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Everything posted by Pagan

  1. When I was little I used to love those GI Joe action figure. I collected all of them and had a little mini army. They had the tall expensive ones and the little cheap ones. The cheap ones had a rubberband in them and broke easyly but they were so cheap that they could be replaced without an problem. Now I have over 200 hundred dollars worth of GI Joe toys. I also used to play with those little happymeal toys. They were race cars and other stupid stuff. I used to like the Disney toys that came out around a movie release. They are worth alot of money now so I hope you saved them. Well not really because the more of them their are means the less they are worth.
  2. Lp(Linkin Park) is my favorite band. I have all their CDs from the Frat House Party one to Meteora. My favorite Cd out of all them is Reanimation.
  3. My close family member isn't really family, but he is like family to me. He is a janitor at school who is there for everybody. When ever someone gets in trouble he bails them out and just have you sweep the floor instead and then he would buy you a popsicle afterward and say "you stay out of trouble now". Everyone at school calls him grandpa and to many he really was one. He would give you lunch money if you lost yours. To bad he died I will really miss my grandfather
  4. Do you watch Newlyweds? If so what do you think about it. This show is so stupid to me. Jessica Simpson is a total baby who wines and crys canstantly about none sense, and Nick Lachey is more of a father figure then a husband. I didn't know she like that if I did I wouldn't have ever bought one of her CDs. In her music she seems so strong and independent but in the show she is just the opposite. That makes her seem like a hypocrit. Maybe she is just acting like that for the ratings because the only reason I watch it is to see what she will do next. At times she acts like a normal girl but it changes in an instant. One second she is sitting there looking half way intelligent and the next she is in a chair screaming telling Nick to kill a bug. Nick really should talk to her about that instead f going to the clubs and stuff; grown women aren't suppose tp act that way. I think he kind of like it that way though he is in charge and always feel needed with Jessica around.
  5. You will be seeing me in the future on TV 1. Win a High School State Championship 2. Go to Notre Dame and win a College Championship 3. Go over the ocean and win a European Championship 4. Come to the NFL and play for every team in the league. 5. Win a NFL championship with The New Orleans Saints. 6. Go to Canada and win a championship there As you can see my goal is to e the greatest football player of all time. The 1st goal is in reach but the other are a long shot. I have the skills but no scouts ever come except from interstate colleges.
  6. I would like Gambits power to fill any thing he touches with kinetic energy. The only difference is that I would use it to its full potenial instead of holding back like he does. He could possible destroy the world just by touching ther planet but he doesn't. He can also charge the air particles and make a pretty powerful beam. He has has super human speed and agility and it is said that he has some telepathic powers also. I would like to have Rogues power to absorb powers at will the only thin different I would do is permanently aborb Charles Xaviers powers. Then I would be unstoppable.
  7. The three cats from Sailor Moon Luna,Dina, and Artemis. These cats are pretty cool and its strange the way they can talk. I also like Ein from Cowboy Bebop. That is one smart dog. I think I like Ein more just because I'm a dog perosn.
  8. I would undo everything bad that ever happened to me. Sure it would screw up everything in my life but it would make me a better person. I would also go to a casino and play the games and lose and then rewind and play them again and win.
  9. The best anime is......Sailor Moon. I hated to admit it but Sailor Moon is by far better then most animes out there and that scares me. Sailor Moon has it all comedy, action, romance, and that quality that makes it special. It appeals to both males and females. The boys watch it because the characters are cute and the girls watch it because of the passion and romance. Sailor Moon has lasted for a decade and has been around for so long it is one of the oldest animes of all time only being beaten out by the Dragon Ball series and Gundam. Someone must have been watching it for it to have lasted so long and I admit that I was a big fan........well not really a big fan but a fan never the least.
  10. Wow 18 seems so far away. I didn't think I would ever be that old but now I can feel it sneaking up on me. Is it really that bad does your family just stop caring about you and push you out of the nest to fly or fall(if they do I'm going to fall). My family needs to get anthoer one of their children out of the house so they can have the extra room for the study and move it out of the attic and they can't wait for me to be gone. They are drawing designs all over my room trying to get every think straight for my departure.
  11. Pagan


