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Everything posted by Pex

  1. I wrestle, this is my fourth year. The practices are hard, but the it is just different from any other sport. It's a team sport but you dont relie on ur team to help u win. You do it yourself and its the toughest six minutes of your life. I never six minutes could take so long, but thats because its just a pure physical sport of stamina, technnique and strength. It's also a very mental sport. Not many girls I kno wrestle, but the ones that do deserve credit because they work just as hard as any guy out there.
  2. I always wanted to be a film director, making an anime film would be an even greater dream come. I just love the ability to shoot moivng pictures and present, it just seems like a dream job for me...oh the possibilities of blending the best anime into successful...the possiblities(falls out of chair because of daydreaming)...umm well thats now I need to go get some ice for my head that fall really hurt.
  3. Well its a yes about anime in my town. There is a lot more people in my town than I thought that watch, but at the same time a lot of these people are afaid to tell anyone they watch it because of embarrassment and some other people only watch what it is popular. yet I do hang out with a group friends who are as obessed with anime as me so I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
  4. Has anime ever changed you at all. I know that when I first saw it showed me a more stylized and adult form of animation. It also inspired to draw and to copy the characters of the animes i'd seen. Has anime ever helped u in that way...maybe changed ur life...or possibly hurt u or let u down any way? (Whew that was pretty deep I'm glad I let that out...man I hope somone didn't post something like this already or else that'd really suck) Well if you'd like to reply please do...
  5. wow, I never thought get help from the site moderators themselves, thanx for all ur tips im gonna try to use them in my site...keyword try, but thanx anyway
  6. I was wondering if anyone knows how to add animated gifs, bgm, backgrounds to the myotaku site, cause it really help my rating especially since im starting to get pretty high in the ratings. it would really help and would be greatly appreciated. Thanx If u want to see my site just go to...[url]www.myotaku.com/users/pex[/url]
  7. If anyone still really cares about the PSX(i don't) its basically a PS2 with TiVo capabilities and a really high price tag its in one the PSM magazine issues where it is explained. It supposed video game and entertainment system crossover (Hence the X). But they also said that they didn't get ant hints about the PS3 at this years E3. What's up with that?
  8. i didnt like this game alot because i like games that there is alot of shooting in it, not games with alot of stealth. i really didnt like this game, it was not really good game for me.
  9. Actually what I did was I stocked up on auras just like eveyone else and basically leveled up the three characters I wanted to use (Squall, Zell and Quistis) up to 99 but u don't have to do that instead u junction utlima to all three of your characters healths to least 8000 to 9000 trust me if you go to the Island of heaven or hell it won't take long. Finally when get ultimecia i bascially let my other characters die until i got the three i wanted. After I beat form one of ultimecia and fought griever quistis died, but instead of reviving I had Zell cure everyone and use aura on Squall. Basically after that I just did Squall's limit break cause the Lionheart limit and pounded the crap out of griever. i used this strategy for the last two forms and that was it. Not too complicated I hope.
  10. Aww man i am so bored this summer does anyone have any fun websites like newgrounds.com that i can go on and end my boredom...anyone...anyone?
  11. It is amazing how good Cartoon Network is getting with there anime. It used to only be DBZ, but now weve got Blue Gender, FLCL, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop. Anime I never would have expectated them to ever show. Yet it's on show damn laate I sometimes I can barely stay awake to watch these Gems of anime, how does everyone else feel? P.S. Cartoon Network has good late night comedy too, Family Guy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are awesome!!
  12. Pex


    Thanx for the input guys ill make sure to try and sign all ur guestbooks! I never thought I'd get so many replies.
  13. Pex


    I just wanted to know anyone who is currently a myotaku.com user amd would like to give the weblinks to their sites cause would gladly sign their guestbooks and hang out with nay one on the boards. I just need some friends :(...... j/k. Well if you'd like to go to my site my site username is Pex thanx.
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