accomplishments during high school acknowledged. On the first one I have my sports stuff like Football, Baseball, and Basketball. The other I have all of my academic and musical stuff like Band an Honor Society(like I ever go to the meetings). I look like a pimp walking down the hallway with my many rings on including my Championship football rings.[/color]
  8. Pagan

    Clay Aiken!!!!

    I think Clay chose the wrong career choice. I think he would do alot better on Broaday then the pop scene. He has a pretty good voice but its not pop. I love Hilary Duff so much! She is so wonderful in every way. She is cute and a good actress and can also siing quite well. I watch Lizzy every day on the Disney channel just tp see her. She has a great personality and is very nice. She has recently said, "I seem to be the only teenage girl without a boyfriend." Well Hilary I would e happy to fill the role for you.
  9. [COLOR=darkred]Name: Sousuke Sagara Year: 4(senior of course) Team: Weapons Club(and since know one is the leader I'll be) Label: The popular jock around the school who every girl loves and every boy either hates or wants to be friends with. Description:[/color] [url]http://www.full-metal-panic.com/image.php?file=images/recon/characters/sousuke/sousuke01.jpg[/url] [COLOR=darkred]Bio: Coming from a rich family and being the greatest football player in the world; he is very full of himself. He has had many girl friends in the school and is known as a player and cheater. Either love him or hate but you gotta respect him.[/color]
  10. [COLOR=green]A strange meeting occur in a room within a huge mansion between an old professor named Dr.Swom and a young man standing in the shadows. [/color] [COLOR=red]?Why have you paid such a large sum to come speak to me sir?? Dr.Swom asks while sitting in a huge chair in front of the fireplace.[/color] [COLOR=blue] ?They say that you are over 500 years old, and was living during the war between the galaxies. Is this correct?? The figure in the shadows ask in a very deep slow voice [/color] [COLOR=red] ?Yes it is correct, me being a Torquon so I live a very long life. Why do you ask about the war? It has been ages since I?ve thought about it.? The doctor starts patting his pockets as if he is looking for something [/color] [COLOR=blue] ?I just have a interest in my history and heritage.? The figure says in a so so manner [/color] [COLOR=red] ?ok then I?ll tell you of the war. I remember I was young like you. I was in the war as a scientist who was assigned to weapons design and research. The war went on for thousands of years with neither side gaining any ground, but that was about to change." Dr.Swom pulls a cigar out of his pocket and lights it.[/color][COLOR=blue]"Why is that? The young figure lean against the fireplace preparing for the doctor?s answer."[/color][COLOR=red]"Because we made a weapon, a weapon so powerful that it could disrupt the flow and balance of time itself. We used it on our enemies and the result was better then expected." Dr.Swom takes a few puff of his cigar [/color][COLOR=blue]"How is that if I may ask Doctor?" The figure moves away from the fireplace and back into the darkest shadows [/color][COLOR=red] Just to put it plain and simple the weapon obliterated the entire galaxy. It destroyed every solar system, every planet in the system, and every person on the planets. No one was spared." Dr.Swom blows a puff of smoke into the air in satisfaction [/color][COLOR=blue]"How is that possible?!? No weapon can destroy and entire galaxy like that!!" The figure in his amazement almost reveals himself from the shadows.[/color][COLOR=red]"The weapon didn't destroy the galaxy it digressed it by about a 100,000thousand year. The galaxy will be back in the next couple millennium, "Dr.Swom says with a chuckle of pride and dominance. Dr.Swom is almost finished with his cigar and seems disappointed in it. "$5,000 dollar cigar, ha that's a laugh"[/color][COLOR=blue]"So what happened to this weapon?? The figure begins to move out of the shadows while saying this. [/color][COLOR=red]"We hid it so no one can ever use it again, "The cigar is now gone and the doctor begins to look toward the figure approaching him.[/color][COLOR=blue]"Where is it hidden and why not just destroy it?" The figure stops. The figure face in still hidden but most of his body is showing.