    My cousin was murdered just last week. He was involved with the mafia. I didn't even know there still was a mafia. They really messed him up badly and my wouldn't have been able to identify without his wedding ring. He left behind a thousand kids streching from California to New York. I think he staged it though and moved to Canada. He has been trying to escape from his life but never really could; so he faked his death. On a different note. I think I could kill someone with no problem. I've been trained by gun games and know all of the basics and some more advanced moves. It would be simple to me but the only problem would be morals. I would have to have a reason to kill the person and not just any reason a good one.
  12. I'm not of fan of the previews myself. I think they kind of show a little to much now and days. They practically tell the enitre plot and after they do that they show the best scenes out of the movie. A prime example is the Matrix Reloaded they told us the plot and showed all of the good scenes in the preview so when I went to the movies to see it I wasn't really surpirsed at all. On the other hand they do give you time to buy snacks and might help you decide your next flick but I just show up late just to miss them.
  13. Next time she curses its time to hit her up for some money. Its called blackmail and its perfectlt legal.....well maybe not that legal but who will know other then you and her. The board of education frowns upon cursing teacher here and can get the teacher fired but the problem is most of them don't like there job anyway and won't care is they are fired or not; the few good ones that are left, who actually enjoy teaching you shouldn't really bother with. When its a bad teacher on the other hand its time to hit them up for the lunch money.
  14. I think this thread could be in the wrong forum, but I just can't resist. Lets see......well I know there are some program that will allow you to do that. Some examples are Quicktime or Real Player. You could also try Kazaa. If all of these fell then go to google and type in what you want and it will be given it to you.
  15. The Matrix reloaded DVD has so many specail features but none really interest me that much. I want games like in the Disney DVDs and alot of previews. The movie award thing was pretty cool though on the other hand
  16. Whoa cuncussions. I have had a few of those. I am a quaterback and have a sorry offensive line so what do you think is going to happen. When you have so many you get kind of use to them. Now when t happens it just seems like a nap for me. The fist time it happened was back when I was in 5th grade trying out for the middle school team. My center got the play wrong and let the dude run straight threw and he hit as hard as he could my helmet fell off and I was laying there in anthoer world. The second was doing the middle school championship game. I was doing the QB sneak because we just needed inches but it went wrong because the offensive line went down to fast and the defense just jumped over and take me out. The thrid happen in the first game this season when I was rushing for extra yards and got blind sided by the safety and that was anthoer one.
  17. I have to walk my sisters around the neighboor hood for a few hours before I can go to the Halloween Rave. The rave is going to be the social event of the year; you have to come dressed as a demon or a devil. After the rave me and my friends are going to the rival High School and mess it up a little. Then we are going over our teachers house and throw some toilet paper on the trees and stuff. We are going to key the school bus and maybe spray some cool words on it. I will then egg my cousins house because he did mine last year. It is going to be fun.
  18. Pagan

    The Rundown

    I saw this movie yesterday and thought it sucked. The Rock needs to stop acting and go back to the WWE. Sure the movie was kinda funny but the rest just sucked. I'm glad I didn't pay to go see it.
  19. Stacey's mom has got it going on She's all I want and I've waited for so long Stacey can't you see your just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacey's mom This song is so funny! I heard it for the first time about a month ago but didn't pay any attention to it until last night when I actually listened to the lyrics. The video is even funnier then the song. That little boy getting caught with his pants down in the end was just funny. I laughed until I cried. The lyrics are so simple and childdish that I think a kid wrote it himself. The song did get one thing right Stacy's mom really does have ot going on.
  20. Me and my friend have a countless number of games. I buy nothing but fighting, sports, racing and shooting games with a collection of ninja games and he doesn't buy any other games except RPG, adventerue, and onilne games with a splash of foreign games. We have them on all the system dating back to the akira. I have boxs full in my basement attic,and closet. We are going to have a yard sell soon so if you are in the Atlanta region come by.
  21. Another crazy Simpson game. I rented it from Blockbuster the other day and took it back and asked for a refund a hour latter. That game was so boring and easy. I was funny though. If you want a racing game along those lines just wait for the Kirby game on Gamecube. PS2 have the best real life racing games like Test Drive 5 and Grand Truosinmo(sp?) but Nintendo has the best funny racing game like Kirby, Mickey, and Mario cart.
  22. Zelda Link to the Past was the game that got me. I sat there for hours glued to that screen. I couldn't ever beat it because I was little and didn't have the right stuff. I recently beat the game and I am now free from its hold on me, but now there is a new threat called Legends of the Zelda Windwaker. I just got it and have been playing none stop.
  23. My favorite moment is when Fat Buu would say "Me eat you up." This is just hilarious to me. I like Fat Buu he is my favorite character in the series. Anthoer moment was when Trunks and Goten fused the fist time and was fat and slow. Then the second they were skinny and weak. Them the thrid they got it right and became Gotenks.
  24. Pagan

    Sailor Moon

    I really loved this show! All those cute scouts in the little uniforms take me back. I used to pair my sisters Sailormoon action figures up with my Ronin Warrior action figures and have a good time. I really hope that Cartoon Network moves them to Saturday and take that stupid Kinghts of the Zodiac off.
  25. I eat my food in a circle. Well not a litterall circle but on the plate. I go around until there is none left. I also eat my dessert first so when I finish I won't have to cram it down. If I have gum in my mouth I stick it on the plate and gross everyone out. These and more can be bought in my book Eating Habits of HellsFire.
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