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Mimmi, you are very talented, especially at how well you rhyme. You put my rhyming level(which isn't very good) to absolute shame. There were very enjoyable and well written. Nicely done and I can't wait read your next batch of poems. ^_^
That banner you made for Saiyuki is really great. The animation is smoothe and animated slow enough for people to see the everything in the banner, because sometimes people who make animated banners usaually don't give the viewer enough time to read everything. Personally I like every banner you do, especially this one, my new favorite anime, when I have to watch it on the Anime Network, Saiyuki. ^_^
Aww man, what memories. I have to say my favorite toy was Ninja Turtles. I was obessed. I had all the charcters, plus the foot and Shredder. I had the van(heehee, sorry James). I even had the Ninja Turtles Blimp, yeah I was obessed. Wow, what memories, almost makes you want to play with again...well not really and besides my mother threw them all away *sobs*...oh well
I like the premise of the show as basically a huge spoof of Cops or any other police shows. Basically it's the worst cops in the world, all packed into "The biggest little city in the World" (got that from the show). I have to say one of my favorite episodes was Lt. Dangle and his partner (can't remember his name, the who got attacked by the dog) were beating up on some guy in a milshake costume. That was possibly one of the funniest things I've seen on television. ^_^
That's awesome, probably the best banner I have seen, who would have ever thought of making an animated JELLO banner, that's creative.
To be honest though, no one should really hate the Yankees, they never did anything wrong but win, that is what they get paid for. New York is getting their moneys worht for whatever talent they may obtain. Plus you never hear on the news about Yankee caught with drugs, or doing some illegal activity and ending up in legal trouble. (Except for Daryl Strawberry, but he was a lost cause, I don't think anyone can really help that guy) They pretty much should be held as role models, they never talk trash, in fact they don't talk much at all, so how could you hate them? The New York Yankees are all about respect and it's not easy being a Yankee. Imagine the reputation you are playing under, the most famous sports team EVER. They are known for winninig and if your not a good player as a Yankee then your screwed because then no one likes you. I think people dislike the Yankees mainly because of the fans. I'm a diehard fan of the Yankees and I'm like most other Yankees fans. I can be loud and obnoxious when the Yankees are playing because I get into the game. We get emotional, we almost feel like were part of the team and I think it's the strong bond to the team that most people don't like. Yet you can't really hate us either, what's wrong with getting into a sport, as long it doesn't turn into violence, then hey let's just have some fun right?
How can you say that the Yankees are buying the World Series, since 1998 the Red Sox went on a spending spree with one goal in mind to beat the Yankees. By this season they had Pedro Martinez, the most dominant pitcher in Baseball, period. He wasn't the only player the Sox dished the money out to. They also ended getting one of their strongest lineups in a while, even beating the slugging percentage record of guess who...the 1927 Yankees, in fact the 1927 Yankees are fabled as one of the best baseball teams ever. Plus the Red Sox spended money loading up on there bullpen, to have a better bullpen then the Yankees. Yet the Red Sox not only finished second in their division behind the Yankees, they lost once again to the Yankees in the postseason. So if anyone has been trying to buy a World Series, it's most definitely the Red Sox.
The Yankees Win!!! Thhhheeee Yankees Win!!! Woo Hoo!!! What a great it was spectacular on both sides of the field. Aaron Boone hit the game winning home run in the final 11 innings. The final score was 6-5 Yankees. It was one of the best games I have seen. There has to be some comments about this game, it was a great game, a classic game. The Curse continues...
Oh man way too much pressure right now. Game 7 Yankees vs. Red sox. Clemens vs. Martinez. I don't know if I can take it. I really want the Yankees to win. Lots of drama this time. The NLCS Game 7 on the other hand was quite a letdown. Kerry Wood didn't have his stuff last night and it was kind if dissapointing. Yet the Marlins aren't a bad team so I'm not that mad that they made to the World Series. So now the real question is any new predictions, now that were heading down the home stretch?
Yeah that's a good point, they probably did have Prior in to long, but at that time he was pitching one heck of a game and showed no sign of letting up. Yet I think that if Alou didn't get as furious as he did, the chaos that ensued might not have ever happened. I think he just got the whole team worked up and only made things worse. Yet, Wood, he's real good, I think he can handle the pressure. I would like to see the Cubs or even the Marlins make it to the World Series, but the Red Sox...no way. I just can't stand them, it just would bother me a lot if they made it. Although, if they do make it, whoever the winner of the NLCS is the GO FLORIDA/CHICAGO!
Hmm...that sounds interesting I wonder how his alternate story would play thorughout the game, because each hidden charcter actually has a slightly different story from the original.
Now I know baseball has hit a slight downfall in recent years, but how can anyone not be watching the postseason this year? It has been packed with drama and excitement from around every corner. At the moment it is the New York Yankees vs. the Boston Red Sox for the ALCS (American League Championship Series) with the Yankees leading 3 games to 2. The next is the Florida Marlins vs. the Chicago Cubs for the NLCS (National League Championship Series). All four teams are competing for a chance to go to the World Series, and unless you have been living under a rock you have to have at least heard about Pedro Martinez of the Red Sox using New York Yankees coach Don Zimmer's head as a bowling ball. Plus with the fact that two teams, the Red Sox and the Cubs are playing under the shadow of a curse and are struggling to end it. Red Sox with the Curse if the Bambino and the Cubs with the Curse of the Billy Goat. That's only the beginning... So I was wondering what everyone else thought, who they like, don't like, if you believe in the "Curses" or not. Me, I want the Yankees (GO YANKEES!), I've been I Yankees fan such I was young so I really want them to win. Also, I don't believe in the curses, they are a joke and that they are excuses designed to make people feel better about there teams.