[/color][COLOR=red]"We couldn't destroy the weapon because it exists in time. The only way to destroy it would be to travel through time and destroy it everywhere. Why do you ask, do you intend to destroy it?? Dr.Swom asks with eagerness and doubt on his face. [/color][COLOR=blue]"My second question doctor, then I'll answer yours. Where is the weapon?? the figure takes a step closer.[/color][COLOR=red]"I don't know where the weapon is we launched it into a black hole. "The doctor sense the figures intent for the weapon and looks toward the door.[/color][COLOR=blue]"I'll just assume you mean the Ralino black holes right? And you were wrong about something in your story? Part of the figures upper body is showing but not enough to make out details.[/color][COLOR=red]"Yeah the Ralino holes." The doctor is very nervous and keeps staring at the door.[/color][COLOR=blue]"I wouldn't go for the door if I were you. And you never asked me what you left out of your story." The figure finally walks out of the shadow completely.[/color][COLOR=red]"What was I wrong about in the story? "The doctor grabs his glasses to get a better look at the blurred figure but after he puts them on his face the figure is missing. He figures here's his chance to run for the door and alert the security alarm on the other side. He darts toward the door. Suddenly he is knocked to the floor and his glasses fall off.[/color] [COLOR=blue]"You were wrong when you said there were no survivors from the rival galaxy "He then reaches into his jacket.[/color][COLOR=red]"But there were none we scanned the entire quadrant through and through. They are all gone."[/color][COLOR=blue]"Looks like you missed one then. You really should have checked better then you have and included hybrids in your search." He kicked the doctor?s glasses over to him.[/color][COLOR=red]"You, you can't be, "The doctor finds his glass and puts them on . He looks up at the person standing in front of him. "Wait your, your a, your a Darkronite!!! But we destroyed you all!!! Your people were in the first solar system that the weapon attacked. You should be dead!!! How are you here!?!? Where are you from?!?? The doctor reaches into his boot and pulls out a electron blaster and quickly fires it at the Darkronite, but misses terribly. ?Dam those little fast bastards.? [/color] [COLOR=blue] ?I?m from the past but also from the future that all you need to know.? The Darkronite quickly dodges another couple shot and charges toward the doctor and brutally slaughters him. ?Well that?s that, now to find that weapon. I think I?ll need to team to help me. Now lets see.? The Darkronite grin a evil grin and leaves.[/color]
  11. [COLOR=firebrick]I like all of Inuyasha themes. My favrite out of all of them is Dearest, though Fukai Morai is a close second. Inuyasha has so many powerful songs that bring about different emotions from sadness to joy. Most just make me tired and relaxed. I also like the jazzy theme from Cowboy Bebop [I]The Real Folks Blues[/I]. [/color]
  12. So this movie is going to be based on the Justice Leage's Green Lantern and not the original one from the comics. I hated the way they tampered with the storylines of both Hawkman and Green Lantern for their convience. The only reason they changed it was to bring in a larger audience and be more diverse one which I can understand. They drew more girls to the show by having Hawkman get a sex change and they drew more African Americans by having Green Lantern Black. Green Lantern is still my favorite DC super hero other then Superman(you gotta love the big guy) and Flash. I would have liked it if they were more accurate and closer to the comics when making the movie but hey, I would still go an watch it.
  13. I like Prince of Persia. My friend just got it and we have been playing is all day. It is like a dream; in most games ou wish you could turn back time but in this one you can actually do it. You can also see into the future which can kind of ruin the surprise. You can speed up time which I don't really like much because it I like playing games slowly. You cab slow down time which I love. The graphics are so so they could be better.
  14. I would like to be Professor Xavier. He has never had a action figure made in his image(atleast I don't think). He should of course come with his hover chair made from Shiar technology. Be bald and have phyic powers(not real powers of course) .
