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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. I'm sorry for being a jerk Artemis. Though I don't really think that I'm Evan, I can see alot of his features in me. I enjoy my life as a player and wouldn't trade it in for anything. I love women so much that I just can't seem to have enough of them. I like so many different personalities and things about different ones that I just have to have them all. One day I'm gonna meet that perfect girl who has all of those features wrapped up in a pretty nice package and then I'll lose the rest but until then I'm gonna have add up different personalities until I make her. I remember back when I was younger, I was kinda chubby. So it was hard for me to find a girlfriend. One day this new girl came and I made my move on her. We became friends and then a couple. I loved her and I thought that she loved me in return but I was gravely mistaken. She didn't love me at all and was only using me for my money and popularity around school. After she made a name for herself, she dumped me and had a new wardrobe to boot while leaving me there with nothing. Even worse she told me that she had just used me and bragged to her friends. This was back at my old middle school. I moved to Atlanta and started my 7th grade year. In 7th grade I turned that fat into muscle and started developing into a man. By 8th grade I was hot stuff and had it all: money, popularity, great body, everything that I guy could possible want, but that girl still plagued my thoughts. The way she used me still hurt so I dated a girl just like her in every way and used her the same way my first girlfriend used me. Then another and another until I just lost control and was breaking hearts here and there. I did meet some girls who I loved and they loved me and they were spaired from my wrath, but the others were fair game. I'm currently recovering from one of my trips of vengance were I hurt someone who I didn't want to.
  2. Pagan

    Rainbow 6

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]I've heard good things about this game too. Apparently, it's more like Splinter Cell than the original Rainbow 6 games, is that true? Can you play it without an X Box Live headset? I don't have Live, I may get it, but I have a very crap broadband supplier, so I don't think I can get it just yet. I have alot of question to ask about this game. Is it First Person, or Third Person? Well, I'll ask more question when you reply. --Bing[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry for the delay on the reply; I've been stuck infront of my X Box. It is kinda like Splinter Cell in away like the graphica look the same but other then that its really different. Yes you can play without the live headset but it takes away from the fun of cursing at people. It can be either first or thrid I believe I haven't really noticed. I think you can change it though.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~aya kinimoto~ [/i] [B]And besides im not fond of using gamesharks or guides because for me "gamesharks and guides are only for sissies and they must not call themselves true gamers!!" Am i right? [/B][/QUOTE] Gamesharks and guides are for busy people who don't have time to sit and play the game; we just want to get to the good part and don't want to go through all that stuff.
  4. Mia and Joey , Kaiba and Ishizu, Yugi and Tea, Tristen or Duke and Serenity, Pegasus and whatever her name was. Hey do you think Kaiba like Ishizu or Ishizu likes Kaiba? Thats the only couple I'm not sure about.
  5. I like Heavy Arms out of the most out of the rest of the Gundams. I looks the coolest and has the best weapon out of all of them. The others have those close range weapons or those long distance single shot weapon but with his machine guns he coulds easy massacre and entire fleet in only seconds by combing the battle field with a speard of bullets.
  6. Sounds like you need to cheat on the test. I know cheating is wrong but drastic times call or drastic measures. I don't want you to do the really bad stuff just help yourself out alittle. Ask somebody who takes the class before for some help or ask if they remember some of the answers.
  7. Inuyasha is my favorite out of those choices given. It could have alittle better animation but the plot makes up for that. The characters are so so most are not going to be around long enough to make a difference. The villians are excellent and make the show worth watching.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Good idea. Let's gather a bunch of teenagers and have them discuss love. I'm sure we'll discover a lot. [/B][/QUOTE] Though that sounded alittle sarcastic; I'll still take you up on that offer. Are teenagers really experts on love? I think most teenagers experience lust and not love up until they are married. To think about it I've never really loved none of my girlfriends; I just liked there outward apperance. Sure I told them that I loved them, but that was just something I said to either make her shut up and let me watch Inuyasha or get what I wanted from her. At the time I htought I meant it, but now I realize that I didn't.
  9. Pagan

