Any one but me love this anime? I hate the dub but the japanese virsion is great so is the manga. SerraaStarS is my favorite season becuase my Yaten is in it.(yes im a Yaten fan and member of TSAG{The Starlights Are Girls}) Its a great story and Usagi is often looked at like she is a crybaby and a klutz, but if you watch the show enough you'll see that she is very strong and won't let anyone die(exp.The Dissipering Stars! The Death Of Uranus And Neptune-Usagi's Love! The Moon Light Illuminates the Galaxy!) and no Uranus and Neptune [U]are not cousins[/U] My favorite character is Michiru of course thats why im a member of HAMAL(Haruka And Michiru Are Lovers). And i love Rei in the manga she is so different in attude. any way thats my view id love to hear yours!