  15. This show isn't really that bad. At first I hated it because it was kinda like Pokemon just with robots. They went around and captured different robots and made friends with them. This plot kind of sucked to me. Now that Unicron came into the picture it has gotten alot better.
  16. My first kiss was weird and okward. I was only in 4th grade and didn't know what I was doing. I had seen it on TV a thousands and figured it was going to be easy. At first all we did was just smush our lips together then we tried to tongue but it wasn't really happening. We just laughed afterward.
  17. I have a cool nickname that goes well with my football team position. My school is the Rockets and we have matching names. I'm the quaterback and head of the offense so they call me Count Down. The kicker and head of the special teams is called Short Fuse. The defensive tackle who is the head of the defense is called Time Bomb. Nobody except the coaches and other players call of this, its just a football thing.
  18. Ash never seems to be out of money. He buys pokemon food and medicine, eats burgers and fries at restuarnts, buys new clothes(I hope). I know in the game they were given money for winning, but in the series I don't see any money exchange at all. How does Ash support himself? Does he have a job on the side? Is he a charity case? Does mom just mail him money; which I don't believe for some reason?
  19. I like Don't Wake Daddy and Mouse Trap for some odd reason. I know they are kiddy but I just can't get enough of them. They are so simple and fun and don't really seem to teacher you anything. I hate games where you have to think just for fun. The only games I like that are strategy are Chess and Checkers and every gambling card game.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arcadia [/i] [b]Santa Baby.[/b] Madonna's version. I actually did this for a lyp-sync contest in theatre, complete with a fun little red sexy Santa costume. Won some candy. Whoo. [/QUOTE] I really like the commercial with the lady from Cheers dancing around singing it to the worker at Pier One. Heres my list 1. Jingle Bells Batman smells, Robin Laid and Egg, Bat Mobile lost a wheel And the Joker Got Away 2. Joy to the world My teachers dead We Bar B Q her head What happened to her body We flushed it down the potty Round and Round it goes x3 I just have a thing for corrupt christmas songs.
  21. I'm listening to My Immortal right now trying to figure out what she is singing about. At first I though God but now I'm really leaning toward other thing. I just got Evanescence's Fallen CD after they recieved 5 Grammy nominations. I really like My Immortal, Bring Me To Life, and Going Under the most but they do have some other good songs like My Last Breath and Tourniquet.
  22. Great just great! I really like the Cloud banner. It is seriously cool, though I like to see his sword in banners this one is still excellent. The second banner rocks also. It is very funny and I agree it should be a Dragon Board somewhere. Maybe one with Gambit in it.^_^
  23. I was driving home from Thanks Giving at my Aunt's house in Utah. It already a long drive and took me all day but the last thing I needed was a greedy cop. This guy caught me going and coming. I admit the first time I was going 93 but the second I was only going 70 but it was in a construction zone where the speed limit is something like 65 so they got me again. I think the cop put a track on my car or something. It was countless other people driving near me and some where going even faster but for some odd reason he picked me out of the rest,I was the slowest and easiest to catch. I should've ran for it, my car could have smoked his with no problem, too bad my little sister was in the car. Even worse he took all day making the ticket, I mean whats the hold up anyway? He made me late to the Georgia Tech vs. Georgia University and ultimately made Tech lose because I wasn't there. Have you ever got a speeding ticket? What did you do to get out of it(flirt, bribe,etc)?
  24. I'm a big MTV fan and thats pretty much all I watch other then wrestling. These two shows are great and so funny though a little cruel. I mean would you like your parents spying on your vacation or having some stranger touch your personal stuff. These shows are so funny though, and I sometimes find myself enjoying these shows; while hoping my parents don't pop in on my trip to New Orleans in Spring. What do you think of these evil shows?
  25. I hate my family. My parents are hardly never home and leave me to take care of my lazy sisters. My Mom has cancer so she has a reason for not being home but my dad jumps on every buisiness trip aviable just to get away from the house.
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