Hey did anyone manage to get the hidden characters yet, there is actually three unlockable characters. There's Captain Blue, Silvia, and there isn't word on the third character yet. There is also a statement that says that if you can the ultimate rank for every level you earn some unknown unlockable that is supposed to be good. Lastly there are also two extra added difficulties earned later on, V-Rated and Ultra V-Rated. Just thought maybe you guys would like to know these little unlockables that will keep you playing even if your wrist is starting to fall off. ^_^
I'm actually planning on going to couple of colleges, I haven't fully boiled it down because my parents will not stop pestering me and I end up adding more colleges to my list...ugh the frustration. Well my dream would be New YorkUniversity. I want to study advertising and media communications and New York is the perfect setting, especially with such famous university. I would probably also like to go to Rutgers, or The College of New Jersey, while these colleges are close to home they are all very good in what I'm looking for out of a college. There are still many other choices but right now those are my top three. I thought senior of high school would be fun...well right now it hasn't been with all of the work I have been doing lately oh well, It is to help prepare for the rest of my life so I have to work hard...really hard.
This also may be off topic did you ever think that whenever we are at war that is when we are really at peace. For example in the novel 1984 one of the slogans is "War is Peace" because when we are at war, the two sides agree that they are doing one thing fighting, therefore that is kind of peace between the nations. However during actual peactime it seems we are at a constant battle of technology and espionage against other nations. The reason I say this is because the only real way it seems to stop a country from constantly building more dangerous weapons of destruction is to go at were, because while there is tension between nations, there is still a general calmness, think about it when we were at war with Iraq how many of you were really freaking out that something terrible was gonna happen every day, not me, I actually felt safe because of our troops out on the battlefield. Think about it nations are always trying to be a step ahead of everyone else in technology. So there is war of technology that never ends and that seems to be another type of war. I only say this to draw a different point to your attention.
to be honest i wouldnt really rewind anything. i mean of course i would say that i want to and i have at certain points in my life. yet in the end those decisions i made have really led to some positive effect. i could have done something really stupid, but you know what it taught me a lesson not to do that. so really everything i have done has made a better person because of lessons i have learned from certain experiences in my life.
I dont know I dont really like them much there just not my style pf music at all im pure rock and roll, like ill listen to metallica or maybe linkin park for an adrenline boost and maybe some incubus, sublime or weezer if i want to chill. I'm really like mostly all forms of rock, but they are girl rock. and they kind of sing wimpy songs...sorry if that offended anyone but i really dont think they are that talented
This was such a good movie. The first time I actually saw this was in school(don't ask it was like a half day), but I thought it was great once I saw it. It's just that it is so different from a lot movies out there. It has substance and if you look past the gore and violence, this is a very spiritual movie. But the action is good too^_^
I love that site. Of course SB emails are the greatest, my favorite part and I love playing the games, popultation: tire, what a wierd game. Trogdor was a man...no wait he was...a dragon-man...well...he was just a dragon...but he was still TROGDOR!!!TROGDOR!!! Oh that was so funny^_^
Actually I havent seen a good horror movie in a while. In fact a lot of horror are actually just another form of comedy to me that just pick because they are so stupid. Example, last week I saw Freddy vs. Jason. It wasn't bad, lots of blood, action, crappy acting, but no frights. It just wasn't what I expectated it to be. The best movies to me are the old classics. One of my favorites is actually The Thing. I just recently saw this movie, and it was actually pretty scary. For those who havent seen you owe it to yourself to see it, it is classsic. Granted, it isn't as technological as most movies, but it is still scarier than a lot of the movies today. Really it is just the plot that makes the story, basically it is the fact the no one trust anyone it just puts you on the edge of your seat for the whole movie. That what is missing in most horror, movies, a good story, I think direstors think just popular name on movie that it'll be scary, but thats not the case. Yet there is hope, they are remaking The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I have to say just watching the movies trailer gave me chills down my spine. Whew, well anyway if the movie is at scary as it is beginning to look, then all horror fans have something good to look forward to.
alright now I know the VMA's weren't but it had its moments. If there were any highlights for anyone else please tell and explain why. For me it was when Coldplay and Metallica came out performed, but I was really pissed that Johnny Cash didn't win an award, that man really deserved an award, hes been around forever. Well anyway if there were any hig points of the Vmas please tell me what they were and why. (Oh and when Britney and Madonna kissed that was the absoulute highlight of the whole show for me cause it was simply amazin^_^) [size=1][color=red]I merged the two VMA threads together and retitled them... hopefully it will be a bit more organized this way. - Semjaza [/size][/color]
Theres also a report that a different kind of metal gear one that changes into two different things, a tank and I cant remember the other one, but I recall seeing it an a PSM issue, does anyone else have more info on this?
yeah u guys are right sorry if this might have confused or angered anyone in any way i didn't mean for to come out like that, once again I apologize
sorry I wasnt trying to be negative at all I was just tryin a state a possibility that worries me a little bit
Does anyone feel that the if the success of myOtaku might be a bad thing. I know I'm still a newbie to the boards and my site has done pretty well, and I also have nothing against any newbies to myOtaku, in fact I enjoy helping people with sites and chatting with the newer people of myOtaku. I just feel that if myOtaku gets popular to point...alright heres an example. Lets say myOtaku and OB get flooded with members, possibly 10,000 or more. I feel that instead of myOtaku and OB uniting people by the common bond of anime, it will split. People were seperate themselves from the newbies or categorize themselves by certain groups or anime styles. I know this may sound negative to many of you its just that this is such a good experience for anyone who likes anime to enjoy and I feel that the more people that come could hurt the theOtaku and split people and instead of bringing all people together with anime, but yet I want more people to come because thats what makes this site so entertaining...I hope I don't offend anyone I'm just making this thread to see what other people feel about this.