    Celtic Music

    When I think of celtic music, I see a man in overalls walking down the street singing some song I don't understand but like. I remember Xena used to have some kind of freaku music in it that sounded celtic.
  10. I call this entire thing hype. He has a new CD coming out and people are going to buy it because they want to hear if he mentions little boys in it. Something like this happens every time he is about to drop a CD. Michael Jackson is like one of those little kids who wants your attention all the time; you try to annoy them until they become unbearable and you just have to give it to them. I try to hate him so much but I must admit that he is a great enterainer and has some really good songs.
  11. Both of these things shocked me. I was amazed when I heard that Stone Temple Pilot seperated after making such a great song in [I]The Suit That You Wear[/I]. I thought that they were a pretty close nit group and would stick together like the Rolling Stones or Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I almost died when they said Eminem was a racist. He is the last person I would believe to be one. He said some pretty bad stuff. WARNING EMINEM LYRICS!!!! [spoiler]"And all the girls that I like to bone/Have the big butts, no they don't/ Cause I don't like that n**ger s**t/ I'm just here to make a bigger hit ... Blacks and whites they sometimes mix/But Black girls only want your money cause they're dumb chicks/So I'mma say like this/Don't date a Black girl, take it as a diss/if you want, but if you don't/I'mma tell you like this, I surely won't/Never date a black girl because Blacks only want your money/ and that s**t ain't funny ... Black girls and white girls just don't mix/Because Black girls are dumb and white girls are good chicks[/spoiler] THAT DOES NOT EXPRESS THE VIEWS OF HELLSFIRE IN ANYWAY Here is what he said afterward. "Ray Benzino, Dave Mays and The Source have had a vendetta against me, Shady Records, and our artists for a long time. The tape played today was something I made out of anger, stupidity, and frustration when I was a teenager. I'd just broken up with my girlfriend, who was African American, and I reacted like the angry, stupid kid I was. I hope people will take it for the foolishness that it was, not for what somebody is trying to make it today." What do you think about M&M. Would you for forgive him?
  12. Limp Bizit music has really fallen. His songs used to have so much energy, but now all they do is drain energy from you and your CD player. I remember I used to listen to Chocolate Starfish and Hot Dog flavored Water all the time. I made My Way my anthem of the year. Now I listen to all his songs on wrestling and just cry because they suck so badly. I remember at Wrestlemania where he performed last year, he killed the crowd and the Bud Lite Cat Fight Girls had to bring it back to life. I think he paid them to let him do the theme song for that event and Survivor Series. Just another sad attempt by a sad artist trying to save his career.
  13. I live in Cobb County in a small little city named Atlanta. Its great living in ATL(Atlanta). It is a constant party here, but not like at my old home. I used to live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I would go to New Orleans every couple of years for the Madi Gras. Hey does anyone know where Walton High School is?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]*coughs* no way is The Undertaker 25...he's 41, he's been around since 1989 and was born in 1962. Woah, 25 *shakes head*. Well let's see, if Undertaker is 41 and Kane is 36 then Undertake is 5 years older than Kane. Tah dah! Am I right? [/B][/QUOTE] Finally a correct answer. Very good if I may say myself. Now You may ask your question.
  15. I was thinking to far ahead. The event was Clash of the Champions I on March 27, 1988 at Greensboro Colliseum. The match was a 45 minuet long battle over the NWA Heavyweight Championship that ened in a draw. Am I right? I think I am so here is my question. How many years older is Undertake then Kane?
  16. This movie looks like it is going to suck. I mean from what I've seen about the plot it needs alot of work. It looks like they made this movie in a couple of days. I think they really should have released this movie for Halloween and not Thanksgiving it would have atleast drawn a horror movie crowd, but then it would have had to compete against other horror movies at the time. When I think of Thanksgiving movies though I picture family movies like the Cat and the Hat and that new Eddie Murphey movie about a haunted house. I wish Halle Berry would have chosen a different horror movie I think she could be really good in one, well atleast better then Jennifer Lopez in Enough. I really respect her skills as a actress and think she could be good in any movie she is in, but can she save Gothica? I think not even Queen Halle herself can save this one from sucking though.
  17. Ok this story just keeps getting better and better. I've been waiting for the next part but is has come yet. When is it coming?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duorocks17 [/i] [B]Lamb Chop's Playalong!!!! Wow! I remember watching that show everyday when i was little. That and turtles, my brother loved that show. And you can't forget sesame street! oh those were the days. But we didn't have cable when i was really little, so my TV show was watching my dad play Sonic the Hedgehog, The original on our Sega. I can't just remember sitting on their bed, and just watching...watching...until it was time to go to sleep, and then i would pop out of my bottom bunk bed and scare my brother while he was sleeping. ;) I'm so evil. Does anyone else remember Lamb Chop's Playalong??????????? [/B][/QUOTE] I used to watch that show to. The ending song was my favorite, I used to run around the house singing the song that doesn't end. The puppets could have been alittle better though; I mean while Jim Hanson had the muppets she had sock puppets. I remember when they ended and started up a new show about a pizza place on a beach. Thats when it lost its appeal toward me.
  19. Wow I remember this like it was yesterday. This started back in the days NWA, but it climaxed in WCW. Sting fought Flair over the WCW title at the Great American Bash on January 11, 1991. Flair won the match and the title. The match lasted for......wow I don't remember. I'll finish this later if know one else does.
  20. The answer is blue and black(had to ask him for the answer). That one was so hard it hurt. Ok here is my question. What age did the late great Andre the Giant die at?
  21. Pagan

    Rainbow 6

    I love this game so much. It is online and you can talk to people all over the world. It is the best of Tom Clancey's games even better the Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon. The single player mode could be better and the plot was sacraficed to make the online part great. The games graphics are so realistic and the players mouths actually move when talking. You can actually open door by using the mic and you don't have to push all of those buttons.I love this game and think it is going to be game of the year.
  22. To me the ultimate game has already been made. Final Fantasy X is the best all time game on PS2 to me. This game has it all. Its graphic are amazing and so realistic. The music is just wonderful and the sound effects are good also. The characters are the best and are so round and human like. They could actually be real people. I would like to see a online dothack game though
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aros [/i] [B]Ikki you arent right A true Gamer feels incomplete when a game isnt totally beaten [/B][/QUOTE] I was like why bother. I just used my gameshark and unlocked some stuff and then I let my friend borrow it and he did the rest for me. This would have taken me a month to do on my own but instead I've done it in a hour. You can either buy a game guide or you can go to a site and get the info on the secrets.
  24. I really like this game. I've been playing it none stop. Its graphics are amazing an so realistic. The sounds and music are excellent as well. It is almost like watching the movie. Its pretty good but it could be better. I wish it was online and you could play with other people.
  25. Mortal Kombat is alittle over rated considering that there are alot of better fighting games out there. I used to like Killer Instcints way more then Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat was a huge turing point in fighting game history though. I think it was the first to have blood and have charactert that had their own personal moves. Before Mortal Kombat each character in a fighting game used the same moves as the other and the player had to rely more on their skills at using those moves. It didn't matter what character you choose because they would be exactly the same in almost every aspect(one may have been alittle stronger and the other may have been alittle faster). Here is a question what came first Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter? If Street Fighter came first then i just wasted my time.
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